Pardon My French / What a woman wants…
12 years ago by Garance Doré
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absolutely nothing beats a good face massage!
i give one to myself before going to sleep sometimes :) really calms me down
xo dina
I am craving a facial!
…happiness lies in small moments…this is one of them! :)
each and every one of your videos has become increasingly more fascinating! Amazing job by you and your team!
Love the background music. what’s the title of that?
my questions exactly! wonderful video!
Vidéo d une grande sensualité …
I wonder what type of product is being used to massage? It looks wonderful!
what an artistic, elegantly done video. the music, the slow motion moments….purely sublime!
oh oui !!
Whoever chooses the music for your videos is a master of his/her art!
…..that and a head massage! Purrrrrrrr!
Great video clip because it looks as if magic is happening , like a spell is being cast !
Une merveille ce moment !
Jealous! Could use one too!
Dear Garance, what is the music for this video ? Thanks !
très sensuel ! j’aimerais la même chose :)
Vidéo très poétique … :)
, makes me crave for a facial right now.! This massage is a like a sensual ballet…beautiful and peaceful.
Another moment you share with us…Thanks.:-)
wouah, c’est beau!
Rien que la vidéo donne envie de se détendre !
La musique est belle! Qu’est ce que c’est ?
On aimerait être à la place de la jeune fille… quelle est cette musique ?
oh. beautiful.
Cette video, tres sensuelle, m’a donne des frissons !
I wouldn´t mind that right now!!!
What a brilliant idea for a shot! And how well the music blends with the image of a model having her make-up done.
All the best
Oui, oui ! On en rêve tous !
Wow, that was so hypnotic. You how when you have your hair done or you have a neck massage it makes you want to sleep, (or is that just me?), I found my eyes closing just a little watching that, simply lovely.
i want that too!!!!!!
I need one too ! :)
quelle jolie vidéo!
I agree, a woman wants to be treated as special. The makeup artist did not have to do the job with love and care, but did. It seems like we are surrounded by companies that do not really seem to care, and only pay lip service.
wow, trés poetic, mais aussi un peux troublant et sexy dans le meme temps…
Oh Garance, you have put us under another spell. Witchcraft.
Brand spanking new blog post here at
Much love,
This looks so nice!
That is what everybody wants, men or women alike!!
Très jolie musique!
Théa Unknown
Garance s’il-te-plait donne-nous le titre de la musique ! ^^
this is so beautiful especially backed by the haunting piano music. she has some seriously beautiful skin!
It is magical! Beautiful music.
Garance, this is absolutely beautiful and quelle sensualité!!! I really hope there will be a documentary/movie in the future from your hand and your team. You are capable, I just know this.
garance, i think i even fell asleep watching this, it was like they were massaging me! :D
I’ve been wanting a massage since Saturday, now this makes mr want it more. Sigh. Nice video.
Quelle beauté…!!! I want to be her right now… Garance you are moving towards cinematography…
this is how every woman wants her lover to touch her face. As though it was a masterpiece.
sublime, sublime, sublime
I feel all relaxed just watching your video haha. Never had a facial – always wanted one. Better get one.
Really Inspiring!
Bonjour Garance!!
J’ai beau Shazamer et Shazamer, je ne trouve pas cette belle musique qui se trouve dans cette sublime vidéo!!! Pourriez-vous nous la donner s’il vous plaît???
PS: MERCI pour ce blog!
Bonjour Garance,
Pourrait-on obtenir le titre de cette musique s’il vous plaît? Merci !
Bonne journée