From the Beauty Closet

Body Wash or Bar Soap?

8 years ago by

Body Wash or Bar Soap?

Ici, au studio, quand il s’agit de parler beauté, on en revient bien souvent à ce qu’on se met sur le visage, mais cette fois-ci, j’aimerais qu’on parle du reste: le corps. J’ai récemment vidé ma dernière bouteille de gel douche et je me demande si je devrais en racheter ou bien passer à la barre de savon.

J’aime garder mon rituel beauté simple: habituellement, ce qui se retrouve dans ma douche vient du studio (un des avantages de travailler ici est la quantité incroyable de produits que nous recevons!). Évidemment, puisque j’ai vidé ma bouteille, je considère changer mon rituel et me trouver une bonne vieille barre de savon. Je me demandais, vous, qu’est-ce que vous utilisez? Et pensez-vous qu’il y ait une grande différence entre les deux?

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  • Bar soap. Dove. Or else a really high-oil-content savon de Marseille. The ingredients that keep your liquid soap liquid aren’t that appealing.

  • Sandrine Vaillancourt 9 août 2016, 4:41 / Répondre

    I love bar soap too, and I use Dove: simple but works wonders.

  • when you think about the packaging, I think soaps are better- paper, not plastic.

  • Bar soap . Less ingrédients better for your skin. Better for earth.
    I use avene because of an extremely sensitive skin.

  • Mélanie 9 août 2016, 5:54 / Répondre

    Avant, je ne jurais que par les gels douche. Mais j’ai découvert un savon à l’huile d’Argan et huile d’olive parfaitement adapté à ma peau et c’est ce que j’utile quotidiennement depuis.

  • Genoveva 9 août 2016, 5:57 / Répondre

    Bar soap! It’s so mild and less aggressive for skin. I love trying home made ones at local shops but if I can’t find any I too buy Dove

  • Bar soaps. Dove!

    I just can’t seem to get into liquid soaps, too slippery, I pour out too much, feels like shampoo. I like a good bar of soap that I can hold on to, plus it lasts longer. Or maybe that’s just me.


  • I love bar soap — especially when it comes as a gift from a friend’s travels. Right now I’m using a bar soap that a friend brought from Italy. And on my dresser, making my bedroom smell heavenly, are two little blocks of lavender soap my son brought back for me from Croatia — they are wrapped with a twist at each end like candy. So beautiful that I don’t want to open them!

  • body wash only because I can’t deal with the soapy gross funky build-up in soap dishes :/ if I can get around that problem, I might switch to bar soap.

  • I prefer bar soap in the shower and usually buy from soapmakers rather than drugstore brands but lately I’ve been into Kiss My Face’s Coconut Lime Soap. For face I’m partial to Kate Somerville’s Exfolikate Cleanser (mint green tube) and to really get sunscreen off, Green Beaver’s Castile Sunflower Soap (blows Dr. Bonner’s out of the water imo).

  • Bar soap definitely… Honest, dr bronner, anything organic

  • Bar soap.

  • I would recommend going with both-liquid and a bar. Cause if u wish to latter your loofah it’s better with liquid 4 me. I use Dr. Bronner soaps in Hemp or Rose. They also have Bars. Another great brand for bars or smth new to try is « Shea moisture » brand, they have the most amazing avacado soap bar which is almost like a cream. All this are organic with no animal product or animal testing.

  • Je crois sincèrement que la barre de savon est beaucoup mieux, je me sens toujours plus propre que le liquide.
    Mon gel douche est aussi terminé, je vais utiliser ce que ma tante ma offert. :)

  • Les savons de Santa Maria Novelle….

  • après avoir vu un reportage sur la toxicité des gels-douche, j’ai jeté tous les flacons (après les avoir vidé) et suis revenue au savon.
    j’adore les savons de la marque l’Occitane, surtout celui en édition limité cet été aux feuilles de verveine: une odeur divine et un peu exfoliant pour une peau toute douce. sinon un savon de Marseille à l’huile d’olive ou, si j’en trouve, du savon d’Alep.

  • My new frenzie, PACHA bar soaps from Whole Foods!

  • un savon solide issu de la saponification à froid de la marque GAIIA un must qui hydrate et adoucit comme jamais vu avant.

  • Dove Bar Soap, bar none. Somebody recently gave me an Olay Body Wash, and while okay, I still prefer Dove bar soap. I find that I just use more product with the body wash. Dove was also recommended by my dermatologist.

  • Body wash all the way!

  • Le pain sans savon aderma, a l’avoine, super doux, lave le corps le visage ET les cheveux. Irremplacable en voyage ! Et pas d’emballage plastique…

  • J’utilise une barre de savon noir et je ne crois pas que je changerai bientôt! C’est rare de trouver un gel douche avec uniquement des ingrédients naturels (le savon noir n’est conçu que d’huile) et le savon garde hydraté beaucoup plus longtemps. Encore là, pas n’importe quel savon. Dove a tellement de paraffine tu sors de la douche tu ressembles à une chandelle! :)

  • Savon de Marseille, savon a la verveine de l’Occitane, savons italiens a la lavande, que je garde dans le placard ou je range mes draps et mes serviettes de toilette. Resultat : un odeur divine quand j’ouvre ce placard !

    And you have to check the number of ingredients. If it’s more than 5, it’s bad. If it’s five or less, it’s probably not too fancy, but it will make you and your skin happy. I swear.

  • La marque française GAIIA fait des produits naturels, surgras, et magiques pour la peau ! Découverts il y a un mois, ma peau a changé, la crème hydratante est devenue inutile !

  • Liquid for me. Dr. Bronner’s peppermint or a homemade scrub. I don’t like anything that has chemicals in it. Just the natural ones for me.

  • Dr. Bronner’s bar soap in lavender. Only a slip of paper for packaging so we don’t have more plastic bottles to recycle. It’s gentle enough that in a pinch I can use it to wash my face, hair, or clothes, too–perfect for travel!

  • I love bar soaps, but every time I use them I can’t shake off the feeling of rubbing bacteria into my skin!

  • Loooove almond oil by L’Occitane. Turns from oil to cream when water is added….heavenly scent and great moisturiser. Also, anything Aveeno is fabulous.????

  • Joan! This was what I was using before I ran out. I loved it and it smelled amazing. I’m going to give bar soap a try, but I know that I can always come back to this! x

  • bar soap 100%
    Kirk’s Castille or Dr Bronner’s/Organic

  • fatou2002 11 août 2016, 5:30 / Répondre

    Bar soaps, I loooove them. Have more than I can use as it is something I love buying. Some of my favourites are: Nubian heritage Shea butter with lavender and wildflowers; Sprin Eden’s Yuzu flower, Roger et Gallet perfumed soaps, Dada Zanzibar soap, and I could go on and on and on, oh and a local Slovene specialty Soap with sea mud from Slovene salt panels. I also love buying home made soaps at farmers markets around the world. I have to explain that my passion for bar soaps started about 8 years ago when I suffered from extremely dry skin and a dermatologist suggested I only use bar soap and only on the essential parts of the body, as liquid soap is was drying out my skin. I never looked back

  • I agree with all of the Dr. Bronner bar soap suggestions! Liquid soap is really harsh on your skin (I think because of all that synthetic perfume) and can cause rashes if you use it every day.

  • Bar soap–I don’t feel clean without it. I use both–I usually clean all over with bar soap, and then use a fun body wash just for the scent/bubbles (I like Lush). I just feel dirty if I only use body wash–to me, it seems like a « touch-up » thing more than a « deep clean, » but I can’t really explain why haha. I like Olay bar soaps–they’re moisturizing and don’t irritate my super-sensitive skin. And any artisan bar soap with oat in it is amazing too!

  • Both. I switched to bar soap a few years ago. My favorite is the pre de provence seaweed soap! I also like their olive oil soap, but I like to alternate them with an exfoliating body wash and loofa every few showers. That way, no skin build up.

  • Body wash- I am loving the Everyday Body Wash from Beautycounter. Until I found them I wasn’t using soap or body wash. I was worried about chemicals like sodium laurel sulfate, which is a carcinogen, that many companies use because it creates lather. This body wash is sodium laurel sulfate free and feels so good. They also have bar soaps as well. I haven’t tried them yet but I am sure they are amazing. In full disclosure I believed in thier mission so much to get safter products into everyone’s hand I had to joing thier team.

  • Dr. Bronner soaps are great, although I find the liquid version lasts longer because you don’t waste any from the melt.
    Ppl need to get over those Dove bars, the ingredients are garbage.

  • Ana Leonor 16 août 2016, 12:42 / Répondre

    I’m a bar soap girl!
    Nothing like the feeling of the soap bar rolling over your body instead of the gel draining over everything but you! (And I hate sponges!).

  • Kimberly Utz 31 août 2016, 12:37 / Répondre

    I was always a body wash fan, until I discovered Castelbel soaps. They are made in Portugal and have the most amazing rose scent (my favorite). The bars are huge and last a very long time. I can find them at TJ Maxx here in the States and they are only $3.99! The pretty paper and box packaging is lovely, too!

  • Savons portugaises Ach Brito!!!!!

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