7 years ago by Garance Doré
2016 a été une année pleine de rebondissements, passionnante, flippante, épuisante, mais l’une des choses que je n’oublierai jamais, c’est que c’est l’année où je suis devenue ambassadrice pour Laura Mercier.
La beauté, c’est un terrain tellement fragile pour les femmes, vous ne trouvez pas ? Un jour on se trouve belle, un jour on se déteste, c’est à la fois profond et superficiel. Alors quand un jour une marque aussi sublime que Laura Mercier vient vous demander d’être ambassadrice, ça crée un petit pincement.
Vraiment, moi, sérieux ?
C’est vraiment un rêve de petite fille qui se réalise…
En même temps, il y a quelque chose d’évident. Mon histoire avec la marque a commencé il y a longtemps – et c’est comme ça que la relation s’est faite. Parce Laura Mercier parle de naturel, d’éclat, et surtout, franchement, fait du make up qui tue et que je recommande tout le temps à mes copines, j’utilise leurs fonds de teint et leurs poudres depuis toujours. Ensuite j’ai rencontré Laura à plusieurs reprises, et j’ai adoré cette femme qui bien qu’à la tête d’un empire, est si vraie, si cool.
Et puis, la France nous lie. Cette approche de la beauté subtile, secrète. Les Françaises aiment le make up, mais elles ne veulent surtout pas que ça se voit !
Aujourd’hui je suis ravie de vous présenter cette vidéo, tournée avec de vraies amies, de vraies Françaises, où l’on essaye de répondre à cette question : C’est quoi, la beauté à la française ?
Click the image to play the video!
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Congratulations!! That is such an honor! I so enjoy your blog and podcast and am looking forward to what this new collaboration will bring!
Congratulations! I think the French appreciate a broader definition of beauty, which encompasses more variety and diversity, including vis-a-vis age. It isn’t only about external perfection.
Nice : ) Does anyone know by whom the jacket (suit?) is that Melissa is wearing?
I really have to re-try Laura Mercier… I may have tried it too young: I am always attracted to « light », « natural », « translucide » etc. foundation (you know those kind of product which shout: « I have no make up and this is really the way my skin perfectly glows »), but at the time I wore Laura Mercier it was really to light for my non-perfect skin… now that I went through laser and chemical peeling (and aging…), it may be better…?!
Give it a try! Love how they embrace the more natural side of makeup. Keep us updated! x Natalie
finally! french girls spilling their beauty secrets!
The best, right?? x Natalie
You’re moving to LA Garance ?!!
Lola is the cutest !!!
Baci, Ali
Please let us know what makeup Melissa and Lola are wearing on their eyes and the blushes too!
C’est surtout très subjectif, la beauté !
The music???
Gorgeous women and gorgeous makeup! I love the honesty of the video: it’s hard to see women (French or not) admitting that they make an effort with makeup! I personally love it and the moments I spend in front of the mirror each morning doing my makeup (neutral and subtle, but still) are almost therapeutic! It’s me taking care of myself to feel good.
Another article explaining the difference between French beauty and American beauty. And so correct, in many regards. My pet peeve is seeing older women, especially blonde, pale women, painting black eyeliner all around their eyes, and ignoring their eyebrows. It makes their eyes look so tiny and squinty. Also, there is a tendency to wear heavy foundation, sometimes in the wrong color. Overdone, overdyed, overprocesed sprayed hair is also often seen.
I wish more women would focus on skincare instead of makeup. Sunscreen, for example! If a tan is desired, Clarins makes some great self-tanners.
Anyway, thank ou for the video. You are all beautiful.
ok I know this is a promo video but I sooooo love it… what is French style!!!! always find that topic to be such an inspiration to me. More more more! :D Also the makeup is lovely, I feel inspired to try a more natural, fresh look. <3
A lovely video! Thank you! Laura Mercier creates great products in beautiful, wearable colours.
All good advice. I’ve always appreciated that less-than-perfect approach. To me, all of that striving for perfection in appearance looks, at best, boring, at worst, fake.
Lovely exchange among friends. Please tell me what eye shadow Melissa is wearing.
Thank you!
Hi Lu Ann,
It looks like it might be the Caviar Stick Eye Color (in Grey Pearl or Rose Gold perhaps!) x Natalie
LMercier c’est loin d’être Chanel
Had to post, I found Melissa to be so beautiful; I loved her skin color!
Vive les françaises! Melissa c’est vraiment le petit chat plusmignontumeurs ! ;)
J’adore le maquillage de Lola, tellement fraiche, je me suis empressee de faire un screenshot des produits qu’elle a utilise pour que je puisse reproduire la meme chose!
Just what I like on Sunday Morning.
Keep Doing Girls !
I love, love Garance´s earrings… Please … Can anyone say the brand or the name of them? thanks a lot!!
Hi Madina,
I love G’s earrings too! They’re from Double Disco / http://doubledisco.com. Enjoy! x Natalie
Pour moi Laura Mercier est bien mieux que Chanel. J’utilise cette marque depuis quelques mois et pour tout dire j’ai presque envie de balancer la plupart de mon stock constitué jusque là. Je ne veux que Laura Mercier.
Surtout un vrai et sincère clin d’œil aux conseillères que j’ai rencontrées (BM): simples, agréables et très très pros.
Est-ce que Laura Mercier propose des Produits pour les peaux noires, plus foncees que celle de Melissa?
Hi Le Bazhaar,
Laura Mercier does offer a variety of shades, which you can find on their website! http://www.lauramercier.com. Hope this helps. x Natalie
I was is Paris, France for the summer and I love everything.
Wonderful Video— i hope you keep making more of these!
Loved Lola’s White ruffle blouse, do you know who designed it?
You guys dont need make up at all, young and beautiful
Melissa’s nude lipstick? Which one is it? I am always in dire need of a good one…
Bonjour et tous, please, please can someone tell me the Laura Mercier lipstick Melissa Bon is applying in the video clip?!!! I have searched high and low but can find no mention of it. Thanks so much. Bisous
Hi team! Not sure if I missed something but I went to shop for Lola’s lipstick (beautiful!!) and the color you put in the credits doesn’t match with what’s in store? Help!