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According to Cameron

10 years ago by

Cameron Diaz vient de sortir un livre…

Il y est question de fitness, de diététique et de forme physique. Mais le passage qui a tout de suite attiré notre attention, c’est celui qui s’intitule « De l’intérêt des poils pubiens »… oups, désolée, ce n’est peut-être pas forcément le genre de post à lire au boulot (ça dépend où vous bossez…)

Cameron s’y lance dans l’apologie du buisson fourni en disant « Les poils pubiens sont aussi un joli habillage qui ajoute un peu de mystère pour celui/celle qui découvre votre intimité. Ces poils dissimulent ce que vous avez à offrir, ce qui peut justement exciter la curiosité de votre partenaire à venir voir de plus près ce que vous avez à lui offrir. Et, inutile de se voiler la face, comme les autres parties du corps, les grandes lèvres subissent forcément les lois de la gravité. Vous tenez vraiment à avoir un vagin imberbe pour le restant de vos jours ? »

Bref, le débat est ouvert.


Ajouter le votre
  • ONG! Really?????

  • i guess that in europe the bald look didn’t quite become the trend that it is in america…


  • Yes, Cameron Diaz, yes. Agree.

  • Jen Wilson 7 janvier 2014, 1:11 / Répondre

    Haha! Awesome! Why are people so afraid of hair? We’re only animals after all.

  • thanks jen!!!! i am teaching my 4 year old this very fact- but it seems we forget it so often!

  • Léopoldine 7 janvier 2014, 1:12 / Répondre

    C’est hyper drôle de lire ça ici. Mais POURQUOI elle a eu ENVIE de traiter CE sujet?
    C’est limite dégueu….

  • I like how she’s written this paragraph in an almost code, understandable to every woman but maybe not that apparent to every man?

  • Oh god… Yeah it’s funny that she speaks about it. Every time I took all my hairs i got an urinary infection… So I gave up on total depilation! After all if they’re there it’s because they’re needed no?

  • Too much theory around pubes?

    But sure is worth a laugh!


  • assez d’accord, mais préférez un buisson structuré à un buisson sauvage, à mon humble avis.

  • Buisson structuré versus buisson sauvage! J’ai aimée!
    Structured bush versus savage bush! <3 it!
    Bien sur que ça c'est mieux! It is definetly better!

  • Florence 8 janvier 2014, 4:00

    Jardin à la française VS jardin à l’anglaise! ;)

    Mais qu’en disent les hommes????

  • Le pire c’est que je serais capable de le lire ce livre….en fait je vais le lire :-(

  • I agree! And am happy that the naked cat seems to be slowly going out of fashion again.

  • Regardless of how a woman feels about having a full bush, it’s refreshing to hear a (gorgeous, healthy) celebrity offer a different viewpoint. If a woman doesn’t want to feel like a 12 year old girl, why should (current) prevailing notions of preferred pubic grooming force her into removing most or all of her pubic hair? I say thanks Cameron!

  • The pubes are important – they help keep bacteria out of the vagina and also protect the area from uncomfortable friction during sex…I never understood the appeal of going bald. Why do I want to look like a preadolescent? I’ve kept a lush but well tended to garden for years and I’ve never heard any complaints. :-)

  • Never thought of it in that way….
    I will now be reconsidering my want for laser hair removal lol

  • Fitness Stylist 7 janvier 2014, 4:16 / Répondre

    She is in great shape. If you have an iPad, try The New York Model Workout.
    Its on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-new-york-model-workout/id704533992?mt=11

  • Oh my, don’t really know what to say.. Cameron has a special way of saying things :D


  • About the gravity…I’m afraid it’s going to be similar to what happens to tattoos as we age…I’d say keeping the options open is a good idea.

  • Haha, j’adore que Cameron parle de ça, par ce qu’il y a un peu un dictat de l’intégral de nos jours, même si je pense sincèrement qu’il n’y a pas à avoir de débat, car chacun-e fait comme bon lui semble après tout…

  • LaBouyxonne 7 janvier 2014, 5:23 / Répondre


    Elle assure Cameron!

    Et je pense comme elle, je trouve que ça manque de féminité et de mystère.
    Bien sur en restant dans le raisonnable!

  • My significant other actually preferes a little hair. And to be honest, I was shocked and pleased to hear. I have to agree with him, there’s something a little sexy about tamed (not shape specific) pubic hair. It’s sort of like a drum roll to the « ta-dah ».

  • Beverley Marsland 7 janvier 2014, 5:25 / Répondre

    Actually if the alternative is grey pubic hair then I will keep waxing.

  • i am not there yet – does it grey?

  • Lol good question ====> google search!!

  • Diane S. 8 janvier 2014, 5:11

    I am sorry to say, yes, it goes grey. Don’t ask how I know. I just do. It’s so sad.

  • Another Kate 7 janvier 2014, 5:39 / Répondre

    To add to Cameron’s words of wisdom. Have you ever asked yourself why your partner would find the appearance of pre-adolescent genitalia exciting? VERY CREEPY!!!

  • I’m just sure that my partner has never seen pre-adolescent genitalia…

  • WOW – ok.
    Well I don’t really agree with her – I find long pubic hair gross.
    But that said I will use it when I am older to cover up the tattoo I have there. :-)
    That’s why I don’t laser it all off. :-)

  • C’s comments cant help to bring to mind her unforgettable « sex with your car » scene in the recent and amazing film « The Counselor »!
    A recent conversation with a friend (a Gynaecologist and a Psychotherapist) talked of increase in women reporting with « I don’t look normal » because they don’t naturally resemble « Barbie downstairs » porn models, actors, etc. Apparently its very common now for girls in that line of work to have substantial surgery to achieve a very flat and taunt look « down there ». This of course is very confusing for those not used to seeing the natural adult female form (isn’t difficult to image the confusion for a young man or woman who has only ever seen air brushed/surgically manipulated genitalia).
    So good for Cameron. B

  • I read this book of love letters from the 18th or 19th century and one male lover referred to his female lover’s pubes as her ‘fringe of Venus’; thats was so beautiful that I’ve never had a brazilian since

  • Ah oui, quand-même…!!))
    ça – ça peut être le sujet d’un post (yes, you can) : « épil’ or not épil’  » ??

  • Bravo!
    awesome writing, Diaz–
    couldn’t agree more-

  • Ahahah, elle est mignonne, mais bon on a pas de poils au niveau du vagin, c’est de vulve qu’il fallait parler ;)
    Mais elle a le merite de soulever un sujet intéressant, et dont il ne faut pas avoir peur de parler! Hey, c’est votre corps les filles, cest pas dégoûtant! :)
    Perso, je n’aime pas quand il n’y a rien, le côté prepubaire me derange…(en plus du côté galère à gérer) je raccourcis juste la longueur, c’est plus agréable à porter pour moi et mon amoureux préfère ;)
    Mais bien sûr c’est vraiment une question de préférences esthétique!

  • Merci Cameron!
    Tout d’abord, pourquoi vouloir s’imposer la douleur d’une épilation totale? En plus, à la repousse, ça gratte…
    Ensuite, et les gynécos le confirmeront, les poils sont là pour une très bonne raison, ils servent à protéger cette zone des bactéries.

  • A (very groomed) lover of mine once almost forced me not to shave, because he loved the « mysteriousness » and animality about it. He said it made me look more like a « real » woman. It felt kinda awkward at first, as I had been shaving for most of my life. But then I started to like it!
    Strangely enough it makes me feel more like a « girl » again, than shaving everything off does.

  • Natalie Hale 8 janvier 2014, 5:08 / Répondre

    It`s a matter of personal preferences. As for me, I just don`t feel comfortable having hair down there. I feel… unclean. And it TICKLES.

  • Agnès Pollet 8 janvier 2014, 5:42 / Répondre

    Les poils ont aussi une fonction autre que purement esthétique : ils adoucissent les frottements irritants et forment barrière contre les infections.

  • Une barrière contre les infections,vraiment je ne suis pas sûre.
    Peut-être à une époque où les gens ne se lavaient pas tous les jours ou s’essuyaient avec des feuilles d’arbre et qu’ils allaient « faire » dans la foret lol

  • NO !! Really? She wrote that?? LOL
    Hurray for Cameron Diaz! Despite all the pros and cons of what she wrote, actually writing it is a very bold move!


  • Well this is a shock! Good on her though, to each their own!


  • Agree with Cameron and with comment of ANOTHER KATE. Creepy indeed.

    Also shaving and waxing of such delicate skin and consequent inflammation of the skin, redness and rash over several days-is this really attractive and sexy to anyone?
    Of course the one who claims that it does not happen is simply lying.

  • Bonjour le studio,
    Je dois vous dire que je suis plus surprise par les commentaires que par les propos de Cameron Diaz. Cela me fais doucement rire les personnes qui trouvent les propos de Cameron Diaz choquant alors qu’aujourd’hui le monde ne parle que de sexe. En y réfléchissant bien, il y a du sexe de partout, des les films, dans les magazines, des les clips; et donc je suis étonnée qu’une simple histoire de poils puissent choquer!
    Sérieusement, il n’y a pas quelque chose qui cloche là dedans?


  • Je n’aurais pas dit mieux… :-)
    Les gens parlent beaucoup mais se trouvent finalement très mal à l’aise quand on parle clairement de « vulve », « vagin », « clitoris » …

  • Mais évidemment, il est très important d’en parler et surtout : yes Cameron !

    Et cela n’empêche pas une « petite taille » de gazon pour garder l’ensemble joli et présentable.

    Faut arrêter cette culture du politiquement correct qui ne voit la beauté que dans les trucs carrés, maîtrisés et formatés. C’est ça qui est moche.

  • Beverley Marsland 8 janvier 2014, 11:13 / Répondre

    Actually i got a home wax kit yesterday from Ricky’s (US only) GiGi brazilian kit and it comes with pre cleanser, oil to protect skin, wax off cleanser and slow grow lotion all for $12.99 – it is all but painless to use and no inflammation at all. What I object to is paying £50 in London to have it done for me; If you are new to home waxing choose the non strip variety its a totally different experience.

    J’ ai toujours trouvé que les « zézettettes » (oui on dit comme ça chez moi) ça faisait sexe de petite fille et du coup j’ai toujours trouvé douteux les hommes qui préféraient ça… bon ça va un peu loin là mais au fond c’est ce que je pense! Donc vive le FREE BUSH !

  • Loved how she put it! I love her even more after this! I totally agree. I am 46 and have noticed for a long while now how my younger women « sisters » are « down there » in the showers at the fitness club, the public pool, etc. I´ve felt like a barbaric bush woman for years now because I refuse to take it all off to look like a young girl of 10 again. (Well, you know what I mean- since I REALLY WOULDN´T ANYWAY- since I´ve had 3 kids and had all natural births!). But, the point is- IS THAT I NEVER UNDERSTOOD WHY WOMEN WOULD DO THIS!? I am proud of my womanism – the bush. I don´t let it grow long- so all good. O.k… I do shave my armpits and my legs…and now at 46- I even shave the upper lip and the mole hair- so, I´m not against grooming…. But, is it the porn industry´s fault?! Or is it because women do this to help their partner not miss the spot….I´M JUST ASKING! WHY DO THE ONES WHO DO IT- DO IT? EDUCATE ME! Best regards, an older « sister »

  • Katerina 8 janvier 2014, 2:19

    Well, simply put, as far as I know :) men prefer it without. And majority of women take it off for that reason. And I agree it is creepy. But men like bodies like that of fifteen years old girls on women so it gets creepier … There are exceptions , but my husband is not one of them…

  • No, it tends not to go grey even when one’s hair does, but there is much less hair. I miss the lovely bush I used to have. (Well, I only miss it once in a while when I think about it in the bath.)

    But don’t worry about that as you will have other more important things to worry about. And you can still wear great clothes.

  • Collie Mae 8 janvier 2014, 3:15 / Répondre

    I concur…

  • Is it just me or is Cameron looking like Madonna these days?

  • 1. It does gray.
    2. A women’s mon pubis shaved does not look like a prepubescent girls. They are different.
    3. Someone commented on unwanted friction but it does increase wanted friction.
    4. Some men like with some like without and some like both.
    5. Every woman should do which ever she prefers and let everyone else do what they prefer in this department.

  • ++++ for this comment !! lol

  • Totally agree with that !

  • Thank you LLL.
    Every woman should do what she likes. To each their own. Ain t nobody dictating me what looks right down there :)

  • To each his own. Personally, I go for neat and tidy, but don’t care if someone else wants to go full bush, totally bald, wear a merkin, or have a hair sculpture of a miniature schnauzer.

  • Dans le fond on s’en fou, non? C’est plutôt personel à chacun, pourquoi on se soucierait de l’opinion de Cameron?

  • OMG so funny!!!!!!! I actually just went bold for the first time last time I waxed. Its cool and kinda weird. It makes it VERY difficult to peet in public restrooms where you’re not supposed to « touch » the toilete. But the childish look makes me very uncomfortable. And i think sex is better it a little hair. I used to be all conscious about my pubic hair during sex but the whole thing felt weirder without it.

    I am up for a little hair!

  • Don’t shaved armpits look like pre-adolescent girls’s armpits, shaved legs like pre-adolescent girls’ legs, and shaved men faces like pre-adolescent boys’ faces?

    I understand the fight against the dictate but let’s not exagerate!

  • Emma Louise 10 janvier 2014, 12:43 / Répondre

    A friend of mine was invited with her band to perform at The Playboy Mansion. She is a very strong and amazing woman – who prides herself (among other things) on her full bush.

    After she’d played, she was standing around the pool when some of the Playboy Bunnies started taking a skinny dip in the pool. Of course, they had no hair down there.

    Shamelessly seizing this opportunity to make a point, she quickly de-clothed right there and proudly paraded her (sizeable) full bush around the perimeter of the pool, long enough for everyone in the vicinity to see…


  • When I first traveled in Europe in 1982, I was shocked by the European girls who had hairy legs and hairy armpits (I didn’t see their privates, but I assume they were also au natural), yet who were so totally cool and hip. When did it change? I think everybody is so busy watching porn online that they have twisted expectations about sex and sexuality, including what their partners’ bodies and their own bodies should look like. It turns sex into a sport or business aimed at personal satisfaction, rather than an intense form of communication and sharing between two people and aimed at pleasing each other, not just one’s self. I think guys want women to look like pre-pubescent girls because the porn industry has deemed it so, telling them « here’s what’s sexy, » based on the idea of pushing the limits and dancing around with pedophilia to make their products even more exciting.

  • I agree! That´s when I came to Europe- from the states- in the 80´s and I too, was shocked to see the girls with hairy legs and armpits. When I told them that in the states, we shave that away because we view hair there- as untidy, dirty and grouse. They told me right back that- what a stress it must be to have to shave it off all the time. My Grandmother (European) said she had never shaved and she actually got less and less hair on her legs and under her arms as she got older. Of course, I would, as an American, never go so far as NOT to shave my armpits or legs- because I thought it looked nicer. But, it was because I was trained to do so- living in America. Women were supposed to be skin smooth in those spots. Now, it´s the bush that has to go. I don´t like it. Who makes up these rules and why?

    I´ve lived in Northern Europe since then, and more and more women have become « Americanized »- also in this department. But, it´s the younger women here that has started it- and we older women want to stay hip and stay young looking. But, is this all -going too far? Everyone has a choice-yes, but nobody wants or likes to be different. Who or what dictates how we should look like as women or men, for that matter?

  • Lisa Walker 25 mai 2014, 12:02

    Thank you for saying this!

  • I could not agree more. A nice bush is hot. :) My boyfriend is the one who changed my mind on this.

  • I cant. I’m all for hairless everywhere except my head and eyebrows and arms. I cant stand the sight of hair anywhere else !

  • Ineteressant à lire, je pense. En ce qui concerne la « toison pubienne » non merci, pas pour moi, le ticket me va très bien ;)

  • I love Garance’s blog because she always has such a great conversation below the posts. And I also agree with some of you that it’s matter of your personal choice and you bf’s choice.


  • I just prefer not having them there. I’ve never had any complaints about it so i think ill will continue the way i am going.

  • And what about women who prefer that men shave their chests? Is that « Creepy » too? Or women who have a « thing » for bald men? Does that mean they are « into » babies? So silly!! I will say it again, to each his own.

  • Pubes are gross…that’s why I have chosen to live without them. By the time gravity drags down my labia majora, it will already have done a number on my face – at that point what is the difference.

  • Many of you said that hair down there is gross, but maybe you should think about it why do you think it looks gross. It’s the advertisements, popculture, porn industry which made us think like that. Women hadn’t shave for ages and I hope that we will be free again soon, and that our daughters won’t spend so much money on such useless things. Hairy legs and armpits are ugly for me too, but I know that it’s just a matter of fashion and it can be changed. Natural is beautiful.

  • Margaret 5 juin 2014, 4:53 / Répondre

    I do understand her. Where I come from, older women hold an ancient idea that a full bush is like a token of womanly power. Sort of like long hair was to ancient warriors maybe – that by cutting it off they lose some or their power. Also, hair removal is quite a new thing here in post-soviet Europe, it’s not a given, so it’s not totally weird to keep the hair.
    I may or may not grow my pubic hair back when I’m older, but for now, I don’t miss it. I remember how it was before I ever started grooming it, and it was messy – just a lot of hair, a lot of washing and so on. And when I groomed it, I never knew how much to shave off, so by the end I’d just keep a narrow strip of hair. That seems weird to think back. I don’t remember what having pubic hair felt like.

  • As annoying as shaving is, I just prefer it because I’m a bit of a neat freak down there. I actually have found that if I grow my pubes long enough things just become itchy and tangly and bothersome. I am also dismayed by their lack of compartmentalization–they tend to creep towards the backside if you catch my drift. I’ve never been able to accept that, so I annihilate them.

    I love the concept of au natural and body acceptance and all that, but I can’t embrace my pubes!

  • Really can’t believe that women are still attacking hairlessness down there with the prepubescent argument. It’s reminiscent of the attack against thin women as not being « real » women. It’s absolute crap. As others have mentioned, if hairlessness down there is prepubescent, then so is hairlessness on the legs and underarms and a man’s face. It’s faulty logic.

    I had a partner who LOVED hair down there. I tried to comply to please him, as he actually really did not find hairlessness attractive, whereas bush was a complete turn on for him. He even managed to make me feel sexy with it now and then. But I ended up waxing and shaving again. Even though he was the only person to see it and a bush was what he liked – I couldn’t continue growing it out just for a man. I felt unclean. And not just because I was taught so by society. But because it was scratchy and the texture was unpleasant. And toilet paper would cling to it like a mofo – not that a hairless vag won’t leave traces, but it’s a whole lot less and much easier to get rid of. I’m an ultra clean person in general and I use natural hygienic wipes after the bathroom each time. I would have to really pull and tug at my hair to remove toilet paper (and lint from clothing). It’s not like that without hair.

    And it’s not just that I don’t like hair there. I don’t want hair anywhere but my eyebrows and head. I don’t like hair on my partners either (that wouldn’t keep me from dating someone, but it is still a preference) with the only exception of the occasional scruffy face. Smoothness just feels better, it’s not complicated. That’s why you prefer soft clothes or experience comfort from a super soft blanket or pillow. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. Smooth skin is pleasing to the touch. Hair is scratchy, unless you’re lucky with very, very thin and soft body hair – but even then I would argue that smooth skin simply feels better.

    When I was in that relationship where I was not shaving for a while, I broke down not because of porn (though I will never argue the damaging consequences of the industry) and it was not to please a man – on the contrary, it was the complete opposite of what I knew my partner loved. I did it solely for me, because I felt gross with having it, as well as itchy. And while I have some itchyness when I shave, there is something about pubic hair that always makes me anticipate dandruff is about to come flaking off, which further makes me feel unclean. Without hair, I can fully see what’s going on down there, and when I wasn’t shaving, I would get the occasional ingrown hair that I wouldn’t see until it was gross and I was about to be intimate with my partner – which immediately made me not want to. Had I found it before, I could have treated it to minimize it’s appearance, inhibit it’s growth, or kick-start the healing. I also ended up having what was essentially a milia bump down there – and I had no clue until my boyfriend saw it and had to have a horrifyingly awkward conversation with me about it.

    So I started shaving again and I felt much better about myself. Not shaving made me feel as I do after a few days on not showering when my hair feels dirty- even though EVERYONE around me said it looks great and/or they can’t even tell, I can tell. And I can feel it and it makes me feel gross and affects my self-esteem and my mood. Shaving and waxing down there is no different. Yes, some people may do it just because society tells them that is what is sexy. But it’s not the only reason people do it, and certainly not the primary reason for many women. So don’t berate them and accuse them of wanting to look like children. Some of us feel gross having hair, some of us find others wanting to be hairless concerning.

    It comes down to preference. I personally do not like the feel of hair down there (the looks of it are not even my main concern)., but I do not give a hoot about what another woman prefers on her own body. So to all you bush ladies making attacks, you should really consider jumping off your moral high horse. A real woman can be skinny, can have a full bush in all its bushy glory, or can be completely hairless. What makes her a « real » woman is because that is how she was born and, more importantly, because she believes and asserts herself as such. Plain and simple. Stop trying to shove all women into a tiny little box.

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