From the Studio

Hangout with Garance

11 years ago by

Coucou !!!

Vous vous souvenez de notre dernier Google Hangout ? J’ai tellement aimé cette rencontre que j’ai décidé de renouveler l’expérience !

Cette fois-ci, on parlera du processus artistique (pour l’illustration et la photo), de la manière de développer sa sensibilité artistique et sa technique.

J’ai hâte de lire vos questions ! Le Hangout aura lieu le mardi 23 juillet à 14 h heure de NY (20 h à Paris, 11 h du matin à LA).

Pour participer :

1/ Laissez vos questions dans les commentaires en renseignant bien votre adresse mail dans la case correspondante (pas d’inquiétude, je serai la seule à la voir)
2/ Je sélectionnerai certaines questions et vous inviterai à chatter avec moi (Emily vous expliquera la marche à suivre par mail !)
3/ On se retrouvera sur Google + mardi pour le Hangout.

Même si vous n’êtes pas sélectionné pour hangouter, vous pourrez quand même suivre le Hangout en direct sur la page Google + Event !

Et sinon, comme la dernière fois, si vous n’êtes pas là pour regarder la session en direct, pas de souci, le Hangout sera enregistré et publié sur notre chaîne YouTube :)

A très vite !



Ajouter le votre
  • My question is: When you are working do you ever get « artist’s block » ? If so, what are some of the things you do in order get out of the block and back to being productive?

  • it’s be my first hangout. i’d love to try it! :)

    i have a cool hunting blog and i’m trying to get it to do better. i post 3 times a week, i watch seo, i research my posts, i put a fair amount of work into it. for some reason, my stats are lower than before even if my content is original. any advice, please? merci beaucoup :)

  • While I am not a published photographer, photography is one of my truest passions. I turn to all different types of outlets for inspiration for subject matter & composition – whether it’s a magazine, style blog or archives. So I was wondering, what are your ‘go to’ outlets or sources for inspiration & personal growth?

  • Un nouveau verbe : hangouter ! J’adore !
    Je note la date du prochain hangout………..

  • I enjoy drawing, especially fashion doodles. I love being creative and often have many ideas for fun projects but sometimes lack the inspiration to put them into fruition. Do you suggest a process from taking art ideas from concept to reality?

  • C’est génial que tu renouvelle l’expérience :)


  • I enjoy drawing and photographing since I was a little girl. I’d really appreciate your opinion about two questions. The first is: What characteristics of a fashion illustration are the most important and what message must transmit? In relation to photography: Which is the best way to improve photographs as a self-taught learner? Thank you!

  • Did you take any classes as in drawing & figure drawing when you started out? I feel that for fashion illustrations do need the basic foundations to the divert from the structure of the body and face to create your own. If you can expand on any tips for illustrations that be great, since your illustrations are so elegant and realistic!

    Have a great day!

  • Can you talk more about your technique? Do you always draw in marker, or are you using a tablet and Photoshop? How much do you draw from references versus your imagination?

  • Hi Garance,

    I recently decided to teach myself fashion illustration, being inspired by your work. I always liked to draw as a child, but my parents never let me join an art school and made me take dance classes instead (they thought it was much more useful – the discipline that comes with it, not to mention physical benefits). I’m 32 now I wonder how you learned to draw. Whether it came to you naturally and through practice or did you take classes? Do you need to have a model/photograph or can you draw from imagination? I’m very intimidated by learning on my own, because where do you really start?

    I’m looking forward to your insights!


  • Let’s hangout !! !
    I’m in that situation where I don’t know/can’t decide what I really want to do…
    So, I’m wondering: When and how did you know, it was the right time for you to do what you wanted to do ? And most of all what triggered your ambition to be an illustrator, and take your work to the next level ? What made you consider pursuing in illustration and photography ? Merci <3

  • I love the story about how Scott scolded you for not having a better camera when you were already a professional– and then he gave you a camera! what was the camera you actually had when he gave you this advice? at what point does it become necessary to have a more professional camera? ie, even with a point and shoot we can do so much with composition, framing etc– what difference did it make to your photography to have a pro camera?

    also– how do you see blogging and online media changing photography styles and public consumption of photography?

  • Hi Garance and Team!

    I have always loved art and recently started doing a little watercolor painting. I often times get frustrated though trying to find my own voice. I’ll see a really great painting by an artist I admire and try to recreate it, but that isn’t really MY work. So my question is, how do you develop your own voice with your art? Did it just come naturally for you, or did it take a lot of time to create your own style that is uniquely your own?

  • I loved it!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:

  • Hi Garance! Im reading this really cool book called How Artists Work…Daily Rituals….that I got at McNally OFCOURSE!
    So, my intent is to create a more concrete daily ritual of my own….so maybe I will be more efficient……hopefully!
    What are your daily rituals to get yourself in the mindset to illustrate….photograph….film…….I imagine they differ? How do you convince yourself to do the tasks you dont like as much for your business?

  • Hello Garance,
    Je me suis inscrite à un cours du soir de stylisme qui débute à la rentrée. C’est une voie qui m’a toujours attirée même si jusque là c’était resté un peu comme une sorte de rêve. Ca m’enchante d’être confrontée au processus de création, je trouve que c’est exaltant de rechercher une idée, de la développer, cependant, il y a un petit côté stress de savoir si finalement c’est bien la bonne idée et aussi comment la développer au mieux. Ma question est la suivante:
    Pour trouver la bonne idée et bien la développer, suis-tu un fonctionnement? est-ce que tu suis uniquement ton instinct, ton imagination? est-ce que tu fais bcp de recherches sur internet, autour d’un thème, etc? Si tu fais des recherches, comment structures-tu tes recherches pour t’y retrouver?
    (Si tu as un conseil, je suis preneuse, j’avoue que j’ai une petite tendance à me perdre dans mes recherches, j’ai du mal à les organiser).
    Bon ben je n’ai plus qu’à espérer que ma question t’inspire;)

  • I will go right to the point. How did you know you were talented enough to drop everything else? At a point of time, an artist has to spend full time on its work and then he « might » be considered as an artist. I am not part of those who have always been drawing since they are kids to consider myself as an artist & I wonder if taking this risk is just an inherent part of an artist personality. What did you make decide it was the right time and how confident were you in your succes? Is there a rational approach to make this decision?

  • annemarie 18 juillet 2013, 7:50

    Yep, my question is the same as Judith’s (pick her!)– how do you cultivate a big set of balls for yourself?

  • Hi Garance – in your opinion, what makes the real difference between pro and amatorial images? Especially when a loto of pros and semi-pros seem to favour the snapshot kind of look (not to mention the whole « insta » look) and amateurs trot around with a small army of dSLRs…

  • Hello Garance!
    What I love about your work and street photography in general is that you can capture people in sometimes unassuming or surprising, sometimes intimate or nostalgic ways…is seems to involve the perfect dose of spontaneity. How do you balance staying true to your artistic style while being open to influences of « the moment »? How much and how do you interact with your subject matters, especially those you don’t know well?

  • Woohoo I just worked out that I can chat if I get picked. 10pm New Zealand time!

    Garance, you have followed your dreams and do what you love doing. My question for you is, did you have reservations/fears before venturing into your line of work and, if so, how did you overcome them? I work in a law firm (yawn) and seem to be too practical or perhaps am lacking in confidence to pursue my creative side.

  • Hi Garance!
    I loved your last Google hangout, it’s always inspiring to me to get a peek behind the scenes.
    My question is in artistic pursuits, there’s a time before your talent has caught up to the ideal in your mind, and it can be super discouraging for a project not to come out as good as you had imagined.
    I know that everyone goes through this, and most advice suggests to just do a lot of work….how to you stay motivated to get better? did you feel embarrassed to show your early work?
    How did you determine your style, and have you gotten comfortable with how your final projects turn out? (Love your work, by the way!)

  • Hey Garance!

    My question is: How do you know when something is truly done and ready to show to the world? Also, what is your process like (do you listen to music? how long do you spend on a piece? do you ever abandon something and then go back to it? are you alone? etc.). Also, did you ever have trouble with your family supporting your path as an artist/in a creative industry? Sorry for all the questions!

    Thanks for your time!

  • Hello! yeiii we get to ask jeje, you’re always very open to the public but this is a great idea!!!

    My question is:
    I need to be inspired sometimes to feel my photos or drawings are any good. Yet they always say that the muse should catch you already at work. How do you focus your work even when you are not particularly inspired? And for un-inspired days what working routine do you have?

  • Hey Garance !

    (Je ne sais pas si je devrais écrire en anglais ou français, donc bon, va pour l’anglais haha)
    I am an imaginative person, with drawings or writing, so I am really sensitive to the concept of creation. I currently work in publishing books, and I have so many ideas to put together, it’s hard to find a way through all of this. So, I was wondering how can you define your creative identity through all the influences you use to work ?

  • Dear Garance, I would be grateful, if you could answer any of my questions.
    I myself love drawing in my free time and have been developing myself as an artist via courses, assignments, studying from other people’s art and from books for 8 years now. The thing is, that I cannot find good study materials for the style and technique that you use – the fashion and lifestyle watercolor-touche combo. I love your drawing style and would love to hear you talk about is, but also about the watercolor and touche technique, about the materials you use, any tips on study materials like books or online. Do you use a bottle of ink and a fountain pen, or you use a thin drawing pen? Do you apply the touche first, and then wait for it to be completely dry and apply the watercolor, or do you first apply watercolor and then touche. Which paper do you find to be the best for this technique? I see that you combine many materials, so I want to ask if you have definitive favourites that you always repurchase and would recommend to someone that is learning this style.
    When talking about illustration vs. photography – how do you decide if a motif should be illustrated or photographed? Just as the mood strikes or do you have any deeper reasoning you follow?
    I am working on my old fashion blog in order to convert it to a fashion-illustration blog, so I have a few questions there too: Photos and illustrations – do you upload them « fresh, just out of the oven » or do you have a folder with « ready-to-upload » materials prepared for future posts? Is it more important to share things as they happen in life or to keep a regular rhythm at the blog? Do you scan the illustrations for the blog or do you photograph them? Do you retouch them on the computer in order to « iron out » the structure of the paper?

  • How do you balance having a style versus continually evolving in your craft? Commercial preferences versus personal aesthetic?

  • Garance, this is not necessarily a question for the hangout but I would love to know what software do you use (other than photoshop). Thank you

  • Bonjour Garance,

    I was wondering how did you come up with your illustration style? I saw some of your early work and it’s almost completely different! Where did your very characteristic strokes come from? What inspired you?

    Merci beaucoup!


  • Bonjour,

    Je me demande si l’oeil d’un photographe est le même que celui d’un peintre ? Pour savoir photographier, faut-il savoir dessiner ? Avoir une vision de l’espace, des courbes et des couleurs…

  • Hi Garance! Do you always know exactly how an artwork will turn out? How much of your illustrations depict the exact image in your mind, and how much of them take form as you go along?

  • Bonjour Garance. Greetings from Australia, I am a big fan, especially of your videos! Presuming you started your blog with just yourself; as your popularity grew and it’s now at a point where you have a team of people helping you, did you face any challenges shifting from being the sole creator and controller of everything you did to now being a director of a team that is responsible for helping you execute your creative vision? Has this changed your creative process at all?

  • So lovely that you are doing this again! I recently watched your other two hangout videos and loved them!
    I have 1 question, don’t know if you would be able to answer it since I won’t be on the hangout but do really love to know….

    1. How you come about telling your parents that you want a career in an « Art field » when they have seen you graduate with a completely different major and they expect you to go along with that career? (In my case Psychology)

    Your Blog & Videos are truly an inspiration! Thank you!!! :)

  • Bonjour Garance! Voici ma question: Quand tu prends les gens en photo tu as une styliste avec toi, tu choisis les vêtements toi-même ou simplement tu croque sur le vif ce que les gens portent pour de vrai?

  • Bonjour Garance!

    C’est chouette que tu fasses un autre ‘hangout’. Je n’ai pas de questions artistiques, les miennes sont plutôt reliées au côté technique et logistique du blog, mais bon, peut-être pour une autre fois! Je participerai de toute façon, tes conseils son vraiment supers…tellement honnêtes et authentiques. Merci pour tout ton travail, quelle inspiration!


  • C’est un super sujet!

    Je me demande toujours comment on peut aimer le travail d’autres personnes qui travail dans le même domaine que soi et arriver à ne pas le reproduire.
    Combien de tes lecteurs se disent j’aimerai que mon blog ressemble à celui de Garance. J’ai vu récemment le blog d’une de tes lectrice qui signe ses images un peut comme toi, pour pas dire comme toi tellement c’est ressemblant.
    Je me souvient au début de mes études de couturier, je recopiais le style d’une camarade de classe qui avait déjà fais une année, elle m’a dit que ça la gênait du coup nos style ont évolué super rapidement et de manière complètement différent.

    Et toi qu’elles ont été tes sources d’inspirations?

    PS: C’est un plaisir de revenir « discuter » après ces vacances.

  • Je n’ai pas de question Garance. Juste hate de t’écouter à nouveau répondre aux questions!!! J’avais tellement kiffé la première fois! :)


  • My question is — Do you use lightbox? or How did you get your Bali shots where the only color happening is…say…a green or a turquoise?

    I am not available for your « hang-out » (I live in Los Angeles — but accordingly — I will be driving at @ 11:00AM on a Tuesday. Ha!)

    I always enjoy your photo’s! Very inspirational and subtly anti-commercial. Makes me want to go to thrift stores and my tailor! (the last? « Maybe if I could just get it to fit LIKE THAT!)


  • Bonjour Garance & team,

    Thanks for this opportunity to speak with you! My longstanding admiration for you and your work grew upon meeting you at your book signing in Philadelphia (I was the gal who hails from Boston who you so aptly/adorably told you loved the « Boston accent » from a 30 Rock episode).

    Anyway, here’s my question- as a mid-twenty-something, who studied communication in college and doesn’t want to jump into an agency job and rather, is trying her hand at freelance publicity for small homegrown businesses & brands, do you have any tips for how to best manage your time? On the daily, you juggle a vast number of projects in different scopes- how do you maintain your « Garance Dore » voice as a across all projects?

    Merci Beaucoup!

  • Hello Garance! What a lovely idea!
    I have two questions; How did you begin marketing your art within the fashion industry? The freelance nature of the trade is daunting to me and I would love some tips on how you began as an illustrator. I also wanted to know if there is a certain media that is more sought after by magazines using fashion illustrations – watercolour, digital, pen, graphite, etc.

  • Okay, thanks for a great blog, Garance. Always a pleasure to come along on your adventures.
    My question is regarding photography:

    When you started out (you know, when Scott gave you your first camera :)), and you´d played around with it for a while, how did you grow confident in your skills, and what influenced you the most in learning the camera and refining your style of photography (please, as many examples as possible). I´m so curious, because I´m an aspiring photographer / visual multitasker, and it has been impossible for me to find anything about the early years of my favorite photographers. The resume of their career always describes their way to Vogue etc. in 1,5 sentence, which, I´m sure, takes a LOT more work.
    So, how did you learn techniques (any good tips and tricks? :)), and what do you reckon developed your photographic style? And maybe, if you like, a few words on your style?

  • Lieselotte Schinzing 18 juillet 2013, 6:51 / Répondre

    First of all I would like to ask what exactly you have studied? How did arrive where you are now as an artist? In the last video you told us that when you have been 18 you did not know anybody in the business and you have been a bit lost.
    I myself am 17, turning 18 end of September and just finished school (International Baccalaureate).
    I would love to work in the fashion business although I do not know anybody in the business, too. I did sent a lot of letters for internships et cetera but nothing worked so far.
    At the moment I consider studying at a fashion university and I would like to ask what you think about those university courses. If they make sense for one to develop as an artist and to go into the business afterwards. Is it a good first thing to do and a step forward into the business? How are the chances?
    That is one of the reasons why I admire your work ethics. The way you have made as an artist and not just that but as an business women is huge!
    How and where do I start?
    Thanks a lot in advance!
    Merci beaucoup!

  • So great to see you again in hangout!
    A lot of interesting question have been asked above but I wonder how technology changed your creative process through the years and what tools (hardware, software, apps, cameras, lenses etc.) do you use and/or you have recently discovered?
    I am interested as well in your development as an artist: which photographer/illustrator you have met (or not) the most influenced your way of seeing things around? who inspires you? and how these real meetings (ex. Peter Lindbergh) changed your creative work?

    Thank you and see you on hangout :)

  • I am narrowing down the many questions I have for you.

    But first and foremost – WHAT BLOUSE ARE YOU WEARING?? I LOVE THAT COLOR AND STYLE. I’ve been searching for that for a long time. Please tell!

    Thanks, for the Hangout! I enjoy it!

  • Hi Garance! How important is going to school and getting a specific education in art in pursuing illustration, design, and photography? Is it worth investing the time and money (sooo much money !!) for a degree and the connections? Thank you! xx

  • Why would you chose me for the hangout?
    1. I will provide a great outfit how the event will concern.
    2. I am an artist and chats within artists are my favorite.
    3. I will have a lot of questions to do. I have divided them in two parts. All I want to do in my life is to draw and make a job out of it, but is so hard that I just enjoy it doing for my happiness either than for a job. Here are the questions related to art career:
    Do you think there is still space for people who like to draw, to make drawing/painting a job?
    How did you deal with this issue? Which contests did you partecipate to promote yourself?
    4. Second part is more practic. What tools do you use to make your illustrations look so perfect? I would really like to see the process of « Making of Garance Dorè Illustration Process »
    5. I am not lucky enough to be chosen.
    Thanking you in advance.

  • So happy to see you in the next hangout I’ll be there!!!! Your photos and draws are touching me and I’m sure that I will learn a lot.
    Cheers :)

  • Maricar Helmer 19 juillet 2013, 3:59 / Répondre

    You manage to show us a cool, kind and friendly fashion industry with lovely people. When everything else has told us that « Fashion is a Bitch ». How do you get along with everyone? Women can be very competitive and trite. Do you have a temper?

  • Bonjour Garance,

    Merci de cette occasion que tu nous offres d’avoir la réponse à des questions si particulières liées au secteur créatif.
    Je suis fascinée par l’art et dessine depuis le plus jeune âge. La photo – comme tout ce qui est pictural – est aussi un médium que j’affectionne. Seulement voilà, je ne dessine plus depuis des année et j’ai l’impression d’avoir comment dire… Perdu le « modjo du dessin ». Paradoxalement, en faisant des études d’architecture d’intérieur, j’ai plus fait de maquettes que je n’ai dessiné (vive l’enseignement belge!). Puis, j’ai perdu l’habitude de croquer des portraits. E récemment, quand je me suis mise en tête de vouloir faire des illustrations, j’ai déchanté en voyant mon niveau. Aujourd’hui j’ai 28 ans et si je m’écoutais, je ferai ce que je voulais faire quand j’étais petite: « dessinatrice ». Seulement voilà: comment?

    J’en viens enfin à mes questions (désolée pour la longueur de l’introduction):
    Tu nous avais raconté ne pas avoir pris de cours dessin, comment t’es-tu perfectionnée?
    Tu as une bonne gestion des proportions du corps et de la gestuelle, comment travaille-t-on ça?
    Je n’arrive pas à dessiner sans modèle photo, est-ce un mauvais plan en fait?
    Comment as-tu développée ta patte?
    En quoi les nouvelles technologies t’auront-elles étés profitables dans le développement de ton travail pictural?

    Merci d’avance pour tes réponse. Merci encore de nous proposer cette session questions/réponses. Et merci pour le « positive mood » que dégage ton blog depuis des années…

  • Hi there – I work full time and would like to spend time on my own artistic practice. However, I find working on art uses a completely different mind space and can be really draining. I’m sure you have so many things to do – how do you get in the artist state to produce your drawings, where I assume you kind of need to be quite calm and connected? (sorry don’t mean to sound like the dalai lama)

  • Hi Garance! My question is probably most typical, but how do you get paid from you blog aside from using ads on your site?

  • Elisabeth-Claire 19 juillet 2013, 11:59 / Répondre

    Bonjour Garance,

    Dans l’un de tes posts en date du 20 juin ( tu faisais part du fait que tu te rendais régulièrement chez le psychiatre pour converser et lui faire part de tout ce qui t’entoure, te tracasse, te rend heureuse etc…
    Je crois qu’a ce jour, c’est le post qui m’a le plus touchée pour diverses raisons personnelles.
    Ma question aujourd’hui est simple: Comment fais tu pour être si terre à terre et si souriante et mener de front ta carrière et tes activités et as tu eu des moments ou tu sentais que c’était trop et si oui, comment trouves tu la force de te ressaisir ?

    Tu es un très bel exemple Garance et je ne cesse d’être heureuse et enjouée quand je regarde ce blog.
    Merci pour tout.

  • Hello Garance!

    I’m curious about your thoughts on the connection between illustration and art direction.

    As an illustrator interested in art direction, I’ve found that many people tend to pigeonhole illustrators as « only » being able to draw, as if the entire process of producing engaging illustration work doesn’t also involve utilizing strengths in editing, design, and style. You yourself seem to have transcended that stereotype and created a multi-media brand that has a cornerstone in illustration as well as various other outlets (and is fun and accessible, too!).

    I’d love to hear more on that topic and how you perhaps feel about illustrators moving into art direction territory (in contrast to designers and photographers, who tend to transition into these positions more frequently). I think it would be an interesting discussion and one I’d love to engage in.

  • Hi Garance!

    Welcome home!!

    I’ve got two questions… one on the technique side of things and the other more artistic.

    First question… What is your process of editing? Do you try to capture an image that requires no editing or do you prefer to manipulate the photo to create something more than what the camera could capture?

    And second… how do you find your photographic « voice »? Meaning, how do you find your way to a style that is uniquely you, consistent, and resonant with your readers? (I’m a blogger, hence « readers ».)

    Hope we can chat!!

  • hey!
    the subject this time is really good and specific. I have been looking forward to discuss this with someone who knows more about it than me. so here we go –
    since bloggers who also pursue illustrating, they influence their followers like me. if you can identify one’s work in mine, does that mean I can’t grow unique style (I’ll still be seen as someone’s wannabe) or this is just a beginning towards developing my own style?

    and second – how did you find your own unique illustrating style (if you can call it so)? were you influenced by someone or this was just something that came naturally?

  • deligina prifti 19 juillet 2013, 5:54 / Répondre

    Salut Garance!My name is Deligina and I am from Greece.I study history of Art and during the past few months I ask myself the same question and I would love to hear your opinion on this.Do you thing fashion is a form of Art?Should re-evaluate the power and effect of clothing but in the same time not fall in the trap of consumerism and narcissism?Thank you!xx

  • Do you think that technology has changed your technique/style? I mostly work with tactile media, but lately have been using a tablet more and more, and notice that I have to change my style a bit to fit the medium. Did you have a similar transition? Was it trial and error to find the right program/stylus/app? Is there one tool that you think really helped you?


  • AnotherReader 19 juillet 2013, 6:25 / Répondre

    Hallo Garance!

    I’m glad you’re gonna do another Hang out, I really enjoyed the last one.

    Am I too late to do a question?? well anyways :P

    I’m not sure if my question fit the topic, I would like to ask you for some tips for taking travel photos :P

    the things is everytime I go out for holydays I came back home with just a few and poor shots, maybe is because I’m not such a taking photos girl not even when I hang out with freinds; I always carry on my cam but barely use it i dont know what to photograph. When I check out the photos I took I’m just like what did I take that photo nothing pretty interesting on it and while remember about the places I saw I ask my self why I didn’t take a photo of that..(or maybe is just my shitty cam) and then following all these fashion blogs where owners post beautiful photos of their travel or just marvelous shots of their every day life (buildings, animals, streets food you name it) I wish I could take photos like those I mean where do they got that inspiration or sense to see the beauty or interesting in something and photograph it in the right moment (is that something you born with) Do you have any advices?? (when I think about it seems like a silly quention and that the answer could be so obvious just take photos take photograph course Duh! hehehhee anyways I have to ask)

    PS I heart you blog!!

  • Yay! Can´t wait to check it out when I get back from my holiday trip :-)

  • A little background: my dream job is to be a stylist or a fashion business consultant so after High school ended, I decided that the smart thing for me to do was to go to university and study business while developing my creative skills as a retail employee and learning the best I could from fashion magazines and websites like BoF. However, I am slowly realizing that finding a internship is the ultimate key to entering the fashion industry. That, and who you know and I don’t…know many people in that field that is. I’m from Montreal Canada and needless to say, the fashion opportunities aren’t that wide and the thing is, every company with an internship wants someone with internship experience…

    So, my question is how do you get your foot in the door when the very jobs that you would be qualified for , that you know you would do well in, is not willing to even take a second look at you simply because you don’t have the experience or you don’t know the right people?

    Thanks :)

  • Dalal AlAwadhi 21 juillet 2013, 2:49 / Répondre

    a big hello from Kuwait garance!

    the combination of flawless photography, original production of your illustration and your spontanious sense of fashion makes your work a mark in the fashion blogger world. my question to you garance! what is the key ingredient to be successful in the fashion blogger world?

    thanks grance ! i’d be really lucky to join you !

  • Bonjour Garance,

    J’ai vu évolué ton style & BRAVO!
    Ma question est quel matériel utilises tu pour avoir une écriture à l’épaisseur aléatoire, je chercher désespérément avec mon stylet et ne trouve pas!
    Tablette spéciale ou brush crée?

    Deuxième question: Pour la retouche de tes photos, tu arrives à faire cet été clair et lumineux hors retouche ou c’est après?

    Merci !

  • Can you please do one of these after 5 p.m.? I work, and I would loooooove to participate, but I never could during the work day! Thanks! bisous!

  • How cool! I am glad you are joining into the Google hang out thing.

    My question(s) is the following:
    As you started as an illustrator before doing photography, what was your reaction when you were offered your first commissioned photographic job? Were you stressed and how did it feel to be taken seriously and being expected professional result for something that started as passion? Also ,for both photography and illustration, what did you do to reach the level you are at today, as your drawings and photo have beautifully evolved since your first posts and I would like to know what tips you would give to anyone wanting to pursue their passions in a professional way.

    Thanks a lot!!

    I really hope to be part of this second hangout especially as I will have the day off on Tuesday ;-)

  • Hello Garance!

    I have been obsessed with fashion photography and all things Vogue ever since traveling to Paris. I am currently a wedding and portrait photographer in Dallas, TX but my question to you is how can I incorporate fashion and editorial style into my portraits and weddings? My goal is to one day only shoot fashion and editorial shoots, but until then I’d love to know how to develop more of an editorial style.

    All the best!

  • Pamela Lawrence 22 juillet 2013, 2:45 / Répondre

    Hello Garance,

    Out of the many questions, this question is an itch I would like for you to scratch.

    Yves St Laurent, Dior, Givenchy, Chanel, Lanvin etc within our rich fashionable past, so many prominent Fashion Houses used Fashion Illustration as a necessary tool and now, in today’s market it appears Fashion Illustration is making a huge comeback in a big way; becoming more mainstream in all facets of fashion/beauty industry. What are your thoughts about this new yet old trend? Or do you consider this a new trend or an old art form with a new modern take? Going back to good ole fashion basics like circa Coco is this the new approach like yourself as an artist and David Downton and Kerri Hess?

    Fashion Houses embraced illustrative works of art to advertise, promote, sketch in design studios for new collections, couture shows with private clients etc. I would love to get your thoughts about this amazing new cross-over trend.

    Your Fashion Illustrations (in my opinion) is your true signature even though you are an extraordinary photographer. For me, I am instantly connected with your fashion illustration and feel I have known you for years; and thus I believe there in lies this quite amazing secret with why Fashion illustration is coming back in a big way. Any woman can connect with it instantly and you are on this path where almost every woman stops in their tracks amazed by your works of art.

    I know this was long please forgive me — I am such a big fan I would love to discuss further.

  • Hi Garance, have you ever thought about incorporating animals into your fashion photo illustrations? Why or why not?

    Feel free to follow our instagram/twitter @helenejewels our style inspiration this week are stylish pets and fashion illustrations.

    Take care,

  • Bonjour Garance,

    Voilà j’ai pris une grande décision, je veux quitter mon job et monter mon projet artistique.
    Sauf que voilà, je suis ingénieure depuis 7 ans. J’ai très peur de n’arriver à rien.
    Quels sont tes conseils pour quelqu’un qui veut se lancer?
    Dois je faire des formations en photoshop ou ce n’est pas nécessaire pour commencer dans l’illustration?

    Merci! Tu es une vraie source de motivation.

    Bonne continuation

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