Sole Love
7 years ago by

Combien de vies ont nos chaussures ?
Moi, je suis une fervente adepte des chaussures portées jusqu’à la corde…
J’apporte mes chaussures préférées à ressemeler plusieurs fois, jusqu’à ce que le cordonnier me jette un regard sans appel, genre cette paire est irrécupérable. Pendant mes études, je me souviens qu’on avait parlé du concept de rentabilisation des achats : en divisant le prix d’une paire de chaussures par le nombre de jours où on les avait portées (valable pour n’importe quel achat) pour savoir si on avait vraiment rentabilisé notre investissement.
Bref, en tout cas, redonner un petit coup de neuf à des chaussures – comptez entre 15 et 40 dollars en fonction de l’usure -, c’est finalement peu cher payé pour garder des accessoires chéris. Et sinon, on peut aussi les donner, non ? Et faire une BA…
I have shoes with literal holes in them that I still can’t stop wearing. They weren’t expensive to begin with (though they’ve lasted me through sooo many wears), that it’s hard for me to justify fixing them. WHAT DO I DO?!
I totally understand you!
I think these shoes are worth repairing if it prolongs their wearability at least for a year. Of course it might be possible that the holes cannot be repaired…
I have too many such shoes. I have large feet and shoe shopping is awful. So I try to keep the ones I have. Some look desperate, though… :)
Kind of gross but what do people do about their flats when they start to get dirty/smelly inside? I have a spray for the inside but it just acts to cover up scents instead of removing them. I have a hard time spending money on flats which is mostly what I wear because I find that after 6-8 months the insides get funky. I’ll re-sole them but end up usually throwing them out in under a year..
You can wear flip flops at home, since I do this I don’t have to throw my flats every year anymore :).
One thing to try is putting them in a sealed bag and putting them in the freezer for a while. It will kill the bacteria that causes the bad smell.
Hey! the best tip I have is to clean the inside soles with a bit of alochol! it kills the bacteria that cause the nasty smell!
Okay, so I buy used shoes at thrift stores (stay with me!), so it’s like they have third- or fourth-life! I love that they’re already « broken in, » super cheap, and unique and stylish (Seattle thrift stores are amazing.) And if they need a little update, I don’t feel so bad making that investment : )
Pretty nice relevant article! We would love to invite you to try our handmade portuguese shoes (and boots) with the Goodyear Welt manufacturing process that gives longevity, quality and comfort in the use of our footwear, providing a perfect foot breathing ;) You will not regret ;)