Let's Talk About

Wide Open Road

8 years ago by

Wide Open Road

Depuis que je vis à New York, je suis super inspirée par des gens qui vivent dans un environnement totalement différent du mien. Bien sûr, toute cette inspiration, je la trouve souvent sur Instagram. Je passe des heures à suivre des comptes, à me projeter dans certaines aventures. Ce long week-end qui nous attend (aux Etats-Unis, c’est Memorial Day lundi), c’est l’occasion de faire vivre toutes ces inspirations et de se mettre au vert. Voici trois photographes que je suis et qui réveilleraient presque l’aventurière qui sommeille en moi :

1. Molly Steele / @moristeele – Elle me donnerait presque envie d’échanger mon appart contre une tente.

wide open road garance dore photo

2. Foster Huntington / @fosterhunting– Avec lui, on a l’impression que vivre dans un arbre, c’est TROP COOL ?

wide open road garance dore photo

3. Lon Webb / @lonnie.webb – Ça se passe de commentaries…

wide open road garance dore photo

Il y en a parmi vous qui ont envie d’un peu d’aventure ?


Ajouter le votre
  • i’m hesitating between the mountains and the seaside! :)


  • Well, I know somebody who does! :) And this person has been persuading me to hit the road for years now!


  • When I was 24 and a couple of years into working, I found myself finally at a job that paid enough to live on and got promoted twice in six months. I also met the coolest person in the place, who dressed and acted differently, who just had a different attitude. Not bad, not like she was above the corporate scene but like she was BEYOND it. She had been in the Peace Corps and I was inspired. I wanted to travel but had no money. I could have stayed with the golden handcuffs and after a few years saved up enough to spend my two-week vacation someplace exotic. Instead, I, too, joined the Peace Corps. The best thing I ever did. I saw the world, but in a completely different way. I would still be in the same corporate office in the Midwest instead of living in France and having been to 50-some countries, if I hadn’t taken that plunge.

  • Anonymous 30 mai 2016, 6:02

    Nice story! I would like add to the other side of the coin. Peace corps has a very positive message. I would caution that some places that the Peace corps navigate are unsafe. Women should use some caution, especially. Not trying to discount your experience doing it. Just take heed. Have a lovely day. =)

  • You should have a look to this wild family, truly inspiring : http://instagram.com/ouropenroad


  • Haha, I also spend my whole commute-time scrolling through Instagram and day-dreaming about hitting the open road :-$

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