
No, no, no. No!

No, no, no. No!

From : Sophie Fontanel Subject : garrrrrrrrrannnnnnnce! Date : June 11 2009 11:00:45 HAEC To : Garance Doré Yeah, so even though I follow your life every day, I MISS YOU! When are you...

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15 years ago by

Les Italiennes

Les Italiennes

I don’t mean to jump to conclusions here but it seems to me, my ladies, that this summer, you...

15 years ago by

c’est qui ?

c’est qui ?


16 years ago by

Comment je me suis fait avoir <em>(les ballerines de Superchic)</em>

Comment je me suis fait avoir (les ballerines de Superchic)

Sorry, this entry is only available in French.

16 years ago by

Oh! You pretty things

Oh! You pretty things

Il y a des moment dans la vie d’une fille ou rien ne va plus. Je veux dire, où le jean ne va...

17 years ago by

ni foi ni loi

ni foi ni loi

On m’avait dit : tu vas voir il a fait tellement chaud qu’ils n’ont rien vendu,...

17 years ago by