Deodorant Woes
8 years ago by

Le déodorant naturel, ça fait partie de tous ces trucs qu’on sait qu’on devrait utiliser, sauf qu’on se dit que ça ne marchera pas vraiment, surtout pendant la canicule estivale.
Et pourtant, à longueur de temps, on nous met en garde contre les produits chimiques néfastes présents dans les déodorants et anti-transpirants traditionnels, et on sait combien c’est malsain d’empêcher nos corps de transpirer et donc d’évacuer les toxines.
Tout ça étant bien sûr contrebalancé par notre désir de rester au frais et au sec toute la journée. Eh bien je crois que j’ai trouvé une solution naturelle qui fonctionne ! Crystal Essence, un déodorant roll-on minéral disponible dans toute une palette de senteurs délicates comme grenade, camomille ou thé vert. Les odeurs ne sont pas trop entêtantes et l’effet dure vraiment toute la journée. A cinq dollars la bouteille, c’est à la fois bon pour nous et notre porte-monnaie.
Que demander de plus ?
By Ashley, Intern at the Studio
Garance did a blog on this awhile back and changed my life and several of my friends’ lives!! SOAPWALLA!! There are two kinds of sweat: physical exertion and fear/anxiety. Some of us have the fear/anxiety kind a lot and it smells horrible! Regular deodorant doesn’t touch it. SoapWalla is the ONLY thing we have found that works. Now we can go on trips with just a couple of shirts; don’t ruin our clothes, etc. SOAPWALLA!!
I was just going to say the same thing about anxiety sweat being what smells bad. Since I became a freelancer, I have more stress in certain. Ways (unreliable income is tops) but I don’t have the immediate stress I used to get as a boss in a macho office. And I don’t use or need deodorant now. Sure, once in a while, I can tell, but being at home, I can go freshen up. I forgot about the soapwalla post and am going to check it out.
For the longest time, I used the strongest/prescription-strength deodorant I could find – I was a big sweater and frequently wet through my shirts, just while sitting at my desk at the office. I wanted to use a natural deodorant but didn’t think there was any way I could get away without an antiperspirant.
Once I quit my birth control pill, dumped my mean boyfriend, and started therapy, my life improved in a lot of ways, but one of them was that, for whatever reason, I stopped sweating so much. I think it must have been related to the hormones and anxiety, because now I use Tom’s (no aluminum! no antiperspirant!) and it’s a piece of cake. I sweat a little if I’m working out at the gym but that’s it.
Just my two cents. taking steps to get my life together had far reaching consequences and one of them is that I am happily chemical free (in this department anyway). ladies, if you have doubts, maybe try eliminating some toxins in your life (stress!) and see what happens? xoxo
organic limette juice!
since i’ve started shifting to natural, organic products (homemade body butter, shampoo, makeup remover and moisturiser), i experimented on alternatives to the everyday products that i use in my daily life. deodorant is one of them – a few months ago, i stopped using deodorant and started using organic limette juice (you can squeeze from fresh limette and put the juice in a container with spray or just buy one from the supermarket or organic shop). i just pour a small amount of juice on a cotton pad, wipe it on one armpit; turn the cotton pad over and wipe on the other.
the benefits – no harmful chemicals like aluminium (heck, no chemicals at all!), smell fresh all day long, fairer armpits (got darker from shaving and years of using deodorant)…the downside – it could sting a bit!
never going back to using deos and anti-perspirants!
So true! I tried using natural deoderant before, and it totally didn’t work. I’ll have to try this.
Likely By Sea
Yeah.. I tried this one, didn’t work at all :(
I’ve been using that Crystal Essence Pomegranate one for the past couple years, but just read that it too has sneaky aluminum in it!
This article from Gimme The Good Stuff just reviewed a whole bunch of natural deodorant options to figure out what’s really the safe stuff if anyone is interested:
The crystal deodorants block your sweat glands which is very unhealthy and may cause some nasty diseases. Read some more about those crystals dear.
So true! :)
bicard of soda works really well!
Last year I did some investigating about alum. It used to be used as a preservative in pickeles, etc, but it is no longer included in professional pickles.
I also discovered the crystal used for deodorant, which I used before, is also included in the aluminum dirivitives.
I was shocked to think of the years of exposing myself to aluminum when the hazards have been made public for years.
My brother is a chemical engineer and he says what is natural is not always healthy.
Thought you might want to know!
What are professional pickles?
I like to make my own paste with coconut oil, bicarb, arrowroot powder & a few drops of lavender oil; works for me!!
Alun de potassium: Dommage, pas pour moi … :(
Joyous Organics is amazing!!! I was someone who used to need rx deodorant and has tried for years to find something natural.. The Joyous Organics delightful deodorant works through a workout as well as a hot day in l.a. I couldn’t whole heartedly recommend something more. It now comes in a stick form that works just as well as the jar, so no need to get your fingers in it for those who would rather not go that route.. The coconut scent is incredible!
FYI Alum is a salt which contains aluminium. Crystal Essence and Crystal deodorants contain alum. If you want to avoid aluminium don’t use them.
Schmidt’s deoderant in lavender and sage. The only one that works for me through a yoga class and teaching.
Agree! I have been using it on everyday basis as well as when running and it’s the best thing that happened to me, though i never believed these things actually work
Read the reviews. This stuff actually works:
As a sweaty lady who made the switch to natural years ago (and who has often smelled a bit badly while trialing various options), I’ve been really impressed with Dr Organic’s tea tree deodorant. I found it after moving to the UK and it is better than anything I ever managed to find in North America (JASON, Tom’s, etc.). My (male) partner and sister have both made the switch with similarly great results. Second favourite ever is US brand Fat and the Moon’s deodorant cream. Smells unreal (essential oils of bergamot, black pepper, clary sage…!) and is super moisturising. Best for light-to-medium (not heavy) sweating days, but if you do sweat, it will dissipate without leaving a smell, in a really mysterious nice way. Just be careful because the coconut oil can stain your clothes if it hasn’t absorbed fully yet. Good luck staying fresh-scented :) xx
Oh, that sounds very good. I have a very good Deo from Nivea but I don´t now if you can buy that one in the USA. But I think we should´t put to much chemie on our body, so thanks for that advise. Kisses from Germany, Neele from
I still use the regular deodorant so far, but have considered changing to the natural version. Lady Speedstick is what I use all the time.
Du bicarbonate de soude, de l’aloe vera et quelques gouttes d’huile essentielle (éviter les agrumes, ça fait des taches au soleil) et hop, on sent bon toute la journée et c’est encore moins cher!! :)
keep i mind this deodorant works because it DOES, unfortunately, have that dreaded Aluminum that makes the chemical deodorants taboo.
the ingredient »ALUM »/salt of ALUM, is the same thing as the Aluminum in the chemical deodorants–don’t be fooled. Aluminum is Aluminum, no matter how you attach it–they are both absorbable via your lymph nodes located right in your arm pits-
Aluminum has been linked to neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s.
I started using Fresh products this past year and am in love with their deodorant! I normally get immune to one type of deodorant before the stick is completely used and with this it’s been working even at my sweatiest. The lemon natural smell isn’t overbearing…
I might try that deodorant out! I have been trying to switch to more natural products as well, it is sometimes hard to find good ones!
Thanks for sharing!
Mademoiselle Coconath
Beautiful spring photo!
I’m surprised no one has mentioned PiperWai. I first saw the developers on Shark Tank. When I heard it contained activated charcoal I knew I never had to look further for a natural deodorant and is my all-time-favorite product to date. It’s a grey paste with a great but subtle scent (mint/citrus) that one rubs on – it disappears immediately, is stain-free and works wonderfully. $12 for 2 oz from the PiperWai site. Worth every penny. I have been testing natural deodorants for years. I’m truly grateful for this product and the young women who developed it.
I stopped using deodorant (both chemical and all-natural) 9 years ago after I found a tumor in my breast (thankfully benign). I eventually stopped smelling like body odor and started smelling like myself. I don’t know how best to state that, but that’s what happened. Embrace your natural must! And use orange blossom water or rose water. With sweat, I think it’s more about choosing a wardrobe that is appropriate for excess moisture. We all have to adapt to our own circumstances, but putting on deodorant and anti-persperqnts isn’t the answer.
Soapwalla worked really well for me also, but after a while I started to get really red and irritated (I think from the baking soda). I have super sensitive skin though. Checking out the PiperWai. Love these discussions on this site.
Leaves of Trees makes the best deodorant. It has no artificial preservatives and is amazing.
I use Mother Dirt products. It’s like probiotics for your skin. I keep it in the fridge and spray it on my pits after I shower. It’s been working like a charm! I wasn’t quite sure if it would work, but wanted to try something different.
Soapwalla’s deodorant is by far the best natural deodorant I have ever used. I’ve been using it for the last 5 years.
Piperwai is amazing. It works much better than clinical strength antiperspirant. Also, it smells great!
Earth Counsious make good all natural deodorant, similar to Soapwalla, I used both and they’re pretty much the same. It’s a British brand so much cheaper if you’re in Europe. And the package is a metal can so you can reuse it :)