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7 years ago by


Cette semaine, c’est Emily qui prend le micro avec Carie et Caitlin pour discuter d’un sujet souvent sensible qui parlera à tout le monde… l’argent ! Entre autres questions abordées : en avoir, ne pas en avoir, le tabou d’en parler ouvertement, l’argent dans le couple, l’endettement… et plus encore !

Be sure to check out the book that’s changing Emily’s financial life here!

[podcast_episode episode= »253375″ ]


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  • Listening to this while painting my toe nails… :) I would appreciate the name of the book you’re reading, Emily!

  • Emily 25 mai 2017, 2:08

    Hey Pavla,
    The book is Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin! It was updated from the 90s version and the latest one was published in 2008. Still super relevant! x

  • Thanks for bringing the subject to light. I highly recommend striving for unity in your marriages in all aspects of life, which includes a joint bank account. It’s amazing if you’re both intentional/thoughtful with money and can save up for fun (or not so fun) future goals and dreams. On another note, I love how you mentioned establishing a clear picture of contentment in life that doesn’t involve competing with everyone else.

    My background for those who are interested: I grew up in a middle class family in Southern California. My dad is a self employed carpenter/craftsman and my mom is a radiology technician. Unfortunately, they never spoke to us kids about money, so I learned from my older sisters and well-known Dave Ramsey. While at a private college in Texas (surrounded by loads of Southern money), my school loans weighed heavily on me and brought a lot of anxiety. I chose to move home and finished the last 2.5 years of schooling at a community college and a Cal State University. So grateful that I received a graphic design job immediately after graduation. I moved into a quaint apartment with two other roommates and lived a simple life to put about 40% of my income to paying off my debt. When my husband and I got married over two years ago, it only took a couple of months of dual income in order to be completely debt free. I still find joy in living simply and need to remind myself it’s ok a splurge every now and then.

  • Emily 30 mai 2017, 9:48

    Hi Natalie!
    Congrats with getting out of debt! I’m on my last student loan payment and am so excited to be debt free before I turn 28 this fall.
    What I love about the philosophy from this book I’m adopting is that it’s not about budgeting, it’s about figuring what works for you in terms of your expenses. It’s totally okay to splurge on stuff, as long as it really has significance for you and brings you fulfillment. xx

  • Yes pleeeeaaaaase! More money and more weddings! I’m in the exact same phase of engagement and life, where thinking all this stuff through seems pretty critical and its great to hear I am not alone in these dilemmas! Thanks for the book recommendation Emily :) As always, great job guys! xxx

  • Emily 30 mai 2017, 9:41

    Hey Jo!
    Not alone at all! Enjoy the book–it’s a pretty quick read and makes for a very practical guide when it comes to how you think about your money! x

  • Hélène 26 mai 2017, 4:35 / Répondre

    It is very interesting to listen to the relationship between American and money. As a French woman it was almost abstract to get how you manage to live a life with so much debts sometimes…
    I feel that in France students don’t have as much debts because the price of university and healthcare is not very high yet. But we still struggle with money because as Garance explain in her story about buying a house, it is all about NOT have debts, or credits cards. If you need money to buy a house for example, or for an other big project, you need to be as « clean » as possible. Your bank considers that you are trustful if you don’t have debts, that way they consider that you know how to manage, to balance your life.
    Sometimes, as in everywhere else it can be very difficult . But I think it is healthy because you have to be responsible very early, but again, it is possible because of the way of life in France.
    (Sorry for my mistakes in English)

  • Emily 30 mai 2017, 9:41

    Hi Hélène,
    It is certainly quite different! Unfortunately here, debt has become so commonplace that people don’t even think about the additional stress it can bare on your life! I didn’t get a credit card until after I graduated from college and it made it very difficult for me to be able to sign for an apartment to rent or any other big purchases on my own without my parents because of my lack of credit-history. In the states, if you want to buy a home, banks recommend that you have at least 3 credit cards that you pay in full every month to establish healthy credit. It’s pretty crazy, but as Garance learned with her house, it’s how they do things here. x

  • I really enjoyed this, thank you! It made me think back to Lauren Singer’s podcast a few months ago too. A lot of those choices she was making are actually money saving too, not just helping the environment. About a year ago, I started making much more money, but started buying so much stupid stuff and my overall quality of life didn’t end up getting any better than those post-college, low-income years. Strangely, I was more stressed because I was constantly thinking about what to buy next. Saying no is a powerful tool.

  • Emily 30 mai 2017, 9:37

    Hey Meg!
    Yes–it’s so true! A bit part of the philosophy of the book I mentioned in the episode is about what a big global impact we’d have on the environment if we were more mindful in the way we consume everything and spend money. That was one of the biggest motivators for the book’s author. And I agree with you–I was talking with my old roommate about when we lived together right out of college and were making no money. We were so happy! And totally surviving. Now I feel like my life hasn’t changed that much, but where did all of that extra money go? So good to be mindful of these things! x

  • Thank you for this episode. My parents went through bankruptcy when I was a teenager and I have always struggled with anxiety around money. Thus far I have tried to use that anxiety to save as much as I can for retirement. And I paid my student loans off! But I graduated into the terrible 2010 economy with an arts degree. I worked minimum wage jobs and had unpaid internships while I lived with a billion people from craigslist. My friend would sneak booze in her boots to save on drinks at the bar. I’ve always appreciated my thrify creative friends who can make the most mundane things fun!

    Some of my friends make me feel poor and some of them make me feel fortunate. As I approach 30, I see a lot of my friends making and spending more money. When I do buy things, I sometimes splurge to buy things that will stand the test of time. It seems to stop me from buying lots of things I do not need.

  • Emily 30 mai 2017, 9:28

    Hi Koh!
    Totally agree with you on spending more on items that will stand the test of time, rather than spending more. The cost-per-wear model is part of the book I mentioned.
    I never spoke with my parents that much about money as a kid, and I wish I had! I’m finding now that it’s so important to try to get rid of all the weird stigma and anxiety around money and treat it like an every day thing. x

  • spendee is the best app ever. I’ve learned so much about my spending habits from it.

  • Emily 30 mai 2017, 9:26

    It’s THE best. I have recommended it to everyone in my life–it really makes you think each time you open your wallet because you know you have to write your purchase down! I’m always so happy to see days that I’ve spent nothing, or under $20–it makes it feel like I really won the day!

  • Angelina 27 mai 2017, 5:26 / Répondre

    I enjoyed this episode so much! please make more with this topic!

  • Emily 30 mai 2017, 9:25

    Thanks Angelina! I will definitely keep sharing! x

  • Hey Emily,
    A new edition is coming out with stuff added in from more recent F.I.R.E. bloggers (such as Mr. Money Mustache) soon! And, yes, that book is a life changer!

  • Thank you! Please do a money part 2. I really enjoyed this and it gave me the kick I needed to pay off my student loans. Awesome mini!

  • Just listened and YES please give more money talk. Learned and loved it

  • Manjot Kaur 6 juin 2017, 7:29 / Répondre

    Please do another one of these! I’m currently only 20 years old but trying to learn as much as I can about finances before I become completely independent. I’m also in that mindset where I am trying to choose between the job I’d like to have and the job that’ll actually give me a living wage. Both of my parents are doctors, so I technically come from money, but I am so terrified of moving down the scale rather than up? Does that make sense? I’d love to be a writer, but law school seems to be the way to money. Anyways, I just wish this was all taught in school rather than me having to Google everything and question what information is right and which is wrong. Slowly teaching myself some things, but I literally have no clue where to even begin.

  • I loved this podcast episode – people do not discuss this enough! Really enjoyed the discussion and wish this was a full length episode! Especially would love to explore the concept of being financially independent vs loving fashion and how to find a balance

  • Lisa Walker 24 août 2017, 2:24 / Répondre

    Just purchased Your Money or Your Life. Great talk. Thank you!

  • Enjoy Lisa! I found it incredibly helpful! And I’d really suggest the app Spendee for tracking personal finances! xEmily

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