In Love with the Coco
8 years ago by

Je ne me lasse pas de l’huile de noix de coco. Sur le visage, sur les coudes, en bain de bouche et même en cuisine. C’est presque devenu mon produit fétiche.
Tout a commencé il y a quelques mois, quand on m’en a offert un petit pot. Je l’ai posé près de mon lavabo, sans l’utiliser pendant des semaines, jusqu’à ce que je décide de purger ma salle de bains de tous les produits que je n’utiliserai jamais. Et là, j’ai repéré l’étiquette :
« Sur la peau ou en cuisine, vous ne pourrez plus vous en passer !»
Depuis, je m’en mets sur le visage matin et soir (sauf quelques soirs où j’avoue, j’ai oublié le nettoyage du visage réglementaire). Et je vous jure que ma peau d’habitude du genre imprévisible me remercie. J’ai même investi dans une petite poêle en fonte dans laquelle je verse un peu d’huile de noix de coco pour faire griller mes toasts Melba. Son aspect multi-tâches m’a déjà sauvée dans pas mal de situations ! Et vous, est-ce qu’il y a un produit du quotidien que vous adorez et qui a d’autres utilisations moins connues ?
History is repeating itself ;)
Coconut oil is the BEST!! I get the liquid that sits on the top and pour it into a little bottle and apply it on my eyebrows/eyelashes every night to make them grow faster! I always cook with it – pancakes made with it are 100% fluffier. And of course I add some to the ends of my hair when I do a deep condition – you can even leave it in overnight and wash out in the morning. Enjoy all its amazing benefits!! Xx
Nikki |
Apple Cider vinagear. Braggs organic brand. I drink it each morning in my lemon water. But lately I also use it to dry blemishes and help heal my eczema. It’s amazing.
Coconut oil is usable for EVERYTHING, I mainly put it on my hair as a mask and the results the day after was with more shine and on my body as it’s the best moisturizer I can swear by. Nothing could beat it, olive oil is trying to compete but coco is just chicer! (Olive oil darken my hair tho).
Actually avocado oil might have coconut oil beat imo.
I need to get in on the coconut oil trend! I don’t know why it has taken me so long, but the uses are literally endless.
Along with coconut oil I swear by sugar, lemon juice and olive oil.
I make a face scrub out of brown sugar and coconut oil and also a face mask out of lemon juice and olive oil, All the good acids and antioxidants. Oil cleans oil off your face better than anything. Chemistry 101.
My daughter, aged 21, uses olive oil to remove her make up and she swears her acne prone skin is better than ever.
Je l’ai utilisé pendant 1 an ou 2 sur le visage et moi aussi j’avais la peau super douce. Mais comme l’huile de coco a tendance à boucher les pores, j’avais aussi plus de bouton et le tein un peu brouillé… Maintenant je l’utilise surtout en masque hebdomadaire pour mes cheveux et sur mes jambes.
Pour mon visage, Je préfère des huiles plus légères comme l’argan , le jojoba, l’argousier…
I’ve heard so much about it but I have only used it for a hair mask so far.
I am in love with coconut oil too!
Haha by the subject line I thought this article was about cocaine
Great post!
I absolutely agree with you!! Coconut oil is absolutely the best, cheapest and longest lasting product!! I use it on my face, body and eyelashes. I even feed it to my dog to help her with her dry coat during allergy season!
I am right there with you, started with it months ago and I am sure I will use it for the rest of my life. Hair mask, oil pulling, cleanser, mosturizer, for lashes and brows, food, and also a spoon every day, just magic. It has replaced so many products!
Also like Coconut Oil, I am a big fan of White Vinegar, started using it last summer on a damp towel for sunburn, immediate relief! For salads, and marinated chicken, as a cleaning product works like magic, to eliminate odors, pest control, clogs, haha everything!
And of course baking soda, on its own or mixed with vinegar, endless uses.
Most importantly no chemicals, all natural!
Je suis végane. j’utilise de l’huile de coco, de l’aloé Véra pur non chauffé, des huiles essentielles, de la spiruline (en interne et dans les masques faciaux maison).
Je ne mettrais jamais sur mon visage quelque chose que je ne puisse manger. Question de bon sens, non ?
Je vais voir 50 ans, on m’en donne toujours 10 de moins.