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Hotline Cling

8 years ago by

Hotline Cling

Comme si mes problèmes de couinement n’étaient pas suffisants, avec cette météo un peu entre-deux, je suis prise dans les affres de l’électricité STATIQUE.

Et ça me rend. Complètement. DINGUE. Alors que j’ai choisi une jupe plissée et des collants pour affronter les températures vaguement schizophrènes, mes fringues se mettent à me coller. Impossible d’aller déjeuner à pied chez Gourmet Garage sans que ma jupe se mette à frénétiquement se coller à mes collants, effet bermuda en soie. Hyper désagréable.

Je crois que le seul truc pire que des vêtements qui collent, c’est un mec qui colle. Et encore, c’est certainement plus facile à gérer. MAIS – alors que j’avais perdu tout espoir, j’ai reçu un e-mail vantant les mérites d’un spray anti-électricité statique !! Youpi ! Du coup, je l’ai essayé… et ça marche vraiment !

Merci qui ? Merci Downy, une marque bon marché qui existe depuis les années 60. On peut donc A. Lui faire confiance B. Se préparer à sentir le linge fraîchement lavé. Ça gêne quelqu’un ? Moi, j’adore !

Vous avez d’autres solutions à l’électricité statique que je pourrais essayer ? Moi, dans le genre petite astuce du moment, j’utilise du produit vaisselle pour me débarrasser des taches tenaces…je dis ça comme ça. ;)

Photo : US Harper’s Bazaar March 1994 ‘In deep’ , ph: Patrick Demarchelier model: Nadja Auermann


Ajouter le votre
  • I’ve heard you can rub a dryer sheet on the underside of your clothes, and outside of tights to fight static cling. Worth a try.

  • Also, make sure your legs are well-oiled with body lotion or baby oil. When the weather obliges, I put on the tights, then put oil or lotion on my hands, and rub a little on top of the tights, after having done it on my skin, of course. Keeps the skirt from clinging.

  • that does not look like nadja. maybe amber valetta?

  • Katarzyna 12 avril 2016, 3:58 / Répondre

    Oooh, yes, I know the feeling and still haven’t found a good solution for it. I usually just really pay attention if skirts/dresses have « underdress » (I’m not sure if that really is an english term), because in that case the problem with static usually doesn’t happen.

    Btw, Brie, what’s going on with Neada? I miss her articles. Hope she is fine.

  • Hi Kat! Yes the underdress, we might call it a lining or slip in the US I think!

    Neada has moved to LA and may still contribute from time to time, she is very happy indeed out there in the sun :)

  • Charikleia 13 avril 2016, 3:17

    Yes! We all miss Neada!!!

    By the way, static is the most embarassing thing at a meeting. It has happened to me, I swore never again plisse skirts with tights.

  • Nice post :)


  • Not mentioning the hair situation! My Gwyneth Paltrow kind of hair becomes a funny version of 1979 Diana Ross in a static electricity situation!!!

  • In Australia they used to sell Statique spray. Don’t know if it is still manufactured.

  • If fabric softener sheets work for hair static, I wonder if it would work in this case! And dish washer soap really is a lifesaver. Fun fact: Dawn dish washing liquid with the blue label is used to clean the oil out of the feathers of birds affected by oil spills. It’s gentle enough on the feathers to not damage them so it’s great for cleaning natural fabrics like wool too. Tested on my wool sweater and it’s great!

  • Static cling in a top while I’m at that awkward ‘fat or pregnant’ stage of pregnancy gives me all sorts of sad faces…

  • When I’m desperate, I even wet may hands and then rub the tights, it’s ok, but sometimes the results are not permanent… If not, I use body lotion on my skin, and a lil on the tights, but making sure the lotion has no oil that might stain clothes.


  • Guys! How come you don’t know this trick! You have to use some hair spray on your tights . Just a little will do the work.!!! :)

  • Hi! In case of an emergency, when you do not have any sprays there is one advice that saved me once. You just go to the bathroom, wet your hands and slightly rub your legs or tights under the dress or skirt. That humidity somehow takes away that static electricity. Worked for me!

  • Synthetic materials are more likely to have this problem I think. A slip can help but can make it worse, too.
    We used hair spray when I was a teenager. Or just water. It all helps for some time only, of course.

  • Mix your usual softner with some water ( a bit more water than softner ) in a small spray bottle and spray a fine mist at the inside of your clingy clothes.
    Works every time!

  • Mettre un peu de crème hydrante sur ses collants :)
    Ca marche du tonnerre !

  • Run a metal coat hanger (or anything metal and preferable long) over the staticky clothes. It takes it away.

  • Linda B 13 avril 2016, 7:29

    Another hint that uses metal– pin a few safety pins inside your dress or skirt, on the seams or hem. That also breaks up the electrical condition pretty nicely. And it lasts as long as the pins are in place.

  • Downy receives a poor score from EWG: I’ve learned to line dry synthetic fabrics so they don’t cause static among the other clothes in the dryer. Wool dryer balls are great for softening and reducing dryer time.

  • Il suffit de vaporiser un peu de laque à cheveux sous la jupe!

  • mademoiselle mauve 14 avril 2016, 4:42 / Répondre

    génial ! I also have this prob :)

  • Il existe un produit en spray qui se nomme Static Guard. C’est un indispensable en cette saison!
    Il est également proposé en format réduit, parfait pour le sac à main.

  • Fantastico blog! Scoperto per puro caso…

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