Bare All
8 years ago by

On sait bien qu’une bouche rouge peut devenir l’élément incontournable d’une silhouette, et qu’elle est à même de nous donner une certaine confiance en nous. Oui, on sait tout ça, et c’est pour ça qu’on y a recours en cas de besoin (vestimentaire ou émotionnel).
Sauf que ces derniers temps, j’ai moins envie de mettre un rouge à lèvres voyant, je suis plus attirée par les bouches nues, au naturel. Et pas dans un esprit grosse flemme genre « je n’avais pas envie de mettre du lipstick », non, par choix esthétique délibéré, avec juste une couche épaisse de mon baume à lèvres préféré.
Peut-être que c’est parce que la tendance maquillage « no-make-up » est encore forte, ou parce que je prêche pour le less is more. En tout cas, j’assume, et je garde le rouge très rouge pour les occasions spéciales ou les jours où j’ai besoin de booster ma confiance en moi.
Et vous ? Quel type de make-up (ou de non-make-up) booste votre confiance ?
The skin on my face is of uneven colour so I cannot say that I feel good without foundation. My eyelashes are pale so I use mascara, otherwise I look like I have no eyelashes…
Red lipstick is high maintenance (smears, wears out unevenly etc) so I don’t use it often but actually it’s a great way to add some colour to your face (and to your day).
I just thought about the natural look the other day. I think that it depends very much on what type we are and what we are born with.
People with dark eyelashes, dark eyebrows and nice skin tone can easily say that they go all natural and make up free. And they do look great!
If you don’t have all that then it might be really hard to embrace the natural you. And maybe it’s not that necessary either. If there is make up to help us – so be it. :)
No makeup is scary for me! I won’t even leave the house without a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. My girlfriend and I joke that men always say we look better without makeup on, but what they really mean is that they like a little bit of makeup. When you wear no makeup they ask are you feeling ok, you look a little sick. But when you wear just a little bit, they say oh, how pretty you look today with no makeup on!
Likely By Sea
I prefer a balm or a more nature shade on my lips simply because I don’t feel they are my best feature. I try not to dry attention to them with a bold lip colour. I prefer to emphasis my eyes instead. Warmer weather also makes me want to incline to wearing less lipcolours. Gloss when eating an Ice-cream…NOOO!! ;)
I mostly prefer to keep my face naked. Fot everyday, it’s naked face and red lipstick. On nights, it’s eye liner and I count on sweating on the dancefloor to make me blush! :) Cheaper and effective!
I think natural/nude lips are really beautiful. Theres something very sexy about it.
I love a nude lip too!
Au minimum BB crème, mascara et un peu de couleur dans les sourcils.
En option, concealer pour les cernes, blush et ombre à paupières dans les tons nudes, crayon enlumineur là où il faut.
En principe pas de rouge à lèvres, je n’aime pas ça, sauf de temps à autre un nude mat.
Jamais d’eye-liner, il rétrécit trop mes yeux.
Belle soirée
A little tan, just that bit of colour a healthy glow and mascara.
I’m 49 and happily going grey so I do need to wear lipstick so as not to look too washed out.
I love my pink and red lipsticks but at home I’m happy to simply have a slightly colour tinted gloss.
I am totally in the (almost) bare mood also. And have sticked to my nude lipgloss so much I just had to get a new one! (I swear by the Burberry makeup, and their lipglosses are amazing!)
I just started wearing red during the day last year (not daily, though), and I admit, I like the « oomph! » it gives my attitude! But most days, I go tinted lip balm, because I’m not always out to make an impact.
Most days, some form of eye-makeup. I have blonde eyelashes, so it’s the biggest payoff for the least effort.
My power makeup is some form of dark smokey eyes & lipbalmed lips. (Nude lipsticks make me look corpse-y.) The contrast with my ultra-pale skin is intense. I feel powerful & striking, & it shows.
I am 46 and have dark hair and eyes and fair-ish skin. Thanks to genetics (thanks Mum!) I have always had reasonable skin, so my entire make-up routine is bright lipstick – plum or red or a pinkish brown shade. I feel ‘undone’ without lipstick and hardly ever leave the house without it.
I love nude lips!
Je suis totalement d’accord avec le fait qu’une bouche bien maquillée et qui se remarque au premier regard est « le must » pour me donner confiance en moi ! Je ne suis pas très des lèvres rouges sur moi ( j’ai 18 ans et je trouve que ça me vieillit un peu) mais par contre, et je tiens ça de ma maman, je suis une grosse accro aux teintes marrons !! Elles me donnent bonne mine, sont faciles à accorder avec mon maquillage des yeux (fard beige/légèrement satiné + mascara) et peuvent même apporter par moment une touche d’originalité. Mon chouchou est le VELVET Passion Matte Lipstick de chez Kiko Milano n°301.
I’m totally in to ‘No Make Up’. But still use it when I feel like it. I just had to get used to it but I love it now (and my sweetheart too). I love to be fresh and wear good clothes and shoes and I’m feeling very confident without the make-up, I even forget I’m nog wearing it! @fabiduister
I too normally wear a nude lip for day or night. I don’t wear foundation. Just a bit if concealer around my eyes and a hint of blush. Once in a while I love to wear red lipstick. My lips are very full, but my eyes are on the small side. I tend to focus on my eyes with tightlining, mascara and a tiny bit of well blended light brown or light gray shadow. If I do a red lip, I do not wear blush or eye shadow.