Socks + Sneaks
10 years ago by

J’ai tendance à porter des chaussettes avec toutes mes chaussures…
Il y a quelques jours, alors que j’avais mis mes nouvelles Vans avec des chaussettes blanches, qu’est-ce que je vois ? Exactement la même chose dans le lookbook Croisière de Rag & Bone !? Ça y est, je suis une trendsetteuse !! Mais comment est-ce qu’ils ont su ??!
Bon, allez, j’arrête, mais sérieusement, vous en pensez quoi ? Vous aimez ce combo ?
Honestly, socks with sneakers are not the problem…
But,does everything needs to be white?
exactly: i think colourful socks would be cuter! :)
Je trouve que c’est très joli, notamment avec une jupe courte!
LOVES but you have to have skinny legs and no cankles
I think colored socks would be much more interesting, but I love the style. :] // ?
No Brie c’est pas possible ca fait Allemands en camping – je suis désolée pour les Allemands mais c’est vraiment ce que je pense- ca me fait mal aux yeux…. et je vois mon fils de 14 and partir tous les jours avec de grandes chaussettes sortant de ses chaussures! Brie please STOP!!
xoxo quand meme…
J’adore! Les chaussettes insufflent toujours un supplément de style et de cool à une tenue, d’autant que le choix et les possibilités sont plus qu’étendus!
In my country, Italy, white socks are considered one of the ugliest thing you could wear. I wear socks with all my shoes, except for sandals! But I wear shoes with socks (sneakers included) only with pants. If I wear a dress or a skirt I go for feminine shoes or, if I wear brogues, I choose those kind of socks that cannot be seen, I don’t know their english or french name.
Me too!
I adore those with tiny legs and feet, they look great whatever they wear.
Personnellement je ne pense pas pouvoir porter ça, il faudrait que j’essaies sur moi pour voir ce que ça donne … je pense que je vais rire !!
Mais sur toi ça doit être complètement différent parce que quand on a autant de classe que toi, tout nous va !—s-e-l-f-i-e
Tres joli, a condition d’avoir les mollets et les jambes ultra minces. Pas le cas pour moi…
Ce que je trouve par contre moche, moche, moche, ce sont les petites soquettes « invisibles » qui, bien sur, depassent toujours des sneakers. Ou, encore pire, les trucs qu’on voit depasser des ballerines….
I love it, but I cant pull it off as I am only 1.68m and my upper body is longer than my legs, so wearing socks with sneakers make my legs look even shorter (booo) plus I have this childhood trauma, where we had to wear socks with our school uniform and when the summer hit (and it was very very sunny and HOT) I would form this colour difference on my legs (white under the socks and very dark elsewhere) and it would take me almost the whole summer with intensive tanning to get rid of that colour difference! So I guess I can say with confidence that I dont wear socks with sneakers nor with birkestocks, but I do envy it on other girls.
Well I hate to raise the subject, but yes, wear socks, as, otherwise, the stink coming out of sneakers in the summer is not to be borne.
I never wear sneakers myself, but like the ones in the picture.
An indelicate subject, but you are not alone, I have to do the same.
My bugbear is the difficulty not just of getting other than white or thousand wash grey (straight off the shelf, yuck…) socks but also wool. I find cotton, bamboo or synthetic socks really uncomfortable, especially if I’m on my feet all day. I won’t be responsible for the blast radius next time a shop assistant tells me no-one wears wools socks in summer*.
Anyway, grumble over, love to all,
*perhaps if you tried stocking them, people might?
i wear those ankle socks (invisable socks they called them?) with my sneakers in summer, or whenever I am not wearing long bottoms. I love how the bare legs and ankles pairing with sneakers, feel so fresh!
the current trends of socks with sneakers are not getting on me. and socks with lacy trimmings pairing with heels are odd to me. may look nice on magazine styling but look weird in real life…
I love ankle socks with sneakers. They don’t have to be white….colorful ones are so cute!
No way!
No, sorry. I’m not a fan of this look, either. Of course, a good designer/stylist/photographer/model can combine to make nearly anything look interesting, but that doesn’t mean it will look good on real people in real life.
In South Africa only middle aged men would dress like that. Plus, you’d have the most horrific sock tan within the shortest space of time!
sock…. is all your perception
Who makes the socks, nice white ones with that length are hard to find.
Love the white on white situation, so chic
Do people wear socks with out sneakers?
Moi j’adore. Je fais pareil avec mes vans, mes converses et toutes mes baskets! Je trouve ça ludique, mignon, sporty, un peu geek aussi. C’est vrai que c’est pas très gracieux… Mais la mode et les vêtements ne sont-ils pas là aussi pour qu’on puisse juste rigoler un peu… et être à l’aise dans ses baskets…. et quoi de plus horrible que des baskets sans chaussettes en plein été… beurk. Je te soutiens à mort dans ta démarche.
Chaussettes for ever.
je trouve que ca va bien seulement et only on very cool girls;)