Simple and Seasonal
8 years ago by

Question restaurant japonais, j’ai l’impression que la norme, c’est les sushis, rien que les sushis. Bien sûr, les sushis, c’est super sympa, mais ce n’est pas le genre de truc que les Japonais consomment beaucoup chez eux. Et vous pouvez me croire, je suis japonaise. Pour moi, la cuisine typiquement japonaise, celle qu’on mange à la maison, c’est du poisson, des légumes et du riz, surtout des produits de saison. C’est pour ça que j’ai hâte d’essayer Okonomi, à Brooklyn, qui sert chaque jour des menus uniques avec exactement ce genre de choses.
Avez-vous des nouveaux aliments que vous êtes désireux d’essayer ?
By Leslie, intern at the Studio
There are much more foods I would never actually try!
In the quest for better health/fitness, I’ve asked for an appointment with a naturopath/nutritioniste (ask Garance, she’ll understand). So I am waiting to see what new things to try.
In general, I will eat anything that came from a plant, and almost anything else as long as I don’t see (1) eyes, (2) antennae or anything that resembles an insect, however big and (3) too many clearly defined body parts (wings, feet, etc.). I am almost vegetarian. Almost.
It’s so hard to find a proper Japanese restaurant, I’m still looking for the perfect place x
It is exactly what I think every time I go to Japan! It would be cool if you could write here some articles about Japanese healthy food that western pepole don’t know and about Japanese « everyday fashion » that is not so famous out of Japan ? oh and by the way…nice to meet you! ?????? ?
Try Ootoya in Chelsea. It is strangely really delicious and some of the most authentic Japanese food in New York even though in Japan it is basically a fast food chain. Their New York restaurant is much more high end.
In Paris, there are a bunch of quite typical Japanese restaurant near Opéra Garnier, in rue Saint-Anne. They’re busy, bustling, rather cheap and none of them serve sushis ! It’s tonkatsu, gyudon, katsudon or ramen… The food I had for lunch when I was at the university in Tokyo ! I love eating there, it’s like going back to Japan