
11 years ago by

Je ne vous l’ai pas encore dit, mais je viens de commencer mon printemps « méga remise en forme ». Après cet hiver, je ne pouvais plus me voir en peinture, fallait faire quelque chose.

Diététicienne, dermato, reprise du sport ET aussi j’ai décidé de changer de coiffure…

Pas que je sois contre mon chignon. Je l’aime mon bun de flemmasse qui ne sait pas se faire le moindre brushing. Et c’est vrai, je crois que je fais partie des filles qui sont mieux les cheveux attachés.

Mais n’empêche que tous les jours, ça lasse. Et surtout qu’un chignon, ça casse les cheveux. C’est pas bon.

Donc du coup, ces derniers temps, j’ai essayé de porter mes cheveux lâchés.

Le problème, c’est qu’il s’est passé un truc : mes cheveux ne sont plus bouclés, ils sont frisés (il paraît que les cheveux changent de nature tous les 7 ans, la preuve.) Et que quand je les lâche, je vous jure, on ne voit qu’eux. Mon visage disparaît. C’est pas top. Mais bon quand même, j’étais prête à essayer.

Jusqu’au jour où, après les avoir lavés, mes cheveux avaient pris un pli parfait, ils étaient au top de leur bouclitude (de leur frisitude en fait), ils ne seraient jamais plus beaux que ça dans leur nature naturelle :

Moi : “Scott, regarde. Ça, ce sont mes cheveux, lâchés. C’est comme ça qu’ils sont, au top de leur bouclitude. Tu aimes ?”

Et là, Scott me dit : “Tu as déjà pensé à les couper ?”


Vous ne vous rendez pas compte. Que Scott me dise ça, c’est genre la méga révolution, lui qui, depuis que je le connais, ne jure que par les cheveux longs.
On en a parlé pendant deux secondes, j’ai filé sur Google faire des dossiers entiers spécial cheveux courts.

Et en regardant, j’ai compris un truc, un truc déprimant.

Les cheveux courts frisés, c’est l’horreur.

Mais comme je vous le rappelle, c’est mon printemps remise en forme et je prends ça très au sérieux, je n’ai quand même pas lâché l’affaire.
J’ai un plan d’attaque. Voici mon idée :

Refaire un kératin ou un traitement raidissant mais pas trop (on a compris que les cheveux longs raides, ce n’était pas du tout moi), il paraît que ça existe.
Commencer à couper par étapes pour arriver à une longueur parfaite.

Acte 1 de mon plan d’attaque : je suis allée chez Bumble et Bumble la semaine dernière pour leur parler de mon projet, et lors de la consultation, ils m’ont dit qu’ils ne faisaient pas de kératine (apparemment c’est hyper toxique, c’est toujours le cas ?) mais paraît-il, je pourrais faire une PERMANENTE à grosses boucles pour détendre mes cheveux.

UNE PERMANENTE. En voilà une idée.

J’en suis là. Je cherche quelqu’un qui pourrait répondre à toutes mes questions, mais c’est vachement compliqué en fait. Chacun a un avis différent et moi je n’arrive nulle part.

Donc deux questions – qu’est-ce que vous pensez de cette idée de court ?

Et est-ce que vous vous y connaissez un peu niveau science capillaire ?

En attendant, les enfants, je bun.

PS: This photo of Ming was taken backstage at Dior!


Ajouter le votre
  • keratin treatments are not good for you – definitely seek out alternatives! it’s not worth it for the sake of vanity :)

  • Yes, that’s what I am looking for, but also how bad is not bad for you ?
    So many things are said to be « bad » and still we do them…

  • i choose the high ponytail and the chignon. it’s better for my face :)


  • Melanie 27 mars 2013, 10:02

    Garance, they contain formaldehyde, a carcinogen. In other words, they are extremely bad. I have quite curly hair and I find that it is all in the cut. It’s critical to find someone who actually *knows* how to cut curly hair. I also find that it is easier if it’s longer — sorry, Scott! Courage !

  • Yes what’s more important is to still have hair at the end of the process… I love your hair down as in the seafarer video! And it looks very good in the Stella McCartney interview too! Why not try that out again?


  • Garance, je seconde le commentaire de Cory Scott. Tes cheveux dans le vidéo entrevue avec Stella McCartney sont parfaits!!! C’est le top! Je sais que c’était l’oeuvre d’un pro, mais tu dois trouver un moyen pour reproduire :)

  • Rien de tel qu’un bon article à lire pour attaquer l’après midi avec le sourire !
    Merci !

  • Merci ! C’est drôle de penser que j’en suis encore à mon café du matin, moi !

  • Hi, I have similar hair to yours. I put Tresemme curl defining mousse (with frizz control)on my hair when it is wet and let my hair dry naturally and within couple of hours I have non frizzy and bouncy hair.


  • garance…the perm-to-straighten thing is very old school. i tried it in the 1980’s although it must be improved since then! i did a « brazilian blowout » in the fall (before a trip to paris in fact) and it worked great and lasted forever. by the way it sounds like we have the same hair texture. i have had very short hair and really liked it.

  • Susan, where they super straight or kind of wavy ?

  • susan 27 mars 2013, 3:42

    garance–it was straight BUT the person who did it said they can somewhat control how straight they make it and do it less so. Is a frizzy gal, my dream was always shiny, straight hair!

  • I’m thinking about the keratine as well. My hairdresser is pro so we’ll see, meanwhile I’m enjoying my bun and short hair.

    Giveaway on the blog

  • Clémence 27 mars 2013, 9:31 / Répondre

    Ah les cheveux frisés, je connais ! ^^ Les miens étaient même carrément crépus jusqu’à mes 18 ans. Pendant 3-4 ans j’ai fais des défrisages légers sans ammoniaque (20-30min de pause) 2-3 fois par an. J’ai fini par arrêter il y a un an car mes cheveux avaient vraiment changé de nature et certaines mèches étaient devenus carrément raides. Mais j’y tiens à mes boucles mine de rien, alors j’ai stoppé les défrisages. Mais ce traitement m’a vraiment changé la vie, et maintenant j’arrive à dompter ma tignasse. Je crois que le produit qu’utilisait ma coiffeuse est de la marque Biolage. J’espère que tu trouveras ta solution miracle en tout cas! Bonne continuation =)

  • no Keratin treatments!! find the DevaChan salon, and go there. They will cut your hair so you will love it, and then show you what to do with it. Nifty tricks like blotting out the water after you wash it with a paper towel..not wrapping the head in a bath towel – EVER!! Towels create frizz. For the first time in 40 years, I can actually say I love my curly hair.

  • Jackie’s experience is like mine. It is all about finding a truly sulfate free shampoo, clean rinsing conditioner and some easy curly hair healthy techniques so that your hair will no longer be frizzy. For almost 40 years I thought I was cursed with frizzy hair and after about 5 mos of using good products everything changed and I love my hair for the first time- AND, Garance, your hair has a much better color and thickness than mine- I think you would love it if you got rid of the frizz. Livecurlylivefree.com, curlmart.com and naturallycurly.com are great resources (I’m not connected personally or professionally at all to any of these- just found them in the course of my internet research!).

  • Olivia 27 mars 2013, 6:16

    Completely agree with you. I am a firm believer that any curly hair will look great and have beautiful smooth curls if you take the right steps and use the right product. When getting a hair cut, make sure the hairdresser has a license for curly hair–with the right « curly cut » your hair will look like a dream. Always use no-poo shampoo, conditioner, and gel (no plastic ingredients that way down your curl and trigger frizz) and scrunch your hair dry with a light towel after the shower.

    I use DevaCurl and have been for years. Works best for me and my hair always has a nice curl, great volume and no frizz.

  • I think DevaCurl has even introduced a special towel to reduce frizz. I just cut mine off because I couldn’t stand the frizz factor. My hair is more wavy than tight curls however. My stylist is amazing, however. She knows just how to make the waves work.

  • chris 29 mars 2013, 2:34

    towels create frizz?? THAT is good to know!!

  • Jane with the noisy terrier 27 mars 2013, 9:32 / Répondre

    Having just returned from spending the winter on an island off the coast of South Carolina (very near Savannah), lets talk about frizz! I’ve been letting my short cut by David Mallett (which I loved last summer) grow out so he’ll have more to work with this summer when I’m in Paris. So right now, my fine-but-lots-of-it/ wavy-curly with a tendency to frizz at the hint of humidity/ very dry hair is just to my shoulders. I’ve been giving it a quick blow dry on the top layers for a bit of smoothness, then using a curling rod to just give my curls a bit of definition and direction. Seems to work. That said, I’m getting much needed color today and an even more needed haircut tomorrow! I’d go back to short hair again, but at 54, I feel like this is my last gasp at semi-sexy longish hair!

  • Un truc que les filles semblent oublier: les cheveux repoussent! Alors, no need to panic et coupe tout court! Ca sent enfin le Printemps ce matin a NY!

  • I bet Anne Hathaway’s hairstyle would look great on you……but yes, maybe you´ll have to do something to loosen those curls a bit. Totally suppert the idea of a spring ovarhaul……

  • severine 27 mars 2013, 9:34 / Répondre

    Je me sens moins seule par rapport au  » non mais c’est quoi cette tête/ce corps/ce look, ces mains, etc??? » de tous les matins post hiver (enfin ici à Paris on dirait qu’on y est encore un peu hein !)… Je ne me supporte plus non plus, mais je procède par étapes, d’abord le plus simple récupérer de beaux ongles, je suis allée chez la dermato aussi ( la tienne d’ailleurs), mais elle ne voit pas grd chose à faire contre mon teint de navet et mes cernes, etc …j’ai toujours l’impression d’une mue au printemps..un peu comme les couches de vêtements dont on se sépare doucement au fil des semaines (ca aussi j’ai hate de ne plus pouvoir/devoir planquer mes jambes sous de gros collants). Pour les cheveux, désolée mais les miens sont raides et je n’y connais pas grd choses dc je n’ai pas de conseil particulier. Je te trouvais très bien cheveux détachés et cheveux lissés, mais je comprends la problématique « ce n’est pas moi », dc je n’insiste pas. Je crois que Géraldine (cafe mode) se pose les mêmes questions et a même créée un « think tank » du cheveux bouclé. Sinon juste un conseil, ne pas trop regarder les photos des autres avec leurs coupes, ce qui peut aller très bien sur une fille sera affreux sur toi, ou pas. Bonne journée !

  • Dear Garance,

    I hear ya… I had curly/wavy her since forever and then it finally begun to change into more straighter hair and another structure.. it’s true!

    I had all kinds of different hairstyle in my life already.. from pixie to long and anything in-between. ;)

    Now, I am growing it out again, but still not sure about it yet.. as my hair has begun to get thinner…with age! :( .. but we will see how far I will get with it.

    But back to you.. yes, I did the straightening think in an African/American specialist Hair salon back in the days and yes it’s not the healthiest thing you can do, but the result was fabulous!

    Still think I might go back to a short Hairdo someday.. but not giving up yet!

    Some cute & lovely short looks you may consider!

    I Like:

    My Favs:

    Very Short: http://pinterest.com/pin/168181367306678370

    Let me know what you think! Curious…

    xo Cam @somekindofstyle


  • Omg I love ! So many of them. Thank you ! I like Karla’s hair – so cool!

  • omg, CAM is right– this one is perfect!


  • Virginie B. 27 mars 2013, 12:57

    Moi aussi je suis d’accord avec CAM :)
    Mais pas trop court Garance car tu n’as pas un visage long mais plutôt rond!
    Mais les intermédiaires proposé par CAM sont vraiment cool!
    Un secret : je rêve les cheveux bouclés pour faire ça!!
    Moi ils sont raides comme des baguettes!

  • Here’s how Karla does her hair! http://www.karlascloset.com/2012/11/hair.html

  • Marina 29 mars 2013, 11:03

    All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ve been debating this issue recently as well and have been thinking about going short, these are very inspirational!!! The last time I went short I got someone who did not know what they were doing and it turned into a ‘helmet head’, which was not a flattering look for me.

  • Hello Garance,
    I, honestly, think you should simply go for it.
    I know how it feels; with the anxiety et al when it comes to your hair. Being a bun girl myself, I have very stubborn hair and couldn’t imagine having bangs, but I badly wanted some life in my hair. One day, I got tired of all the contemplation and I got them; in spite the hairdresser saying it’s not going to work.It was a nightmare: they would simply spring back into curls and the frizziness (oh my God!)…. it’s like they are telling me I betrayed them. However, after days of « fighting » my way with them, now, we have a mutual understanding. And I love them….

    So, again, just go for it with your eyes closed. I’m sure you’ll love the end result…. :)

    Sorry, but can’t give you any advice on the hair science.

  • Michelle 27 mars 2013, 9:38 / Répondre

    I am sure you can rock short hair especially if you find the right salon. Just to warn you, short hair can require quite a lot of work to style every day. If you don’t take time to style it you look like a midwest soccer mum- no offense to those mums, just a style that isn’t very flattering or chic. Google image ‘midwest mom haircut’ to see what I mean :)

  • Garance you would look great with the first image you posted on the far left but with your curls. Shorter in the back and a little longer in the front and totally just create this amazing edge! That being said I’ve seen the photos of you with the curls and I love that look- own it! And if your hair is frizzy right now get a perm to loosen and totally rock the curly waves and make it your second signature look!!!


  • vanessa la belge 27 mars 2013, 9:38 / Répondre

    Si tu trouves la solution de « relaxage » de boucles, dis nous !!! Ca m’interesse à mort !!

  • Pourquoi ne pas les couper court, mais vraiment à la garçonne ???

  • PS: Let me know when you’re coming to Dubai. Would love to meet with you… :)

  • lilously 27 mars 2013, 9:40 / Répondre

    Bonjour Garance
    voici ma ptite histoire
    J’ai toujours eu les cheveux mi long bouclés, une très jolie boucle ! j’adorais mes cheveux et puis je suis tombée enceinte et une fois que j’ai eu mon bébé ma nature de cheveux avait compléement changé !!! adieu les boucles et bonjour l’ondulation …..Depuis ce moment j’atttache mes cheveux (bun chignon queue de cheval ) tout y passe sauf les cheveux lachés, je ne me reconnaissais plus et puis dans mon portefeuille secretement caché une photo de jean seberg, la coupe que j’adore mais qu’aucun coiffeur n’a accepté de me faire car cheveux bouclé-ondulé (aucun d’entre eux ne connaissais cette actrice !!!) et puis finalement je suis tombée sur cette coiffeuse à qui j’ai parlé de cette actrice et elle l’a connaissait …. et puis j’ai sauté le pas ! Oui moi la fille au cheveux bouclé ondulé a fini par ce couper les cheveux court et depuis tout le monde adore ! En bref tu as un tres joli visage avec des traits fin alors je suis persuadée que le court t’ira à merveille … saute le pas et pense au dernier défilé Dior !!!

  • Je suis à 100% pour de grosses boucles généreuses à l’Italienne.
    Tu serais parfaite comme cela et surtout pas avec des cheveux raides ni plus courts.

  • There is also such a thing as a permanent blow dry which is kind of like hair straightening but it doesnt produce stick straight hair. The hair technician can sculpt waves into your hair so that they remain bouncy and shapely but w/o the frizz. Like a blowdry, precisely. Maybe it’s worth talking to a Salon professional about it to find out if it works for you. Also with that, I can imagine you can rock Anne’s hair do.

  • I also have curly hair and almost never wear it up. I understand the frustration of not being able to control what your hair is going to do from one day to the next. I discovered Jessicurl products a couple of years ago and swear by them. They are all natural and not tested on animals. I have a very quick hair routine in the morning and my hair comes out curly and soft (instead of the dreaded crunch) and not frizzy AT ALL.

    The right cut is also very important. I like longer hair on me with well-placed layers. Whatever you decide, good luck!!

  • Comme tu l’as si bien remarqué, les cheveux courts et frisés, ce n’est pas l’idéal, ou alors il faudrait passer une heure à te coiffer chaque matin, alors que tu n’en as pas l’habitude. Si tu veux couper, juste un peu, ne pas faire une coupe courte, et cette permanente semble une bonne idée!


  • J’essaye depuis un an de faire couper les cheveux frisés d’une amie très rock’n’roll. Sa cousine très bobo l’a fait elle (elles ont les même cheveux… dût à leur parents frères et soeurs) et c’est la monstre classe!!!
    Toi je te vois bien avec du très court si tu as des grandes boucles et si elles sont petites (après 10min de réflexion) la même chose.

  • Garance! We seem to have the same hair( although I think yours is really nice!), in a bun and all! Mine gets frizzier than ever as I get older( plus now I get annoying grays too) and requires so many products to keep it smooth….I too wish my hair would magically become sublime right after the shower, but until then my husband will call me « pretty jungle girl », and not to my delight…..can’t wait to see if someone have a solution I can jump on as well :)

  • As-tu lu cet article de Géraldine ? http://blogs.lexpress.fr/styles/cafe-mode/2013/02/17/journal-de-mes-cheveux-2/
    On se pose toutes des questions, c’est vrai, je ne sais pas si je dois donner mon avis, car je suis adepte du court… Je disparais avec des cheveux longs, j’ai l’impression que mon visage tombe au fur et à mesure qu’ils poussent ! Alors après 4 ans d’un très frenchy longueur aux épaules et frange, j’ai tout coupé !
    Avec mon petit minois c’est définitivement ce qui me va le mieux mais il faut être prête, ce qui a l’air d’être ton cas. Mon conseil quand je suis passé du très très long à la garçonne : y aller progressivement !

  • J’arrive pas à ne pas attacher mes cheveux, j’aime pas les avoir sur mon visage, ça me dérange. Les buns c’est tellement plus confortable. Des fois je me dis qu’il faut que je fasse un effort mais je finis par les attacher a la mi-journée.

    Je suis preneuse d’astuces et du matériel à avoir pour un bon brushing. Je n’y arrive pas avec ma GHD.
    Quand a ton projet, je trouve cette longueur sympa: http://www.mylifeisbrilliant.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/charlize-theron-hairstyles-charlize-theron-hairstyle-hairstyles-9.jpg

  • CRISTINA 27 mars 2013, 9:49 / Répondre

    Salut, Garance! Ne coupe pas les cheveux. Je suis friser moi aussi, et les plus affreuses coupe que j’ai eu sont avec les cheveux court. Le permanent c’est une option, il l’arrange mieux. J’ai te vu dans des photos et je trouve que ton cheveux est magnifique. Après que tu le lave ne le peigne pas, prend une serviette et avec la tête en bas, batte les cheveux avec des mouvements de droite à gauche. Fortement pour qu’il se démêle. Laisse le sécher naturellement, tu l’arrange seulement avec la main un peu. Quand il est complètement séché tu peux l’arranger de nouveau mais pas avec le peigne. Moi j’utilise en peut de mousse quand il est mouiller, mais je n’ai pas tant des cheveux que toi j’ai besoin qu’il soit en peux gonfler, toi non.
    Ne le coupe pas!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx

  • Benedicte 27 mars 2013, 9:49 / Répondre

    Il y a court et court. J’adore les coupes courtes, je trouve que ça donne du caractère, mais je te vois plus avec un « faux carré court » (ouch, c’est compréhensible ?) qu’avec une coupe garçonne.

  • Moi je peux peut être te faire part de ma (petite) expérience de bouclée. J’ai les cheveux bouclés, pas frisés, assez épais aussi. Lorsqu’ils sont longs, ils ondulent parce qu’ils sont trop lourds (c’est joli aussi hein mais ils me tiennent BEAUCOUP TROP CHAUD).

    Je suis passée par plusieurs périodes capillaires, allant du long au carré (TRES MOCHE), en passant par une coiffeuse que je ne connaissais pas qui m’a tellement désépaissi les cheveux que je n’ai plus bouclé pendant 3 MOIS (dépression capillaire, pourquoi mon Dieu ,POURQUOI ?).

    Tout ça pour en venir au fait, je pense avoir trouvé LA coupe qui me va. Alors moi, j’ai les cheveux courts ET bouclés. Je peux attester que c’est pas trop la galère, mais après c’est comme tout, ça dépends aussi du visage. Dans ton article (ou dans un de tes articles ) tu dis que cheveux frisés courts = enfer et damnation. Là encore, moi j’aime le volume. J’aime le fait de me lever et de pas avoir à réellement me « coiffer ». Je remets en ordre et j’aère, voilà ce que je fais. J’ai les cheveux plus courts derrière que le reste, ce qui atténue l’effet « boule ». Si tu veux une photo, pas de souci !

    J’espère avoir pu t’aider un petit peu dans tes orientations capillaires !

  • Clochette 27 mars 2013, 9:50 / Répondre

    Carré plongeant frisé! Mon préféré! Google, il y a des photos divines!

  • I live for my thrice-yearly keratin treatments! I also have many many clients who express that their lives have been made easier by the keratin. It doesn’t completely make your hair straight, it just alters the texture by smoothing it out the curl pattern somewhat and making it frizz-free…I like to call it « deflating. » As for the toxic aspect of it, sure, it’s not safe to drink, and it’s not recommended to be exposed to high amounts of formaldehyde, however those worries are more pronounced for the stylist who is around the chemical on a regular basis. This is why you should wear a mask when you are a hairstylist working with chemicals. But often stylists don’t. As a client, you are exposed to no more formaldehyde than you are if you ever polish your nails, or clean with household products containing abrasive cleansers. In my opinion, it’s totally worth it for months of long-lasting hair smoothness. Don’t get a perm…your hair is curly already and I honestly think you’ll hate it! That being said, I loooove a good hair makeover! Good luck


  • Dans la science capillaire je suis nulle. Les cheveux il faut les couper dans une seule foi. Il ne fau pas y penser trop… Je croie que tu serais bien avec tes cheveux bouclée-frisée coupée come Anne Hathaway dans la photo, peut-être un peu plus court.

  • You are agonizing over this too much…you just need to do it! You have a beautiful face; it will be stunning framed by short locks. Anyways, short hair success is really more about how much hair you have than curliness (I am a curly girl too)…you need to have lots of hair for short hair to look good, and you seem to meet that requirement.

    P.S. Besides, like you say in your post, hair texture changes over time, with hormonal changes, etc. After 2 babies, my once-supercurly hair is now somehow less curly but more frizzy (?!) so achieving the perfect texture is impossible.

    Set your bun free; if it is right for you, it will grow back to you… :^)

  • Il ne faut pas faire confiance aux coiffeurs, il n’y a pas plus menteur au monde.
    On leur montre une image, on veut ça ! Ils coupent, teintent, lissent, bouclent etc … Résultat ? Ah non ça ne correspond pas ! Mais ma petite dame, que voulez-vous, avec vos cheveux …..

  • Margaret 27 mars 2013, 9:58 / Répondre

    Garance, I have hair similar to yours, don’t chop it – find the right product to control the frizz (I like « Curly, Sexy Hair » cream.

  • Garance,
    I completely empathize with your hair issues. I have similar hair and over the years of trying different treatments, one thing remains true — You can’t ‘control’ your hair just by what you put on it. Your dietician can be a big help with diet and foods that nurture, moisturize and help tame your hair. Okay now to the serious stuff. Have you heard of Ouidad? Hair care and salons devoted to ‘women with curl.’ Consider a consultation with them (their flagship is in NYC). I once heard their founder speak and she is an inspiring lady. Their salons have seen it all and could offer some helpful insights and perhaps they are the salon for you. Either way, you are beautiful and I know you will rock any look only if you are feeling good about it!

  • bon alors garance aujourd’hui j’ ai envie de dire viens dans mes bras sister, ben oui comme toi j’ai les cheveux brun frisés ( remarque on a les mêms origines sud méditerranée) je les ai longtemps eu longs puis courts au carré puis un peu plus courts la depuis plusieurs années ils étaient mi longs et finissaient toujours attachés , j’en ai eu marre comme toi d’avoir toujours la m^me t^te, je suis retournée à des coupes carrés et là depuis 6 mois j’ai une coiffeuse de quartier super qui n’a pas peur de mes cheveux frisés qui ose me faire une coupe ressemblant à la 3 ème photo de ton post et ben c’est top. je précise que je les brushe, et ça se fait hyper facilement ( j’ai un frisé souple) et j’adore ma tête , la grosse frange devant, la nuque dégagée je trouve ça hyper féminin et là c’est clair plus jamais je ne laisse repousser mes cheveux, j’aime l’idée d’avoir une coupe avec du caractère ça doit être l’age, oui oui j’avoue je suis passée à l’ère du 4.0 et contre toute attente j’ose plus de choses qu’à 20 ans.alors chère garance que je lis depuis presque tes débuts, je vois bien que le court te titille par vagues régulières depuis plusieurs années alors fonce et ose tu verras c’est rafraichissant et puis ça repousse vite et j’ai vraiment l’impression que ça fait du bien aux cheveux, comme une renaissance … et en plus si scott lui même est d’accord … go sister it’s time !

  • Hi, I have the same hair texture and I always wore my hair up. I think it looks/looked best on me. However 2 months ago, I was sooo fed up wearing it like this, so I chopped my hair, till shoulder lenght (important, you know when you have curly hair, some hairdressers cut it to short when wet, so for me it should be shoulderlenght when wet), then I tried if it worked for me like this. I started blowdrying (never did this before, but Garance no hairstyle will be as easy like a bun, so when you chop it you have to realize that it will be a bit more work than that your are used to).
    For me it works, I put in a product that straights here a little when wet (no foam this makes it really frizzy) and blowdry it for 5-10 minutes. Sometimes I wear it like Anne’s hair pictured above, and on bad days in a low ponytail or in a low bun.
    I like the change but I had to get used that I had to do something more than just put my hair up.I didn’t do a keratin treatment because I heard it is really bad for your hair however I don’t think that blowdrying is good.

    But just try it Garance, a small change in your looks, can make a big difference in how you feel! Realllyyyy.

  • short hair is fabulous and easy to take care of. definitely try it!

  • Ce pb de cheveux me parle si intensément…..g toujours eu lescheveux tres courts tt en revant de cheveux longs….apres de long mois de patience ils on poussé poussé…en meme temps que mon visage s avachissait (le mot n est pas trop fort!) J ai pris 10 ansd un coup ou presque…et a plus de 40 ans c est moche….dc retour chez le coiffeur qui confirme le manque de….
    Dynamisme….pour etre delicat….dc retour a un ptit carre boucle bien plus seyant et tonique! Dc je dirais coupe c vraiment rafraichissant….et pour appuyer mon conseil jette un coup d oeil sur la dernière coupe realisee par FRed le prince du veuch….sur son site que tu dois connaitre…..

  • Garance, NE te coupe PAS les cheveux ! Je ne veux pas me mêler de tes relations de couple, mais ce n’est pas parce que Scott fait cette suggestion que tu es obligée de suivre. Après, tout, les hommes aiment faire de la provoc’.
    Tes cheveux sont sublimes. Tu devrais en être fière. Ne les massacre pas ! Apprécie ce que la nature t’a donné !
    Et surtout, ne te plains JAMAIS, JAMAIS de tes cheveux devant Scott. Les hommes ont un esprit très simple et ils croient tout ce qu’on leur dit : si tu affirmes que tes cheveux sont moches ou ne te plaisent pas, il va te croire et les verra comme toi tu les vois. Si au contraire tu répètes que tu adooore tes cheveux, il les adorera aussi.

  • Aaaah j’ai entamé les grands travaux du printemps moi aussi: Au programme compléments alimentaires peau et cheveux, crème/masque pour les mains, réequilibrage alimentaire, sport, achat de cosmétiques nouvelles ETC
    Mes cheveux ont changé aussi, je les trouve plus fins,et moins ondulés, la masse a diminué.
    Pour l’instant je ne vois pas vraiment de différence avec les compléments alimentaires, même après 2 mois….
    Pour les traitements pour cheveux, je te conseillle d’aller plutôt voir un « médecin du cheveu », qui fera un bilan et te renseignera vraiment sur ce qui vaut le coup !

    Belle journée,

  • J’avais les cheveux trèèèèès volumineux et ondulés. Et je les ai coupés à la garçonne. Et ils sont devenus raides comme des baguettes! Ce phénomène s’est aussi produit sur une amie métisse aux boucles on ne peut plus serrées qui désirait avoir une afro : le résultat en est loin, puisque ses cheveux sont presque aussi raides que les miens! MYSTÈRE!

  • « Bun » as a verb–I like it!

    What I don’t like: The short, curly granny cut modeled by Keri. I’m in total agreement with you. No good.

    I wish I liked short hair on ladies, but 98% of the time I don’t. I think I associate short, stacked, over-the-ears cuts with too-busy-to-be-sexy mom hair, aka « the cut of resignation. »

    I do love a cute bob though. Sometimes chopping off a few inches is like a new years resolution for hair. You can start afresh with less blow drying and bun-wearing! Good luck :O)


  • I love short hair and am totally an short hair person (as I say this, I’m growing my hair out, hmm). That being said, this is a picture from karlascloset.com. She’s a fashion blogger, a bit insufferable and not really my style. But she is incredibly cute/ pretty/ stylish. And has GREAT hair that is wavy/ curly! I so believe in short hair- as Scott has pointed out- a good short haircut imparts so much style on the wearer, with so little investment.
    Take a look at her hair- it started very short and is now is a grown out bob. Loves.

    Best of luck- xoxoxo

  • Personally I don’t see such curly hair as yours short, it just doesn’t feel right :) but getting a perm and then chopping it might be a good idea. Wavy hair would be great for you!

  • vancouverhelen 27 mars 2013, 10:35 / Répondre

    I’ve got similar hair to yours although mine isn’t as strong a curl, and I’ve got lots of volume. I found the solution was to go long – the weight of the hair helps smoothe it.
    I look forward to hearing how you like the short cut – you’re a beautiful person, and whatever you do will be lovely (just be prepared to spend more time on your hair.)

    What I’ve found that REALLY works (PS thanks for the Christophe Robin tip the other year – love his products as I colour my hair to cover greys and it really helped keep the brassiness at bay)

    1. Keratin treatments – have tried many ( including the now outlawed original BB )

    The only safe one that’s worth doing (ie it works and doesn’t smell awful) is KeraSpa.

    2. Shampoo / Conditioner that is the only true miracle product I’ve ever encountered:

    Phylia de M (thank you Into the Gloss) – you will love the results – smooth, voluminous hair (I have volume already and it didn’t make it worse though) that allows you to easily achieve that just-stepped from the salon hair.
    Before you cut or get a texturizing treatment, TRY THIS STUFF!

  • Jacqueline 27 mars 2013, 10:43 / Répondre


    As someone who has had her fair share of horrible haircuts, I think before you overhaul your look, you should try EMBRACING your curls! And not the half-hearted way – but really, really embrace them by wearing your hair down and showing off the curls that so many would die for. I have super curly hair and I have worn it everywhere from scarily short a la Keri Russel to Rapunzel length. You’ve been fighting the curls for so long but you’ve never tried to style them the « right » way. I work in a strict, male-driven job where I have to look strong, sleek, and powerful, and I’ve made my curls work for me. Have you ever tried to have a consultation at one of the curly hair salons in the city? I pledge my allegiance to Devachan (I’ve been going for 5 blissful years) but I’ve heard great things about Christo on 5th and Ouidad.


  • Arline 27 mars 2013, 9:21

    I agree with anyone who suggests that you embrace your curls!!!!! I WISH my air were that curly. I would grow it long and play with it.

    I went to art school with a girl who had hair like yours. It was wild and awesome. It was to the middle of her back then, and still is today (I know because we are facebook friends, and I have seen pics) It is still as awesome today as it was then.

    This is going to be another level of self love and acceptance for you. But from my standpoint, you have GREAT hair!!!

    Grow it, and PLAY!!!!! :)

  • anonymous.two 27 mars 2013, 10:44 / Répondre

    Garance. I like your site so much.

    Regarding your hair saga, I am struck by some deeper thoughts. I hope you don’t mind. It is clear that the way you view others and yourself has more to do with personal energy than it does with looks. Style is part of it, sure. But, the style is a byproduct of the person’s sense of self. So, you want a short haircut because girls with short hair are what? Sophisticated? Carefree? Elegant? Don’t say « chic ». Chic has its place and time, but you need more specificity regarding what is driving your desire for a short do.

    I add this dash of caution because I don’t want you to have a bad haircut. And you definitely don’t want to have a bad haircut. Nobody wants you to have a bad haircut! I know how mortifying bad haircuts can be and even if you look as okay as Kerri, you’ll be convinced you look like Justin Timberlake. Anguish.

    So, my advice is: think about the energy you want to portray through your hair. Then, think if there is another, less trauma-filled way** to celebrate that energy.

    I imagine this: You + long, below the shoulder, hair + an elegant amount of playful/edgy coloring (gray, auburn, lavender, ox-blood, pastels, whatever makes you feel that special energy).

    I recall that you visited a colorist to get some advice about your color. He told you it was perfect. Yeah… but… perfect is boring, thanks. Maybe it is perfect for your skin tone, but not perfect for your personality and energy. I feel like this colorist guy (brilliant though he may be with color) missed the existentialist boat, here.

    Anyhow, good luck. You’re lovely and thanks for sharing with us. I am sure you’ll write hilariously and insightfully about whatever transpires.


    *I use « you » only because it is your post. But, really this applies to me, definitely, and everyone, probably.

    **Maybe the keratin treatment and subsequent chop meets the conditions of « less trauma-filled ». What do I know?

  • peut-être un des meilleurs commentaires

  • Personnellement, j’aime beaucoup cette idée !
    Mais c’est sur que court ET frisé ce n’est vraiment pas terrible…
    Il paraît que les lissages brésiliens, ça marche bien pour les lisser totalement, après je ne sais pas combien de temps ça dure, ce que ça coute ni quoi que ce soit.


  • Je viens de les couper en mode carré long et je ne regrette pas du coup !! laché ils ont une vrai coupe genre décoiffé que j’adore et je peux toujours les attacher en mode Bad Hair Day ce qui est indispensable ! je vote donc pour le carré d’Anne Hathaway…


  • hello, ton post tombe à pic! Je reviens justement de chez le coiffeur…..même idée que toi, une envie de fraicheur et je dois dire que le résultat est …..désastreux….au lieu d’un carré flou aux épaules, je me retrouve avec une coupe quasi au bol…..avec impossibilité de faire cette si pratique queue de cheval… a ce moment précis ou j’écris, je déteste au plus profond de moi cette coiffeuse! Désolée d’aller à contre courant de tes envies, mais là je n’ai qu’une envie, c’est d’hiberner et de rêver qu’il recommence à faire très froid pour pouvoir remettre mes jolis bonnets….. Choisissez bien votre coiffeur et même si vous pensez être très clair, amener toujours une photo avec vous…. Tiens nous au courant!

  • Mais les cheveux courts frisés de type méditerranéen comme Audrey Tautou c’est tellement classe et si frenchy: http://pinterest.com/pin/32580797275656727

  • I’ve had keratin treatments and it changed the texture of my hair forever more – I didn’t know they could be harmful but you can get more natural ones – although I’d go for the AFRO keratin treatment if you have tight curls. Keratin treatment works exceptionally well with my hair and has left it forever loosley wavy. I wouldn’t go for a perm….that sounds ridiculous!


  • Garance,

    Have you ever tried an organic mineral hair treatment? Contact me, I can put you in touch with my stylist. The treatment softens your curls, like a permanent relaxer, but it is not harsh, like a synthetic chemical relaxer. The ingredients do not smell, nor sting. AFter a blow out and a flat iron, it lasts quite a while if you just simply leave it be.

  • A bun does not have to be bad for your hair, actually it can be a great way to keep your hair healthy while you grow it out, or just to give it a day off from styling. If you use hair ties that don’t snag, and treat your hair with a light oil before putting it up, and don’t make the bun extremely tight, or bother with any kind of heat styling or blow drying..there is so little environmental exposure/distress to the follicles that it is one of the safest ways to wear hair.

  • Garance, I have curly hair too… I always cut it back home because they have a lot more experience there…

    Your hair is great and so so similar to mine…but I understand that because it is so unpredictable it kind of makes you go to the predictable… aka bun…I do the same!
    hair cut advice! if they don’t know you, even if they do know you, make then cut you hair while it is dry.. this why they don’t have to estimate the lenght!! they will always cut it too short..! after that they can get it wet so they can do whatever they want, but this is very important advice when you are doing shorter cuts…
    NO BANGS… anything hair that does not reach your chin will curl up and be too short and you know what that is gonna look like!
    no cutting all over… the top of the hair, bangs included, has to be long ( chin lenght at least) because otherwise you just end up with a round head…kind of an afro but the ugly type of afro..

    my experience: conditioner… then hair gel… the extra strong but not the extra extra strong, and the curly hair spray gel from fructis is great too… and a litlle bit, which means one (1) drop of parafin/glycerin ( baby oil) for the ends. makes it perfect and bouncy at the ends. If you overdoit you have greasy hair…

    that said i feel great with the following: in the front lenght till the shoulders ( when straightened, meaning below your chin when curly)) and a little bit shorter in the back… kind of like a bob ( the ones that are longer in the front) that you can wear centered or sideways… it looks sexy.. BUT they have to do cut it while your hair is curly and dry… otherwise they are gonna cut too much… trust me on this…I can send you some pics… they re not great but they ll prove you how similar our hair is.. after that, bobbypins become your best friends so you can control the shape and put the (long) bangs towards the back if you dont want the hair in your eyes…

    my hairdresser forbides me of any perm/keratin… curly hair is dry enough… does not tolerate well the treatments and let’s be honest, there’s is volume but our hair is not that thick or abundant!

    Other thing… rainy days or san francisco… accept what you cannot change… annd go back to the bun…

  • Oh le printemps… Perso ça va être la saison du changement: un bébé, un déménagement et le début de « mon » entreprise! Et du coup j’ai une envie de changement! Peut-être est-ce parce que je deviens plus femme (maman, femme d’affaire, propriétaire) en tout cas envie de changer de tête, de corps, de garde robe (j’en peut plus des fringue de maternité!) et même de façon de me maquiller!
    J’ai eu les cheveux courts puis long, des fois j’ai des jolie boucles, des fois non et du coup c’est la galère!
    Mais pour t’aider (peut-être) sache que la (seule) fois où j’ai osé le très court mes cheveux se sont « détendus » j’avais peur que ça fasse l’effet inverse, l’effet « petit mouton » et en fait ils sont devenus super cool avec moi!
    Saute le pas, au pire comme on dit « ça repousse »!

  • Garance – I love your style and personality – you seem so nice and approachable. However as a naturally curly girl (very very curly, I am Black American and Ecuadorian), your references to curly hair as a negative trait made me quite sad. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and versatility, my hair is flat ironed right now! – but there is beauty in every single texture of hair just as it grows out of one’s head. I’m sure with a bit of love, layers, and styling your natural hair will be fabulous, a little frizz and all.

  • I love the short hair styles you’ve selected! I think Anne Hathaway looks wonderful with short hair. I went short a year and a half ago, and I love it! It’s so easy to take care of.

    Speaking of Keri Russell, she’s been able to tame her curls while maintaining some wave. She looks beautiful!

    Personally, I would avoid getting a perm. That word brings back so many memories of bad hair from the 80s!

  • Bonjour Garance,

    Je pense que les cheveux de Keri ne sont pas assez courts, et c’est pour çà que c’est vilain. En plus la grosse nuque, c’est vraiment laid.
    Frisés, faut qu’ils soient vraiment courts. Petit pâtre grec. Ou corse!
    Très longs, et vous avez la chance d’avoir de beaux cheveux, vous pouvez.
    Ou très courts, vous avez de la chance, vous avez un visage fin.
    Et puis rien n’est définitif, faut essayer.
    J’attends avec impatience les photos ;-))

  • love the spring overhall idea! LOVE the short hair idea (of course you are talking to someone with short hair)…short hair always has more style to it….then you focus you your beautiful face….eyebrows, eyes and smile…you’ve got all that. probably need to do something to just loosen the curls…..can’t wait for the big reveal….keep us updated…..xoxoxo

  • The problem is not you, your hair, your body, nor your skin. The problem is your job…you work in fashion, where the ideas change so fast that anyone who compares themselves to the models and editors will never « measure up. » Fashion is creativity and escape, not a blue print. You are best when communicating it through your talented Garance filter. You don’t have to BE it.

    Forget the dietician. Just eat a little less. (That’s hard, but gradually you will find a balance.) Find the clothing style that suits you and add one special piece that complements you each year. Forgo all else for your personal wear, but photograph it so the rest of us can dream about it, too. Maintain your hair simply (no layers!) with gel and an anti-frizz shampoo. Leave it long enough to pull back when you want to. Otherwise, forget it’s attached to your head.

    Best thing you can do for your skin is wear sunscreen religiously every single day.

    Now find a few OLDER and wiser fashion mavens and study their styles. Find the ones who are comfortable in their own look and WHO FOCUS ON THEIR WORK AND THEIR LIVES. Use them as inspiration, not directive.

    Then go live your life, be yourself. Take lots of pictures, make videos, meet people. You are fashion interpreter, not a fashion slave. And you are beautiful and talented just the way you are. We love what you bring us: thanks for a daily peek into another world!

  • Elizaveta 27 mars 2013, 2:27

    This is so true!

  • keratin is not a treatment and it ruins your hair
    I have (well at least used to have) curly and frizzy hair just like yours for all my life. then I discovered phyto products which completely changed my hair texture in time
    try mixing phytodefrisant with phyto 7 (or phyto 9 if your hair is realy dry) in your palms before applying damp hair. blow dry. you will start to notice the difference starting from the third use.

  • Alexandra 27 mars 2013, 11:06 / Répondre

    would be nice if you shoot a video making of your own « unhealthy » bun)

  • I have long and wavy hair and I usually wear a high bun because I think it favors me and really bothers me my long hair at work! So I’m thinking about cutting my hair. My favorites:
    Maybe if you straight a little your curly hair you could obtain soft waves.

    P.S: I think you always look perfect and elegant, with long or short hair or with your bun!

  • Garance, I feel we have the same type of hair… you won’t believe how much i understabd you. my hair changed after my pregnancy or was it age? i am 35. any way.. while i am still trying to figure it out i discovered a couple of things for perfect bob style curls: the kiehls argan treatment (shampoo & conditioner), an olive oil hair spray and a curl cream from bumble and bumble. i used to be the bun/ ponytail girl. not any more…. no need be so drastic! remember that if you chop it it will have to grow back eventually and the transition could be a real nightmare. so what about a curly bob?

  • Les couper ? Mais non après tu vas regretter !
    Je trouve que cette coupe te va très bien, tu es superbe sur cette photo : http://pinterest.com/pin/564568503257613585/
    et là tes cheveux semblent naturels sans avoir ete trop travaillé et brushé non ? http://pinterest.com/pin/564568503257613588/

    Perso le chignon trop serré je n’aime pas trop. je prefere qd ils sont en mode bun volume comme tu es ici : http://pinterest.com/pin/564568503257546758/ ou sur le coté comme ici : http://pinterest.com/pin/564568503257311395/

    Bon sinon, moi jai les cheveux bouclés, et sans faire de brush complet de tte la tete, une bonne technique cest d assouplir après le shampoing juste les cheveux devant (les mèches de devant et sur les cotés) cest rapide, et ca permet d etre un minimum net (avec les cheveux bouclés jai tjrs l impression de ne pas faire net, d etre brouillon et on dirait que je ne suis pas coiffée…). Pas la peine d’y passer 3h et de les faire raide baguette sinon ca ferait un décalage avec les cheveux de derrière ;)
    Avec de bons soins, et ce mini brush de devant, ca devrait le faire ! Courage !


  • Je suis d’accord avec Jeanne. J’adore tes cheveux sur les deux photos, Garance – aucune idée si c’est pas trop difficile pour tous les jours, néanmoins…

  • Cher Garance,
    I have extremely curly, fine hair I wear a few inches below my shoulders. Lately, I get a Keratin treatment twice a year to help manage the frizz when it rains and is humid. However, as I don’t want straight hair, my hairstylist does a more gentle version (both in chemicals and application). He only takes people on by personal referral so I can’t leave his contact here. If you would like more information, please email me.
    I love your blog.
    Thank you and kind wishes,

    ps–I really like the Santa Maria Novella Honey Cream deep conditioner…if only they would take out the parabens!

  • My very good friend had same problem and for the last year and a half she perms it to have looser curls. Although I’m not into these treatments I have to admit she looks so much better now. Her hair looks healthy and not damaged at all, even though she has to repeat the process every 5-6 months. You could try it once and see if you like it- if you don’t then you can do the bun, no big deal! You will always look good as long as you have your happy smile!

  • Maybe just get your hair trimmed more often? A grown out bob might look beautiful on you!


  • Suis d’accord avec toi : court frise est une horreur… Avant de faire une bêtise, tu achètes la crème Oléo Curl De Kerastase (pas le shampooing, la crème). Sur cheveux mouilles et demeles tu mets la crème partout sur les cheveux, tu laisses sécher tout seul puis quand c’est sec tu structures avec les doigts et de nouveau la crème et aussi avec de la laque Elnett.
    Moi, ça m’a changé la vie…

  • Interesting post, thaks! There are a lot of information :D
    Francesca from http://everydaycoffee23.blogspot.it

  • Go for the bob, Garance, please go for the bob!
    Really short cuts don’t look good on short hair, but I find chin length or a little longer just lovely. I cut my straight hair into a bob and I liked it, but how I wished it had been curly! My straight hair really needs to be beaten up to have any volume at all. I love curly bobs and I love you and I think it would be a great match.
    I think your idea of cutting it until you find the perfect length is great, too.

  • J’ai les cheveux bouclés et les ai eu courts, très courts, très très courts (avec une houpette oui oui et des accroche coeur ensuite, très années 20) vers mes 18 ans. (je ne recommencerai pas !!) (bonjour jeune homme) (non mais c’est trop trop long à pousser) (et si t’es pas contente ben faut attendre loooongtemps) (et faut un beau crane et une belle nuque). Donc les boucles n’ont pas le temps de boucler tant ils sont courts.

    Ensuite le mi-long ondulé de Anne H, je le trouve mou et sans caractère.
    Le bun ou la queue de cheval, c’est clair, ca casse les cheveux et ca avait même raidi les miens quand j’étais préado. Je ne jurais QUE par la queue de cheval haute, pendant plusieurs années. Du coup quand je les ai coupé mi-longs, ils étaient à la Anne H : c’est à dire boooof. Donc je les ai à nouveau attaché en queue haute. Puis coupés très courts hophop soyons fou.
    et depuis 20 ans plus jamais court, never. J’assume ma boucle et suis perdue sans ma boucle.

    Tu peux tester aussi le court derrière/coté avec du volume dessus (comme les 2 autres photos) en te faisant une coiffure (cf Sophia Urista sur ta video de la St Valentin), car tu n’as pas habituellement de volume sur le dessus. Le court change vraiment beaucoup de chose par rapport aux cheveux attachés. Pour soi c’est un autre monde, une légèreté, une nudité, pour les autres c’est vraiment un autre regard posé sur soi. Encore plus fort que de changer de couleur (as tu déjà fait le test blonde ??) (moi oui en mèches, oui ca rend « blonde » haha).

  • A propos du regard des autres j’ai oublié de dire un truc après m’être coupé les cheveux courts :
    ah mais tu as grossi ?
    tu as pris des joues ?
    on voit bien ton nez…
    etc (dépitée)

    bref ca donne un impression d’avoir grossi (super).

  • I wouldnt necessarily say short curly hair is ‘awful’ it is just very high maintenance. For the the girly girls this should be a welcomed challenge….but for wash and go folks like me (and you?) its a nightmare

  • Garance, I have curly hair as well. I sometimes have those moments about chopping and then remember that I spent most of the time growing it back out. I had a couple of good short cuts but I didn’t fall in love–didn’t feel like this is « my » haircut–just something I did until it grew out. I think you don’t want to mess with your hair texture as a solution—curly hair is fragile—what can you do that works beautifully with what you have? Have you been to devachan? I’ve found one of the most frustrating things about shorter hair when it is curly is that you want to cut it before summer but NYC summers are humid–so your hair is more frizzy and you most want it off your face!! If there was a time to cut shorter, I’d go for fall because the air is drier and you can really try something.

    Try wigs for now! x

  • Have you tried braiding your hair when it is damp and letting it dry? I have coarse thick frizzy wavy hair. The only way I can look good curly with little effort is to french braid my hair (not too tight) while damp – I go to sleep with it braided. Then in the morning, it is dry and the curly waves are quite loose but coherent and manageable.

  • I have wavy hair, and upon turning 35 I finally decided to cut it, from very long to shoulder lenghth. What I find is that my hair doesnt look good anymore without a hair salon appointment (in my 20s I just washed it at home and was happy with the beachy curls), so every sunday evening I get it done in a hairdressed (sometimes straight, sometimes wavy) and it lasts a good 5 days- end of problem. I find that it actually saves time during the week as I never have to style it at home.

  • Don’t do it! I also have semi curly hair, always in a bun and spend my life growing it long and then cutting it short, I always regret the cutting it short! At the age of nearly 40 I have finally decided to keep it long and resist the temptation to cut short again. A bad hair day is so much easier to deal with when you can put it up. I have come to the conclusion that short hair only works if you have straight hair…..

  • En semi-court bouclé, je te verrais bien en NICOLE GRIMAUDO:

  • Chaque printemps je suis tenté et chaque printemps je me promets d’attendre 2 semaine pour voir si je suis sur et à chaque fois je me désiste.
    Peut-etre cette année sera la bonne!
    Le cheveux court demande encore plus de temps que le cheveux long pour etre magnifique. Et le temps me manque… ou la motivation… Mais peut-être l’année prochaine…

  • Keratin treatments are safe as long as it is applied correctly. There were problems with fumes because stylists were slathering way to much on before blow-drying.

    As for wearing your hair up in a bun without causing breakage I would recommend you get a few of the spiral bobby pins like the Goody Spin Pins. I started using them to avoid breakage yet keep my hair up for running or yoga. If you have thicker hair you might need to use 3 or 4.

  • First: I love that you refer to your hair as « them », I know, I know it’s a translation thing but I love it! Second: I have the same hair as you, well, I did until I had my daughter now it’s so frizzy and impossible to control. I was going to book a Keratin (1st time) in May to help get me through the summer and the humidity because I can NOT bear to deal with frizz when I’m already grumpy about the heat. I’m thinking bangs even though that so 2 months ago. I’ve got nothing for you, Garance, sorry.

  • Si tu veux couper tes cheveux l’important c’est de trouver un très bon coiffeur qui connait bien les cheveux frisés, qui sait comment ils se replacent.
    Pour ta dermato, je suis curieuse de voir si elle te conseillera toujours les mêmes produits que la dernière fois.

  • I am in the process of growing my short hair out, and believe me, it’s not worth cutting it. I had a lovely pixie for some time, but it’s been almost a year now and it’s still not even long-ish. And I bet you’ll want your long hair back. Put anti-frizz product in it, and wear it down, your hair is beautiful! And please tell us more about your spring overhaul :-)

  • Garance, laisse pousser tes cheveux, ils étaient très beaux longs et on te voyait souvent cheveux détachés.
    Plus ils seront longs, plus ta boucle sera souplée, et tu seras bouclée de nouveau.
    Toute forme de traitement à la kératine finira par les abimer et il faudra les récuperer.
    Ne coupe, tu vas souffrir! c’est joli quand c’est très court, car ça boucle pas, mais quand ça repousse, c’est cata!

  • I love short hair BUT, I get bored so easy and takes ages to grow it again…. I love the Ann H stile in that picture….

  • Sorry, but keratin is good for your hair, in fact very good. It does wonders! Even if it is preserved in formaldehyde!

  • Pourquoi ne pas retourner voir cutbyfred? je lis vos deux blogs tous les jours.
    C’est ma référence coiffure! Il met toute les femmes en valeur, quels que soient leurs cheveux.
    je sais que ça n’avait pas trop marché la première fois… mais je vous aime tous les deux!

  • Aurélie 27 mars 2013, 1:28

    J’ai pensé la même chose, j’aime d’amour ce qu’il a fait des cheveux de Make my lemonade…

  • et pourquoi tu tenterais pas la coupe « jean Seberg »………avec le visage que tu as,profite……
    bon d’accord je preche pour ma paroisse…………..je me suis jetée à l’eau il ya qques années et de l’avis général..j’aurai du le faire depuis longtemps!!!!!!!!

    c’est classe,pratique ,apres la douche …rien à faire ,topissime…et au pire si tu te sens toute nue,ça repousse
    et c’st aussi terriblement sexy, si si,
    en coupant mes cheveux j’ai perdu 15 ans d’un coup ,ça m’ a fait un bien……

  • Curly hair is awesome, but you need a stylist who knows how to work with it. This site http://www.mydevacurl.com/ has great curly girl products that will keep the curls but tame the frizz. Also, you can find stylists who specialize in working with curly hair. Ani x

  • As a curly haired girl, I finally found the answer by using Wen products. Their conditioning cleanser has really helped me with frizz control. I use the almond-mint, but there are other types for dry, oily, or normal hair. It’s a little different then regular shampoo. You put a lot in your hair, comb it through, and let it stay on 3-5 minutes while you shower. It also helps hair grow out beautifully. It has made a huge difference for my curly hair. Best wishes!

  • Pas totalement convaincue par Anne Hathaway mais les 2 autres coupes sont très sympas !
    Ceci dit, quand on a l’habitude des cheveux longs , on ne se refait pas …. Je les ai coupé et les fait repousser maintenant !

  • As someone with short-ish curly hair, I always have to emphasize to a new hair dresser that I do NOT, repeat do NOT like the poodle look as in your photo of Keri. Fortunately, I have been seeing the same wonderful tonsorialist for many years now, so I haven’t had to say that for quite a while.

    But I notice there is not one photo of Yasmin in your group of aspirational haircuts. Why not? She has curly hair. Hers is the photo I brought in for my last hair cut with instructions to « keep it long in the front and go crazy in the back. »

    I think there’s a style out there for you, but you have to want it. And I will caution you that when you have curly hair, it takes forever to grow back out. But you already know that.

  • As a child of the 80s and 90s, I grew up afraid of perms, especially since I had pretty straight hair. In the last ten years or so, the texture of my hair has definitely changed (like you), and about five years ago I had my hair permed at Aveda. While my hair isn’t as curly as yours, I did find that the perm, which was pretty gentle, gave me really pretty waves, and all I had to do was wash my hair, scrunch it a bit with my hands, and leave the house. I am super-lazy, so I was very happy about it. I’m not even sure I used a comb, except in the shower.

  • Julia Julio 27 mars 2013, 12:26 / Répondre

    I had the same hair-spirations and ended up with the Keri look!
    Laughing at myself and your post!
    Everything looks great once I blow-dry, but it I leave it be – hello Keri long time no see…
    For blow drying I use bumble and bumble straight blow dry and a simple hairdryer like philips or rowenta with a detachable brush so one of your hands if free!

  • Garance! My daughter has such curly hair and she has all her life hated it. But, she read The Curly Girl handbook (http://www.amazon.com/Curly-Girl-Handbook-Lorraine-Massey/dp/076115678X) and it changed her life. She also purchased the Deva Curl system — phosphate free and curl defining, frizz-defying — and she is a happier young woman. Don’t know if this would help you. Short curly hair is such a problem though. It might be worth exploring these options. I think you are so lovely — hair up or down — and if you want a change — absolutely! But not for any other reason than that you want to have a little fun.

  • Dear Garance,

    I think I know how you feel, I had long hair all my life, long and straight, slightly wavy depending on the weather and I had them in a ponytail almost every day, so it was ponytail, ponytail, ponytail…. like you the bun, the bun, the bun…. (you look grate with the bun, I love it). But I understand your feeling, you want and need a change. But short and curly is definitely not the way to go and also keratin and perm, I’m not a fan, had a perm like a hundred years ago, a real 80ies perm, haha. And if you cut it real short, you loose the chance of changing things, you can’t wear them in many different ways anymore, then it’s just short….. But I could definitely see you in a haircut similar to the one Yasmin Sewell has (maybe slightly longer than she wears it), maybe she would be the one to ask, she’s got curly hair too and she’s got a grate sense of style… xxx

  • Des cheveux frisés ou très bouclés au carré (très légèrement « plongeant » enfin un brin plus court derrière que devant) coupés au niveau du menton ça t’irait vachement bien je persiste! Je trouve ça très frais, très punchy.
    Je ne t’imagine pas vraiment avec les cheveux plus courts en fait ou alors avec moultes soins de lissage réguliers mais qui risquent de te prendre la tête…

  • Garance,

    From one curly haired girl to another (I’m the first curly haired girl), do not do the perm. I did the relaxing perm for a number of years, and it did a number on my hair. It got so dry and broken. I would not recommend it at all.

    Here’s a possibility for you, however. For three years now, I’ve been wearing my hair straight-ish. I say -ish, because I blow-dry and flat iron my hair once every three weeks. Before you are totally grossed out by this ( I know three weeks is a lot, dry shampoo is the best thing ever), this is where our curly hair comes to the rescue. During the first week I’ve washed it, my hair is pretty straight. I wear it in a bun at night, so it has a soft curl when I take it out of the bun in the morning. By the second week, my indigenous curly hair takes hold of the straightened hair and there’s the best soft curl ever. And by the third week, my hair has never looked better. It has the messy/I don’t care about my hair but I totally do thing going on with it. It’s the best.

    I hope this is helpful :)

  • Tu me fait tellement rire Garance!

     » The nightmare » ahahaha la tronche de la photo!!

    Non c’est sur faux pas que tu ressemble à ca!
    Le problème c’est que pour moi cheveux court et frisé ca donne ca!

    J’y connais rien en cheveux et encore moins bouclés car les miens sont raides comme des spaghettis!
    Mais peut être te faire un espèce de lissage brésilien ou je sais pas comment ca s’apel ( un truc qui les fait wavy/ bouclé/ effet plage) pourrait être cool, ca serai un mix entre les boucles et lisses.

    enfin bon vivement de voir le résultat!

    gros bisous

    Sophie de http://www.aroundlamode.com

  • Coucou,

    j’ai les cheveux hyyyyper bouclés aussi, et je trouve que plus ils sont long et lourd et plus c’est facile… tu as essayé le traitement raidissant naturel de phyto ? c’est absolument génial, ça les rend légèrement plus raide et un chouille moins épais ;-)
    Personellement, j’ai tout les printemps le même raz-le-bol, cheveux indomptable, pouuuuuurquoi je ne peux pas juste me laver les cheveux et les sécher la tête en bas et avoir l’air maaaaagnifique ???!!!! mais en fait toutes les coupes de rêves dans notre imagination ne sont jamais une vraie bonne idée en vrai… Je crois qu’il s’agit pus d’un changement d’ambiance plutôt qu’un changement de tête qu’on veut, et ça, ça vient avec les beaux jours…<3


  • Tu as déjà vu une photo d’Isabel Marant les cheveux lâchés ?

  • ErinJones 27 mars 2013, 12:40 / Répondre

    I recommend Ian Scott Dorey at Ouidad
    He was the best stylist I ever had with my hair and since he moved to NY, I have never found a replacement. He knows curly hair, having it himself. Also recommended in one of your interview posts of Pamela/Brooklyn
    Pamela Love.

    Such a small world when I was reading it, here is Ian!

  • Bonjour Garance, en fait je pense que le chignon c’est ta « marque de fabrique ». Tu le portes tres bien…Pourquoi changer de coiffure ? lache tes cheveux la nuit, ou lorsque tu es chez toi. Comment fait Sarah Jessica Parker avec ses cheveux frises et longs ? cheveux frises courts : regard Halle BERRY c’est absolument possible ! Quant a la keratine, definitely NO ! ca abime. Bonne fin d’apres-midi…

  • You’ll find the perfect short style just for you,I promise. As for hair science I haven’t a clue. I have very straight hair,the color very much like yours(with grey peeking in),and wear a pixie/boy cut. I’m 52.

    I find short hair very sexy,very beautiful and fresh. A long neck? Even more beautiful.

  • T’es folle (et c’est pour ça qu’on t’aime !). Ouais moi je suis une experte capillaire (mon mari te le dirait) je teint, coupe fait tout toute seule, j’ai la ciseaunite aigue !! Et bien sur je fais n’importe nawak !! Et un jour j’ai tout coupé très court, c’était bien…15 jours après la galère pour la repousse…2 ans. Là je suis en désintoxe (ciseaux!) et ça va beaucoup mieux merci, mais une rechute est vite arrivée !! Laisse vivre tes cheveux, un carré un peu désépaissi et tu seras superbe ! Bon je dis ça je dis rien, surtout ne jamais m’écouter :-)

  • clairette 27 mars 2013, 12:52 / Répondre

    Hello Garance !

    Juste pour te dire de pas trop te prendre la tête, les cheveux ça repousse..Et vite !
    J’ai les cheveux épais et frisés, je l’ai ai eu long pendant longtemps, mais toujours attachés comme toi, sinon ça me faisait une coupe à la Jackson Five pas terrible ! Je l’ai ai lissé pendant quelques temps, ça me prenait une bonne heure et au moins je pouvais les laisser détacher mais ce n’étais plus vraiment moi…
    Et j’ai toujours rêvé des cheveux courts…je trouvais les filles aux cheveux courts plus féminines, plus séduisantes, plus affirmées…
    Et sur un coup de tête, j’ai tout coupé très court..malgré les réticences première de mon coiffeur et sans prévenir personne….
    et bien, c’est GENIAL !! mes cheveux courts ne frisent plus comme quand ils étaient long, ils sont plus souples car il y a moins d’épaisseur et plus besoin de brunshing, ils ont toujours l’air coiffé !! Et vu qu’ils n’étaient pas raides c’est bien plus joli car ça fait pas un peu de volume !
    Tout le monde a trouvé ca super et depuis, impossible de les faire repousser, c’est trop bien comme ça !
    Donc franchement, n’hésite pas trop si tu as toujours voulu le faire, tu as un beau visage ça t’ira forcément bien et ils n’auront pas la même tenue court que long !
    Allez lance toi Garance !!!

    avec tout mon courage,

  • My dear friend. I am a stylist. You seriously need to look at the Morrocan Oil line. It is made for you!! (Just make sure it is the original product and not a knock off)

    Curly hair tends to be slightly drier and coarser in texture than straight hair. Hair has « scales » called cuticle on the surface. When hair is « bent » in a curl, these scales do not lie flat like straight hair does. Hence, a rougher feel and frizzy look.

    The Morrocan Oil Hair line is GORGEOUS! It will tame your beautiful curls. Most people do not use « enough » product. There is one product called Curl Control Cream. BEEEAUTIFUL

    You need to find a salon that carries this and get a complimentary consultation on the products suitable for your wonderful hair. You won’t be disappointed!

  • Pff malheureusement aucun conseil à donner: 34 ans de cheveux raide et terne que même des mèches aléatoires n’arrive pas à faire briller… Mais je vais avoir 35 (multiple de 7): est ce à dire que je vais changer radicalement de texture et avoir les sublimes cheveux bouclés de ma mère? je te demanderai alors des conseils…
    Courage! Mais moi deux choses sont sûres: les cheveux courts j’adore…3 jours et après je regrette mes cheveux long… et les fois où j’ai essayé du radicalement différent j’étais gêné par le manque de naturel au final…

  • Comme toi, j’ai longtemps eu les cheveux longs et à force, je les attachais tout le temps…
    Je pense que d’après ce que tu me dis, un carré long ondulé pourrait déjà faire un joli changement et t’habituer à avoir les cheveux détachés.
    Peut-être que tu re-couperas par la suite, peut-être pas, mais je pense que ça peut déjà être une bonne étape ;)
    Je suis par là aussi :

    Bonne chance ! Tu verras, ça fait du bien ;)
    Et je confirme, les cheveux changent vraiment d’aspect dans notre vie. Je ne sais pas si c’est tous les 7 ans mais bon, ça m’a l’air vrai ;)


  • I am Black American and I have very fine, curly hair. As a teenager, I applied a relaxer treatment to my long hair in an effort to conform to mainstream standards of beauty. After my first year of college, I became fed up and cut if off into a very short curly pixie. I’m nearly 30 now and my hair is a long layered pixie length cut. I live in the U.S Deep South with high humidity, swim a great deal, and am a law student and intern. It’s impractical to straighten it often. I don’t think short curly hair is so horrible: a lot depends on cut, layers and conditioning the hair. Interestingly enough, I get more compliments with my cropped layered curly cut than when it was long, straight and damaged. I’m told I look more chic, and I experiment with bigger earrings and more high fashion looks for work and play. I’m happier not being a « slave » to my hair. Hair is an individual as the women behind it. By saying Keri Russell’s short hair was a nightmare, you disparage a large base of your readers, many of whom are multicultural and who have to work and suffer to get the hair mainstream society deems preferable.

  • AHHHH. Garance, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE DO NOT PERM YOUR HAIR! Do you really wanna look like Mariah Carey circa 1990s? Those jerry-like curls still haunt me. I propose that you have your hair cut at the Ouidad studio in NYC because they specialize in curly girl hair and will take care of you. Trust all hair advise from a black woman who has had her hair permed, relaxed, and all other things which at the end of the day = destruction. Be kind to yourself and others, just DON »T DO IT.

  • Angelina 27 mars 2013, 1:27 / Répondre

    Hey Garance!
    I totally feel your pain. I once too decided i was time to get rid of my bun and cut it short. A perm is a great option, but maybe you should first try cutting it shorter before you perm it! I noticed that my curls changed shape when I cut it :) And if it doesn’t work out, you could Always add the perm later on. A perm isn’t great for your hair either, but a still a good second option!
    I’m sure short hair will suit you wonderfully! Good luck with your search for answers.

    Angie :)

  • Wear your hair like you did in the Stella McCartney video – that’s a very good look for you. Don’t cut unless you want to keep going to the hairdressers every month. Or else grow long and that way you can also wear in a ponytail or in a chignon. When you take the hair out of the chignon it is usually a bit straighter and then you can wear in a ponytail.

  • AHHHH. Garance, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE DO NOT PERM YOUR HAIR! Do you really wanna look like Mariah Carey circa 1990s? I propose that you have your hair cut at the Ouidad studio in NYC because they specialize in curly girl hair and will take care of you. Trust all hair advise from a black woman who has had her hair permed, relazed, and all other things which at the end of the day = destruction. Be kind to yourself and others, just DON »T DO IT.

  • I think this is my first ever comment…

    Please check out naturallycurly.com and LiveCurlyLiveFree.com before perming. You can do what you like, of course, but keeping it healthy and learning to work with the curl might make you happy! Plus, in New York, there’s got to be a stylist or two to give you a good, dry haircut specifically for curls. Maybe you’ll discover that the CurlyGirl method works for you abd is a lot less fuss!

  • I love your hair like this Garance, please don’t cut it. Sometimes I have an urge to cut my hair too, but whenever I did, I have regretted it. Actually I think that you should leave them grow a little, longer hair would suit you better than shorter.

  • Garance,
    There are so many suggestions here that your curly head must be spinning! Please listen to Jackie and Sara (9:32 posts). Devachan Salon in Soho is no renowned Bumble & Bumble, but they specialize in curly hair. (I know because I have a friend who works there.) They use only the purest products because SULFATES and SILICONES are the enemy of curly hair (and all hair in my opinion).

    Also check out this website: http://www.jessicurl.com. Read the entire website to understand how curly hair must be treated very differently from all other hair types, and that includes the products that are used on it. The videos explain a lot. These products will put your hair in its most natural state and get rid of the frizz. It will make your hair MANAGEABLE.

    Try all of this (jessicurl products, Devachan salon) before you do anything else to it. THIS IS THE SHORT CUT to the MANAGEABLE hair you’ve always wanted!!!!

  • Moi je viens juste d.enlever 30cm à mes cheveux. J’ai donc un petit carré flou et je l’adore. Je ne pense pas que tes cheveux friseront sur le dessus du crâne comme Keri, ça serait plutôt comme Anne Hataway en y mettant un peu de crème lissante. Enfin tu sais les cheveux ça repousse!!! Depuis le temps que tu parles de cheveux courts, vas-y coupe, on a qu’une vie… Coupe un carré comme Anne, comme ça si t’es déçu tu pourras toujours faire une mini queue de cheval et ce sera super joli.


  • No on the perm. I’m pretty sure it ruins your hair more than wearing it up every day. Maybe try out the style of Anne Hathaway’s that you picked. You’ll need a blow out or some sort of mild straightening. I have naturally curly hair too but I don’t mind straightening it daily. I like the beachy waves though.


  • Crystal Granderson-Reid 27 mars 2013, 1:55 / Répondre

    Garance, until recently I was a ponytail/bun woman (a carry over from adolescence- sadly) until I wisened up and contemplated a complete overhaul that would leave my no fuss hair and easy style in tact. Happy to share that two months ago I chopped my once shoulder length naturally curly hair opting for a very tomboy (Charlize Theron-like) cut. It’s the best thing I ever did! Do it and don’t look back!!

  • Hi Garance,

    I have curly hair – perhaps a little less curly than your hair looks in pictures but still pretty curly. 18 months ago I cut my hair short for the first time ever. I love it! It is much quicker to style – it still takes time and product but less time and ALOT less product than when it was curly. I also have fewer ‘bad hair days’

    At the moment, I have a Michelle Williams-ish slight undercut but I also wore it a bit like Audrey Tatou so working with my curls – both require the use of straightners but take less than 5 minutes.

    The only disadvatage is that the hair is the same every day and needs cut very often (4 weeks), but each cut allows a slightly different style.

  • You hair sounds similar to my cousin’s hair. She keeps it short and uses a product called « Mixed Chicks » http://www.mixedchicks.net/
    It ensures a curl without the crispness of mousse and it’s actually moisturizing for your hair. I know she’s struggled with her hair her whole life but is finally at peace and would never leave home without this stuff. (It’s marketed at African American women but anyone with curly/frizzy hair can use it!)

    I think you should try various products first before heading to the land of chemicals.

  • Garance ne coupe surtout pas tes cheveux ta signature c ton chignon basta!!!!je suis d ‘accord avec Cohiba aime tes cheveux et Scott les adorera c simple mais c comme ca la vie !!!!!! Biz

  • Marielena 27 mars 2013, 1:59 / Répondre

    once you have the idea in your head, you’ll have to do it!! i have curly hair, and i live in the paradise of curly hair people (lebanon) he, he…they brush it, but on the other side if they want they leave it natural…me, personally, i had short hair for a few years, and one filipino friend taught me how to do perm at home ( it doesn’t smell very nice) so i put 10 minutes first, then 20, until it was nice enough…but the thing is that short hair have to be cut at least monthly ( in order to keep the nice shape…so the perm have to be re-done every three months? (i suppose depends on your hair growth…)…and the other point is that you don’t put any roll, you just comb your hair back, and then later you do what ever you feel like…posible problems? color change…or damage ends…
    But, if you have a good hair cut (like yasmin s) you wont have problems!!
    i don’t know him but there’s a guy….http://themakeoverguy.com/ that is closer in america..than Australia where yasmin lives, isn’t? good chance!!

  • I understand wanting a change, but I think you’re fighting what you have naturally WAY too much! Short curly hair can look fantastic. I agree that you have to find someone who’s pro at cutting curls – a great cut is something you can wash and go. Period.

  • Jocelyne G 27 mars 2013, 2:04 / Répondre

    J’ai coupé les miens très courts, à la Anne Hathaway (j’ai les cheveux raides) il y a un mois. Gros gros changement, j’ai mis une semaine à m’habituer mais maintenant j’adore, c’est différent ça me plaît.
    Un conseil, ne pas, justement, trop demander conseil autour de soi car ça embrouille. Moi je n’en avais parlé à personne et ça a été la méga surprise.
    Apparemment tu as déjà eu les cheveux courts, tu ne nous a JAMAIS montré la photo, donc tu dois savoir à peu près à quoi t’en tenir.
    Moi je te vois bien avec une coupe à la Eva Fontanelli quand elle avait les cheveux plus courts que maintenant. Elle a les cheveux bouclés comme toi.
    Et sinon, dis-toi que les cheveux, ça repousse très vite… c’est ce que je m’étais dit avant de sauter le pas!
    Allez Garance, go, go, go, surprend-nous!!

  • I, too, have very curly, frizzy locks. I’ve been getting a keratin treatment every few months and it does wonders for my hair–it allows me to keep the pretty waves and curls, but takes away the frizz and the « big » helmet hair! My hair stylist recommends them especially in the spring and summer months as the humidity goes up. The keratin makes my life so much easier, yet I still look like myself, sans the frizz!! I recommend one highly–try it once and you’ll never go back…

  • annemarie 27 mars 2013, 2:09 / Répondre

    argh, so many comments…I hope you get to mine.

    My hair is extremely curly– far more than yours. It’s basically like an afro (except I’m not black) and the texture is very coarse and dry. I have to use a ton of product– always.

    But when I cut my hair short, it went STRAIGHT! Not bone-straight– it still had wave and body. And it was so thick I could do pretty much anything I wanted to. Those were– seriously– some of the best hair days of my life.

    Just go for it and see what happens. I bet the frizz will go. And even if it doesn’t, it’s so much easier to get rid of it on short hair than on long (product was MADE for short hair).

    And forget the Keratin– you’ve already been there, done that (me too).

  • Garance, I’ve tried the Nanokeratin System and I must say it’s really good. My hair is long and frizzy and the humid weather in England doesn’t help at all. I had to stay at the hairdresser’s for 6 hours (too many magazine were read that day) but the treatment lasts for 4-6 months if you make sure to always use the nanokeratin shampoo :)

  • Garance!

    Have you been introduced to Mara and Danny and their Blog about Love? (It’s wonderful, I think you’ll adore it).

    More importantly… Mara has the most gorgeous curly hair ever and posted all her tips and tricks here:


  • Garance,
    I think the short (chin-length when dry) and wild, curly cut would be a great place to start. Also, your hair texture might be a little different with short hair, just to warn you. When I have long hair, I have tons of curl, but sadly my short hair is not as bouncy as I thought it would be. All those times I complained about the volume… now I miss it! On the flip side, now I can try out some cuts I never thought I’d be able to have.

  • Love the idea Garance! I manage a hair salon and we just did a body wave (a.k.a. perm) on a client last week and she absolutely LOVED it!. There are so many different styles and ways to do perms now that it’s not your mother’s perm ;) For your hair a body wave can actually soften your curl, to a beautiful wave.

    Hope this helps & good luck with everything! Keep us posted & check out our website if you want to come out to Englewood, NJ we would love to help you out!

    Xx Sophia

  • Look into Mizani products. Owned by Loreal this line specialises in products for Black / Mixed race hair. What many people fail to understand is that Black hair is very fine and in no way tough and brittle. These products work great on Caucasian curly hair.
    Japanese straightening may also help relax your current curl pattern into a more manageable / aestheticaly pleaseing texture.

    DO NOT CUT IT. THIS IS NOT AN OPTION. YOU THINK YOU’RE BOYFRIEND WILL FIND YOU CUTE AND SOME FASHION FRIENDS SAY IT’S A GOOD IDEA. Week 1 friends/ boyfriend/ you like it but what they like is you having made a decision and appearing positive and upbeat and partly because of this it looks cute. You feel good. Week 2 not cute x

  • Hair grows. It is a fact. Cut your damn hair! Quit obsessing over it. You’re such a charming person in every other way — let go of your hair hand-wringing. If you don’t like it, then you can obsess over growing it out and it gives you an easily achievable life goal.

  • This is just my two cents….. I love pouring over your older videos and pictures and I remember thinking how beautiful your hair looks when it is longer !!!!!! Curly hair brings the hair up anyway so shorter cuts look shorter…. Grow your hair a bit you will have more play with it ie: up, down, straight, curly. I love the idea of accepting your hair for what it is and it is really great! Play with the length … look at old videos and see where you liked it the best. Besides you know your beautiful either way!

  • Hi Garance

    Didn’t you have a keratin treatment before which was good to start with and then you didn’t like it after? I was always cutting mine, then I would regret it and grow it again. I have finally learnt not to give in to being bored with it and just make small changes such as a semi permanent colour or styling it a different way.

    You should just let your hair do what it likes to do naturally and stop fighting it. Just use lots of Moroccan oil or similar on it.. don’t wash it every day, and if you keep it longer it will sit better. I think if you let your hair be more natural, it will be easier.


  • As someone with curly hair also I would recommend going to Whole Foods and checking out the organic/natural conditioners. I wanted to cut all of my hair off and then i discovered Beautiful Curls leave in conditioner. It is fantastic !! and it really works. I also use Giovanni smoothing conditioner and Origins Apricot shampoo.

  • Hi Garance, I think you should do whatever makes you feel comfortable and whatever you are happy with. I’m Middle Eastern and I have very curly hair and I find it really annoying when people tell me I look amazing with straight hair, or when they tell me that I should just leave my hair in its naturally curly state because « it looks better. » However, I have to agree with a few readers that the way you are disparaging short, curly hair (or kinky hair – as Keri Russell’s is in that photo) is disappointing for a huge portion of your readers. As a curly-haired woman, I understand your frustrations, but as an influential person in the fashion/beauty industry, it’s disappointing to hear you echoing such common notions of « straight is better. » (implied in your post). That’s something to consider…

    Good luck, whatever you do, and I can’t wait to see the photos.

  • Clémentine 27 mars 2013, 3:01 / Répondre

    Nooooooon les cheveux courts c’est ideux ! Ne les coupe pas ! Je suis plus d’avis de les laisser pousser, ils vont se détendre et redevenir bouclés. Ou alors tu mets de l’après shampoing pour lisser tes cheveux, ça va les rendre bouclés comme avant. Mais surtout, surtout, ne les coupe pas ! Et non, les cheveux courts, ça ne va à personne.

  • comment ça les cheveux courts c’est hideux!!!!! et ça ne va à personne!!!!
    que nenni Clémentine..je peux t’assurer que qqfois les cheveux courts c’est sublime et tres ,tres sexy(Charlyze par exemple!)je t’accorde que ça ne va pas à tout le monde mais a contrario les cheveux longs passés…disons un certain age !!!ça fait plutot vieille sorciere..et ds ce cas le chignon est…obligatoire!!

  • Clémentine 28 mars 2013, 9:50

    Oui COCO les cheveux courts c’est moche. La preuve: Charlize est mille fois mieux avec un carré, tout comme Anne Hathaway qui, depuis qu’elle s’est coupée les cheveux, s’est enlaidie et a pris 10 ans. Je trouve personnellement que les cheveux courts ça fait beaucoup trop garçon. Je te l’accorde toutefois, Twiggy avait les cheveux courts et ça lui allait bien… mais elle était androgyne !
    Même dans Rosemary’s Baby, le mari de Mia Farrow lui dit, dès qu’elle se coupe les cheveux courts, que ça ne lui va pas du tout…
    Enfin, non, il y a de très belles femmes qui, vers la quarantaine voire cinquantaine, sont encore belles les cheveux longs (Gwyneth Paltrow, Julianne Moore, Angelina Jolie…). Le court, ça veut aussi dire une seule coiffure tous les jours, alors qu’avec des cheveux longs ou mi-longs entretenus tu as plein de possibilités de coiffures tous les matins. Après chacun son opinion sur le sujet et je respecte ton point de vue.

  • I have thick, frizzy, (not quite as springy) curly hair. I’d kept it about armpit length (for lack of prettier words) for maybe 5 years and in that time it had changed textures from frizzy straight to frizzy curly. Then my friend encouraged some growing secret ideas about chopping it to shoulder length inspired by Marissa Tomei. I did it. I love it and the curls have never looked better. Then I chopped two more inches off a month later and love it even more. As far as relaxing goes I’ll never try it because I’ve heard wayyy too many horror stories. But I will clamp a curly iron loosely on sections and go trigger down to smash them ever so slightly getting rid of the top layer of frizz.

  • I am sure anything which you will choose will be great!
    You are way too beautiful to think different way!
    Changes make you feel much better, so go do it whatever feels right.
    Spring is almost here!:)
    Here I found some suggestions:


    or watch Curly Nora here: http://cutbyfred.com/category/before-then/

    be inspired by seeing those, Garance! :)

  • Coucou Garance

    J ai les cheveux courts et ils sont frises ( enfin qund la longueur le permet)!,
    c est hyper feminin, ca degage le visage ,ma coupe fetiche est la meme que celle de Halle Berry ,celle la :http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Halle_Berry_10.jpg
    Depuis que je les ai coupes, je n ai jamais pense revenir en arriere( euh si une fois en fait et ca n a pas ete tres concluant)., ces cheveux courts c est ma signature, ca change tout, c est dynamique petillant. Comme toi avant de les couper, je les portais toujours attaches,
    Quand on effectue un changement aussi radical ,il faut s attendre a toutes sortes de reactions, des plus enthousiastes aux plus reservees ( pour ne pas dire plus!)
    Jette un oeil aussi a Alexandra Sublet, une fille qui porte les cheveux courts a merveille ! Et puis au pire, y a les extensions et au pire du pire ca repousse !… Allez Garance!cooupe comme ca tu me donneras les bonnes adresses de coiffeurs qui savent couper les cheveux courts ,ca me sera utile quand j amenagerai a NYC en septembre


  • la photo court frisé fait peur en effet. J’aime bien celle de la première (celle avec le haut violet) mais ça doit pas être facile tous les jours à coiffer. Et celle de Karlie ne te plaît pas : http://www.so-trendy.fr/post/la-coiffure-de-lannee-revelee-karlie-kloss/ ?

  • In the mean time, while you decide about chopping-or-not– I have found a way to create more manageable, predictable waves in my curly hair, which looks much like yours: In the past I would never have brushed my dry hair– poof-ball central!– but now, in the evenings I brush it out, apply a little product, and twist it into a loose chignon; the combination of being brushed, loosely twisted, and its natural desire to curl creates beautiful, loose waves in the morning and for the next few days. I touch it up with a curling iron as needed. The waves get tamer and smoother every day, so I go up to a week without washing, using *dry shampoo* the roots if it’s looking at all oily. The dry shampoo also adds volume to your roots, so you get glam waves and big hair :) (I could see you working this into your current routine– wash, dry, wear curls one day(defined with a curling iron), brush and put into a bun the next, then wear down for a few more days each week, touching up with a curling iron as needed)

  • Garance, I have very curly hair like yours, but I cut it a year ago and I love it–it looks great, nothing like Keri Russel’s jheri curl. For me the trick was having a stylist who had cut my hair for years and knew its weight and curl. Now I always travel to Chicago for my haircuts (where my family lives, so no big deal). But she cuts into it very deeply, and I wear it shorter on the sides and longer on top, I barely do anything to style it–actually, nothing, just comb it and then scrunch it with my fingers a little. And I LOVE it. I also was always in a bun, and now I feel either chic or really badass, depending if I comb it down or spike it up. chop it off!!

  • Lilena 27 mars 2013, 4:13

    Hi Tessa! Can you share the name of your salon for us Chicago-based curly girls? Thanks!!

  • Curly hair is beautiful if it’s hydrated, cut properly, and cared for properly. The reason it can be such a pain is that most products on the market are too harsh and destroy texture, and there’s nothing fun about frizz. I recommend Devachan in SoHo for the cut, and the DevaCurl product line. I started using it a few years ago and treating my curly hair differently, and it has made a huge difference. It’s common for people with curly hair to obsess over it, because it’s so unpredictable. On any given day, depending on the weather, our diet, our mood, it changes and we don’t look the way we planned. But the right products have definitely helped me.

  • Have you tried this brand? They have the best products for curly and frizzy hair. Long or short!

    And please google on Karla from Karla’s Closet she has the best short haircuts with curls.

    Bon change,

  • Garance, it took me 18 years to love my curly hair (now 44 years old) there were no products 24 years ago otherwise I swear my life would have been different as a teenager. Anywhooo, perhaps your curl pattern is big and thus your hair needs to be a little longer to achieve it’s ultimate greatness.
    My personal regime is to do as little to it as possible, wash hair at night (ideally an hour or two before lights out) DO NOT comb it, apply L’Oreal ‘Matt & Messy’ then some gel to hair. Push hair up the back of your head and rest on pillow, good night. In the morning use a blow dyer, low blow with some hairspray to arrange and voila. I am good for 4 days.

    I could talk about hair all day, I come from a long line of hairdressers and opted out of the profession but cut my friends hair all the time and have for years.

    Embrace your lid.


  • Curly too 27 mars 2013, 3:44 / Répondre

    Don’t you love how emotional everybody is about their hair? IMO it’s all, yes all, about the cut.
    Find yourself a smart hairdresser with a strong will. Let her decide. A she, because she knows what it’s like ;)

  • Two suggestions: try some Wen. The commercials are cult-y, yes, but it definitely makes a difference. Unsolicited hair compliments all the time.
    Or find Keri Russel and ask her about her hair. Seriously. On her new show, it’s so nice and wavy. It’s fascinating. And it always looks the same in other pictures of her too. No frizz at all. Maybe the curls were a perm? Hmmm.

  • Hooo! Moi j’adore tes cheveux comme ils sont :)

    Je ne sais pas t’aider pour les questions car j’ai les cheveux longs et lisses


  • Moi j’ai une bonne nouvelle : les cheveux bouclés se raidissent bien souvent quand on les coupe.
    Sur un malentendu avec mon coiffeur, j’ai perdu plus de 50 cm de cheveux bouclés en quelques secondes il y a quelques années…petite coupe garçonne avec pas mal de longueur sur le dessus, très effilée, ça souffre aucune frisouillette, une coupe comme ça…j’ai cru mourir de trouille les premiers temps, m’imaginant que mes bouclettes allaient revenir à la moindre repousse…bah, ça fait 6 ans, et toujours pas vu l’ombre d’une ondulation à l’horizon. Ca existe, le bonheur.

  • Garance! My advice is to not over think it! If you want to go short – just go for it. Go for something that you are comfortable with, that is …… You will never know until you try. You need to find a stylist you trust and that listens. Remember: it is hair and it will grow back! Especially if it short – it tends to grow back faster than you think! Besides hats have made a comeback in a huge way! (worst case scenario)

    I speak from experience, I went from having long blonde locks to a short pixie cut. I had wanted to do it for years – but I was afraid and not confident in my own decision (plus people told me not to and gave me a million reasons). Then I just said screw the people and did it, I loved it! I kept it short for a while, it was awesome and as it grew there were so many options. Totally fun!

    Don’t be afraid! Go for it!

  • I am SO with you on the spring overhaul.
    And, people changing their minds is huge.
    There are few things as exciting as a sudden
    change of perspective.

  • Hi Garance I met u in a Organic Modern I was with my niece and my chihuahua Tenzing…I am a hairdresser…did u ever have short hair in your adult life? If so does u hair curl up or become straighter? I would think u would want minimal care correct? I think all relaxers look better finished meaning blown dry…..I like the pic on the right…not sure if you hair would do this naturally….Don’t do anything rash…but in case u do your hair would look great pushed back and slightly up with a band ex. leather band u featured on this site with top knot or an small triangle scarf..Michelle Williams has straight hair with movement..so her hair look effortless and suits her…In the mean time cut a inch or so of your hair blunt and have it blown smooth. then pull in back in a bun it will look much better..find a cheap place to have it blown dry..till u figure this out

  • Carole 28 mars 2013, 6:46

    your hair doesn’t have to be short/short…your hair would look great in a shag cut to suit u with long fringe so it would curl up to still be past your eyebrows…. or a bob with long fringe apply luscious curl by fredric fekkai on damp hair and let dry …redirect curls with a small easy to use curling iron….using heat lamp dries the curls with volume.. turn your head upside down and run your fingers through or u a pic

  • Carole 28 mars 2013, 8:27

    Or grow your hair long…comb the front up with a hair comb …you can blow dry or leave it curly… the weight on the hair will help ..also u can put in a few extensions to give it weight it and will look even longer….but don’t do anything until u get your period…that also goes for break-ups how will u process all this info lol

  • I have curly hair and I’ve cut it off a few times thinking it will solve some problem. But guess what? It doesn’t ! Better to grow it long and learn how to deal with it. A hairdresser even told me the same.

    Short hair is cute but the cuteness is temporary. You end up wanting to grow it out after enjoying it for a few months. Unfortunately, it takes forever to grow out.

    Getting it cut into a nice shape around your same length would help. But I wouldn’t cut it short! You’ll miss your bun if you do!

  • Garance,

    I got a Japanese digital perm recently, they are amazing and do not damage your hair at all! My hair is very straight and I got a messy, wavy curl put in and I love it. Basically it just changes how your hair responds to styling – if I style my hair now, the style stays until I wash it again, whereas before it would just return to normal really quickly. So I reckon you could get one to go from super curly to less curly….My hair is not dry or broken, still in great condition. Try it!

  • carole 28 mars 2013, 1:56

    post the name of the salon and stylist

  • I think short hair looks amazing on girls – do it! I’ve always loved it when I’ve cut my hair.

  • I have hair similar to yours and have wrestled with it (literally!) for a long time until last year – new stylist chopped it to a bit above shoulders, put in some layers (always was nervous to have them with curly hair) and she taught me how to « twist » my towel-dried hair with product (I used Moroccan Oil Intense Curl Creme). Changed my life! Try it! Put a decent amount of product in your hair, take sections and twirl and twirl, let air dry, gently crunch, but don’t shake it or tip your head over and up or run fingers through it! It does not look good wet but as it dries and relaxes a bit, voila! It takes a few times to nail down the look you like. I also don’t shampoo every day and that helps. Another habit I had to break. Good luck with your beautiful hair!

  • Someone might have mentioned this already but Aveda has a relaxing option and their products are much better for you and plant based. I am super happy with Natural Look Aveda salon & spa in Williamsburg!

  • I have wavy hair that used to be stick straight. As you age the texture does change. And especially after pregnancy. Work with your natural texture, but get it cut to remove some of the weight. It has to be removed vertically. Removing the weight in strategic places will allow your hair to do what it wants to do in the most flattering way for you. Trust me, if I don’t do this to my hair it sits like a big brown block on my head. Whittemore House on Grove St has excellent stylists. (Many from Bumble).

  • Hey, I’m around formaldehyde all day, and I turned out just fine! *twitch twitch*
    I’d stay away from the harsh stuff, but wouldn’t that include a perm too?

  • Advice from a very wavy/frizzy haired girl- no shorter than shoulder length. Add very few, strategically placed layers. At shoulder length, you can still have a bun. At shoulder length, you may have your chignon. Once you chop it shorter than shoulder length, you become the girl that must style her hair every day. Do you want to be that girl? Will you cry for your bun? Shed tears for your chignon?

    I’m a bun girl and darn proud of it. I can’t be bothered to style hair in the morning, only to walk outside and watch it morph into an unflattering melange of pouf and fuzz. Embracing your natural texture is more chic anyway…

  • Garance, tu as le même problème que moi, je suis restée des années chignon/queues de cheval parce que je ne voyais qu’une grosse masse une fois mes cheveux détachés. Il faut absolument oublier kératine et compagnie ça abîme trop les cheveux ! Mais par contre il faut bien les hydrater : dormir avec l’huile de lavande de Christophe Robin puis shampoing cheveux très secs (celui de Melvita est top) avec masque (Leonor Grey) puis après le sèche-cheveux (le plus top c’est de l’éviter mais bon pas toujours possible surtout à NY l’hiver :)) la crème cheveux secs Leonor Grey. Avec ce traitement de choc (légèrement chronophage certes..) ils seront bien hydratés, plus souples et ça fera moins d’effet masse sur la tête. Quant à la longueur coupe 3-4 cm à la fois avant de trouver ta longueur sinon ça risque d’être hard… Moi j’ai enfin trouvé mais maintenant j’ai des cheveux gris, quelle galère ! alors je suis passée à la colo végétale et mon budget cheveux est +++++

    Good luck !!


  • Just my two cents on the Keratin — I am hooked. I have fought with my bushy, frizzy hair for many years and resisted keratin because of the dangers. I kept researching, though, and finally decided that getting one twice or three times a year was not a substantial enough danger (now, different story when you are the stylist that is GIVING the treatment several times a day…..don’t think I would chance that). But, let me tell you – I LOVE my hair now. I consider it a miracle – and I live in a very humid environment. So – until I hear differently, vanity is winning this fight. And I do believe you can have a « lighter » strength done – so as to retain some of your wave and body. Good luck!

    P.S. Remember when Carrie Bradshaw on SITC cut her curly do? I thought it was so chic! Maybe worth a try?

  • Coucou Garance,

    Les cheveux frisés c’est magnifique courts ou longs. C’est ma nature, celles de mes enfants et je n’en changerai pour rien au monde!!!!!


  • Here, writing from the midst of the growing it out nightmare, I would only say that your idea to cut up slowly and see makes perfect sense. If you are a hair farmer, someone who has hair that grows fast, it is a blessing. Mine grows so slowly that it has been a year and it’s still short, awkward, and in between two horrible places. Cut it so you can get back to a place you know you like fairly fast. I like the idea of you with a short, curly bob (maybe slightly longer in the front and with bangs), but not a pixie (not that you wouldn’t look fabulous, but it would be a long time before you could be a long hair again).

  • Garance, naturally I have dark curly hair that has gotten frizzer as I have gotten older. However, I always like to look good/put together and I am really in to style and a big part of that is having good looking hair. For the last decade or so I have lightened my hair and put in highlights. You would think that would only make it dryer but the secret is I haven’t done my own hair in years. I no longer wash my own hair as I have a professional blow dry every few days. It makes a huge difference. It’s a great investment and hair looks much better when someone else blows it out for you. By day 3 or 4 I can wear it up if it looks greasy but usually I can go 5 days and it still looks good. Blow dries are surprisingly affordable. For me it is part of my routine.

    Yes, there are great shorter cuts but I think they look better with a blow dry or straighter hair. I have had bobs and they make me feel matronly. I am in my mid forties and get tons of compliments on my hair, which is below my shoulders. I do follow the glamourati website and like her hair if I was to wear it short. I love your website. Thank you! Jane.

  • I think it’s positive to make changes. Keratine treatment gave me the solution I was looking for many years. Now my hair is straight, shiny and healthy. Winter clothing looks better whit straight hair. I am very happy although when my husband said that it was nicer wavy. Many people likes curly, that is because they don’t have to deal with it.
    Try to get a Keratine without formol.

  • Hi Garance,

    If I were you, I’d go for the Anne Hathaway style. My argument is that, if you are not satisfied, you can still go for ahorter hair, and I think the style is lovely and feminine, modern… Would you bother to have it ironed from time to time? With that lenght it would be fast and you can get some beautiful waves done with the irons (mine are ghd). If you take proper care of your hair it shouldn’t get damaged. And one thing: when you iron your hair with some regularity, the curls tend to relax, so after some time when you don’t iron it your hair is not so curly anymore. Mine has gone from curly to wavy and I love it!

  • J’avais une texture de cheveux assez catastrophique avant de les couper court : raplapla sur les racines, boucle sur les longueurs (mais des boucles vraiment pas jolies). J’ai tout coupe ! et ils n’ont jamais boucle. J’atteinds maintenant le stade carre court, et ils sont encore relativement raides.. LE plus dur, c’est d’eviter la coupe playmobile a la repousse…

  • I really, really feel your pain, Garance! I have the same hair as you. I too wear it up in a bun until I get so sick of it I want to scream. Basically, a few months ago I decided that, like you, I HAD TO DO SOMETHING. So I decided to educate myself. Here are a few options…

    1. They now have keratin treatments that DO NOT have formaldehyde. I don’t know if it is « good » for you, but there are safe products out there – you just need to find a salon that has it.

    2. Don’t only go to a « white » salon for hair advice. Visit a black salon, preferably one that is run by Caribbean people. They know how to deal with ALL kinds of hair textures. I visited one (the lady thought I was mixed because my hair is SO texturized) and got some good strategies, like (1) getting a texturizer done (it basically takes the « kink » and frizz out of your hair, but keeps a bit of your curl) and (2) wrapping your hair every night. Basically you wash it, then comb it out, then wrap it around your head (no joke – check out Youtube), then use a silk scarf to tie it up. Your bedmate has to be supportive ;). But you wake up with DRY, frizz-free hair! It’s crazy.

    3. To be totally totally honest, I don’t think « white » salons that are geared toward curly haired people are that helpful. I went to one and they did not cut my hair properly and it grew out ALL over the place. Also, they really really want you to embrace the curl without using ANY chemicals and for some of us that is just not possible without either putting in TONS of hours or looking like a walking bush. Mixed Chicks, Bumble and Bumble, etc. are helpful, but only if you want to embrace your natural curl shape. If you want something looser/wavier, go elsewhere (i.e. to a mixed race or black salon!!)

    hope this helps :) I feel you!!!!

  • I have been Off The Bun for about three weeks after probably five years. I spent the last year growing it rather long and just chopped off about three inches and added bangs. Love it more than I could have expected. And I have to say, Derek at Tommy Guns (the LES shop) was very good about making sure I didn’t freak out. I thought I was going to leave with bangs and chin length for the rest, but he suggested that we just do bangs first, add more layers and cut off everything that was too fried. It was a huge change! So, I think you are on the right path with taking it slow.

    As for frizz, my hair is wavy but can get very fuzzy. I agree with others who have commented about product and not using towels to dry your hair. The Deva line is great (but has a strong fragrance), although I’ve been using a Christophe Robin cleaning mask followed by the wheat germ conditioner a few times a week and I think I may like that more. Also, Rodin’s Hair Oil and a little Fekkai Leave-In conditioner. That all seems to keep things in order. And to get the bulk of the moisture out, I just use one of those hand-woven wraps that has no « loops ».

    Good luck! I know you will look gorgeous in whatever length you decide to do.


  • Il faut avant tout apprendre a dompter les cheveux boucles. Trouve un coiffeur qui sait travailler ton cheveux, le suivre et le sculpter. Le lissage a la keratin est une option envisageable(si tu selectionne la bonne marque et le bon coiffeur) mais le mieux je pense est de faire des soins keratin en salon, il faut en faire en moyenne 4 et cela adoucira tes cheveux tout en douceur. Et pour finir tu as l’option l’huile de Davines, un tres bon produit qui domptera tes frisottis. x

  • Garance, I have the same texture hair as you, and I did keratin on my hair for 3 years.. and it was a little lifeless but overall eased my troubled frizz, and you can curl it it back, but then I missed my curly hair and having curly hair and knowing how to blow it out, beats keratin everyday… but during the summer sometimes I crave it back for a more relaxed beach day.. less scary from wet to dry.

  • Short hair does NOT look amazing on MANY people….people who do not have thick, curly hair do not understand this. I tried the short look (with thick, curly hair) and it was the worst look of my life…and it took several years to get back what I did not fully appreciate. What I find fascinating is that I think you, Garance, are beautiful & your hair is beautiful! I love it when you wear it down & think you should do it more. I understand the need to change things up, but maybe give it some time & you’ll change your mind. Change something else–just not your hair. Also-you recommended the L’oreal Sulfate-free Smoothing System shampoo & conditioner a while back. I’ve used that and it has been a life-saver! Thank you!

  • I have found the most simplest solution in the world, and the answer is hiding in your sock drawer, yes you heard correct, in the sock drawer.
    Do not cut, do not perm, Repeat DO NOT CUT, DO NOT PERM, sorry for shouting but you have to try this first. I have very similar hair, and as you know from one day to the next you never know how it will turn out.
    Now I get the most consistent hairstyle ever in the history of my hair.
    Just google the many video versions of the SOCK BUN that are out there, but instead of using it in the day, I use it before I go to bed, it contains the frizz, creates the most gorgeousness not mad and not straight but just right curls, and I get so many comments on my hair now. It looks like spent hours on hour hair but all you have done is had a good nights sleep.
    To get an even better glamourously curl put a bit of product and water on to hold the curl even more.
    Do try this, if only to saves a heap of time and money and the results are amazing.
    With love Clare

  • Short and curly hair is awesome!!! Maybe it you’re thinking it doesn’t work for you but I try photoshopping some styles onto a photo of yourself and see what it looks like. I think Keri suffered from a bout of what I call over styling but she does have a great head of hair.

    But whatever you decide, the photoshop thing is a good way to test different styles or try paying a visit to a wig shop (which sounds weird but it actually helps give you ideas!). Good luck Garance!

    Here are some links to some lovely ladies who rocked the hell out of the short and curly look:





  • I have curly hair too- not a tight curl though- so just using leave-in-conditioners, masks every week (or couple of weeks), and finding products that have no sulfate (HARD!) and are good for bouncy curls is key to keeping it naturally pretty and less frizzy. I have gotten the chop many, many times but I find that unless you do a real pixie cut and have a strict upkeep of it (read: constant use of products) its hard to have curly short hair without you looking like a puff ball. But if you have tight, tight curls it might be best to let them be the length of Anne Hathaway’s above whilst DRY.

    Hope you find your answers!

  • tes cheveux sont parfaits dans Meeting Stella

  • Je vote pour le carré long (entre menton et épaules) glamour et un peu dégradé pr éviter la lourdeur. Ca fait du bien de changer! Moi c’est un peu l’inverse. J’ai eu lgtps la longueur carré et puis je les ai laissé pousser, je n’avais plus eu les cheveux long depuis mes 8-9ans. C’est grâce à mon super coiffeur que j’ai réussi à les laisser pousser!! Depuis que je l’ai trouvé, je suis bcp moins stressée pour mes cheveux!

  • Anonymous 27 mars 2013, 6:51 / Répondre

    It’s nice to have a change – regardless – but this is really a question of you either committing to a hair regime every day or not. Long hair that you just put up in a bun is as effortless as it is going to get for us curly-sometimes-frizzy girls. Shorter hair, hair that has been slightly relaxed so it lays the way you want it to, will take forever to prepare, lots of products and steps, and then you will be checking it all day long to make sure it still looks good. It’s a lifestyle.

    So I think that is the decision – not will it look better (because you’re gorgeous and everything will look good on you anyway), but do you want to commit that much time and effort to that kind of lifestyle?

  • Keratin is unhealthy for the stylist to use and it coats your hair so much that it will make it brittle and break off. Too much protein buildup is the issue. I would embrace your curls, but I know that is easier said than done. :-)

  • vaya pierrakou 27 mars 2013, 6:58 / Répondre

    Grace a toi Garance, j’ai franchi le pas il y a maintenant 6 mois….j’avais ces beaux cheveux noirs boucles juste comme il faut et tout le monde me disait toujours ahhh t’as des beaux cheveux Vaya et moi moi je lisais tes articles et j’essayais de prendre confiance sur ma decision. Pas besoin de te dire, je suis allee 6 fois chez mon amie coiffeure avant de sauter le pas et maintenant je me demande comment je n’ai pas pu le faire plus tot! Je suis si belle les cheveux cours, toujours stylee et typee et toujours prete a montrer mon joli minois….pas de regrets, pas de moyens, carres etc …..fonce ma belle, ca te va bien!

  • hey Garance !

    Je suis une frisée qui est allée chez le coiffeur la semaine dernière et j’ai des réponses à tes questions :

    Le lissage à la kératine contenait du formol quand c’est sorti. C’est ce qui permettait de raidir les cheveux. Mais c’est toxique, pas pour les clientes qui l’avaient sur les cheveux mais pour les coiffeurs qui le respirait toute la journée.

    Donc maintenant, les lissages à la kératine ne contiennent que de la kératine et ne raidissent plus les cheveux, mais les nourrissent et les détendent (les boucles sont moins serrées, mais tu reste bouclée quand même).
    Je l’ai fait la semaine dernière et je suis plutôt contente : les cheveux doux et les boucles biens dessinées et toutes jolies :)

  • Please get a BKT treatment already…sorted! Go to Ouidad Salon they are brilliant at cutting curly hair and have the best products. Also Deva Curl products are phenomenal.

  • WHATEVER YOU DO DON’T GET A PERM/STRAIGHTENER. Also seek out a great Dominican hair salon for blowouts.

  • http://www.silkkiss.co.uk/

    I’ve now been sleeping on a silk pillow case for the last 6 months and I must say that my hair is much less frizzy and in a way conditioned too when I wake up. It suppose to help with wrinkles too…

  • Patricia 27 mars 2013, 7:27 / Répondre

    Why don’t you try a Salon Shape brush kinda of thing? It’s a mix of hair dryer and brush, lgiht, practical and not a very agressive blowout.


  • Please don’t cut your hair short – you will regret it. Short hair is too much work.

  • Midwest Soccer Mom 27 mars 2013, 8:14 / Répondre

    Why don’t you photoshop a bunch of different hairstyles on a favorite photo of you and take a vote?

    P.S. The annoying part of short hair is when you are looking down, and it’s always in your eyes

  • Salut Garance!!

    No Way ne coupe pas tes cheveux!! Apres tu vas regretter et ca mettra 5 ans a repousser! Par contre, je ferais une couleur, ou des meches si j’etais toi! Tu as le teint pale comme moi; etant chatain aussi j’ai fait des meches plus claires, c’est top ca adoucit le visage et l’éclaircit! non que tu en ai besoin, mais c’est tres joli et ca te fait un effet de changement radical tres agreable; ou alors un auburn leger pourrait t’aller bien asussi;
    Tes cheveux bouclés sont tres beaux, je te prefere les cheveux lachés qu’en buns
    Coupe de Anne Hathaway: nickel
    Etant une lectrice assidue, je me sens tres concerné par tes cheveux! : ))

  • Il faut aller chez un excellent coiffeur pour obtenir une très belle coupe, très courte, et mettre du gel pour les dompter…cela pourrait très bien vous aller et vous donner un style différent jusqu’au prochain changement…:-))
    de toute façon c’est vous qui choisirez…;-) mais c’est l’occasion de faire raconter à chacune sa propre expérience…ah ! les filles !

  • I think Keri Russell gets blowouts with some wave in them these days. Anyway, I have hair similar to hers and yours and have always worn it out or in a ponytail (love the look of buns -so French! so balletic!- but they give me a headache). I am hopeless at doing blowouts so I just try to get a good cut from someone who knows what to do with my hair (long, subtle layers…kind of like Keri Russell now, actually) and experiment with products. I am into Kiehl’s Argan oil, and Oscar Blandi jasmine oil is also good. Sometimes Keihl’s Silk Groom mixed with water in my hands. I think a long bob would look great on you too! Don’t go pulling a Felicity post-breakup cut, but Garance, you’re super cool and French, you could really make almost anything work for you til it grows out. Courage!!

  • Hello Garance
    Quoi faire des cheveux bouclés qui parfois sont magnifiques et d’autres matin sont indomptables? J’ai également les cheveux bouclés et après chaque shampooing c’est le stress!
    Mon amour de coiffeur avec son accent sicilien à tomber dit qu’il faut structurer le volume, en gros tailler dans la masse et ensuite tu peux envisager une coupe plus ou moins courte. L’idée c’est de laisser nos cheveux s’exprimer (c’est un artiste ce coiffeur, Sergio je t’aime!).
    L’autre truc c’est d’utiliser les bons produits, à utiliser sur cheveux mouillés quand tu les laves. J’adore la gamme Redken Curls/Curvaceous.
    Tout ça pour dire, si tu es de passage à Paris, passe voir Sergio et il trouvera una soluccion pour ta cheveux.
    Rim (from Austin, TX, qui n’ira pas chez un coiffeur US pour ses cheveux bouclés!)

  • Okay, not a hair comment but one about wholesale change.

    I’m 43 and recently changed my entire skincare and makeup routine–threw every thing OUT and started over. I’m doing things I’ve never done before, literally changing habits born 25 years ago. Are the changes earth shattering to most? No, but drastic to me.

    Compliments (a few) and public opinion (mostly in my head, let’s face it) aside, the change feels so invigorating! Just doing something so completely different has tilted my planet off its axis a bit. There is a spring in my step, I feel new, shiny, I walk taller. It feels like anything is possible (change is fraught with cliches)–all from a silly makeup switch-up!

    Will my life be different? Probably no. Random Person McStranger on the subway doesn’t see the difference, at work I still have to deliver, my boyfriend’s approval is still won when I take off my top and show him my boobs (god bless him). But change… feels great. It might actually be the ticket to sublime.

    So go for it :) Then go for it again, 6-7 years, maybe 12-13 months, from now, whenever.

  • J’adore le coupe / le style de Dianna Lunt! Ca me donne envie de revenir au court…. Parce qu’une fois qu’on y a goûté on ne s’en passe plus!!
    Mes cheveux je ne les confit exclusivement qu’a Bernard Friboulet. D’abord car son salon est a 50 mètres de chez moi, mais surtout parce que lui SAIT ce qu’il faut à telle ou telle morphologie / style de vie / habitudes…. Il coupe divinement bien, l’air de ne pas y toucher, et au final c’est la coupe parfaite! Je l’adore!!! C’est lui qui m’a fait passer du très très long au court garçonne: une vraie transformation hyper réussie. Je lui fait 300% confiance. Et d’ailleurs je ne fait plus confiance qu’à lui (après avoir essayé un ou deux autres coiffeurs, rien a faire, je suis toujours de retour chez Bernard!)
    Pour moi Bernard Friboulet est le dieu de la coupe courte!!!!
    Crois moi tu peux y aller les yeux fermés tu auras la coupe parfaite dont tu a toujours rêvée sans savoir comment la décrire.

  • This post resonates with me. This winter I had become so sick of my hair, my makeup routine and even my clothes. I am trying to switch some things up and I hope it helps. Spring is arriving just in time for a change in mindset! I have to say though, I had long hair and cut it on a whim last May. Though I loved the freedom of ‘wash and go’, I have been growing it out since and have had more bad hair days than I can count. Blah. Definitely think it over. But hey if you want to…go for it! It really will grow back, just might take awhile.

  • Julie Prichard 27 mars 2013, 9:39 / Répondre

    I have curly hair…and I look best with it pulled up. Ponytail is my favorite. Other days I straighten it all with a REALLY good flat iron…tourmaline infused too. I think that is important.

    I read keratin causes cancer…I wouldn’t do it.

    I wouldn’t cut it short either. Let the, texturizing it…thin it a little…but don’t cut short. I grew out a bob…felt it made my face look fat.

  • Anika Zebron 27 mars 2013, 9:44 / Répondre

    Ah, curly hair! The ultimate adventure. I too have the stuff all over my head, and it’s something both nice and terrifying all at once. I can honestly say it’s a little different every day, depending on the weather, on how much product I’ve used, one whether or not I subject it to heat (so far my hair is withstanding said heat with amazing resilience, but for how long???).

    My latest regiment is layering several John Frida products (anti-humidity mouse, frizz-ease spray, and regular hair spray) and then, last but not least, though I have made the mistake of forgetting this step before, Garnier’s anti-humidity smoothing milk. Yes, there is a lot of open warfare on humidity going on here. Such is life in Seattle! That’s for curly hair days. Other days, I just straighten it with Frida’s 3 Day Straight spray which I also love. Whew, I’m almost as tired from writing all that out as I am after styling my hair…

    Anyway, as wild as I’ve made it sound, having curly is also fun. As much as I fight with it sometimes, it’s part of who I am. The « bigness » balances out my face too, so I agree with you on not being a so-straight-it’s-limp kind of girl. I’ve also found length is a must for me. Short cuts always look SO good in the photos but NOT actually on me. *Sigh*

    So cheers to spring renovations–looking forward to updates on your process! :)

  • I have been battling with short hair to long, and from curly to straight hair since the first time I chopped my hair off in 2010. I can never decide whether I want to keep it long or short. Halfway through growing my hair long, I decide I hate it and cut it all off. Once I get tired of it being short, the growing process begins. My hair can be rather frizzy and curly, but when it is in a pixie cut it does not curl as much as it does when it is bob-length or longer. What keeps me sane when thinking about my hair is the thought that it ALWAYS grows back, so I say go for the short cut!

    As far as hair products go, perms definitely damage your hair in the long run because of the chemicals that go into your hair.

    I like to keep it simple with hair products. Dove shampoos and conditioners work wonders and are super affordable.

  • I have wavy/curly hair (I am pretty sure by now that its texture changes on a monthly basis)(sound familiar?!)- and I have been gradually going shorter for the past year until I finally plunged into the ‘short-short’ category a couple of months ago.

    And now? My hair seems to actually be less curly than before, I let it air dry and then use a straightner for some parts (no perms- they damage your hair!!!). You do not want totally straight hair after all, the result might be too boyish…

  • Leslie Nicole 28 mars 2013, 12:04 / Répondre

    I find your dilemma in kinship with my own. One of my resolutions this year is to get my act together as a healthy woman (who realizes that I will only be in my 20’s for a few years longer haha and its time to PRESERVE!)

    So on my list is : dermatologist, new gyno, nutritionist, and for exercise I have decided to put myself to the challenge of P90x (!!!)

    In doing so, I have decided to go natural ( I am a black woman with a whole lot of ethnic mixtures…so my hair is quite curly and BIG!) One thing I tried to loosen my curls, which helped a lot, was a TEXTURE SOFTENER. And what this does is loosen your natural curl (whilst still maintaing your « curly » hair and volume.

    As for short hair cuts, and I have had my share all lengths, I think my short « pixie » haircuts I felt the most SASSY & such freedom!

    Happy trails on your Spring Overhaul!


  • I would go with cutting the hair a litle longer than to the ears, like your inspiration picture in the middle and make the hairdresser put the curls in front and really let them bounce.. Do not take away the curls curls are lovely! This look will make you look natural, new and fresh!

  • Until you decide, you are doing the right thing keeping your hair down as much as possible. I suggest a low bun instead of a high bun so that you don’t put so much stress on the scalp (yes the high bun will do that because of the angle & weight of the bun, you don’t want any future thinning or worse yet, bald spots in that area later!) But Garance, really you are truly beautiful no matter what. I say let your hair run wild. If anyone is going to pull it off in an effortlessly chic fashion, it will be you.


  • Ekaterina 28 mars 2013, 2:34 / Répondre

    Dear Garance) i dont like permanent, but i did keratin treatment for 4 times each 6 months, its really great!! But i did it mostly to help my hair after starting to be blond. I really love the third picture! You’ll be so cute! And keratin is bad for your hairdresser, because when your hair are fixed under high tempetrature, one of the keratin basics starts to fill the air and it’s a bit toxic. Anyway if its a good conditioning system, there is no harm.

  • Les cheveux longs te vont bien même lâchés et ils sont beaux. je ne couperai pas mais j’essayerai en revanche un autre type de chignon, tressé,torsadé sur le côté,etc, dans le style de ce que fait Fred : http://cutbyfred.com/

    il y a plein de possibilités et je suis certaine que cela t’irait très bien et serait facile à faire avec ta nature de cheveux.

  • smellymadhatter 28 mars 2013, 3:05 / Répondre

    Garance! My frizzy haired sista from ‘nother mutha, I kno what u talkin about! My hair’s not as curled as yours (it is wavy) but my god it tends to frizz-up! In fact, it helps my very fine hair masquerade as a volumnious pile of hair but it is highly unmanageable. And I have another issue with tying my hair which is, it gives me very bad headaches so that no amount of tying ( ponytail-ing, boobypin-in, bun-ing, et al) lasts.

    I discovered Anti-Frizz Conditioner by John Frieda and it works SO well! I have been using it for a month now and I cant complain. Summers are just starting here in India so I’m feeling more confident at handling my hair this summer! I have read reviews about it from people who used this conditioner in combination with the Anti-Frizz Shampoo of the same line and then if you want some more smoothening, you can use John Frieda Anti-Frizz Serum. You need only very little of both the Conditioner and Serum (I’ve used both) and it works!

    Its a drug-store brand, won’t cost you more than about 11$ a piece. Try it out!

    Loads of love from India!

    PS : very excited for your new hair!! :)

  • Haha, le changement de nature de cheveux tous les 7 ans? Ouais je crois que je connais ça ! Lorsque je suis née j’avais les cheveux ultra bouclés/frisé, puis un chouille plus grande de belles anglaises, puis de mes 7 ou 8 ans jusqu’à mes 19 20 ans j’avais les cheveux baguettes, très noirs et très raides. Aujourd’hui? Ils sont châtains foncés et, comment dire… Indépendants ! Flemmasse du brushing aussi, et de la brosse. Le bun à l’arrache c’est dès que je bosse, ou que je réfléchis!! Les cheveux courts-courts j’y ai pensé aussi mais vraiment c’est un cap, parce que je les ai eu courts hein, mais pas courts-courts, et le fait de ne pas pouvoir les attacher je trouve ça frustrant !!
    Sur ces bonnes paroles, une très bonne journée.

  • Hey Garance, I have been living with the same « pbm » for so long BUT but but I recently found the solution: please before chopping it off, do yourself a favor and try the MOROCCAN OIL PRODUCTS (maybe you have already?) The mask that you put from roots to ends is beyond magical. I swear. It might change your life. And the oil, applied daily or every other day is incredible to tame unmanageable manes! Good luck! xx

  • Alessandra 28 mars 2013, 3:57 / Répondre

    Garance, I totally feel your pain. Our hair types are very similar, almost identical, as I always laugh out loud when I read your comments on your hair, I never thought somebody else could be having the same specific hair problems and the same attitude towards it.

    Anyhow, I’d advise you to give up on the very short hair idea. It’s very tempting, looks gorgeous/stylish/cool on the people whose HAIR can pull it off. Hair being the operative word here. Your face structure, and your style pulling the chopped hair is one thing, your hair structure (the frizzy unruly hair) pulling it off is another thing. It may even look great when you step off the hair dresser the first day, but we don’t have time to go the hair dresser every day and straightening/styling a very short hair is not easier because there is less hair. In fact it’s harder because there is no room for error. With long hair, even if it’s messy, it’s much easier to quickly put together a presentable look. And if you make a mistake with short hair, and not love it, you have to wait a lot for it to grow back and the in between lengths are a pain. The same logic also applies to bangs for us girls with non-straight and frizzy hair.

    I’ve had a period when I straightened my hair too much with an iron that my natural curls have become unruly and just frizzy. I had to style it or it looked absolutely horrible. Only in summer if I let it dry under the sun after swimming in the mediterranean, it looked somewhat OK without styling. So I decided to get a perm (which was confusing to my straight haired friends who knew me a long time as they believed people got perms to have their hair look like mine.) The most important thing I can advice about a perms is don’t have them use curlers that are very thin as they would give you an afro-like curly style and that’s harder to deal with when you wanna straighten or do anything else when you feel like it. If you have them roll the hair with much thinker curlers, than it won’t be like a typical 80s perm, but more like a larger ruly weaves, which are much more versatile and easier to style. So basically the thinner the curlers, the shorter the distance between each curl (ie. hair will look like the cords of the land telephones from 80s) But if you use thicker curlers, the curls will be larger and more spaced out. With such a perm, you have have less unruly and less frizzy hair. You have a great hair cut that will go with this, maybe something slightly shorter but not drastically. You can wait for your hair to get longer and see what that looks like. Also, yes, keratin is harmful to the hair, and it doesn’t work miracles on hair types like us and you don’t wanna limit yourself to slightly frizzy straight hair for 6 months.

    I complete understand you need for change, but please make sure it’s logical and you won’t regret it or won’t be able to easily use it and then wait in agony for a min of 6 months for your hair to get longer.

  • Hi Garance,

    I had long curly hair and recently went short – I took in a photo of Yamin Sewell and love the result. My 3 big curly hair learnings and works with hair laziness –

    1. Do NOT brush it – as soon as I stopped, the frizz went away and I could actually wear my hair out.
    2. Find a salon/stylist that know what they’re doing with curly hair – mine cuts it dry first
    3. Kevin Murphy Motion Lotion – an Aussie product but well worth trying
    4. Let your hair dry naturally

    Short hair makes you rethink your wardrobe as it highlights your neck and shoulders. You can also wear cute head scarves when its not behaving itself, think 1940s fabulous (plenty of clips on you tube to show you how).

    Go for it!!


  • josephine 28 mars 2013, 4:27 / Répondre

    Coupe courte comme michèlle Williams, toi en brune, je sais pas pourquoi j’ai eu un flash, je t’immaginais ainsi au coté de Karl sur le plateau de Canal +, la grande classe….

  • Garance, I promise you a Brazilian Blowout is the best solution if you’re looking to tame your curls and frizz! They now have a formaldehyde free treatment which is so much healthier for you and your hair. I’ve seen this stuff work insane wonders (I worked at the salon that developed the system AND my best friend was the international head instructor for BB) and everyone I’ve ever spoken to about it are ecstatic about their results. A well trained stylist should DEFINITELY know how give your curls the proper treatment if you’re looking to keep them (just make them bouncier and not frizzy) and not go totally straight…or anything you want in between (they couldn’t do this before but it’s a new way of using the product!). After a Brazilian Blowout you can go for months without another treatment. My friends are constantly amazed that after having it done they can just wash their hair and walk out the door without having to style it anymore. I’d look for a salon that is not only using the new formaldehyde free treatment but also has a senior stylist who’s been properly, and hopefully recently, trained and has done ALOT of BB’s to insure you’re in good hands. AND (one last thing :) make sure they’re capable of doing exactly what you want. Don’t let them talk you into stick straight hair…that’s a sign they don’t know how to use the products. I really hope you like this idea, ask around to anyone that’s had one…they’ll tell you how amazing it is!!

  • Juliette 28 mars 2013, 5:08 / Répondre

    Ah là là… Chère Garance, j’ai pile les mêmes cheveux que toi et donc pile le même problème. J’ai résolu la question en m’en tenant à mes cheveux suffisamment-longs-pour-que-leur-poids-les-empêche-de-remonter-en-afro. C’est assez frustrant car on se dit qu’ils sont incoiffables et qu’on n’a quasiment aucun choix de coupe! Et tandis que mes copines aux cheveux fins et raides -les veinardes- envient ma chevelure-parure, moi je peste contre cette foutue nature… Bah, comme dit ma mère, au moins quand je serai vieille je ne me retrouverai pas de sitôt avec 3 poils sur le caillou.

  • Ma chère Garance,
    Malencontreusement, ou heureusement d’ailleurs, j’ai sensiblement la même nature de cheveux que toi…
    Alors après des années de lissage aux plaques, de shampoings, après-shampoings, masques et autres sérums hors de prix, une fois en voyage j’ai pris le premier shampoing que j’avais sous la main, une bonne séance sous la douche, ou un bon bain tout tranquille,, un bon séchage, tête en bas ça marche mieux et en plus ça détends, une petite mise en place avec tes mains et tes doigts et, si tu le souhaitent, seulement 2 gouttes d’une huile quelconque, l’huile d’argan marche très bien, que tu frottes entre tes mains et dont tu carresses ta chevelure.
    Voilà mon petit truc à moi qui détends bien au lieu de se ruiner en produits tellement nombreux qu’on ne sait plus où donner de la tête…
    Amitiès ma chère Garance.
    P.S : dites moi vous rappelez vous vos cheveux de vacances en été à la plage ?

  • Garance, trust me don’t cut your hair; J ‘ ai fait l erreur : j ai adoré en sortant de chez le coiffeur, mais ensuite, impossible de les replacer moi meme , et no way pour cacher la catastophe au moindre temps humide, tu sais quand la nature reprend le dessus et que l’ effet de ton brushing, fait il y a une heure, disparait soudain au profit d’ une masse folle de frisottis sauvages qui te donnent soudain 10 ans de plus et l’ air pas soignée du tout ! Crois- moi quand on n’ a pas le temps d’ aller chez le coiffeur chaque matin ( l’ as -tu ? ) le bun te sauve de tout ! Et des cheveux coupés mettent tellement de temps à retrouver une longueur  » attachable » !

  • Na colloc s’est fait faire une permanente a grosse boucle ou plutot de style ondule. Je l’ai connue comme ca , et je ne pouvais absolument pas l’imaginer avec ses cheveux raides qu’elle pretendait avoir naturellement(Elle est koreenne et les beaux cheveux lisses et brillant qu’elle a ont la chance d’avoir, n’est pas cool la bas). C’etait un look tres naturel, et Elle devait absolument rien faire pour avoir le look decoiffe a la Alexander wang que l’on reve toutes d’avoir. Elle a eu les cheveux court et tres long, avec centre permanente-et Elle devait entretenir ca qu’environ une ou deux fois par an quand Elle retrait a Seoul!

  • Pas les cheveux courts Garance, NOooOOOoooon. J’ai la même nature de cheveux que toi (à peu près hein!) et une fois j’ai tenté le court. Un véritable cauchemar. Je ressemblais à un petit mouton tout mouillé. Et la repousse. L’horreur. Je fantasme à fond sue les jolis coupes courtes mais je crois que pour les cheveux frisés c’est quasi impossible d’avoir un joli résultat. Ou alors ça demande des heures de préparation (gel, coiffage, etc.).
    En tout cas j’ai hâte de voir vers quelle solution tu vas te diriger. De mon côté, impossible de faire mieux que les cheveux bien longs qui détendent un peu les boucles.

  • Patricia 28 mars 2013, 6:14 / Répondre

    I had similar hair issues for the better part of my life. A couple of months back I started putting a tiny amount of PURE argan oil into my wet hair, and voila, no more frizz. And the best part of it: my hair is the healthiest its ever been.

    Keratin treatments are bad for your health, Canada for example bans these treatments.

  • Love the hair you wore in the stella Maccartney video!!

  • Coucou Garance.

    Ayant la même nature de cheveux que toi et ayant essayé TOUTES les coupes ( oui, le très court aussi) , mes boucles ne ce sont jamais mieux exprimé qu’avec un mi- long ( jargon coiffeur: au dessus des épaules).
    Plus long, mes boucles sont plus serrés , presque frisées.
    Plus court, elles se cassent, pas assez de longueur , donc des cheveux qui font ce qu’ils veulent.

    Donc le mi- long est parfait. Tu peux attacher, détacher, brusher… Et surtout les boucles sont jolies, entre bouclées et ondulées.

    Et surtout essaye de laver tes cheveux qu’une fois par semaine. Le temps que tes cheveux s’habituent ( et toi aussi!!!) ce sera un peu dur mais après tu verras qu’ils régresseront moins vite, donc seront moins agressés par des shampoings.
    Aussi, comme souvent , je conseille les produits LUSH. Parfaits pour moi.

    Pas de coloration , des barres de hennés lush, les cheveux sont brillants et légers ( relou a faire mais une fois le résultat vu tu pourras plus t’en passer).
    Si tu veux plus d’infos, n’hésite pas.


  • Je crois que j’aurai pu écrire cette article!!!!
    Il y a de ça 1 an et demi j’ai commencé à voir mes cheveux longs et bouclés s’alourdir puis quasiment se raidire. Je ne comprenais pas ce qui se passait… et mon coiffeur m’a en effet expliqué que les cheveux changeaient de nature tous les 7 ans…
    Je ne savais plus comment me coiffer, du coup je les attachais tout le temps.
    Mon copain, alors qu’il ne jure que par les cheveux longs, m’a dit un jour tu devrais te couper les cheveux au carré …. et les treindre en blond aussi (mais ça c’est pour l’anecdote) : à quoi j’ai répondu tu veux vraiment que je me coiffe comme ta mère (je comprendrai jamais le rapport qu’entretiennent les hommes avec leur mère).

    J’ai en effet coupé mes cheveux au carré. Oui c’est joli mais ça ne remplacera pas mes cheveux bouclés. Tous les jours je me lève et je ne pense qu’à une chose c’est me faire une permanente. Mais il parait que ça abime les cheveux. Franchement si tu connais une technique géniale de permanente qui ne ruine pas les cheveux, je suis super intéressée…

  • j’ai le même genre de tignasse que toi mais en blond, le truc qui fait rêver les foules quand on est ado et que je n’ai pas osé toucher pendant des années (des siècles, ouais!) de peur de me faire lapider en place publique et qu’on me trouve moins séduisante. Et puis, les grossesses, les cheveux qui deviennent à peine ondulés et puis le retour des boucles, non, que dis-je, des frisures, et l’envie de m’affranchir du regard des autres : suis passée par le carré flou, la pire solution pour moi, sans goût ni saveur, passée par un catastrophique lissage (c »était vraiment pas moi et quel désastre pour mes cheveux) et suis allée jusqu’à la coupe ultra courte à la Jean Seberg : j’ai adoré le faire, quelle sensation de liberté et quelle dégaine ! mais le volume, pouvoir attacher mes cheveux, les sentir me manquait. Je laisse repousser, sans conviction, comme une nouvelle expérience. Suis pas sûre de tenir longtemps, je les aime surtout en chignon et avec le temps, mon visage est définitivement mieux mis en valeur quand il est dégagé.
    En tout cas, l’entre-deux, c’est ce que je trouve pas terrible avec les cheveux frisés. Je rêve en secret d’une vraie gouffa comme tu l’as interprétée dans une vidéo, so sexy ou de la coupe de Nora sur Cutbyfred !
    Je te vois rock, sauvage et indisciplinée : frisée, quoi !

  • Du court, Garance, du court, très court!
    Voici mon expérience perso’ : métisse, d’un père noir et d’une mère indienne, j’ai les cheveux aussi frisés que les tiens, et je les aient toujours portés longs, enfin niveau épaules. Mais c’était trop de travail le matin, de me coiffer, de les raidir ou de les soigner pour pouvoir les porter au naturel, de faire ressembler tout cela à quelque chose d’élégant ou un tant soit peu potable… -_- Un jour, il y a plus de 3 ans de cela, je suis allé chez le coiffeur et lui ait dit: -on coupe tout!*

    Résultat: une coupe très courte, avec une nuque bien dégagé, des pattes fines sur le côté, la révolution! C’est hyper féminin, l’allure est fière et allégée, le visage dégagé, gain de temps pour les cheveux le matin, on s’éclate niveau maquillage, on se sent renaître!

    Essayes, tu verras :D

  • Catarina 28 mars 2013, 7:55 / Répondre

    I too have curlied frizzy hair but I fight it!! I don’t understand alle the fuzz about wearing your hair as it is naturally when you hate it like that. What honestly is completely natural in our appearance :))I straighten my hair with a ghd flattening iron and then wear a low bun. Doing so my how looks shiny and straight and is not affected by humidity. I have very Long hair hanging to my waist, it is not broken or damaged at all. I try to use products with good ingredients like Aveda (which are mostely organic), use a conditioner everytime I wash my hair and cure every two weeks. Maybe this is a solution for you, if not every day maybe from time to time.

  • My tuppence worth: Life is short and hair grows quickly. When you have long hair you forget this. Once you cut it, and need to cut your hair every six weeks instead of twice a year, you realise that growing hair out is not such a big deal. You will probably wish it grew more slowly.
    I piled my hair on top of my head for years after my son was born as it suited me best and looked/sat better when it was dirty! I cut my hair into a bob about six months ago after chunks of hair kept breaking off, and have not looked back. It feels youthful (which is meaningful when you’re 42!), stylish and easy.
    And if in need of further inspiration go listen to/watch Cut Your Hair by Pavement
    Hair cut big deal need not be…

  • Et pourquoi pas prendre Yasmin comme inspiration ? Elle a des cheveux bouclés du tonnerre et porte le court parfaitement bien ! ;) J’a-d-o-r-e !

  • Garance, I also have naturally curly hair. Anytime I have cut it short I have hated it. Wavy hair short is one thing, but curly hair short….ugh. I think you do look better with your hair up. Is there a way you can accept that and find some interesting ways to wear it up? If you do want to cut it a bit and wear it down, find someone who can put in some long layers. Find the best side to part it on. Sometime a side part can make all the difference. Left and right are very different! And don’t forget summer is coming and short curly hair is just one big ball of frizz. We all want makeovers in the Spring because we are fed up with winter. Do something else rather than a drastic hair change. New shoes or whatever. Wait until Summer and if you still feel the same way about your hair, then you can change it. In the meantime, try Shea Moisture hair products. Inexpensive and you can find them at CVS or other drugstores.

  • Asia is amazing in their learning technology. You should look into various techniques used by the Japanese!

  • I’ve been dealing with my extemaly thick and curly hair since forever and for many many years I’ve been wearing a bun. Not even a ponytail, just a bun. I wanted my hair to be very long, I just thought they will be wavy and I would look like a Hollywood star. Ha ha, best joke ever. I looked like a witch! I tried permanent straightening, I was desparate to change something and stop being  » a girl with a bun ». It looked very very good. For five days. After this time my hair became frizzy as hell. Hello bun again.
    And then, suddenly I found a blog of Christina Caradona and I fell in love with her curls! I took a picture and show her to my hairdresser. He cut my hair, it was then shoulder lengh, maybe a little bit shorter. I looked like Baby from Dirty Dancing. I didn’t want to be Baby!!!!! I was devastated. but…….after a few more visits at my hairstylist studio it became more and more cool. Now I have hair a little bit longer than to ear and it looks veeeeery good! Finally I feel pretty:) this is funny but after all those years of hating my bun because it was a must to me, now when I can let my hair down and look great I put my hair up very often. Just because I want, not because I have to. Take care Garance and experiment!

  • Maricarmen 28 mars 2013, 10:12 / Répondre

    Chop it off! I have curly hair and since I chopped ir the curls have loosened and somehow disappeared. Also changed shampoos. You should try flax seeds for softening the hair.
    Short hair is very easy to manage. Best of luck with the bun!

  • Garance, I currently live in Korea where perms (both for creating waves or straightening) are pretty common-its the next thing to colouring one’s hair. I’ve tried straightening perms and loved loved loved the results! I got really sleek and straight hair which lasted for about four months, and afterwards my hair started getting wavier and curlier but still looked pretty calm for awhile. It does dry out your hair a bit, so hair oils or essences are a must (and I second Jojo, Asian hair products are great; try Tsubaki if you can get your hands on them). One last thing, if you are considering hair cuts, shoulder length cuts can be surprisingly flattering and still give you the chance to grow them out again.

    xx Kristin

  • 1. Cheveux trop courts = tu pourras plus les coincer dans ton écharpe ou ton collier (Karl sera déçu)
    2. Cheveux trop courts = tu pourras plus partir à l’arrache et te les attacher en chignon
    3. Cheveux trop courts = une fois coupé, plus moyen de revenir en arrière (autant te dire que les rajouts c’est NON, perruque au pire ?)

    1. Cheveux courts = il paraît que les poux n’aiment pas ça
    2. Cheveux courts = tu les sèches beaucoup plus vite
    3. Cheveux courts = très pratique quand il fait chaud

    Bref, j’aime bien te voir avec les cheveux attachés, mais j’aime bien la coupe de Miss Hattaway, ainsi que la coupe de la blogueuse Karla (j’ai vu ça dans les commentaires). Le mieux serait peut-être de se mettre d’accord avec une coupe que tu kiffes et avoir l’approbation d’un coiffeur, histoire d’être sûre que c’est faisable sur tes cheveux. (La permanente je suis pas sûre par contre, pour moi ça sonne un peu vieillot comme technique).

    Je me réjouis de voir le résutlat ! (je suis persuadée que se sera canon)

  • Hi Garance!

    I like the short idea! But also think avoiding the « Brazilian blowout » and all keratin treatments is best – even the ones that say « formaldehyde free » aren’t actually – they still contain formaldehyde! It can be dangerous for you (some people have even had hair LOSS afterwards – just ask Mary Louise Parker!) and is bad for customers and often even worse for the salon workers who are around the treatments all day – nose bleeds, headaches, dizziness, vomiting, rash. In Brazil a woman gave herself an at-home Brazilian Blowout, and, because her bathroom was so poorly ventilated, she died! Scary, scary stuff!:

    And they don’t necessarily work very well…:

    Curls are beautiful! And so is change! Whatever you do, I hope it is safe and healthy!

  • C’est pas vrai que cheveux courts et cheveux bouclés sont incompatibles, c’est les mauvais coiffeurs qui disent ça pour se donner une excuse ;) Je te verrais bien avec un carré assez court, qui dégage la nuque…


  • un carré comme Jenifer un peu plongeant (désolée pour la référence). »A vue d’œil », je pense que vous avez la même nature de cheveux

  • The answer is the David Mallet hair serum! I’ve had it all…Keratin intense (Yuko), keratin light (Brazilian blow dry). They all worked but for a short time and either very intensely (silky pin-straight that is unnatural) or blink and you miss it it grows out. Neither wow’d me enough to go a third time. The answer is David Mallet hair serum and a blow dry. This serum is unbelievable, honestly its the truth. I live in London and gambled on a day trip to Paris to see Anthony at the DM salon after reading the hype. Absolutely worth every penny!

  • laches toi , garance ,, une bonne vieille permanente comme nos grands mères en etaient adepte ,
    tu vas relancer le move !hi hi

  • Hi Garance

    Don’t give up on the curls! Just have a good trim every month and ask your hairdresser to do some layering, not too much. I use a Kerastase mask once a week and use lots of leave in conditioner. So day 1 of washing my hair I leave it natural and usually day 2 I wear it up in a bun as it gets too frizzy. And then say twice a month I straighten with my ghd. This takes long but looks amazing and helps me to keep it interesting.

  • I have curly hair too and I dream of Lorraine Massey cutting my hair. Dear Lorraine Massey, save Garance’s curls!

  • Salut Garance !
    Une de mes meilleure amie a les cheveux frisés et courts. Et c’est magnifique !
    La clé je pense ça n’est pas de couper super court comme sur la photo, mon amie a plutôt un espèce de carré court et les mèches qui lui encadrent le visage sont également courtes.
    Du coup ça fait comme une petite boule de cheveux sur la tête et ça lui va vraiment bien !

  • Bonsoir Garance,
    Quand j’étais petite, mes cheveux étaient un peu frisés (comme des algues ;) , bien que je sois japonaise. Mais maintenant j’ai les cheveux lisses et brillants. Alors je n’ai plus d’algue sur ma tête, mais je le mange beaucoup !

  • I was in the same boat as you in January. I wanted to try something new–but I have previously had short hair, so it wasn’t too intimidating.

    I can identify with your plan to slowly cut different lengths. I « thought » about that, then decided to chop it all off! I chopped off over a foot of hair, to go from average-length hair to a pixie cut that is long in the front and slightly asymmetrical. Having the long front makes the cut less intimidating to wear, I think.

    It would even look cute with your curls (I have wavy hair)! I showed my stylist many pictures including the one you posted to the right of Anne Hathaway, and one of Michelle Williams with it swooping in the front. Also look at the American version of House of Cards, and Robin Wright’s haircut in that–so cool.

    I went straight for the short hair, and got many, many compliments from people–including men. Whoever said men don’t like short hair hasn’t talked to any men that I know!! It would be so chic and fresh for the warmer months. I say do it. :-)

  • Ah Garance ! Je te dirais bien : réfléchis à deux fois avant de couper. En même temps, si tu n’as jamais essayé, je pense que sauter le pas tu dois … Sinon, comment savoir ? Procéder par étapes est une bonne chose, pas évident de passer du long au court en une seule fois. J’ai les cheveux bouclés, jadis plutôt frisés. On me demandait souvent si je n’avais pas un peu de sang africain … Puis ils sont devenus moins indisciplinés lorsque j’ai enfin accepté de laisser sa chance au dêmélant (!). Les cheveux courts, j’ai donné, jusqu’à.l’âge de 12 ans, suffisamment pour savoir qu’avec ma nature de cheveux c’est no way. Aprés j’ai tout essayé sur le long pour les raidir (désaipaisir, défriser, brusher …). Pour finir par accepter mes boucles. Et ne plus subir. On ne peut pas lutter contre sa nature ! Mais comme toi, j’aimerais aussi et surtout savoir me coiffer autrement qu’en remontant le tout sur mon crâne. Et sans y passer trois heures. Savoir juste me coiffer quoi. En été, je suis assez fan des bandeaux et autres foulards mais ça ne suffit pas. Il me manque de la pratique, du temps, la patience de mon coiffeur … Hâte de suivre tes tatonnements capillaires. Bises from Biarritz ;)

  • I’m totally on board with short hair! I just joined the short hair club recently (like, two days ago!) and I couldn’t be happier. I had stick-straight Asian hair almost down to my waist, and I love how my new shoulder-length locks make my morning routine so much quicker and easier – plus, my long hair shed like crazy and I was sick of my jet-black hair getting all over my white bathroom and white bedroom carpet. Over the summer I’m thinking of going for a Kiko Mizuhara-esque length so I can attend my freshman year of college this fall as a new woman :-)

  • Katherine 28 mars 2013, 9:23 / Répondre

    Non toxic keratin treatments exist! I get mine done by Jacob at Jeffrey Stein Salon on the Upper West Side, it gives my curlyish frizzy hair perfect smooth waves and the treatment is safe. I started getting it over a year ago and I have no intention of stopping, the results are just so fantastic! Good luck with your hair project!

  • I love this beautiful, timeless style. I think it would be gorgeous on you!This is Thandie Newton: http://curlywavyhairstyles.com/medium-curly-hairstyles.html

  • smellymadhatter 29 mars 2013, 12:04 / Répondre

    Also, short and curly = very high maintenace in terms of which smoothening process your hair responds well to the most and which ones of those means are you willing to incorporate in your regular routines, you know. I’d say, forget treatments such as Keratin and all and go for haul of useful products you’ll have in your kitty for the rest of your short-haired life and these should include:

    1. Anti Frizz Shampoo
    2. Anti Frizz Conditioner
    3. Anti Frizz Serum
    4. A style holding spray
    5. A dry shampoo
    6. Any hair accesories you might like to add for an extra zing ( turban, scarf)

    Choose wisely, lovely Garance!

    Loads of love from India!

  • Diane Mitchell 29 mars 2013, 12:45 / Répondre

    Have a look at photos of Aussie Yasmin Sewell -her hair is thick and curly but she wears it short and always looks super cool!
    I also had thick curly hair until I lost it (20 years ago) to alopecia – I now have a wig with a short smooth bob-the kind of hair I’d always wanted. But if I still had hair like I did I go for Yasmin’s style, Good luck!

  • Cassandre 29 mars 2013, 1:33 / Répondre

    Hello Garance,

    Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais quand j’ai lu ton article j’ai tout de suite pensé à Karla de Karla’s closet,
    take a look : http://www.karlascloset.com/2013/03/flaming-red.html
    Je pense que ça t’irait à ravir !!



  • Garance,
    You should do a research on L’Oreal’s X-tenso. You can control how much it straightens your hair ;)

  • Garance, I have wanted to cut my waist long hair for ages but keep deciding not to because I get tired of the same hair style. If you cut your hair you will be stuck with the same look for ages. I can tie my hair into a pony tail, plait it, leave it loose or put it I to a bun (neat or messy). My hair determines my mood and compliments an outfit so my hair does a lot for me. I say, keep growing your hair. The longer it is, the more it will pull down your curls and leave you with a wave. I think :-)

    Good luck deciding.

  • I would definitely start with the Anne Hathaway one.I’m actually thinking about it myself, although my hair is really curly, not so much fizzy,but at the same time I’ve so much hair that I’m afraid that if I cut is so short, it would just be enourmous….ah….and mon petit ami has openly threatened me if I ever decide to cut my hair :)

  • Hello Garance,
    Je te lis depuis quelques mois, et j’aime beaucoup ta manière d’écrire, simple et belle, tes photos justes mais aussi surtout tes dessins (encore plus!). Je t’ai découvert grâce au Daily Elle.
    Comme tout le monde te l’a dit au dessus, j’ai les même cheveux que toi… Comme tu le sais le secret c’est l’hydratation: Huile d’olive, masque, crème, et surtout la crème sans rinçage DOP (pas chère, qui ne paie pas de mine, un pot jaune et violet et finalement la meilleure pour les hydrater et structurer les boucles/frisettes). Comme toi mon cheveux est passé de frisé petite à presque lisse à re-frisée ado (l’horreur) puis plus souple aujourd’hui.
    Je ne sais pas non plus me faire des brushing mais depuis un an MA VIE A CHANGÉ. Haha littéralement grâce à la brosse soufflante et rotative de babyliss. Tu es coiffée comme si tu étais allé chez le coiffeur en 15min chez toi. Elle est géniale. Et tout le monde autour de moi l’a acheté et est ravie. Je te la conseille!!!
    Je t’embrasse

  • Continuez à bunner Garance. On ne change pas une formule qui marche!Un style est un style. Parfois il me vient l’envie de me couper les cheveux et je ressors du coiffeur en me sentant ordinaire. Mais bon j’ai la chance d’avoir de bons cheveux, ni trop raides ni trop frisés.
    La permanente, je crois qu’il faut complètement oublier.
    Par contre la photo d’Anne hattaway dans l’article, je vous verais bien avec ce genre de cheveux. Je suis sûre qu’avec une super coupe (layered) d’un super coiffeur star de New York ils arriveraient à faire quelque chose de très joli. Vu que vous êtes une bloggeuse star, vous devriez avoir accès à un coiffeur star. Demandez lui s’il peut vous faire quelque chose de facile à vivre qui ne demande pas trop d’entretien. Longueur épaules ça vous irait.


  • Bonjour Garance,

    Ayant les cheveux très bouclés également (je les lisse ou les garde bouclés mais seulement l’été lorsqu’ils ont une longueur suffisante), j’ai pensé à la kératine… Pas essayé encore! En revanche lorsque j’étais beaucoup plus jeune, j’ai tenté cette fameuse permanente. Ils appellent ça « mini-vagues », ça fait un peu vieux comme expression…Bref, je me rappelle c’était très long à faire, pour un résultat très sympa, mais les produits sont hyper agressifs pour les cheveux…C’est des gros rouleaux, donc finalement tu choisis l’amplitude de ta boucle.
    Si tu as de nouveaux bons plans, je suis preneuse en tous cas et je continue mes investigations concernant les cheveux bouclés!!!


  • Julien Farel for reduced frizz. Amazing.

  • Garance,
    I have curly hair and everyone in my family has curly hair just like yours. I’ve had the keratin treatment and I love it but I only recommend it for the summer. I would only do it once a year. I personally never ever wear my hair curly. I either put it up into a bun or blow it out. Why don’t you just get a blow out once a week and that should last you a couple of days? The rest of the time alternate between a bun and wearing it down curly and natural. If you want beautiful hair you have to work at it when it’s curly. Otherwise, embrace what you have and move on…

    If you cut your hair short you will have to blow it out to loosen the curl to create a nice shape. Unless you go more pixie then you just need product. My opinion is that cutting curly hair short is a very bad idea and you will most likely not like it. It is even more high maintenance than long curly hair.


  • J’ai un chouilla de retard, mais …
    Sur cheveux frisés, le COURT doit être TRÈS COURT, comme ça le frisotti devient comme un cran sur le cheveux, et c’est très joli.
    Et pour le cheveu TRÈS COURT, la forme de visage, on s’en fiche, ce qui compte c’est LA FORME DU CRANE ! Hyper important.
    Donc, si tu as une belle forme de crâne, vas-y, coupe les TRÈS COURTS, et tu auras un style très cool !
    Bisous !

  • Garance my darling, you have to stop fighting your hair so to speak. Resist the urge to go against it and I promise it will reward you. You have amazing hair! Do you know how many women would kill for naturally wavy hair? Look at women like Andie Macdowell, she has amazing waves. Sometimes she accentuates them and other times she simply irons them. If you use a good non-permanent product such as Kerastase from the Nutri-Thermique range which will help condition hair as it is activated by heat! I use this and I have afro hair so if I’m recommending it you know I know your pain!
    I hope this helps. Bisous Bisous ;o)

  • Dear Garance, I have a curly hair. I had a short hair cut a year ago after my husband inspired me to do so… and I love it! I never did keratin or perm :) 10 minutes every day to style it with a fan and a brush so there are soft waves and it looks nice! Actually, I could not even imagine that it will be so easy, because I couldn’t style it when it was long. Hope you will enjoy your new cut

  • Mélusine 29 mars 2013, 3:48 / Répondre

    Oui tu as tout a fait raison : les chignons a la longue c’est pas bon. Et les couper n’est pas la solution non plus. Il finiront par pousser et boucler quoi que tu fasse et tu te retrouvera encore avec une tête que tu ne pourras plus voir en peinture (pour avoir essayé…)
    En fait, le mieux c’est que tu te les laisses pousser naturellement. Je t’explique : pour avoir de beaux cheveux, il suffit de les accepter tels qui sont et faire en sorte qu’ils soient en très bonne santé. C’est inutile d’aller à l’encontre de la nature de tes cheveux : sur le coup ça sera joli et tu seras contente, mais ça finira toujours pas être laid au bout de trois mois maxi.
    Donc, puisque toi ils sont frisés apparemment (hi hi) il faut beaucoup beaucoup nourrir les pointes et un peu les longueurs pour que tes boucles soient parfaites (mais pas avec des après shampoing trop lourd non plus.. le tout étant de trouver le bon produit). Te les laisser sécher à l’air libre (le sèche cheveux, même si c’est la meilleure invention de la terre, c’est très vilain) et surtout sortir du cycle infernal des lavages trop fréquents. (rien de pire pour que ta crinière se transforme en paille)
    Après, les laisser pousser (tout en coupant régulièrement les pointes) pour qu’ils aient une longueur parfaite pour que tu puisse te faire des coiffure sympas, mais sans élastique ! Les barrettes à chignons sont parfaites pour ça, et tu peux aussi te faire des tresses (c’est l’idéal) il y a pleins de tutos sur youtube pour réussir des choses vraiment belles et originales (ma youtubeuse préférée : sara sabaté, c’est vraiment génial) et tu pourras comme ça te faire une nouvelle signature ;)
    Et avoir des beaux cheveux passe aussi par l’alimentation ! Le mieux c’est les fruits et les légumes (et oui) mais tu peux aussi prendre des compléments alimentaires qui sont très efficaces, surtout la levure de bière. (et ça marche aussi pour avoir une belle peau et des ongles solides)
    Et aussi n’oublie pas que le but des coiffeurs et de te faire payer cher et que tu reviennes souvent, donc méfie toi vraiment, tu ne sera jamais totalement satisfaite quel que soit le prix que tu y mettes ! (je parle dans la durée)
    Voilà désolée d’avoir été longue et un peu soûlante mais c’est vraiment la meilleure (voire la seule) solution que je vois pour toi ;) J’ai un peu peur le fait que tu sois en permanence dans le milieu de la mode te fasse rencontrer uniquement des gens (très biens je n’en doute pas) mais qui considèrent que l’unique solution est d’y mettre beaucoup d’argent…

  • Yes do it! I’m always up for hair changes and short cuts can be fun. Grows out more quickly than you would think and you just keep having different hairstyles because you think about how to style it as it grows out. Love Anne Hathways short cut! :)


  • Redboots 29 mars 2013, 9:57 / Répondre

    WOW! So much Curl information… I have checked out Devacurl, it seems I am Botticelli which sounds like I Sould be standing in a shell looking fabulous, I can roll with that. This post brings back memories of a particularly heart breaking separation. I did what I think a lot of us do, I went looking for a change, a new improved me.. I immediately made an appointment to see my hairdresser Mark – he is in LA – and he does hair, any hair, even curly hair to perfection and that comes with a good raunchy laugh, a winning combo I think. I digress, back to the heart ache which equals hair cut… Short hair I think. « Great » Mark says. « You’ ll look adorable ».. Cutting is his forte, I know it’ll be great… Pause….  » you can blow dry it or straighten it slightly with a reverse perm…. And you will need REALLY good products »… « Okay » I mutter back. « THEN, you will have to come back every 4 to 6 weeks for a trim to keep it in control and in shape » he says…  » and after a year when you are bored of short hair you will grow it back »….. Which equals – an awful lot of clips/hair bands/whatever else you can get your hands on to contain those curls so you don’t have a bad « fro » or a curly pyramid sprouting from your parting! Long story. …. Long… Mark did cut my hair, but not so short I would suffer the re growth, and yup I re grew – love that he knew – I recommend a hairdresser that understands curls plus product, find your products and don’t go too too short. I use Sebastian potion no.9 mixed with Aveda serum (so i dont have crispy curls, HATE crispy curls) and then I twist in sections for a little control, let it dry and toss like a good salad! Works for me but our curls are all so different… yet thanks to all the suggestions I am going to try blotting instead of wrapping in a towel and I am going to see if I really am a Botticelli.

  • no need to go too short! 29 mars 2013, 10:21 / Répondre

    Half my hair is frizzy aka wavy – used to do straight perms all the time! the japanese kind – basically the same solution as curly/wavy perms but they straight iron it so it loosens up the curl. I’m sure in NYC you can find some Korean or Japanese hair salon that does « magic straight ».

    Some of my friends do it every 8 months so their hair is manageable. Only thing is you shouldn’t do it on bleached hair or highlights -too much processing causes the hair to break.

    Good luck!

  • Hello Garance,
    I too have had curly hair my whole life. About a year ago I got a ‘brazilian blowout’ – one of the newer ones with less formaldehyde. I continue to use sulphate free shampoo and my hair is still less curly. It is wavy. Recently I had it cut to my shoulders with lots of layers and it looks great. More sophisticated than long hair, plus, curls and waves around the face are flattering. I also go regularly for a blow dry at Dry Bar. Since curly hair is usually dry rather than oily, I don’t wash my hair some times for a week and it looks great. You might also try large hot rollers which makes bigger curls instead of frizzy curls. So, in conclusion, find a great hair dresser (I’d recommend mine, but I’m in Los Angeles), try the Keratin, invest in blow drys and hot rollers. I look forward to your new hair style, whatever it is.
    P.S. The perm idea sounds archaic.

  • As a mixed kid with kinky textured tresses I got ‘cold’ perms for a bit before graduating to relaxer. They definitely loosened my curls, not keratin level smooth but worth trying!

  • Sunny Side 30 mars 2013, 3:48 / Répondre

    Ne les coupe pas tant que tu n’acceptes pas toute cette chevelure indisciplinée, tu vas en pleurer. laisse les pousser comme sur la photo de Caroline Issa de dos chez toi en Corse. J’ai l’impression que tu passes ta vie à t’intimer des ordres, sois comme ci, sois comme ça et tes cheveux ils te disent … no way pour parler poliment ! Il y a une partie de toi encore non explorée, bridée, retenue à cause de tout ce milieu ds lequel tu évolues pour gagner ta vie, chéris tes cheveux qui eux restent « wild ». Ne cherche pas à être sublime, « irradier » est bien plus important … et sublime !Bisoux

  • Garance have you ever thought of going to a salon that specializes in curly hair and learning how to work with your texture? After years of chemical and heat straightening I finally have learned how to manage my curls and even like them ;)


  • Bonjour
    Je suis une fille qui a besoin de faire son chignon a un moment de la journée. En ce moment je laisse mais cheveux pousser car il y a un an j’ai fait un coupe carré. Je me suis rendue compte qu’il faut savoir porter les cheveux courts. C’est le conseille que je peux donner. L’avantage c’est si on n’aime pas cela ça pousse :). Bon courage et je suis certaine que tu seras magnifique peut importé ton choix

  • I have a couple of friends with curly hair who went to Devachan salon on Broadway in Soho and loved it because they are specialized in treating curly hair. On their website I found this link to an Allure article from January 2013 with great advice for curly hair; you might want to check it out!

  • Bon j’arrive un peu après la bataille, ca fait longtemps que je ne suis pas venu, mais justement, j’ai vu une fille il y a deux jours avec le même genre de cheveux et elle était super jolie, elle une sorte de chignon fouilli avec une coque un peu rock devant, bon ça aller super bien.

    Après de mon coté je ne jure que par le naturel donc adieux shampoing plein de silicone et traitement etc, bon c’est peut être simple pour moi aussi..mais apparemment le henné (il y en a qui ne colore pas, je peux t’écrire un livre là dessus) « raidisse » un peu les cheveux, bon je ne sais pas à quel points, je pense pas que ça fait des miracles mais ça aide à définir je pense.

    mmh voilà mais je ne suis pas bouclée, donc j’aimerais bien :) on veut toujours ce qu’on a pas aha, du coup je serais toi je les laisserais tout le temps libre et sauvage

  • Garance, I read religiously! First time ever commenting. You can love your hair! I have curly/wavy hair that I struggled with accepting for so long. I never blow dry it either really. Here’s what I do.

    Wash it with whatever. Get some of the MoroccanOil that comes in the little bottle, the leave in treatment. Put a little on your hair. Let it air dry.

    Run a straightening iron (yeah!) over it once it’s dry just a little to tame it down a bit, especially the ends.

    Curl some pieces with a curling iron.

    I swear it works!

    XO or not, : ) keep experimenting

    You’re the loveliest.

  • Have you ever heard of curly girl? Lorraine Massey, owner of the Devachan salons, is a curly girl advocate. Everyone I know who has lovely curly hair seems to go to her.

  • … but i actually like ali mcgraw’s short curls in convoy. :) see: http://bit.ly/ZuIeRs

  • Tu es parfaite comme tu es!!!!!!!!! Vive les cheveux frisés et crépus. C’est tellement joli!

  • I believe I’ve been through it all with my thick curly hair:
    I tried straightening treatments as a young girl in the humid, frizzy NYC summers of the 1970s which made my hair look like straw.
    I used strong « relaxers » in the 1980s in NYC at La Coupe & Visentin salons on Madison that left me with hair regrowth next to stick straight dead- weight hair.
    Moved to L.A. in the 90s and went au natural, and when i got tired of those curls, I pulled my wet hair, with loads of products in it, into a high bun all day to pull it straight — but it took 8 hours for my hair to dry and it was a pain in the derrière.
    I stayed with natural curls for 20 years in LA. Only allowed myslef to get a blow dry once per year and I never liked the way it looked blown out and straight.
    Then I tried  » Brazilian Keratin Treatment » around 2009. I left it on for 3-4 days and it left my hair wavy-ish but mostly straight. A friend said it looked like I fell asleep with braids in my hair. I did the treatment for a couple of years and then was persuaded to try Brazilian Blowout.
    BB was kinder, gentler, and better performing than all of the above. Finally my hair was WAVY –not curly, not straight. It gets washed out immediately ( don’t let anyone tell you to leave it in for a few days).
    I get it twice a year and I have versatility to make it a bit straighter or wavier by using a few tools and setting techniques. I could do it more, but I try to stretch the periods as long as I can, telling myself my hair will be the better for it. I only wash 1-2x per week.
    The chemicals in BB don’t deter me. (There are chemicals everywhere we turn –most makeup, nail polishes, the air we breathe, carpeting, et al.)
    This is short term exposure and to me, it’s completely worth it. I recommend having it done with excellent ventilation. My salon in L.A has open windows everywhere which cuts down on fumes.

    I ask my stylist to run the flat iron more times in the back of my head where I have the tightest curls, and less times near my face so everything looks even. I’m very happy with BB– and plan to use it going forward. Sometimes the treatment can make the ends too straight, so I twist the ends or do little tricks with a heated curling cone to give them more wave.

    I hope this rant is helpful to even one curly girl out there.

  • J’ai exactement le même problème et c’est vraiment déprimant . Mes cheveux au naturel sont vraiment pas top sauf si je les nattes le soir alors du coup je suis pratiquement en chignon tout les jours et même si je sais que c’est une forme qui me va je rêve de pouvoir faire parti des filles qui se lèvent avec des magnifiques cheveux qui tombent sur leurs épaules .
    Je ne pense pas que tu devrais te couper les cheveux sauf si tu es prête a te les raidir tout les jours car moi aussi je voulais un joli carré mais j’ai vite abandonné mon idée sachant que je suis une grande flemmarde .
    Si tu trouves une solution j’espère que tu nous diras . Pour ma part je pense que je vais essayer la keratine , une fille que je connais la fait et ca a vraiment rendu pas mal (et je me dis que au pire personne verra la difference si c’est moche vu que je les laisses attacher .) d’autant plus que j’habite au Maroc et que ici ils sont vraiment les pros des cheveux bouclés !!
    bisous !!

  • Hello!

    My hair is naturally thick and curly and it got very frizzy and dry when I colored it. I Tried the Serge Normant Hair mask and slept with it wrapped in a towel overnight. I have noticed that not only is my hir MUCH softer but it is also a bit lose – More wavy. You can try that for sure. You can also put a ton of almond oil with whole milk yogurt on ur hair and also sleep in it and bom frizz is GONE totally gone.

  • I have hair similar to yours. Fine, but very curly, especially in the front. I have done everything to my hair-Keratin, Relaxers you name it. Unless you have coarse curly hair, its hard to get the volume and the beautiful shape.

    The best « natural » non-toxic solution I found was a treatment called Provana. Its been around a few years. Its shea butter. It doesn’t change your curls. It just take out the frizz and makes it softer. In the humid NY summer and rain, I was frizz free. The treatment lasts about 3-4 months.

    Good luck!

  • Salut Garance, je m’appelle Sarah. Comme toi, j’ai les cheveux très bouclés. J’ai testé le court + permanente, une horreur qui a complètement explosé les cheveux. Le lissage brésilien est bien plus doux qu’une permanente. Bien à toi xx

  • Garance you should look into the Brazilian blow-out technique (http://www.brazilianblowout.com)! It doesn’t necessarily result in straight-straight hair but rather frizz free hair that still retains its natural volume. It lasts about 4 months before you need a re-touch. Good luck!

  • Dear Garance:

    Even though my hair is not as curly as yours, I have wavy hair and lots of it so I understand the feeling of not seeing your face with such voluminous or full of body hair. I just had my hair cut similar to the length of the middle picture (A. Hathaway) and could not be hair. Why? I asked for cutting some volume and it looks great. People love it and I do too. As you say, too short does not look that great when it is so curly. Please don’t straighten your hair. I think it damages the hair and also it is not really you. I mean, it is cool to have it straightened sometimes but not as a permanent thing. Good luck!

  • Dear Garance,

    I live in Hong Kong which is 90% humidity and hot and steamy ALL the time. My hair is wavy with some curl, it loves Europe and the States but Hong Kong is like living in a sauna. I’ve been experimenting with different treatments and levels of straightness/waviness/curliness for 10 years now. I hate my hair straight, but like it to be more relaxed than it’s natural state.
    My advice? Go to John Frieda, or another hair salon recommended by similar haired friends of yours in NYC, who recognize what you’re looking for! I did a perm once and the results are so temperamental and hard to predict. I use a keratin (Global keratin) treatment and do it only every 6 months. There are many different strengths. GO for the weakest… it washes out in about a month, so if you hate it you don’t have to commit! I don’t dye my hair, but I assume that’s just as bad if not worse for your hair!

  • Bonjour Garance,

    Il y a deux ans j’ai coupé mes cheveux de longs à courts, sans stade entre les deux. Je les avais toujours en chignon avant, comme toi, je les supportais pas détachés (trop chaud, parce que j’ai les cheveux épaisses, et ils sont bouclés en plus – j’avais toujours l’impression que ca ressemblait à rien quand je les portais lâchés), et du coup je me suis dit que je pourrais aussi bien les couper. Et je ne regrette rien! C’est tellement agréable, et aussi on peut vraiment bien changer de coiffure avec chaque rendez-vous chez le coiffeur, parce que ca repousse tellement vite! Et mon BF aime aussi… :)
    Donc moi je dis: Go for it, Garance! Tu vas aimer!


  • try the japanese thermal reconditioning – I’ve done it every year, once a year in the spring so my hair is manageable in the humid summer. It looks like crap for the first 2 weeks, but as it slowly grows out it regains body and is so easy to take care of!! It’s changed my life! I’ve been doing it for 8 years and I never look back. And – it doesn’t damage my hair any more than it would if I continually used a straight iron. I have crazy frizzy curly hair and have to start blow drying again after 5 months. The chemicals in the keratin are awful.

  • Mathilde 7 avril 2013, 3:47 / Répondre

    Garance !!!
    J’ai les cheveux bouclés et j’ai sauté le pas du court (je suis d’accord c’est très flippant parce que si ça foire tu sais que tu ne pourras même pas les attacher) il y à 18 mois et je suis ravie ! Le court bouclé ça peut être très joli et sexy ! Il faut juste le bon coiffeur qui connait le frisé. Bon courage … Ça vaut le coup

    Et merci merci pour les bons moments de lectures !

  • Garance, I have the same hair. A little Mexi-Fro my whole young life. It was only until the right products came along about 10 years ago that I could do anything with it.

    I’ve had a Vidal Sassoon pixie cut and the long Carrie curls and everything in between, so I have lots of opinions on the subject. I love your work, your outlook, your look… I have read your blog every day for years. So please don’t take offense to any of this comment….

    The pixie is fine but it changes your whole wardrobe, makeup, jewelry, everything. Then if you cut your hair short, you will inevitably have to treat it very badly as it grows out. Because kinky curly hair growing out demands straightening or at least a bigger curl, which means high heat and lots of product. Then once you get it long it won’t be as healthy.

    So I say do not cut your hair short. I say keep it long, condition if often, and try different-easy ups:

    1. A deep sidepart and bun or ponytail.
    2. A super-high bun (I think you’ve done this before).
    3. A Latina ponytail where you comb it super straight, wet, into a ponytail, then let the curly part air dry and just run your hand over the tight, straight hair on your head to break up the product.
    4. Braids! When mine was long enough, I loved making a big, fat braid down my back, especially with ethnic/global type clothes. Two braids is nice, too.
    5. Low, loose pony on one side. Not dramatically on one side, just a bit off-center of the neckline in the back.
    6. Headbands. I especially like to wear those stretchy, plastic, comby headbands that separate your curls up front then let them fly free. Great with summer whites.

    At the very shortest, maybe go for a bob. I tried the Japanese straightening about 10 years ago, but what I realized is that my head needs some volume. I didn’t like seeing my ears through my hair… and I could not imagine what girls with hair that straight did to it.

    Again, love what you do. Enjoy your curls. Remember, when you’re 80 you’ll wish you’d embraced them more.

  • I have actually permed my hair straighter! It’s amazing. Just smooths and loosens, I have really long thick hair so it’s expensive because they use 2 boxes, I definitely recommend it, it’s really straight to begin with and then your hair finds it’s curls again. :)

  • I think there are keratin treatments without the amoniac. I have similar hair to what you describe. I even was also addicted to wearing a bun, and desisted for the similar reasons.
    I did myself a Keratin (according to them without the toxic chemicals) and the hair was so much better. If didnt do my hair, it stays curly (but less curly) but if I want to straighten them up it’s much easier and if you forget or dont want to do the keratin again the hair will keep the same. But you can’t use the usual shampoo because of some chemicals that diminishes the benefits of the keratin, you have to buy a shampoo specifically to people that had treated their hair with keratine.
    I have heard about the perm, some girl told me, it keeps ALWAYS straight (even if wet) but when your hair grows, it grows curly… So, you’ll have a mix of curly hair in the roots and straight hair in the rest. My friend didn’t recommended for me , because it almost makes you a « slave » of the perm

    Like the comment before, I haven´t cut my hair simply because its curly and it is so hard to keep them in the right place.

  • Yes, I have curly hair and it use to be a big problem, cause I didn’t know what to do with..I’ve been trying to cut it or to raise it, but id didn’t solve my problems:-) But thank you to authors like you, cause now I know what to do and I love my natural curly hair!

  • Thanks for sharing, it’s really helpful for me! I also have a wavy bob, and I love it. But sometimes I spent a lot of time to make my medium and long hair , so I’m looking when it grown, and I can make a braid.

  • Thanks for sharing, it’s really helpful for me!

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