I do not remember a time when I did not have cellulite on my ass. Fetus onward, there were dimples. I didn\u2019t think much of it until society told me to think a lot about it, which was when I was about ten years old. <\/p>\n
It was then that I saw a clip of Howard Stern descending onto the stage of the MTV\u2019s Video Music Awards in assless chaps. I have a vivid memory of him turning around and squeezing his butt cheeks to reveal a flat ass full of cellulite. The audience erupted in disgusted moans. <\/p>\n
For the next fifteen years whenever I caught a glimpse of my ass, Howard Stern and the audience\u2019s reaction flashed through my mind. It was a dark kind of embarrassment. The kind where you privately question your self worth forever on repeat. <\/p>\n
The first two things I ever googled in my pre-teen years were 1) Does Jonathan Taylor Thomas have a girlfriend? And 2) Is cellulite normal? <\/p>\n
Any woman with cellulite can rattle off the stat that about 90% of women will experience cellulite in their lifetime. It\u2019s our mantra to remind us that we are the majority, that there is power in numbers. <\/p>\n
If you are a 10% unicorn, bravo. Seriously, bravo. But also if I ever meet you I will require a cheek swab to test your genetic makeup so I can try to procreate in that direction. <\/p>\n
For you smooth skinned unicorns, let me educate you. Cellulite occurs when fat cells accumulate under the skin and push upward, while fibrous connective cords that connect the skin to underlying muscle pull downward. This creates an effect on your skin akin to pushing your hand against a chain link fence. <\/p>\n
My early twenties were spent slathering potions on my chain-linked-ass that promised cellulite reduction. I scrubbed and rubbed vigorously. I even bruised myself with a device meant to \u201cmassage\u201d the cellulite away. I eventually gave up and moved into body neutral territory. It was a relief to simply not think about what my ass looked like, good or bad. <\/p>\n
It took a relationship with a man who loved my ass to fully shake my insecurity. I\u2019m not proud that it took a man\u2019s adoration and approval to get to a place where I actually liked my ass, but to say anything else would be a lie. <\/p>\n
One day, about four years ago, said man showed me something he knew I wasn\u2019t going to stumble upon on my own. It was Kendrick Lamar\u2019s new music video with these lyrics: <\/p>\n
I’m so f*ckin’ sick and tired of the Photoshop
\nShow me somethin’ natural like afro on Richard Pryor
\nShow me somethin’ natural like ass with some stretchmarks
\nStill will take you down right on your mama’s couch in Polo socks, ayy.<\/em><\/p>\n
It wasn\u2019t cellulite, but it was stretchmarks (which I also have, duh, because why would I not), and it was a sentiment that made the Twitter Universe erupt like the applause of Oprah\u2019s Ted Talk. Apparently I wasn\u2019t the only one privately questioning her self worth for years. <\/p>\n
(Another life lesson, if you\u2019re ever asking the question \u201cis this normal?\u201d You are 100% normal. Normal people question themselves. Psychopaths do not.)<\/p>\n
I grinned from ear to ear while I watched Kendrick Lamar\u2019s music video on repeat.<\/p>\n
So this next chapter in my \u201ccellulite journey\u201d might come as a shock, but bear with me, because I have some thoughts (duh, I have too many thoughts to function normally most days) on the other side.<\/p>\n
At the beginning of this summer I was given the opportunity to try a brand new procedure called Qwo<\/a>, an FDA approved injectable aimed at cellulite reduction by releasing the fibrous bands of connective tissue, redistributing face cells and stimulating the growth of new collagen.<\/p>\n
Three trips to visit Dr. Bruce Katz<\/a> at the JUVA Skin and Laser Center<\/a>, with ten minutes of pinching and deep breathing, followed by a few Tylenol, and I was promised a smoother ass. <\/p>\n
I believe my response to the initial email was \u201cOH MY GOD, YES.\u201d<\/p>\n
I\u2019m also happy I went through with the procedure because it woke me up to the inherent in-fighting we are still participating in around the discourse of our bodies. I listened to Glennon Doyle\u2019s recent podcast on beauty<\/a> this week (and for the record, I love Glennon, Abby and Amanda, they can adopt me any day), but I was a bit irked with the absolute terms they were applying to beauty. <\/p>\n