12 years ago by Garance Doré
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Very cool, found a fab bomber in peach satin the other day in a charity shop ! Using it to style a charity shoot ! Great pic garance xx
In a way it looks like a modern, funky kimono. I love that japanese girls are not afraid to wear colours and textures that look like they’re straight out of a manga.
Elisa Eymery
Wandering Minds
Truly awesome… so pretty!
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It reminds me one by Isabel Marant… Love it.
Génial ce teddy <3
Elle a l’air belle en effet mais dommage qu’on ne puisse pas voir ce qui est derrière son dos !
It does look like a modern Kimono. Really love it!
Japanese style is amazing.
Tales of Powder Pink
very « Drive ». love.
january, x
Je trouve tes photos du japon très belles ! Y a un truc qui a changé… le flou, les écritures pastels , les coins ronds je crois ?! C’est superbe !
Garance you can believe it or not but i’m looking for that bomber since years and years! Please give me some tips! Where can i buy it???
c’est vrai qu’elle se rapproche du teddy IM de l’année dernière….
That is an awesome jacket!
I like the coy side look. Very sweet.
~Natasha Fatah~
As you say… Awesome !
Y a du mélange, cute!
yep, that jacket is pretty cool, loving how it’s sort of girly at the same time too
Très sympa !
Kenzi not the correct spelling did this jacket in the 80’s not sure where he is now but I bought the most beautiful jacket in his shop on W Bdway…mongolian inspired …miss him
sympa cette petite veste =)
Absolutely beautiful! I remember a Gucci collection back in 2002 (more or less) inspired in East’s culture which included some bombers like that & was amaaazing.
Kansai Yamamoto correct spelling did this jacket with his name across the back miss him
yup very « Drive » inspired. LOVE it! So unique and fun!
Go Go Power Rangers! :D
Je pense à Ryan Gosling maintenant.. MERCI :)))
Yes, indeed, it is awesome!
Love that jacket and she looks so beautiful in it.
Il manque le cure-dent et les gants en cuir et elle pourrait très bien prendre la place de Ryan Gosling.
Nothing better to add a badass touch to a cute girl look!
Cool! Beautiful jacket, indeed! I would like to have one like this, for Spring!
Kawaiiiiii :p
Not something I would ever dare to wear but she can definitely pull it off!
Je veux cette veste !!!
très belle photo en tout cas
She’s just the definition of cute! Just so sweet, cute little jacket too!
-Amy Rose x
So cute! mais je ne pense pas que cela ferait le même effet chez nous!
Woww I love the jacket !!! so cute !!!
It reminds me of the Pink Ladies!
I hope we can get your perspective of tokyo soon. Dont get me wrong, because I love your photos, but what I love even more is when you are writing! You are so funny, and you always gives us a feeling of the new place.
La fille naturelle de Madonna et Ryan Gosling… on la recherchait désespérément ;) et voilà que tu nous l’offres en ce dimanche soir pluvieux !
Merci Garance.
Je vais en rêver, cette nuit et les suivantes…
that jacket looks pretty normal to me, not that classy to be honest.. but the girl wearing that jacket sure is pretty :D
super veste !!
je rentre juste du Japon…en voyant tes photos, je n’ai qu’une envie… y retourner…
t’as pas voté garance ? ;p
Oh, these jackets were everywhere in Tokyo, and I just HAD to have one! I found a pale blue one at the NHK markets on a Sunday, a little oversized for my liking, but the embroidery was so beautiful it came with me. I really like the waistband on this girl’s jacket, and how she teamed it with a hoodie under it!
PS. Here’s a bad picture of mine (bear in mind I’m also 5+ months preggers, haha!)
I absolutely love this photo. The way the girl is posing, she looks s stylish and feminine.
Wish I could see her entire outfit, because that jacket is just so fetch.
Ca me rappelle celle du film « Drive ».
so true. also reminds me of the isabel marant one from last season. amazing.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com
So effortless and beautiful! Very natural and feminine.
I’d like to have that jacket :)
Elle me fait vraiment penser à Drive cette Jacket ! Très jolie !
Juste étonnant !
ça me fait vraiment penser au jacket de Ryan Gosling dans le film DRIVE. Love it, xx
Very cool but still sweet! Love it!
Kisses from Austria,
love the punk/feminine look :)
I literally love how diversified style is there… and such a strong and lighthearted display of personality.
Cette veste ressemble à celle portée par Ryan Gosling dans le film Drive, avec un scorpion dans le dos, j’adore
So lovely!
A really cool jacket!