Pocket PMF
Pocket PMF: Dating
8 years ago by The Atelier

Dans l’épisode du jour de Pocket PMF, Garance, Natalie, Elle et Brie discutent rencards. Elles parlent de dépendance et d’indépendance émotionnelles, recommencer à sortir après la fin d’une relation, monogames et dragueurs en série, et plus encore !
[podcast_episode episode= »239495″ ]
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Brie, I love your voice!
Nice :)
These Pocket PMF bring so much perspective on so many great topics! The other day I was listening to your podcast about friendship and, I must admit, it gave me the perspective I really needed to sort out a « crisis » I’m going through with a friend. It came at the perfect time. Thank you!
Love from Argentina!
I love these episodes with the studio team! You guys are so funny and genuine.
I absolutely adore this wicker cone chair! Where did you buy this from? Thanks, Alex