
DIY Embroidery?

8 years ago by

DIY Embroidery?

Moi, dans la vie, je me considère comme quelqu’un de minimaliste.

Make-up épuré, garde-robe oscillant entre le noir/le blanc et le gris, et régime alimentaire à partir d’ingrédients tout simples. Sauf que ces derniers temps, je me suis prise d’affection pour les t-shirts avec détails brodés. Des petits motifs faits main qui ajoutent une touche de douceur à mon look minimaliste ! Je n’arrive pas trop à savoir si c’est parce que ma garde-robe manque de fantaisie ou parce que j’ai grandi dans les années 90, quand c’était (HYPER) cool de mettre des petits smileys un peu partout… en tout cas, j’adore ces t-shirt brodés tout simples !

Ça me plaît tellement que j’ai envie de broder mes propres t-shirts. De faire un peu de DIY. J’adore apprendre à faire des nouveaux trucs et c’est devenu mon obsession du moment ! Seul petit souci, je ne sais absolument pas par où commencer…

Vous avez des conseils à me donner ? Déjà, il faudrait que je trouve un tissu qui se prête à la broderie, non ? Et que j’aie quelques rudiments de couture ? Du fil, une aiguille… C’est plus compliqué que ça ?

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  • Personalizing items with DIY embroidery can be so much fun to do and it can add personality to a piece that may otherwise be ordinary.
    Most fabrics, as long as they are of substantial weight or heft, can handle embroidery. For knits, however, you’ll need to use stabilizer webbing on the backside to keep the fabric from puckering. You can find it on Amazon in all sorts of versions: tear-away, wash-away, permanent. An embroidery hoop is also helpful in keeping your fabric corralled and keep it from slipping while you work.

    Happy stitching!

  • this is a very cute idea! :)


  • I consider myself lucky as I learned to sew and embroider (and knit and crochet…) at school. And of course my Mom taught me.
    I think that all kind of handicraft is really relaxing (once you’ve got over the rough start :)). I totally recommend.

    As for tips – I think that an embroidery frame would be useful. And good fabric and a good needle.

    https:// sofaundermapletree.wordpress.com

  • So weird…I just pulled my embroidery out from years ago this weekend. I do it by hand and love the idea of updating a plain t-shirt.

  • You need a needle, thick embroidery thread and an embroidery ring, a small wooden ring that holds the fabric stiff. Embroidery used to be part of growing up, along with sewing (and I do know how to sew and have been doing it all day, in fact. Not that I enjoy it, but it’s terribly useful). I like your initial and think I’m going to do this on some T-shirts to jazz them up (without « bedazzling » anything). However, it would be FAR easier to embroider the pocket BEFORE it’s stitched onto the shirt.

  • I’m The Expert at embroidering ANYTHING on my clothes, it gives it the special touch that I need when I don’t feel my clothes that much, or when it’s getting older and needs a reboot, like I’ve this dress that I was so tired of and added my touch to when I wanted to wear it again on another weeding, here: http://www.fashionparadoxes.com

  • Tu peux regarder sur le site internet Artesane qui s’intéresse à tous les loisirs créatifs ! Il y a deux articles sur les différents points de broderie et le matériel basique et deux motifs pour s’entrainer.

  • I love this idea!

  • Complètement d’accord avec toi Garance le détail brodé fait toute la différence. Comme conseil pour les tee-shirts il faut que le coton soit épais et tissé serré, sinon tu risque de faire des trous. Je serai ravie de te donner d’autres conseils, je brode sur tous supports, tu peux découvrir mon univers sur la page Facebook Linette Paris https://www.facebook.com/linette.paris/ ou Instagram Linette Paris https://www.instagram.com/linette.paris/

  • Love it! ;)


  • I had the same impulse last year and it’s super easy. You can buy needle, thread, and a loom at the dollar store (!!) and follow a Martha Stewart how-to on her site. Then just practice on a handkerchief different little designs (an excellent thing to do while watching re-runs) and you’ll get the hang of it. Now I buy plain totes and give them sweet little details. It’s also a handy skill for homemade gifts. Good luck! x

  • J’adore ce genre de détail ! Un peu comme les si beaux T-shirts de la Maison Labiche !



  • Do it! It is so much easier than you think. Get some embroidery needles, a nice thread (I like silk – Trebizond Silk 3ply is great). Google how to backstitch and running stitch and just start having fun on a piece of fabric. A frame is great but not necessary to start just have fun.

  • Thank you for a great explanation. I was looking online for a similar idea and really appreciate it

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