red lip fashion week garance dore photos

9 years ago by

Hier chez Chanel, chaque invité (donc environ 3876754 personnes vu qu’en gros on remplissait le Grand Palais) pouvait trouver sur son siège une collection de rouges à lèvres Chanel. Un goody bag !!! 
Dedans, entre autres couleurs, il y a avait deux rouges magnifiques.

Le truc, c’est que moi, je ne mets plus de rouge. Ce truc qui était quasiment une signature m’est devenu carrément étranger depuis que j’ai commencé à me maquiller les yeux. Maintenant, à chaque fois que j’essaye, je trouve que ça rend mes lèvres toutes petites et que ça me fait une tête bizarre. Et qu’avec mon maquillage des yeux, c’est méga trop. Donc faudrait, comme la règle le veut, que je ne me maquille presque pas quand je mets du rouge.

Oui mais voilà, je suis devenue accro à mon maquillage des yeux. J’ai du mal à sortir sans. Minimum du minimum un peu d’ombre à paupière et une bonne dose de mascara.

Je me demande si c’est juste parce qu’avec le temps le visage change, et que je ne mettrais plus jamais de rouge. Ou si c’est juste si on a des périodes dans la vie, et qu’un jour j’enverrais balader mon ombre à paupière et que je reprendrais mes tubes de lipstick (et les galères de rouge qui tâche qui vont avec). Qu’est ce que vous en pensez ?

En tout cas une chose est sûre, ça ne m’empêche pas de blêmir d’inspiration quand je vois Laura Julie en photo. 

Photo: Sandra Semburg


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  • Complètement d’accord !!

    Le make-up change avec les saisons les humeurs les goûts et le temps ;-)

  • A red lipstick is always a mood change!!
    XOX, Gap.

  • Je suis tout à fait d’accord!
    Je me maquille les yeux donc je ne mets pas de rouge à lèvres (juste du baume à lèvres effet gloss transparent de temps en temps, ou le Lip glow de Dior qui colore légèrement et qui donne un effet très naturel), ça fait trop sinon!
    Bonne soirée

    Le monde des petites

  • i’m all about the red lip! and i’d love to manage to pull it off w/ no other make up on my face: it looks cool! :)

  • Je pense que c’est surtout une question d’envie ou d’habitudes ! Comme toi, je priviligie plutôt le maquillage des yeux. Jamais de rouge à lèvres, surtout flamboyant comme celui-ci, une touche de gloss parfois. C’est peut-être un tort mais je trouve que ma bouche n’est pas faite pour ce style de rouge … mais je trouve cela ultra glamour et classe, tellement femme. Et je suis très tentée quand je vois une personne qui le porte superbement mais naaan, je crois que ce n’est définitivement pas pour moi !

  • Know what you mean, couple of years ago I wore red all the time. Then got in a different mood, styled my hair wavy and added blond highlights. Dreamed of beaches and I put mine away. But this winter has been terrible, my skin is grey so I have taken it out again…helps to perk me up! red lips = happy lips.

  • Jessica 11 mars 2015, 6:55

    I agree Donnah. My mood changes and for a while I put red away. I turn 40 this year and thought « Is this it? Will I ever wear red again? » I travel a lot for work and have recently found on very very long days eye makeup tends to run and make me look tired and scary. A little mascara and small amount of liner with a great red lip I look bright and refreshed all day…even when I might not feel that way

  • C’est tout à fait ça pour moi aussi! J’ai ma grosse période rouge à lèvres super rouge et maintenant, je suis plus portée sur le maquillage des yeux…
    Mais avec l’été qui revient, j’ai très envie de rose fuchsia et de rouge coquelicot vif! Souvent femme varie… ;)

  • Beautiful picture. I think that you just go through different ‘phases’ in your life. Eyes, lips, eyes, lips or something haha! At the moment I am completely hooked on red lipstick to give my face some much needed color. So no eyeshadow for me, but that might just change again a couple of months from now…

  • CecileMaki 11 mars 2015, 9:35 / Répondre

    C’est vrai que je trouve plus facile d’assumer un maquillage des yeux que des lèvres bien rouges!
    Pourtant, je trouve ça beau, mais je n’ose pas, trop voyant pour moi…
    Je pense effectivement qu’il y a des phases pour le maquillage, comme pour les vêtements qu’on porte.
    En tout cas, je trouve que tout te va très bien! :)

  • Jane with the noisy terrier 11 mars 2015, 9:44 / Répondre

    Don’t know if the new Coco Rouge color « Arthur » was included but it’s a very lightweight, easy to wear coral red. I’m usually afraid of red lipstick making me look older, but this is a youthful red. I tried it with a rose gold cream eyeshadow, tight lined upper lashes and mascara and it was a nice bright Spring look. Also try just applying red lipstick with a finger so it becomes just a Popsicle-stained tint.

  • Oh my goodness! I was literally just asking friends to recommend a red to me. I hardly wear any make-up (bronzer, blush and mascara) but would like to try a red. I’m afro-caribbean with fairly warm caramel-type complexion and think there must be a nice shade out there for me!

  • Since having a short fringe cut, I have become obsessed with eye make-up too and especially a super arched brow. I think it is best to go with the flow, for this season its all about the brows for me, soon I’m sure I will become fascinated (obsessed?!) with blusher or foundation again.

  • I m 31 now and just figured out how to wair redlips. Was into eye makeup now its Al about the lips. I honesly think its just a face! Enjoy it before your back at staining.

  • Back and forth…lipstick/eye. My mother is 94 and, on the occasion, she has an occasion – she goes with a deep rusty red lip, white shirt & grey pants.

    Eyes would look silly on her – but lips….forever!

  • I agree — I never do a red lip with eye make up other than mascara – it ends up looking clownish

    Music festival season giveaway on my blog!

  • bavarian_blue 11 mars 2015, 11:55 / Répondre

    that’s the interesting thing about our personal style-evolution: the changes in thw way we want to see our face our body-shape and so on…You will maybe return to red once again.

  • I usually wear red lips but lately I’ve started to make-up my eyes darker so I know what you mean. I hope to return to red soon!

  • I regret to say that red becomes less forgiving as you get a little older :( Softer colors just become a little more flattering overall. Once in a while you can still pull it off but more and more you’ll focus on eyes and less on lips.

  • Maybe one just needs to experiment with which reds they wear over time? I hope so. I’m 43 now and still love a red lip, although I shift between shades of red for day to evening, as well as the reds I’ve gravitated to over the years.

  • It makes me so sad that I have to choose between dramatic, made-up eyes and bright lips! I want to do both- I so wish the clownish look was in!

  • Ana @Champagnegirlsaboutown 11 mars 2015, 1:41 / Répondre

    For me it’s totally mood dependant. Having said that, my « moids » can last for months. I would imagine who I’d like to be (that’s a child game I stole play with mused) and match my make up accordingly. Recently I’m all about beautiful skin and eye make up but that pop of red on the photo will probably make me do a beeline for Chanel counter at Selfridges!

  • I love red lipstick, but I think it makes my lips look worse, for some it is ultra flattering, on bigger and fuller lips it’s just gorgeous and effortless, I really wish it was so for me too.

  • Et moi c’est excatement l’inverse! Jamais porté de rouge foncé jusqu’il y a quelques semaines car accro au nudes en tous genres et depui, je trouve que les rouges trop clairs éteignent mon visage! Le U turn quoi! ;)

  • J’ai arrêté de me maquiller les yeux car je trouve que passé 40 ans cela me vieillissait et accentuait les rides
    Je privilégie un teint le plus pur possible et le rouge à lèvres Rouge au contraire qui, je trouve donne de l’éclat et tout de suite de beaucoup d’allure.
    Mais c’est vrai que cela dépend beaucoup de la bouche et des lèvres qu’on a.

  • Moi non plus je ne mets pas de rouge et je n’en ai jamais mis car ça ne me va pas du tout.
    Par contre je trouve ça super joli (ou pas) sur les autres!


  • Moi j’alterne maquillage des yeux et de la bouche selon mes humeurs du moment !
    Pitié envoie moi ces rouges à lèvres que tu n’utilisera pas !!! Je t’aime (nan nan je n’essaye pas de t’amadouer :P)

  • Marguerite 11 mars 2015, 2:54 / Répondre

    You may be associating red lips with a certain previous time in your life that has ended, and it may be that now you’re doing something new and exciting and that part of you is over for now. It may come back. Or not. (Or it could be time in America where eyes/eyeshadow are much more important that lips, from what I’ve seen.)

  • Jennifer 11 mars 2015, 2:58 / Répondre

    I am very into red lips currently. It’s a mood brightener for me and it seems to make my eyes pop. I love eye make up and sure I will flip back and forth, especially these cool navy, gray and Chocloate shadows I’ve been seeing. Tom Ford quads yes please!
    But for now I’m enjoying my red lip.

  • I still think this shade of red looks great on you!

    x Karen

  • Garance, what is your makeup look consisting of recently? I would love a « Beauty Minute » featuring you!

  • Je ne mettais que du rouge, plus jeune. Mais je trouve que ça vieillit ! Je préfère me maquiller les yeux aussi ! Donc oui, il y a des cycles dans la vie mais qui ne reviennent pas forcément !

  • I love a good red lippy but I don’t wear it often because it takes a lot more effort than just putting other things on… Maybe you’re subconsciously thinking that way too ;) xx

  • Sue Knight 11 mars 2015, 5:35 / Répondre

    What are the names of the red lipsticks that were included in the Chanel goody bags? I would love to check them out!

  • You’ll get your rouge again Mademoiselle! Next time you’re in love ;-)

  • Red lips have never been my thing but Chanel’s Marie is just vibrant enough to give me a spring in my step. With age, my lips naturally have lost their luster so a good boost is needed. Wearing glasses is a reason to use the lips to balance things out in my opinion. It’s makeup! Have fun!

  • Je te donne tout à fait raison Garance, pour moi c’est pareille, le rouge à lèvre ne me va plus du tout alors qu’ avant j’aimais beaucoup en mettre. Par contre les yeux ça passe mais comme je me maquie rarement j’oublie et je me frotte les paupières et hop! je ressemble a Ozzy Ozbourne ou Alice Cooper
    sans même me rendre compte:-) La classe!!!!……

  • My lips like to be of all classic red shades even with mascara. I can’t stop it. Maybe tomorrow….no, I don’t think so ))))))))

  • In the last two weeks I decided to shake up my look. I added volume to my hair and found the perfect red lip. I think that is part of being truly creative in your style, you are not afraid of change and know when to try something new.

    Accidental Icon

  • Marie Marguerite 12 mars 2015, 7:36 / Répondre

    Red lipstick is better on the young, it can be quite aging

  • D’ailleurs, moi j’aimerais bien un gros plan de tes yeux maquillés… ;-)

  • That’s too funny. I wear my signature crimson with mascara, I don’t wear eye shadows or eye liner. Which reds were in the goody bag?

  • jeanette 12 mars 2015, 7:58 / Répondre

    I haven’t worn eye make-up since my wedding day (21 years ago) and that was done by a friend who was a make-up consultant. I just have no idea how to do it or what to do. My formative make-up years were in the late 1980s. (Remember when 3 pastel colours on eyes were a thing – yikes!) Anyway I was allergic to most things. Eyelashes falling out, peeling eyelids etc.

    NEVER allergic to lipstick. Love me some red even though I am 45. I have dark hair and fair skin, and red is my colour actually. I can still get away with tinted moisturizer and lipstick – that’s it.

  • I currently wear the Chanel red lipstick, « Fiction ». I love how sheer it is, but fully covers without drying out my lips. LOVE it.

  • Do you know by any chance which color she is wearing ? I love the color ! I never tried a red lipstick, I wear glasses and I prefer to focus on the eyes. But I’d like to try and I think that with nothing on the eyes, not even mascara, the red lips are more emphasized !

  • Lucia 14 mars 2015, 5:31

    yes please, can you tell us which lipstick is she wearing in this photo ?

  • Ai-Ch'ng 15 mars 2015, 6:01 / Répondre

    So happy to see that near nude face wear that gorgeous red on her lips!

    I used to wear red lips in uni – a lot – with my jeans and T, way back in the nineties. Then, it was years of « no makeup » makeup, whilst hunting for the right nude lip and right eye makeup for me (I never found either, despite going to really good makeup artists).

    Now, at 46, I’ve been wearing strong reds and a touch of terracotta on my cheeks (so I don’t look overly Morticia) since I was 44. No need for any eye makeup or foundation.

    And, I never understand what people say about red being ageing: we ARE ageing with each day, so let’s accept it – it’s a privilege to grow old: sadly, some people never have the chance to do that! However, that doesn’t stop us looking fresh – and red does that for me every single time. I adore seeing women of all ages – especially with silver hair and their favourite red lipstick. It’s supremely elegant (very Japanese/Chinese/French)! And, done eyes just look too « done », no matter what I – or other do.

    There’s a real joy to be found in wearing red lipstick, and looking at people wearing it. It makes the wearer look all the more approachable. You pop sunglasses on (which I don’t ever wear) and « ping! » all your eye makeup efforts disappear. With red lipstick, you just look happy, polished and so cheerful – even with sunglasses on. Just make sure it’s long wearing (Nars Audacious, Hourglass, and Stila are always in my bag). And, smile!

  • Alors moi j’aimerai savoir d’ou sort cette règle des yeux et des lèvres qui n’ont pas le droit d’être maquillées en meme temps il me semble que BB ou Twiggy le faisaient ou même Audrey Hepburn et ça choquait personne. Règle nulle et non avenue. Fait les deux garance.

  • semidei michele 20 mars 2015, 12:11 / Répondre

    Le rouge c’est une signature pour moi

  • They sent me Arthur …. Really beautiful color . It’s always nice to get their little surprises in the mail ;)

  • I would wear some pink or orange hue lipsticks. Red is just not suitable, and makes me looks weird. And eye makeup I don’t wear a lot, I find out it’s very hard to clean the eye makeup, especially with eyeliner, must be very careful or the cleanser will go to my eyes. So I don’t like to apply eye make up.

  • I wore red in my twenties. I just turned 50. I can no longer colour my hair so it’s salt pepper, heavy on the salt. My eyelids have become very hooded so eye make up looks kind of weird. I have rediscovered red lipstick. I only wear mascara and red lips for every day. I love the reds that are available now.

  • Je pense qu’il y a des périodes pendant lesquelles ont aime plus tel ou tel type de maquillage, mais j’aimais tellement quand tu mettais du rouge à lèvre ! Avec des cheveux court ça amène une touche de féminité que j’apprécie. Je me souviens que juste après que tu te sois coupé les cheveux tu avais ressorti tes bâtons de rouges qui te vont si bien ! : )
    Perso je me maquille plus souvent les yeux (mascara et trait d’eye-liner magnifique terre dorée) c’est tout simple, mais j’adore porter du rouge à lèvre aussi, et ça ne m’empêche pas de me maquiller les yeux pour autant, je trouve pas que ça fasse too much…

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