Small Boobs
6 years ago by

Pendant la plus grande partie de ma vie d’adulte, j’ai détesté la lingerie. Acheter un soutien-gorge basique pour tous les jours était une expérience shopping horrible.
J’ai des petits seins. A peine un bonnet A. Et à chaque fois que je rentrais dans une boutique de lingerie, un vendeur me tendait quelque chose de rembourré et avec une armature pour être sûre de tirer le plus possible de mon petit bonnet A.
J’ai porté à contrecoeur ce type de soutien-gorge pendant toute ma vie d’adulte.
Ils étaient toujours inconfortables, ne rendaient jamais bien sous mes vêtements (le bonnet du soutien-gorge faisait toujours une marque sur la poitrine, comme pour hurler “mes seins sont trop petits pour remplir ce soutien-gorge ») et ces soutiens-gorge ne me correspondaient jamais vraiment.
Plus tard, j’ai eu une révélation.
C’était pendant un cours de danse (barre) et je m’étais rapprochée d’une de ces femmes qu’on trouve à New York, des mannequins, aussi fines que des girafes. Elle avait aussi des petits seins et elle a vu le soutien-gorge que j’enfilais dans les vestiaires après le cours.
Elle m’a littéralement arrachée mon soutien-gorge des mains et m’a tendu le sien, en insistant avec son charmant accent flamand, pour que je l’essaye.
On ne dit pas non à une superbe Flamande qui vous tend un soutien-gorge dans les vestiaire.
Donc je l’ai essayé.
Et voilà. C’était comme enfiler un gant parfaitement à ma taille.
C’était une brassière, sans armatures, avec des bretelles noires très fines sur les épaules. J’avais l’impression d’être une danseuse étoile.
Et donc ? Pendant tout ce temps, j’ai détesté la lingerie parce que j’achetais de la lingerie pour le corps que je voulais, et pas pour celui que j’avais.
Tous ces soutiens-gorge essayaient de me donner des plus gros seins, et diminuaient mon estime de moi au passage.
Ironiquement, j’ai toujours eu le corps que je voulais. Mais je ne m’en rendais pas compte car je le trahissais en essayant de le transformer en quelque chose qu’il ne pourrait jamais être.
Parfois, je me demande encore ce que ça fait d’avoir des gros seins. Mais ensuite je me souviens à quel point j’aime dormir sur le ventre et mon envie de gros seins s’envole vite.
I too have smaller-than-A-cups, and the decision to abandon padded, underwired cups brought me such relief and peace. I inherited my small boobs from my mother, who (after breastfeeding two children) got breast implants when I was a teenager. This, and being a teenager, made me think for a long time that in order to be beautiful and sexy, that I needed to have breasts large enough to fill padded cups, which never happened for me. Then, I discovered bralettes- no underwire and no padding- which look and feel great! The styles range from sporty to lacy, too! These days, I feel so lucky to have small breasts, which will never be the cause of back pain and will stay perky forever!
I’ve always wished I could wear a bralette! Alas, a bralette would do nothing to contain my boobs. The grass is always greener…??
I am a D cup and sleep on my stomach all the time. ;)
I feel exactly the same way!!
I also barely fill an A, and for a long time had been buying these massive push-ups bras (think of the add-2-cups bras by Victoria’s Secret…crazy).
In part, I must admit, that was to content my boyfriend, who (I guess as many other males), didn’t mind a little bit more volume (I do feel sort of shocked/ashamed now to think that I was driven by those kind of reasons).
However, at one point, I got tired of trying to pretend. And I agree, those bras did not even look pretty! but rather unnatural and awkward.
I realised that was not even the body that I wanted. Big boobs (or the illusion of them being there) did not suit me. I liked better how I looked with what nature gave me (or didn’t).
So I stopped being driven by what I thought my boyfriend preferred and also decided to go for bralettes. And I love them. I feel so good wearing them, and ironically, much prettier and more confident than I did wearing those huge cups. And my boyfriend did not complain at all and even agreed that the other bras did not look as good in the end.
To end on a philosophical note (boobs and bras are such a deep subject!), I think this is a good lesson in order to learn to love our bodies the way they are (beauty is also about confidence!). And stop making decisions based on other people, but rather check with ourselves to find out what we really like and want. <3
Same thing here. For a long time, there were no other options… I’m so happy the bralettes are everywhere now!
I know both states as, due to hormonal mess, I changed in my early forties from small A to big C.
Let’s be frank : I regret my A cups ! Well naked by C boobs look good, but getting dressed with boobs is a nightmare : you need a cinched waist or you look like a big rectangle, blazers look bad on you, loos dresses, no waist tunic look awful, a boyish look makes you boxy.
The only option is sheath dresses and pencil skirts, well the womanly look, and I don’t really like it.
Let alone the way men look at you breasts, the year I cha,get bbob size, I became an object and men began to stare, I mean you can’t hide them, they are not legs you ca cover !
So I would give a lot to be able to go back to my bralette years, especially with all this nice lingerie trend for small breast.
I have large, firm boobs and I’m happy with them. But I would’t mind having small boobs: that looks girly, sportive and can make you look younger. You are so right to choose to let them be how they are and not disguise them in a padded bra! Being Dutch to I always envy the women with small boobs that fit in the Love Stories bralettes and bikini’s. Check this brand out, I love it!
I hear you Veronica! But I always wonder what people wear under a white t-shirt?
I love bralettes too but always switch to padded bra when wearing a white t-shirt coz let’s be honest, showing nipples is still not welcomed in some work environment/parts of the world.
Not here to discuss the movement but really the practicality aspect of it :)
Hey Ren, you can actually wear these very lightly padded bralettes, they work for t-shirts and for the office if you don’t want to show nipples. I actually got mine at H&M ia few months back.
Oh how I would love to wear a bralette. I’m accepting of my D+ cups (to a point)… but if I could change anything about myself, it would be to have the sort of boobs that don’t require heavy duty underwire just to be comfortable.
The idea of a bralette is underwear nirvana to me…..
Small is beautiful.