As we gear up for the holidays, and the inherent stress that comes with them, we wanted to take a little extra trim to ground down into our wellness. So we have some reliable tools at our disposable to combat the stress. No one better to speak on that than Dr. Anna Gold<\/a>, an East Asian medicine doctor specializing in women’s health and pain management, based in San Francisco. With her cool demeanor and deep knowledge of yoga and Traditional East Asian medicine, she has a few tricks up her sleeve in how to stay grounded in this ever chaotic world.
What do you do daily for your wellness?<\/strong><\/p>\n
Slowing down to practice kindness<\/em>
\nI am by nature an impatient person. (There is always so much to do!) I\u2019ve been known to inadvertently offend people with my curt personality. My dosha in Ayurveda is pitta-vata (fire-air) and in Chinese medicine my element is water with wood tendencies. In both systems, my constitution lacks earth so it\u2019s really important that I incorporate activities that are grounding to me. This includes slowing down and partaking in mindful acts of kindness. We live in such divisive times with hateful speech and isolating dogma. Offering to help strangers or spending time listening to people on a daily basis are ways for me to incorporate slowing down to practice kindness. It counteracts judgmental and negative thoughts that may come up when I\u2019m hurried. Taking my BALANCE<\/a> herbal tincture throughout the day (extra doses if it\u2019s PMS week) also helps to keep irritable tendencies away.<\/p>\n
Sleep at least 7-8 hours<\/em>
\nIn our society, the importance of getting enough sleep is not emphasized enough. Lack of sleep negatively affects cognitive function, emotional wellbeing, and immunity. It\u2019s associated with high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain, and other long term health issues. Prioritizing sleep is important so that I can be fully present when I am helping patients. I take three dropperfuls of BUILD SLEEP<\/a> at bedtime to ensure I fall asleep right away and that I get right back to sleep if I happen to wake up in the middle of the night. The formula has Chinese herbs to nourish the deficiencies contributing to chronic insomnia so that when taken over time, it fortifies one\u2019s sleep cycles. <\/p>\n
What do you do weekly for your wellness? <\/strong><\/p>\n
Every weekend, I walk barefoot in my yard and work with my bare hands while I garden. I have a no shoe policy in my home and walk barefoot on hardwood floors, which feels important for grounding from being on electronic devices all the time. On the weekends, I make sure I walk barefoot outside. When I spend time touching the earth, whether with my hands or feet, I feel all this electromagnetic energy in my body sinking down and neutralized. I am more grounded afterwards. Now there are studies<\/a> that show walking barefoot benefits the nervous system, improves sleep and lowers pain. <\/p>\n
What do you do monthly for your wellness? <\/strong><\/p>\n
What do you do yearly for your wellness?<\/strong><\/p>\n
How do you define wellness? <\/strong><\/p>\n
What is one thing you wish everyone did for their own wellness? <\/p>\n