Let's Talk About

BFF Bracelets

8 years ago by

BFF Bracelets

Vous vous souvenez, quand on était petites et qu’on échangeait des bracelets de l’amitié entre copines ? En fils de couleur, ils étaient jolis, mais c’était surtout le symbole d’un lien indéfectible entre meilleures copines. Un peu une manière d’afficher une loyauté éternelle (et sa ressemblance !). Parfois, j’aimerais bien qu’il existe une version adulte de ces bracelets. Un lien en or délicat viendrait remplacer les fils de coton, mais on garderait la même symbolique. Ça vous dirait, vous ?

By Leslie, intern at the Studio


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  • Although I prize my girlfriends, nothing can compare with when my daughter presented me with heart necklaces, that said « I love Mom. » It doesn’t get better than that.
    That said, for one of those birthdays that involves changing decades, I got my BFF a pair of earrings with her birth stone. And she gave me a bracelet that I treasure.

  • Yes I love the idea of the fine delicate gold, or something alike…
    Lets start the trend xx

  • Cindy Chun 5 juillet 2016, 1:16 / Répondre

    I love the heart bracelet!! Can I buy it online?

  • Always think a girls arms look naked without some nice gold bracelets adorning them.

  • Never had one!
    The idea is lovely, I think. :)


  • I like the idea! A few years ago I got friendship bracelets from Zulu Sport- they are delicate beaded bracelets handmade by Women in Kenya- so it is also for a good cause. My friend and I wear them often!

  • Une amie m’en a justement offert un il y a quelques mois avant que je parte en voyage quelques mois (et on est toutes les 2 dans la trentaine ahah).
    Une fine cordelette de couleur tressée avec une chaine en or, corde grise pour elle et verte pour moi :)

  • Love this post and this idea! Would totally do it with my friends.

  • magnifiques! Ou peut on trouver tous ces bracelets?? En ligne? Magasins? Merci :)))))

  • I love friendship jewelry and was so touched when my first best friend made me a daisy bracelet (oh joy!)

    One of my best friends Lisa gave me one at the end of last year and every time I see it – I get a warm happy heart feeling. Pomme613 makes the best bracelets – she’s an Israeli designer who makes bracelets out of 18k gold and strings collected from her travels :)

  • Yeah ! Last month with my best friend we made that kind of bracelet! We choose a bracelet from Wuki jewels ( I think it’s the what you want bracelet… Anyway) it’ s like an identity bracelet in gold, very thin and clean. And on it we engrave something very personal for both of us. I really really love it, it’s personal, unique and precious!!!
    Bye bye Garance team

  • I get my friends Alex and Ani bracelets. I think its so sweet when we meet up and they’re wearing them! Another friend of mine got us both « living locket » bracelets, that we can fill with whatever we want. I think these kinds of (symbolic) jewelry are good because they remind us of our friends even when we’re not with them :)

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