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  • ViaPomeriggio 18 juillet 2018, 5:25 / Répondre

    Dear Garance,

    you are back! And finally…

    The reason why I started reading your blog in 2009 is because of your unique way of communicating style, fashion, life and your sublime illustrations.

    I really missed you on this blog/website. Since 2009 every morning I would start my day by visiting your site to discover what you have posted. It filled me with inspiration and I could feel your passion. These past years, I felt it was missing and I stopped visiting. I understand that your blog started to grow massively and you hired many talents to help you run this site. But their voice was just not very interesting.

    But with later posts I can sense that passion and drive that you had in the beginning again.
    Please include more of your oh so gorgeous illustrations again.

    You are very unique and crazy talented. Never forget that.

    I wish you all the best Garance.

    Un gros bisou!


  • my favorite of all these fun videos. can you tell me what song it is?

  • Yay! So happy that you’re doing videos again! I’m always going back and watching the videos from the Pardon My French series. :) So happy you’re back at it with this series!


  • This drive thrills me ! The video is really super , I actually got the feel of those winding roads .
    Dress The Part

  • Chère Garance,

    Quel est le produit magique que vous utilisez votre sœur et vous pour avoir les cheveux si bien lissés sur ces photographies ?
    J’ai la même nature de cheveux (corse ;) que vous et je cherche le produit qui me sauvera la vie cet été à la plage !

  • Judith Hafner 16 juillet 2019, 10:21 / Répondre

    So lovely! Would you please tell me the name of your sisters sunglasses?!

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