Battle of the Beanies
7 years ago by

Maintenant que la saison du bonnet a officiellement débuté, je suis plus que jamais consciente du fait que j’ai besoin d’aller chez le coiffeur. On pourrait penser le contraire et se dire que le bonnet permet de masquer cette phase d’entre-deux abominable où j’oscille entre tout couper par frustration ou laisser repousser par ennui. Mais non. Certes, ces bonnets sont chauds mais ils sont aussi source de soucis capillaires. Dont trois auxquels je suis confrontée quotidiennement :
– Des cheveux raplapla et électriques. Ce que le chauffage ne fait qu’empirer.
– Des cheveux gras. Une tendance que je ne maîtriserai jamais.
– Des cheveux courts. Mettre et enlever un bonnet plusieurs fois par jour réduit à néant toutes mes tentatives de coiffage.
Comment vous faites avec le bonnet, vous ? Ah oui, et si vous avez des idées, j’aimerais que vous me conseilliez le meilleur shampoing sec à adopter cet hiver.
I was just at Zara and saw the best beanie I find in years! It was so good that I couldn’t let it go! BUT the Black Friday is tomorrow and maybe I’ll find it on sale!?? or find other stuff I want more! Weee I’m excited about BF but I’m doing « wisely »! I talked about it here!
I design beanies for a living( and try them on all day long at work. It’s useless for me to try and keep my hair in check! Static, fuzzy, fly-away, flat, you name it. Can’t help you on the dry shampoo. Sometimes I keep hair product at work, but my best friends are hair ties. I just pull my hair back or put the beanie back on : )
Après avoir esssaye plusieurs marques, j’utilise désormais le shampoing sec NATURIA de René Furterer et j’en suis vraiment satisfaite. Il absorbe très bien l’excès de sébum, ne laisse pas de résidus dans les cheveux et apporte du volume!
I’ve recently started a freelance hairstylist position in Portland, OR – the rain capital of the state. Beanies are definitely a thing there. It’s a comfort knowing that it’s as socially acceptable to don a beanie/hat in PDX as you would « flip-flops » in Hawaii. Both seemingly careless, but a must for certain cultures and climates! I rock mine with hi-tops, blazers, a fair amount of gold to channel my inner Dr. Dre…
Best Dry Shampoo? As a seasoned hair stylist/ »gym-goer » Alterna Bamboo Style Translucent Dry Shampoo is fantastic. The Mango scent, as well as, their Lemon Sugar receives many compliments for it’s edible scent & voluminous, airy effects! TRY IT!
The best dry shampoo is Perfect Hair Day by Living Proof. I have thin and very oily hair and have tried everything in the market in all reasonable price ranges. I sear by it as it won’t damage hair or scalp either and actually absorbs oil and cleans the hair as opposed to covering it with some residues.
I love that all sorts of headwear is so in now! My straight hair is strangely looks even better after wearing a hat, kind of trendy soft waves. I think the material the hat is made of is very important for making one’s »do » justice. I have a small hat shop on Etsy, and my hats made from fine natural yarns, like alpaca, wool, cashmere, so they are warm, light and breathable. As to the dry shampoo, I think nothing beats Klorane, French brand.