Pitch a Pocket PMF!
8 years ago by

On prépare de nouveaux épisodes du Pocket PMF ! Jusqu’à maintenant, on a parlé mariage, mode, thérapie, fashion week, déménagement à NY, et Jeudi, on s’intéressera à l’amitié. Mais on voulait aussi savoir s’il y avait des sujets dont vous aimeriez qu’on parle plus particulièrement au Studio. On est ouverts à tout, de la cuisine à la santé en passant par la sexualité… on n’a pas peur de dire ce qu’on pense ! Dites-nous tout ça dans les commentaires !
Et si vous avez des questions plus précises, c’est aussi l’occasion ! On aime bien répondre aux questions de nos lecteurs dans les épisodes du Pocket PMF, mais ça veut dire qu’on a besoin que vous nous les posiez ! Alors, à vous ;)
I’d be interested to hear about sex! Whether that’s keeping the chemistry alive or how to approach your partner about your fantasies. Maybe you have differing fantasies? Maybe one person has an intimacy problem etc.
Also, all of your blog posts for 7+ days have been coming up in French on Bloglovin’. Any idea why? I haven’t read a post since then because of that.
Hi Thuy,
Thank you for your comment and suggestion! Sex is definitely a topic we’re interested in covering soon :)
As for the posts on Bloglovin’, we made the domain switch to http://www.garancedore.com last week, and as a result has effected sites like Bloglovin’ and Feedly. We’re working quickly to solve this, but in the team time, if you continue accessing the site through the new URL on your browser, you should be able to see everything in English.
Hope this helps! x Natalie
I would like to hear your input on interracial relationships (if anyone in the studio has been in one)! Currently in one right now and it’s definitely been eye-opening to hear what other interracial couples go through and similarities even if it’s different combination of race.
I’d be interested to hear about friendship at work! I know it differs from place to place, but there are some common tensions – how vulnerable / open can you be around your colleagues (with whom you may be in direct competition)? How much of a true friend can a boss be with her/his subordinates? What’s the balance?
Sorry for off topic comment. English RSS feed is broken on this website. Stories are coming in french only for 12 days. Last one in English was Pocket PMF: Moving to New York. I can still click on the story and switch to English, but it is annoying and the reason i use RSS is not have tot click to many times.
Hope it gets fixed soon. Bisous.
Hi Erika,
We made the domain switch to http://www.garancedore.com last week which is causing the RSS feed issue! We’re working quickly to solve this, thank you for your comment! x Natalie
How you manage stress and also, how the team came to work in style/fashion – was it all a smooth sailing dream or was their disappointment etc. This is the first podcast I’ve listened to, and I love it. Thank you x
I’d like to hear your thoughts on whether the fashion industry is superficial or not. Also, what would you be doing if you weren’t in fashion? Have you noticed any similarities among people who are in the industry?
Another thing I’d be interested in is where you see blogs going in the future? How are they evolving? Will they be replaced by something else?
I’d be interested in this too. I love this blog but I feel like the fashion industry also has a real dark side in terms of labour ethics, animal abuse and excessive consumerism. I’d be interested to hear what you all think about this and how you navigate these issues working in the fashion industry.
I think health (esp. hormonal health) and self worth/self confidence would be great topics!
Hey !
My main question, which is ridiculous and very curious but…. :
is the studio going to move to L.A ? or even somewhere else ? :)
bisous !
I’d love to hear you talk about sustainability in fashion. I remember the interview Garance did with Stella McCartney and they touched the subject, but I think it deserves more attention.
Another topic it would be great to hear you talk about is education and how it shapes us as humans, wether it has anything to do with our career choices, how it differs in US, Europe, Australia and other places in the world. Maybe also internships?
J’aimerais bien parler du fait de vieillir à 30 ans, 40 ans, 50 ans etc, du point de vue du corps : décider de garder ses rides ou non, ses cheveux blancs ou non, etc
J’aimerais bien parler d’autres désagréments du corps comme les jambes qui gonflent surtout l’été ou les grosses veines qui se voient (moi j’en ai depuis l’âge de 14 ans, j’avais décidé cacher systématiquement mes jambes jusqu’à l’année dernière (jusqu’à 40 ans donc), et depuis j’ai décidé que ça suffit, des veines sont des décorations ou des tatouages comme les autres, et je porte plein de mini jupes, tant pi pour l’éventuel regard des autres), comment est-ce que vous gérez ça ?
J’aimerais parler de l’emporwerment des femmes, leur soft et puissant leadership, la fin des différences hommes/femmes, j’adore ce sujet.
J’aimerais parler de la liberté d’être soi même si on adore la mode, sans forcément chercher le best look, ni tous les regards, ni à se camoufler sous le maquillage ou la perfectitude new yorkaise.
J’aimerais parler de devenir soi, je trouve que c’est un chemin laborieux et passionnant.
J’aimerais parler des gens qui changent de vie, j’adore ça, ça m’inspire. En fait je préfèrerais lire ces interviews car ça serait en français.
J’aimerais que les interviews soient +- sous titrées pour ne pas les réserver qu’aux anglophones ou à ceux qui comprennent très bien l’anglais (et surtout l’accent américain, c’est dur à comprendre avec les mots ou mangés ou perdus en fond de gorge).
Voilà :)
Hello Garance et toute l’équipe !
J’aimerais un podcast qui traite du féminisme et de l’égalité homme femme.
Comment gérer ça dans la vie de tous les jours, au travail, dans un couple, dans la famille ?
Bonnes vacances à tous et toute !
I’ve loved Garance’s recent posts on nature, camping and adventuring in the outdoors. As a fellow city dweller, I find it so important to get out in nature on a regular basis and enjoy being in my « natural woman » state. I also think it’s really interesting to observe the range of comfort levels women can have with letting themselves go without makeup and be natural when they go back to nature. I’d be interested in hearing from others about how they connect with nature and what it does for their well-being, as well as their personal approach to balancing beauty care with settling into a « natural state » while camping, etc.
Hi, I’d like talks with therapists, about different topics (jealousy, breakups, ‘reinventing oneself’, starting again, being open to challenges…).
Great post dear ;)
J’aimerais pouvoir également avoir plus de sous-titres et de textes pendant ces interviews. La plupart du temps, je vous lis au boulot (arghhh!) et je ne peux pas vous écouter, seulement vous lire :(
Merci à vous, j’aime beaucoup ce nouveau format! J’aimerais suggérer un podcast qui parle de comment trouver un équilibre entre travail et vie personnelle. Bonnes vacances :)
I’d love to hear about:
1/ Dealing with competition (in business but also on a personal level)
2/ Dealing with criticism :)
I loved the Pocket PMF on the team. It was great to hear a bit more about Brie, Erik and Emily. I am so jealous of your team!
J’aimerais que les PMF abordent la question de la diversité ou plutôt du manque de diversité dans la mode… Merci d’avoir ouvert cette possibilité de faire des suggestions sur les prochains sujets abordés.
Hi I love listening to the podcast each week!
It would interesting to hear a conversation about:
– Reinvention/starting over
– self esteem/confidence/self love
So the last pocket PMF on friendship gave me an idea for a next topic: the characteristics of zodiac signs. At some point Garance mentioned: I’m a Taurus, I’m a heavy type of person. I just come out of a relationship with a Taurus. It’s true that sometimes he was ‘intense’ and I didn’t understand what where this was coming from. Like Brie I’m not ‘needy’. I’m an aquarius and I love my independence while at the same time being loyal to friends, family and the men I’ve shared a life with. Even If I don’t believe in sign compatibility could you elaborate on this? Maybe with the Astrotwins and some members of the team?
When I meet people for the first time at some point in the conversation I will ask them what’s their sign to break the ice. It’s amusing to see people’s response…if they know their sign or not…sometimes I’ll guess before they can answer. I’ve noticed that a lot of people have opinions on the subject whether interested in astrology or not.
Hope you enjoyed my pitch and you’ll consider it!
Hello, first of all, I love PMF! It seems you have a lot of fun here so I hope you’ll continue.
My request is to hear about your list of favorite podcasts and/or blogs. Also, Garance, your interview style is great, authentic and curious. I hope you plan to continue talking to interesting people.
Dear Team!
I´d love to hear about breakups in the mid/late thirties. How to start over, about different ways to approach a possible wish to have a child (with or without a man in your life) How to be a single woman in your late thirties between a group of friends who all have children and live completely different lifes.
I´m going through all that right now and i have to say it is one of the most, fun, sad, interesting and intense times of my life!
Thanks for all your great work!
Politics (either how it affects your daily life in terms of friendships, or the political context right now).
Motherhood and kids.
Health insurance / health coverage crisis
Refugee crisis.
Almond milk.
Home country VS adoptive country (where do you belong).
Rent or buy a home.
Alcohol (consumption or mixology etc.).
Having people over for apéro/dinner/theme parties.
Vacation (how Americans do it VS the French – amount of time off).
Everyday cooking.
Favorite TV shows.