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8 years ago by

Cet hiver, je me suis vraiment mise à la lecture… J’essaie d’éviter de rester devant un écran juste avant de me coucher, donc pour combler ce manque, je suis devenue complètement accro à la littérature. Attendez-vous à ce que je vous submerge de critiques de livres dans les semaines à venir. C’est pour bientôt !
Pour commencer… le week-end dernier, une amie m’a parlé d’Adam Johnson, lauréat du prix Pulitzer du roman et du National Book Award. Il vient de publier un recueil de nouvelles, Fortune Smiles, dont la première, « Nirvana » est incroyable et vient de remporter le prix du Sunday Times de la nouvelle. Vous pouvez même la lire ici
C’est à la fois complètement tordu et adorable. Vous lisez quoi, vous, en ce moment ?  Si vous avez des conseils, je suis preneuse !

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  • I’m trying to avoid screens before bed too!

    I just finished « The Secret History » by Donna Tartt. Sooo good.

    Can’t wait for more recommendations

  • Jessica 26 janvier 2016, 5:51

    ‘The Secret History’ was the bomb. Anything Donna Tartt is really.

  • The Orphan Master’s Son was so darkly funny. Emphasis on darkly. Now I want to read Fortune Smiles. Thanks.

  • I’m reading « Vita » from Melania G. Mazzucco. Story about italian immigration in 1903. An epic novel, engaging and unforgettable characters, a story full of stories. History of New York.

  • Cindy Reid 26 janvier 2016, 4:47 / Répondre

    The Door by Magda Azabo from Hungary. Story of a writer and her housekeeper and the relationship they forge with a bit of mystery mixed in. Simply beautiful writing which always amazes me when its a translation. In the author’s bio it tells all about her wonderful credentials and ends with « Magda Szabo died in the town in which she was born with a book her hand ». Please let me die that way!

  • Reading Roots. History.com is doing a re-make this spring. Just finished SPQR about ancient Rome. Very good! Read an excerpt here http://delanceyplace.com/view-archives.php?p=2979. You can always find interesting non-fiction excerpts on Delanceyplace.com, which I happen to run ;) Enjoy!

  • If you’re looking for a faster, lighter read, try Mindy Kaling’s book. I’m reading it right now and average about 100 pages per day–so I’m almost done!

  • I am neck deep in prepping for a wine exam, but as soon as I have time to read fiction, I am going to re-read an old friend, Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. Classic, important, and an amazing read.

  • I’m a big fan of the classics too! Maybe I’ll do a post with some of my favorites! Would love to hear the other classics people still keep picking up :)

  • Just finished Shantaram. It’s a long read but totally worth it! You get a feel of India’s culture at many levels and some very interesting insights on human nature. One of those books you don’t want to end because you know it will be hard to find one to follow!

  • Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instrunents series and Infernal Devices series got me hooked. This started from Danielle Trussoni’s Angelology. Then i’m stocking up on other paranormal novels and comics :)

  • Tara Douglass 26 janvier 2016, 8:05 / Répondre

    I just had this same conversation with friends last week.
    Here are some new books that were recommended by friends that are voracious readers with excellent taste.
    ELENA FERRANTE has a series of books that I’m going to start when my library request arrives.
    Then I’m going to read the trilogy My Struggle by Karl Ove Knausgaard who seems to have taken Norway by storm a few years ago. I’ll see you the spring – these are at lest 6 books to enjoy!

  • I’ve heard the Ferrante books are excellent! Will have to try! x

  • Tara Douglass 26 janvier 2016, 8:06 / Répondre

    at least! I noticed this typo as I hit send. Could this be edited? Please?

  • I’m reading The House of the Spirits right now and it’s fantastic. It is great before bed because it has a magical feel as though being told by an old, wise story teller. I promise you that’s different from other types of narratives even though it sounds goofy. If you want to read all night and not sleep, read the Robert Galbraith/JK Rowling books. I just finished The Silkworm and spent a few happy days running on significantly less sleep than usual.

  • À lire absolument! La vérité sur l’affaire Harry Quebert, par Joël Dicker, un auteur suisse. Paru en 2012. C’est l’histoire de Nola, qui disparaît en 1975, lorsqu’elle a 15 ans. Une trentaine d’années plus tard, un jeune auteur en panne d’inspiration revient voir son mentor, Harry Quebert, qui verra sa liaison avec Nora mise à jour. Les médias et les autorités le vilipenderont, mais l’auteur enquêtera et écrira un livre sur cette affaire, à la fois pour savoir ce qui s’est passé en 1975 et sauver Harry.
    C’est un roman intriguant, brillamment écrit, qui m’a complètement secouée!

  • Just started Wild by Cheryl Strayed based on her true story hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. I bought in France « La vocation » by Sophie Fontanel, she is a style editor and writer and wrote here on her childhood.

    Thanks for your recommendations, always looking for good ideas!

  • All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.

  • Oh, this book was so beautiful. You will love it.

  • I love Anna Gavalda – a French writer. Especially her first book of short stories « I wish someone were waiting for me somewhere ».


  • mosaic_world 27 janvier 2016, 4:18 / Répondre

    I’m returning to reading short stories lately as well.

    I just finished an autobiography by Terry Gilliam called Gilliamesque. it’s witty, smart, and insightful.

    I’m partly through a collection of short stories, Tales from the Great Turtle. it’s fantasy based on Native American folk tales.

    I went through most of The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up (but still have yet to throw out everything I really should). I do like her method for folding clothes and get excited about putting away my clothes after doing laundry.

    I’m also reading Julie Czerneda’s This Gulf of Time and Stars (sci fi novel). it’s written in really short sections and so it moves really quickly (almost like television scenes). right now it feels a bit more action/plot oriented than big concept/theme based.

  • mosaic_world 27 janvier 2016, 4:21 / Répondre

    sorry, for short stories, I really enjoyed Neil Gaiman’s Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances

  • The Journal by Joyce Carol Oates…(whcih will be followed by Walden by Thoreau).

  • J’ai terminé Carthage de l’immense Jitce Carol Oates et je me suis plongée dans le dernier Dennis Lehane World gone by…

  • Karl Ove Knausgaard number 4 Dancing in the dark. Addictive

  • I recently read ‘Mrs. Hemingway’, written by Naomi Wood and it was incredibly beautiful. You read the stories of four different women, the four wives of mr. Hemingway. I really love that book!

  • Rereading the brilliant and really funny « On Beauty » by Zadie Smith, she mentions in her introduction that it is an hommage to EM Forster’s « Howard’s End », which I went on to devour- an awesome, a presciently humanistic novel that turns out to be crime fiction. Thanks for all the recommendations!

  • Pia Uthaug 28 janvier 2016, 6:44 / Répondre

    I’m reading Patti Smith’s « Just kids ». I figured I ought to read that before I start her newest book. I know everybody but me has probably already read it, but if you haven’t, I can’t recommend it enough. Her language is breathtakingly beautiful. There is grit and poetry in her words. She gives so much in her story and through her language that I don’t want it to end. I can’t put it down and sneak off and hide from my kids to read it when I can :) .


  • Erik is reading this now too! I read it ages ago but it did draw me to M Train which was also excellent. What I really loved was that it read like short stories, but it all felt very connected. Almost like a train of thought (a play with the title perhaps?) Would definitely suggest you pick it up after you finish Just Kids! x

  • Hey, why don’t you try mine :) It’s called CELEBRATION and it’s mostly about love … as in unrequited love, losing people you love and figuring out how to love your life even when it keeps throwing obstacles at you. xx

  • Emily, I love that you post about reading books. I have seen some from Neada too. Reading opens up whole new worlds. Please keep posting and reviewing.

    I gave Fortune Smiles to my nephew for Christmas. I can’t wait to borrow it to read.

    I am also trying to stay off screen. I have just finished a slew of « improvement » books so now I am ready to tackle some literature again. I have my eye on Terry Gilliam’s autobiography but am definitely going to book mark this post to look for inspirations.

  • My favourites this/last year
    On Beauty by Zadie Smith: she is amazing, so smart! Can’t wait to start NW
    A Complicated Kindness & All My Puny Sorrows by Miriam Toews: devastatingly sad and hilarious all at the same time
    family sagas: The Green Road by Anne Enright, A Spool of Thin Blue Thread by Anne Tyler
    On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan for a short, beautifully melancholy read
    A Field Guide to Getting Lost by Rebecca Solnit: essays on getting lost/losing things. I think this was my best find, I will be keeping and rereading this book. The writing and ideas are so deep, I think I had a smile on my face the whole time I was reading it.

  • Diana, I read NW and loved it! Would definitely suggest it. Thanks for the recos! x

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