
Femme on the Street

8 years ago by

Photos Asia Typek

Erik Melvin

Certaines femmes déambulent, d’autres flânent et d’autres encore semblent virevolter dans la rue. Souvent des silhouettes vêtues de robes très féminines, avec un style unique. Mais du coup, on se demandait : à NY, qui porte des robes au quotidien ? Est-ce que c’est aussi facile que ça ou est-ce que c’est réservé à la Fashion Week ?

Avant les robes fluides semblaient être la seule option valable, mais on trouve maintenant plein de déclinaisons possibles. Peut-être que les créations de Rejina Pyo sont celles qui incarnent le mieux ce renouveau diurne. Une ample jupe, c’est facile, pas trop sophistiqué et assez simple pour la ville. La robe trois trous classique s’adapte à toutes les circonstances : elle va à l’essentiel avec naturel. Je crois que pour qu’une robe fonctionne, il faut qu’elle garde une allure décontractée, la porter avec des sneakers ou des bijoux pas trop voyants, que la robe reste au centre du paysage.

yasmin sewell asia typek garance dore photo

kate foley asia typek garance dore photo

Vous trouvez que la robe est un peu une pièce oubliée du passé ? Et sinon, vous avez une robe urbaine de prédilection au quotidien ?

Lilli Millhiser: Robe, Vintage ; Boots, Celine ; Sac, Creatures of Comfort / Kate Foley: Robe, Regina Pyo ; Sneakers, Vans ; Sac, JW Anderson / Yasmin Sewell: Robe, Regina Pyo ; Sac, Proenza Schouler


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  • I love dresses mainly for two quite personal reasons, they flatter my mediterranean body much better than trousers (i wish i had that kind of cool bodies that i see in the street, they just put the jeans and they look cool but no i am not that case) i find them very comfortable, no tight areas when you sit and a freedom of movement. In the city i always wear them with flats not snickers( again goes back to the fact that as much as i like them on others they suck on my mirror)elegant fit shoes or boots.What i like about dresses is that they never look random, they are part of your personality, because you just never buy a dress if it does not fit or it is not really you. By wearing them you know that your personality is there, they make a feminine statement and they have you dressed in a unique way so quickly.

  • de la plage aux soirées sur les toits, la robe est juste le vêtement parfait pour moi! On peut sécher en dessous et l’ajuster avec une ceinture pour la soirée… »l’essentiel avec naturel » ;-)

  • love these street style looks. i’ve just shared my own London Fashion week style edit too ;)

    Mel x

  • I love wearing dresses! Tight on a good day or loose on the other ones, short or a bit over the knees. And usually I wear them with flats. So far I haven’t found a dress that would pair good with snickers. Or maybe it’s just not my style.

    Dresses are so easy in the morning. Tights and a dress, shoes and off I go.

  • In the summer in NYC I wear dresses almost every day Monday-Friday for a couple of reasons:
    – It’s too hot for pants, and dresses are so comfortable (light materials, don’t have to be tight, etc.)
    – My office dress code really frowns upon shorts (unless they are more like culottes)
    – It’s sooooo easy to get dressed in the morning but it looks like you made a huge effort
    – They look good both with sneakers (walking to and from work), and more dressed up shoes (for meetings)
    – You do not need to wear tights (never comfortable)

    On the weekends I wear shorts :-)


  • Perfect looks!

  • I love dresses. They are the perfect go-to look for hot summer days- and since I live in Florida, most days are like summer days. I love how comfortable they are to wear and can be dressed up or down with a simple change of shoes or accessories. Have a lovely day.

    XOXO, Amy @ Jeans and a Tea

  • I love dresses but find wearing them a bit fussy. I never have the right footwear or the dress is not the right length for the weather.

  • J’adore les robes, c’est bzaucoup plus dacile a porter qu’on ne le croit…

  • ….good to hear that there is hope for daytime dress Renaissance :) I love dresses, I love your pictures here and in the last Edit wth dresses, but I have to say — they are harder to wear. And it’s due to two things (for me) weather and shoes, especially if you are a person that has to be in 3 places at once, has kids, needs to groceries & fly to a gym. However, I have totally embraced the dress+sneaker trend, so this may also be solution for weather conditions. The gliding feeling is great. Thanks for the post & question.

  • I love dresses and wear them a lot in the summer. But, I have a hard time with fall and winter dresses-they always come off as too dressy or officey. I live in a moderate climate so I could wear them year round. I have so many fall dressy but don’t wear them often.

  • J’aime autant porter des pantalons que des robes mais en ete, en Floride, elles sont quand meme plus confortables. Je porte des robes t-shirt en coton ou en lin, avec des ballerines ou des sandales.

  • J’aime tellement toutes ces photos de robes !

  • I too love dresses, but have very few in my wardrobe, for some of the same reasons above. I wear them in the summer and late spring because I can wear them without tights. I cannot say it enough , but I loathe the feeling of tights. Hence I do not bother with dresses 7-8 months of the year because of the winter. But there is nothing easier then slipping on a dress, and being ready to go.

  • I live in New York and always wear dresses in the summer; it’s too hot to stuff yourself into jeans.

  • I find it very comfortable and stylish to wear dresses. This feminine chick in your appearence completely shifts the way you feel. But it should be the right dress, especially in daily city life.
    One time I found great maxi dress in a little thrift shop, and now it’s my favorite, I can even wear it to the plane with my Nike sneakers and feel like a fashionista haha :)

  • I’m quite uncomfortable when I go to work with the kind of dresses that I buy, but that’s why I never buy dresses to go to work ^^ And actually they are very easy to match!

    Check out my weekly inspiration post about interior stone walls, one of my favourite deco trends.

    Thanks!! MG

  • (robe jaune + va,ns = <3 <3 <3 )

    J'essaye de sortir de la petite robe noire avec des robes de frippe un peu kitsch mais en hiver j'ai plus de mal, je me rabas sur les jupes !



  • C’est vrai que je porte plus facilement des jupes, parce que j’aime bien avoir choisir entre plusieurs choses, avec une robe, on a rien d’autre à choisir à part les chaussures… le manteau… la jupe permet de décider entre pull, sweat, tee shirt, chemise… Je m’amuse plus avec une jupe en fait.

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