alexander wang fw15 beauty garance dore photos

The Day After Look

9 years ago by

Moi qui fais toujours une parano sur les cheveux gras, il est peut-être temps que je me détende.

Franchement, c’est une sacrée résolution pour quelqu’un qui ne se déplace jamais sans son shampoing sec et son flacon de talc (ok, c’est juste pour les urgences, mais objectivement, ça sauve a vie). Le moindre soupçon de gras sur mes cheveux et c’est la déprime assurée, jusqu’à ce que j’ai retrouvé ma chevelure mate adorée : mon objectif capillaire, c’est zéro brillance, jamais.

Du coup, c’est vrai que lorsque j’ai aperçu les chevelures un peu grasses en backstage du défilé Alexander Wang, j’ai tiqué (instinctivement, j’ai serré très fort le talc dans mon sac). Ça va vraiment à l’encontre de ce que je recherche au quotidien, mais j’ai adoré l’esprit rock ‘n’ roll de l’initiative. Wang a voulu un look beauté plus proche de la réalité, pas une de ces chevelures de rêve auxquelles on aspire toutes… et donc une fille qui se fiche du qu’en dira-t-on (hahaha, pile le contraire de moi quand il s’agit de cheveux gras, désolée #pastantqueça).

Je suis la seule ou vous aussi, vous avez une parano capillaire ? Qu’est-ce que vous pensez de ce style « réaliste » versus une chevelure plus sublimée ?

Alexander Wang AH15 avec Redken et NARS.


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  • I also don’t like looking like a greaseball, but if it’s a new trend I am so ready for it.

    :] // ? ?

  • Ohhh moi aussi je complexe tellement quand j’ai les cheveux un peu gras…
    Même si c’est tendance, je ne pense pas que je vais espacer mes shampooings pour autant…! A voir!

    Le monde des petites

  • I absolutely hate greasy hair ! I just can’t go out if my hair isn’t clean, I really can’t. No hot water to shower = I cancel all my plans ! Big phobia over here too ;)

  • I’m with Kate Moss on this one ‘when in doubt, wash it’.. cheers. :)

  • I didn’t know she said that, but I totally agree!

  • I think the answer to the question is what reality are you in and want to convey on any given day? Whether it is hair, or how you construct your outfit you can be anyone you want to be on any given day. So if you want to channel unwashed rocker go for it. That is the beauty of choice. However, we have deeply embedded schema about cleanliness and what it is in this country and the schema people have when they see greasy hair is Ugh, dirty and then probably followed by pimples. So I guess it depends on where you are going, what you are doing and who you are going to see.

    Accidental Icon

  • Hannie Blaise 17 février 2015, 3:27 / Répondre

    Loving this look, though! Gorgeous.


  • This look is a bit too « dirty » looking for me to want to wear, but I appreciate where the designer was taking it. I love second day hair but don’t like to feel dirty, greasy, it makes me feel unkept, not polished, I like the effortless look but not one that makes me look as if I gave up.

  • As a French girl, I am faithful to our reputation and not obsessed with my hair. I don’t like when they are too clean, but I don’t like the Alexander Wang way either !

  • Cool pic!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • I’m in between. I skip a day between washings, but after a couple days I start to feel dumpy when the hairline is slick and hair on the back of the head starts to separate into chunks. Dirty heads get flaky too, and I hope I’m not alone in thinking that look is horrendous.

  • I shower every morning then still tend to put dry shampoo on later on in the day. My hair goes greasy really quick and I hate it :( When my hair begins to look greasy I feel dirty!

  • Use some neutral henna and some ayurvedic plans like the Kalpi tone Mix, and an organic shampoo…. your life will change :)

  • For me « really greasy » is no option, but it’s like with everything else too: I think a little bit of « unprepared you » is way more charmant (shiny or matt) than the perfect cleanliness, that kind of makes you freeze. That doesn’t mean I don’t like to shower everyday and like to smell and look fresh.

  • I think there’s a difference between looking real and looking like an unshowered mess. This is an unshowered mess.

  • I agree – I saw the pictures from the Alexander Wang show and backstage – horrible. Garance…I don’t understand your insistance on totally matte hair – what’s wrong with shiny? Not greasy – shiny! My hair is dry and always has been, so I don’t have a problem, and I do love the look of second-day hair, but these models look like the kids in high school who had a problem with oily hair and didn’t wash enough!

  • Don’t know if I would call this a « real look » as that’s some serious worn in hair. I don’t mind a bit of grease from going a day or two without shampooing, but this is wayyy too much.

  • I have very greasy hair and I cant stand the oily look, personally natural or not it just looks grubby and dirty to me.

  • I wrote about my fears on greasy hair too recently on my blog and I don’t think I’ll ever get past this look…

  • My paranoia is having dry hair, I’m always putting in products to make it softer and less like straw

  • Mon Dieu mon Dieu c’est Kati Nescher ??? Désolé je suis dingue quand je la vois, je l’adore cette femme ! Alors, la question des cheveux gras … ben là ça peut aller, mais ce qui me gêne c’est qu’elles ont toutes des mèches dans la gueule et ça le fait pas ;3

  • Such an iconic photo! Bold lines with a gorgeous make-up! Loveit

  • J’ai tout un paquet de coiffures spéciales « cheveux un peu sales ». Ces coiffures qui ne tiennent que le lendemain voir le surlendemain du shampoing, et qui dissimile un peu la brillance!
    Même si je trouve ça cool sur la mannequin, je crois que je ne suis pas encore prête à assumer les cheveux tels-quels lachés plusieurs jours après les shampoings!

  • Ana @Champagnegirlsabouttown 18 février 2015, 5:27 / Répondre

    I don;t think it would work in real life. I mean, that depends on what job you have but I think no one would trust me if I turned up with greasy hair (or chipped nails, or crumpled suit…)!

  • How about not greasy AND not frizzy? Even when frizzy hair is hot I don’t want it!!! Greasy is out of the question unless it’s comes out of a jar for certain models (coupes). I get an itchy feeling when I look at thepicture.

  • Super je serai enfin a la mode cet année avec mes poils gras :D

  • My hair doesn’t really get greasy and I’m very thankful for that.

    But I’m still wondering, how do you manage that your hair doesn’t look white/ grey after the baby powder treatment?

  • As many Parisian girls, I just don’t understand why girls from other countries (US especially) are so obsessed with hair (so tidy by the way), clean or a little greasy …
    But thoooose, on the picture ? I think it’s horrible !

  • Lynn-Holly Fisher Wielenga 18 février 2015, 12:24 / Répondre

    Any recommendations of brands of dry shampoo? I recently discovered it… (I know. I’m really late to the party) and there are so many options! What kind works best? My hair is a golden blonde/brown, if that matters.

  • Yes! My favorite is Klorane at the moment, but I’m always trying new options. For blonde hair, it’s pretty affordable to just go with baby powder. Just make sure that you pour it into your hand then pat it on your hair – never pour straight onto the hair!

  • I struggle over it, but lately I have liked the extra grease =) It makes for a sleek ponytail.

  • jane with the noisy terrier 18 février 2015, 2:41 / Répondre

    My hair is colored and naturally dry, fine and prone to frizz. I can only wash it once or twice a week unless I want to look like a dandelion. I actually add a little oil to my hair each morning. That said, I think this is a cool runway look best left on the runway. I like slightly undone, a bit f*cked up hair rather than the perfect glossy, squeaky clean blow-dry. I think it’s younger, cooler and more modern.

  • I don’t really like grassy hair but washing every day is messy and take too much time so I am in between!

  • Non mi piace ,ma …sto spendendo una foruna in prodotti per capelli ( meraviglioso Christophe Robin )

  • Shiny and greasy are two different things! I have fine hair and have to wash it almost every day or it looks
    gross, so I’m a little biased in my thinking. The baby powder idea sounds intriguing (have heard about it, but never tried it)! I plan to experiment-on a day where I don’t have to go out anywhere.

  • I just realized that the latest Coach ad campaign uses models with this extremely greasy hair look. It certainly doesn’t make me want to buy…of course, I am NOT the demographic the ads are aimed at, but I still don’t see the appeal!

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