
3, 2, 1, Reset!

7 years ago by


Erik Melvin

What made me decide to do a detox?

Well, lately nutrition fascinates me. Okay, like everyone right now I suppose. Okay. And also I came back from Thanksgiving as chubby as the turkey we obliterated.

So, as a general rule, I try to stay true to my French nutrition principles. Eat a little bit of everything, in moderation. It’s as simple and as complicated as that.

Flexible, basically. But flexibility can go overboard often, especially when you are, uh, how should I put this. Me. And a glass of wine turns into three, a square of chocolate turns into twelve, a small coffee becomes a Venti, and that’s how, in a few days, it’s easy to get into a bad habit.

Moderation requires a lot of persistence, and patience with yourself.

So I wanted to see how it would feel to eat super healthy, super balanced meals for a few days. I wanted to know if maybe the reason I’d put on a few pounds wasn’t the quality but the quantity of what I was eating?

I thought of Sakara.

Because after discovering their CBD chocolate, which changed my life, I went to look at their website, and I discovered some super appealing nutritional programs.

They have a five-day cleanse that’s super healthy, there’s no juicing (impossible for me, I tried a juice cleanse a few years ago and only lasted about three hours, I felt like my stomach was turning circles), but with real organic, gluten-free, vegan food – it’s very balanced and the meals are delivered to you at home, breakfast included, which is a dream for a lazy girl like me.

That’s all it took to convince me. I went for it.

Sunday night, my delivery arrived. I couldn’t wait to begin. Ok, so…

Day #1
I work from home.

I open my breakfast, and the critic in me starts flaring up.

Is all this plastic really necessary? Hmm… I make myself a green tea, because I imagine if you’re doing a detox, coffee and alcohol probably aren’t on the menu. The program is a bit lacking in instructions*, actually. But that’s okay because…

The breakfast is delicious and pretty decadent – it’s a muffin with nut butter and fresh fruit, full of nutrients (each menu is detailed on the box and explains with humor the nutrients you’re going to absorb and why they’re so good for you) and, even though it’s not a lot of food, I’m not hungry at all anymore after I devour it.

Around 10am, I wonder about having a snack. I usually have a little snack around 11am and again around 4pm…otherwise I’m starving by the time I have my next meal and end up overeating. But there’s no snack.

I imagine that’s part of the “reset” idea (that’s what Sakara calls it actually, not a detox, it’s a reset and I like that because that’s exactly how I was looking at this) so I stick with it and don’t have a snack.

Lunch time comes and I devour it while Chris looks on sadly: “So I guess I’ll be flying solo this week for meals?” – Ah… Yeah, doing a detox (sorry, a reset) is kind of selfish, I guess.

He also says: “Whoa! Are you going to be able to eat all that?” YEAH IT’S TRUE the lunch is copious, no need to say anything, just let me eat please. Two big vegan wraps on a bed of salad (kale, arugula, spinach, this type of nutritious trio) with a delicious dressing.

I decide to save one of the wraps for an afternoon snack, and I have to say I’m very happy when 4:00 comes around. Because if I don’t have a snack at 4:00, I turn into the Demogorgon from Stranger Things and I’d be capable of eating the table if there’s nothing else in sight. Which is something I’m going to have to figure out if I want to survive the rest of the week. Otherwise, too bad, I’ll eat at 5:00pm just like hens (or turkeys?) do.

For dinner, I had salad with avocado and veggies, and yeah, no dessert, pffff you guys, obviously. Each meal is a unique dish. I also have a water in the morning and a water at night, and as much as I love the rose flavored water in the morning, I quickly decided to skip the evening one. Not my kind of taste!

At the end of the first day, I’m super happy. It’s really tasty, it’s really practical, I never feel hungry, and I feel so virtuous I hear angels singing around me. I don’t look in the mirror, but I’m SURE I’ve got the satisfied smile and rosy cheeks of one of these yoga girls who can do a handstand.

I can’t wait for the next day.


Day #2
I’m on a photoshoot.

I have my breakfast – each day, the breakfast is delicious (and I love the variety – when I make breakfast, it’s always the same deal – muesli or avocado toast or avocado toast or muesli?) but as for the quantity, it’s weird. Some days it’s almost too much, other days I still feel hungry. I wonder if it depends on my appetite which depends on my activity level which depends on… Ah, so many questions so early in the day!

I take my lunch with me and I know a day like this is going to be a real test. Photoshoots are the worst for nutrition: there are moments of stress (primal reaction: EAT!!!) and boredom (primal reaction: EAT!!!), you’re not in your typical environment (primal reaction: EAT!!!), and most importantly they are usually catered with delicious food (primal reaction: EAT!!!) that’s just waiting for my hand to grab a banana-chia-something-healthy-whatever and shove it in my mouth before my brain has the time to say STTTTTOPPPPP, IT’S GLUTEN-FREE BUT IT’S 2000 CALORIES NOOOOO!!!

I resist the sublime granola they serve for breakfast, the beautiful morning muffins, and the overflowing cheese plate at lunch, and I open my salad (I’m starting to get used to the fact that my life is now based on salad and I’m going to forever be transforming myself into a salad), which makes my team jealous. Yep, I admit, the catering looks great but my salad is incredible, and stylish: I even get to eat flowers!

I’m pretty thrilled, especially since I usually end up leaving photoshoots half depressed because I couldn’t resist the call of the 4:00 cookies.

It shows me that a little organization can really help at complicated times like photoshoots – and that probably applies to traveling too, for example.

And yeah, okay, so what – you might look a little smug sitting in the corner with your health food, but pffff, who doesn’t want to have glowing skin and look as self-fulfilled as Gwyneth on the cover of It’s All Good? Hmm? Hmm?

Okay, enough bragging. When I get home, I’m starving. Eat-the-table-and-take-down-the-first-person-who-says-a-word-to-me hungry. I decide to eat dinner early, and when I open my salad, I feel slightly bummed. It’s cold outside, and what I really want is a good hot, comforting soup – a food hug, basically.

Oh! Hey, I think I have a delicious soup in the fridge. Hahaha! This is the first time I cheat on my detox, but since it’s a veggie soup, it doesn’t count, RIGHT?

Day #3
I have meetings, I spend the day out.

I feel pretty good and my digestion is, how to say it without really saying it – fantastic. Like freeway traffic at 4 in the morning. Flowing perfectly!

But is it possible to feel healthy and exhausted at the same time? After 3pm, all I want to do is go home and get under the covers. I go through the rest of my appointments feeling deeply tired, I cancel a party (in any case, a detox week, sorry reset, isn’t really a good time for socializing), and I throw on my pajamas.

The day before, SURPRISE GIFT! I got a little pouch of chocolate granola in addition to one of my meals. When I discovered the little pouch, I was worse than my dog Lulu when I give her a bone: my eyes turned circles, I rolled around on the ground in happiness and did three backwards somersaults before taking my granola to a little corner of the room and disappearing for two hours. Okay, I’m exaggerating, but I totally devoured it.

For me, food has always been a synonym for comfort when I feel empty or lacking in energy or love, so, bam, take that chocolate granola.

Apparently detoxes tend to do that. As your toxins leave, blocked emotions can come up and I know you’re snickering over there at my woowooness, but I believe 100% in the connection between our bodies and minds. MY DETOX (sorry, reset) is working!
Sometimes you even feel like crying. I wouldn’t go that far, but it’s true that after my last appointment of the day, which was particularly difficult, I did get tears in my eyes, and I made a super important professional decision that I’ll tell you about soon.

The day goes by as if I were wrapped in cotton – I fall asleep and can’t wait for Chris to come home and hold me in his arms.

Day #4
Appointment + working from home + meeting a friend.

It’s -12 degrees outside and I’m not exaggerating. I’m starting to get used to eating super healthy and honestly, I feel really great. I feel like my stomach is calm and happy. Do you know the feeling of having a happy tummy or am I just going crazy with all my new age nonsense? This morning my breakfast came with a delicious coconut milk. And I start to cheat a little bit on the program – a few nuts for a morning snack, for example.

When I meet my friend toward the end of the afternoon, and she puts a few pieces of chocolate in front of me, I can’t resist – but I don’t feel guilty for a second. I’m pretty happy that my “week” (ok right, it’s only five days) is almost over.

I feel like I’ve spent a week in someone else’s wardrobe. I love their clothes, but after a while, I don’t feel like myself anymore, even though after this experience, I’d be thrilled to borrow some of her shoes and a few of her ideas! (Pheeeew, that’s quite the analogy, no worries if you didn’t follow.)

In general, the meals are good, balanced, and plentiful without making you feel stuffed, but that night, I feel like my salad is kind of an afterthought more than anything: a few pieces of squash, half an avocado and green salad, which I could have done myself and most of all, it’s really not salad season. I repeat, it’s -12 outside!

Day #5
At the Studio!

I spend the day in the studio with my team. My favorite day of the week, like every week, and it’s also the day when there are tons of delicious snacks everywhere, especially during the holiday season. Plus, I’m hungry. I decide to say YES to lunch with Delphine, my friend and agent, because the social animal that I am is tired of eating in a corner by myself. So I eat my lunch before meeting up with her, then I order a roasted eggplant (I mean, it’s two slices, basically)(for those of you who know it, we’re at Café Mogador)(besides, Delphine and I always meet at the healthiest restaurants in New York since we’re textbook healthy girls on top of our gluten-freeization game)…yep. That afternoon, I can’t resist a little piece of chocolate sent with love by Dries Van Noten.

Who could resist chocolate from Dries Van Noten (no seriously my chocolate obsession is reaching a critical level and I think I’m going to have to open a Chocoholics Anonymous where I won’t be anonymous at all) I ask you?

As for the evening…argh, the evening. That evening, I have plans with a friend to go see Louis CK at Madison Square Garden. When she arrives at our seats with two glasses of champagne and two vodka sodas (yeah, my friend takes humor VERY seriously) I don’t have the courage to say no. And when she insists on taking me to a Korean restaurant to catch up, all I can say is YES OF COURSE I WAS DOING A DETOX THIS WEEK BUT HONESTLY AT THIS HOUR IT MIGHT AS WELL BE TOMORROW ANYWAY!!!

So I treat myself and honestly, it’s not too far off my Sakara detox, except it’s not vegan. Veggies, seaweed, grilled meats, it’s delicious, noisy and the best way to celebrate the end of my detox. Right?


*satisfied smile*


And now…the results!!!

And the answers to all your questions!!!

1) Why does the detox not come with instructions?
Because I didn’t receive the booklet that usually comes with the first delivery. I don’t know what happened, and I’m still waiting for it, but after speaking with Danielle, one of the founders, I learned the principles I had come up with were correct:
· No coffee or tea – coffee and teas are inflammatory, so this is an opportunity to give your body a break.
· No snacking. The theory is that three meals, if they are well balanced, should be enough, and it gives your digestive system a chance to rest. For me, as a table-eater, it’s very difficult, I have to admit.
· Lots of water, of course.

2) What did I learn?
Lots of things.
· First of all, I learned I wasn’t eating enough vegetables, even though I thought I was eating tons. I’ve changed a lot since. I always try to start my meals with a salad and I balance my days very differently. That changes EVERYTHING in terms of the traffic at 4:00 in the morning, if you see what I mean.
· Next, I learned I needed to give more attention to my breakfasts, which were really too boring before my reset. Now I’m learning lots of quick and easy recipes, like I’m making my own chia pudding which I eat with a passionate look on my face and with a halo and angels singing all around me. I’ve got other healthy recipes for lazy people if you want, but I’m sure you can find better ones elsewhere, because no one is as lazy as me.
· I also learned that being organized helps you be more mindful of what you eat when you know there will be lots of temptations, like at a photoshoot or while traveling. I’m going to try to bring my own food now and I’ll be best friends with the healthy girls on the plane instead of the ones getting drunk on champagne who start out laughing and end up telling you their life story while crying. My life will become perfect and boring, but I’ll have glowing skin and perfectly flowing digestion.

3) How did I feel?
Pretty good, even though I thought it was weird taking on eating habits so different from my own. I realized how much I like hot meals, how important snacks are to me, and lots of other little things that will help me eat better.

4) Did I lose weight?
Yes! I lost the weight I’d gained at Thanksgiving, about five pounds. I immediately gained it back though, during the crazy week when everyone is going to end-of-year parties and dinners. Tsk tsk, you don’t do a reset to lose weight though, ladies.

5) And what about all the plastic?
So I called Danielle, one of the founders of Sakara, to ask her if there might be a more environmentally friendly option, and she explained that they started out delivering their meals in biodegradable cardboard, but when they took a closer look, plastic turned out to be easier to recycle. As for delivering the food in glass containers that you could return later, she said they had looked into it with another company who did that, and it turned out to be so complicated the company had to shut down. I thought her explanation was clear and honest, even though I’m obviously not explaining it all as well as she did.

Translated by Andrea Perdue


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  • You are such a French girl, with your p’tite quatre heure goûter ;-)
    Five days seems long for a reset. Husband does a few days of spinach/banana smoothies for breakfast and finds that helps the traffic. But eating more fruits and especially vegetables is something we all should do, and not just for five days. My aim is 100% real foods, homemade, Monday-Friday. Hot meals, not just salads. Dessert, wine and any other naughties on weekends only. Kind of yin and yang.

  • moi ce qui me gêne le plus dans l’histoire ce’st de ne pas manger la même chose que mon chéri

  • alalala la détox d’après les fêtes!!! Mais qu’est ce que tu es belle!!! Pleine d’énergie et de soleil!!! Happy 2017!

  • Cruciferous 3 janvier 2017, 10:19 / Répondre

    I hope all you girls/people know that raw kale is a TERRIBLE idea. Cruciferous vegetables are heavily weaponised against mammals with substances like « isothiocyanate » that can mess with your thyroid.

    Cooking makes cruciferous veggies safe. Think about it, there’s a reason why green juices taste awful: they are awful for you.

    If you want to be healthy, especially if you’re considering having BABIES, raw kale is not the way.

  • Such a great piece.

    Watch out with the chia! It makes me puff out (gain weight) faster than anything. Not sure if it’s some kind of reaction only some have or the chia itself.

  • Super semaine détox, bravo quel courage! Je suis comme toi j’ai toujours autant de mal à résister aux snacks et j’ai un réel problème avec le chocolat! J’ai entamé ma propre détox à base de kombucha et ampoules bien être du foie! ah ah ah C’est vrai que ça fait du bien et en même temps les craquages sont là et c’est hyper dur de résister!

  • Love this, I’m really trying to take on board the french principle of eating, I love the concept! I thoroughly enjoyed a morning coffee and pastry (got to be done once a week) followed by a run – all about balance ;-) x

  • Oh, so sweet and twee!

    Gwyneth, be careful: G wants to be you!!

  • It’s definitely something I see myself trying! Each meals sounded delicious x

    Jessica — NinetyCo 

  • THis is awesome :)

  • Nice story.
    I had a three week reset last months, holiday in Africa, nothing unhealthy to eat, only fruits, fish, rice and vegetables (and only very little booze as I was on anti-malaria drug).
    No bread, no cheese, no ham or sausages or whatever.
    I felt wonderfull, especially in the morning, getting up with an empty stomach and not a bloated one is cool. Add a lot of sports and friendly people around (I was in a place where people actually had engough food to eat, not always the case in Africa…), and that’s close from perfection.
    Sometimes I feel it is not so realistic to cut on this or that kind of unhealthy food, for example for social or simple pleasure reasons. But on the other hand, eating LESS and healthy brings you so much confort and other kind of pleasure in life that I think it is worth it.

  • Jennifer Le 3 janvier 2017, 1:19 / Répondre

    Where is that shirt from?!

  • I love that shirt! I think it might be Orcival. They have one that looks like it, though the stripes look slightly closer together, but it has the same colors/sleeves.

  • I get a weekly delivery from Splendid spoon in the winter. It contains five large soups, LOADED with the kinds of veggies/plant proteins I would never buy and make myself. I don’t do it for weight loss or detox, I do it because it is really convenient way to eat healthy. I add some fantastic bread on the side and it’s a great meal for lunch. Dinner is pasra or rice and a salad.
    I actualy believe if you are craving something, it means your body is lacking that, so go ahead and eat it.

  • I try to detox at least once a year, for 30 days and totally vegan. It’s not great while I’m going thru it but the results are awesome. I ‘m a like you m a bit lazy when it comes to preparing and cooking food. However, I am learning as I gave grown older, that if I cook like my mother, I will be more, healthier, wiser and live longer:)

  • Good job on the re-set!
    My only concern: from a TCM point of view it is not a good idea to eat « cold » foods in « cold » climate.
    Meaning, when it’s -12C outside and you want veggie soup, your body knows exactly what it needs.
    Go with that.
    When you live in California a diet consisting of mostly smoothies and salads is fine, if the weather is temperate. If you live in a cold climate you need foods to sustain you – cooked, grilled, baked veggie anything is a better choice.
    Keep up the good work! ;)

  • Laurence D 3 janvier 2017, 1:40 / Répondre

    Pourquoi la version française sort plusieurs heures après la version anglaise? C’était déjà le cas avant Noël.

  • Natalie 3 janvier 2017, 1:45

    Hi Laurence,

    If you are experiencing a delay on the French side, it is an issue with our site cache that we are working quickly to solve! Thank you so much x Natalie

  • Laurence D 3 janvier 2017, 1:45 / Répondre

    Problèmes depuis quelques temps avec la version française. Elle arrive 4h après l’anglaise, puis disparaît, etc…

  • Nice work! I need to do the same, the traffic has been a bit slow : )

  • Cool comme article, merci garance, moi ce que je fais c’est que je m’arrête quand je n’ai plus faim, c’est-à-dire au moment où mon cerveau et mon ventre me disent là c’est bon, parfois je trouve que j’ai beaucoup manger mais en fait j’avais juste très faim. Quand je mange à ma faim pendant les trois repas principales après je n’ai pas faim pendant les heures qui suivent et j’ai de l’énergie mais je suis une grande fan du gouter aussi, c’est un moment aussi où je me retrouve, je reprend des forces, c’est frustrant par-ce-que mon copain ne goûte pas alors parfois j’ai l’impression de passer pour une boulimique alors quand fait c’est naturel j’ai faim à cette heure là et ce n’est pas pour me remplir ou combler un vide c’est juste que sinon j’ai envie de rien faire et d’être assiociable (quand j’ai faim je n’arrive pas à me concentrer sur une conversation) ;)

    Je m’étais arrêtée de commenter, car comme l’a dit Gigi, commenter pour commenter c’est nul, aussi par-ce-que parfois la vie ne nous laisse peu d’énergie pour faire ce que l’on n’aime, mais je lis toujours ton blog qui est géniale et j’aime que tu changes que tu ais envie de te remettre en question ou de ralentir, je crois aussi que nous mangeons plus par-ce-que nous depenssons deux fois plus d’énergie dans des choses intellectuelles. C’est ma théorie :) toute façon ça sert à rien de culpabiliser, comme dit Socrate « si tu enlèves le jugement, tu enlèves le mal ». Sur ces grandes paroles je vais aller me coucher, je tente une cure de sommeil :) lol

  • Ana @Champagnegirlsabouttown 3 janvier 2017, 3:32 / Répondre

    I struggle with portion control and snacking ( a box of quinoa crackers and a WHOLE watermelon at 4pm anyone?:) so I decided to try a 1200 vegan (I’ve been vegan for the pat 2 years) diet, which is going to be delivered to my door. I’m starting on Friday and I’m not sure if to look forward to it or be scared of so little calories! But definitely, no meat and cheese are one of the best way to free flowing traffic ;)

  • arh, I don’t know how you did it. I think I would be like you too. I am familiar with the company Sakara – but I have to say green smoothies and raw salads are not for everyone, nor are they the best things to be eating when it’s freaking freezing out. How about some bone broth soup! that is right up my alley, so I am pumped that you had the warm soup instead, Because you know what is the smartest thing to do is, clean your heart and soul! That way when your intuition speaks to you it is right on and your urges are from a balanced compass not from a place of total freak out :) balanced and moderation.
    Either way that post cracked me up. I see this so much in the industry that I am in too

  • Great post but all I can say is Garance you look absolutely adorable in the photo – the smile, outfit, and posture (tilted head) is so cute! Much love, longtime reader – Rebecca

  • Cette histoire de detox est tout a fait de saison. Pendant les fetes, on mange et on boit plus qu’il ne le faudrait, on se sent gonfle de toutes parts et mal dans sa peau et surtout dans ses vetements !
    Je commence par simplement diminuer les portions et surtout plus de fromage, chocolats et autres, mais…..mon anniversaire est dans quelques jours, comment faire ? :-))))

  • I use to eat little but many times, and I also eat slow…..It works…!!!

    Today in my blog You can find my BEST LOOKS of the last Year…

  • Stick with your regular routine Garance. You always look fabulous. Just drink more water (6 glasses a day – wine doesn’t count) and that will quel your appetite and make your skin look even more amazing.

    Janine Claire

  • An Glorieux 3 janvier 2017, 8:18 / Répondre

    I am SO glad that you kept your sense of humor throughout this experience. I think the future of health and medicine will be more individualized approaches, sort of how Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture) and naturopathy work. A raw salad is great for one person and aggravating to another one’s health. I was most-impressed and so HAPPY for you that Dries Van Noten sent you chocolates!! I am from Antwerp but have been living in the States for 25 years now–came to NYC by myself as a 19 year old . I am curious as to how you will fare in LA. As a European and someone that lived in NYC for 16 years, I personally would find it difficult to live in a place where everyone drives. So I am excited for you and also entirely fascinated with how you will navigate the West Coast. I am such an admirer of yours!!!

  • Do you have celiac disease? Because unless you’re gluten intolerant, there is absolutely no reason to avoid gluten. Its become so trendy but people don’t seem to realize that avoiding grains is unnecessary unless they have the genes that can’t tolerate them.

  • agree. Wheat gets such a bad rap. Wheat and grains is most often not the problem but the digestive capability and accumulative gunk that has been building up from a lifetime of eating out of line with our digestion and when we are pissed off or anxious (fill in the emotion)

  • Glowing like sunshine!

  • Oooh I can’t wait to wear my Jcrew red and blue stripe marinere again come spring and feel as chic as Garance. However, I’m not a fan of the hair in a bun, I’m sorry, I have to say it. No detox for me. I’m breastfeeding a nine month old baby boy who is in the 97 percentile for size. I’m always hungry, always eating, and don’t understand why the scale is not budging anymore since he was three months, but it probably won’t move any lower until I stop breastfeeding. Oh well, I do enjoy a lot of desserts. I think the body of a breastfeeding woman just hangs on to the fat. Plus I have more arm muscle from lifting! Good luck with new healthy habits everyone

  • Carmen MewMew 4 janvier 2017, 9:24 / Répondre

    Hi Garance!

    After reading your blog for so long (I have been reading along since your first year!) this is my first comment! I love these personal posts, or any post written by you. I can just hear your cute accent reading the article to me as i read.

    I just wanted to say that these are my favourite posts, i SO enjoy them, and miss them too, as we don’t get as many as we used to :( Please write more about yourself, your life, anything! Your blog post a little while ago where you went through each phase of your life with matching blog posts was so magical, and we got to revisit those past posts, with more illustration and your own posts. I miss that!

    But i do love everything you’re doing now – don’t get me wrong

    Kiss from Cape Towwwn!

  • I actually read this now and it was a kick as usual especially the bit about being the perfect boring woman on the plane. I find that after a good massage I’m emotional (or sleepy,depends on time of month) and I always thought it was something about the toxins being released or the effect of human touch. However, I’m finding the posts to be a bit too much navel-gazing, but that’s ok, your blog is supposed to be a fun space. Still, when I think of what’s going on in the world…aren’t we lucky to fret about what we eat? And when I get my Marie Kondo book out for the new year I think, arent we lucky to fret about our possessions?

  • Great post, you look stunning! ?

    xx Dorothea

  • Great post, you look stunning! ?

    xx Dorothea

  • And it’s only $90/day!

  • Well, cbd might be giving you an appetite?

  • Ah, the Los Angeles « health food » obsession « already coming to light …please don’t! If you like wine, chocolate, all the good things, it will not work. It will just make you unhappy when you realized you can’t live that way …. Therefore warm advise; fingers away from detoxes, diets and all that mumbo jumbo, stick to your regular habits and just don’t think about the food the whole day !!!

  • A smart pigeon 6 janvier 2017, 1:38 / Répondre

    Moi aussi j’ai pris 2 kg pendant les fêtes… Je me sens toute vilaine et toute lourde. Je pense tester le programme de Gwyneth Paltrow. ;)
    Je n’ai pas eu accès non plus à la traduction.

  • Dear Garance,
    Those chocolate cravings you are having may be a sign of magnesium deficiency. I recommend you try adding some magnesium crystals in your bath and soak in for ~30 min (magnesium is easily absorbed through the skin and has a deeply relaxing effect).
    The connection between our bodies and minds is an evidence to me too :)

  • Magnesium is not absorbed through the skin.

  • julie masegosa 7 janvier 2017, 11:12 / Répondre

    Est il possible d’avoir l’article en francais svp ? Je crois que les versions françaises ont tendance à disparaitre :)

  • Déçue... 7 janvier 2017, 4:43

    IDEM !

  • Natalie 8 janvier 2017, 11:23

    Hi Déçue and Julie,

    So sorry you’re unable to read the French side! The issue is stemming from our server host, which we’re working hard to fix within the next day. Thank you for your patience! x Natalie

  • dommage que les versions françaises soient absentes…

  • Natalie 8 janvier 2017, 11:21

    Hi Carole,

    Sorry you are experiencing this issue with the French side, we are working hard to get it fixed! It should be up an running in the next day. Thank you for your patience! x Natalie

  • Yes, magnesium **is** absorbed through the skin (to whoever said it isn’t.) Another easy way to get it is via magnesium spray on your legs before bed (aids deeper sleep, as well.)

    This is interesting for me to read because I’m always vegan, always gluten free, always caffeine free, and I’m doing dry January (after a November and December where I drank approximately 6 times in total between 2 months.) So for me, this diet isn’t weird at all, although I don’t eat salad al day long–I couldn’t do that. You can be vegan and gluten free and eat « everything » (lasagna, cupcakes…)

    People think it’s hard but it’s not hard. Does it take preparation? Yes. But everything is very convenient these days, and you don’t have to have pre-ordered food. I’m very busy, so I get my groceries delivered right to my door, and none of my meals take more than 30 minutes to make. It takes foresight and planning but not necessarily time. And if your house is full of it, it doesn’t take discipline.

    That’s the other nice thing about having bright lines–it doesn’t take discipline. That’s what I find any way. If I draw a bright line, I don’t have to think twice or exert any energy.

  • Also, veganism is the most environmentally friendly diet by leaps and bounds. So, even with packaging, this still has much less of an environmental impact than any other diet, including vegetarianism (land, feed, fuel, water for chickens, cows, goats), or pescatarianism (massive overfishing, transport, fuel.)

  • Bonjour , je n’arrive pas à avoir la version en français de ce post , ni sur mon ordi, ni sur mon téléphone, ni sur ma tablette

  • Natalie 23 janvier 2017, 9:35

    Hi Ariane, sorry you’re having this problem! We had a brief issue with our server, but it should be all fixed now! Please refresh the page, and let us know if you’re still having trouble seeing the French side. Thank you for reading! x Natalie

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