7 years ago by

C’est l’hiver, il pleut (en tout cas, ici, à NY) et tout ce qu’on a envie de faire, c’est hiberner en écoutant ces morceaux…
7 years ago by
C’est l’hiver, il pleut (en tout cas, ici, à NY) et tout ce qu’on a envie de faire, c’est hiberner en écoutant ces morceaux…
fab stuff
Ugh, it won’t stop raining in LA either. I know I should be happy/not a big baby about it..considering it never rains, and we desperately need it. But where is the sunshine I moved here for?!
Beautiful Mix .. just what I needed .. #calm #relax #inspire Merci! ?
Camilla ?
It’s fuc**n’ freezin’ in Lisbon too!I wish i could be in Cape Verde right now or something !!! And to help the situation, the air conditioner is fuc**d up !!!Ain’t that a bitc*?
Solution: blanket on my feet and lemon-grass tea!!!And… thanks for the music suggestions and …pardon my french !!!