
We Have a Winner

10 years ago by

We Have a Winner

Les gagnantes du grand prix des escarpins…

…à toute épreuve de la saison revient à ces Zara impeccables, hyper confortables, dans lesquelles on peut littéralement faire son jogging tellement la hauteur de talon est parfaite, et qui ne font pas chaussures d’hôtesse de l’air pour autant (mais si, vous savez, les chaussures d’hôtesse de l’air, spécial pieds sensibles, à la tronche d’escarpins fondus – moi-même j’ai de l’expérience, j’en portais quand j’étais hôtesse d’accueil, l’un des pires jobs que j’ai jamais fait de ma vie, et je vous rappelle que j’ai quand même été prof de planche à voile dans un camp de naturistes, hein dans le genre jobs pourris !) mais qui gardent une super tenue.

Testées et approuvées par vous pendant la fashion week, ces escarpins, c’est la win. Et en plus elles ne sont pas chères.


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  • I’ve banned all my heels but this one looks really comfortable!

    Joy. | justlikesushi.com |

  • the heels are so thin: how can they be comfortable? :)


  • Ils sont forts, quand même, espagnols :)

    xx CarolineJ

  • Plus they’re gorgeous!! In a nudist camp?? I need to know much more!
    XOX, Gap.

  • Gorgeous heels! The black is so versatile and classy, I can definitely see them being a cute addition to many outfit ensembles. So comfy too! They really are the perfect pair <3


  • Je file J’achete!!! « un essayer par Garance, c’est l’approuver!! » La meilleure des reviews!!!


    Bisous bisous

  • Oh my!! These are gorgeous, pre-tested, AND affordable?! Thank you for such a great (read: affordable) find! I’m so excited to purchase.

  • Great price for leather. I will check them out!


  • Windsurfing at a nudist camp? You’ve got quite an extensive resume. Zara has so many high quality items to pick from. :] // itsCarmen.com ? ?

  • No waaaayy! Really? I used to buy Zara shoes. You know…little students budget… And though they never look cheap, each one (no matter flat or heeled) really hurt on my feet. Must have sensitive feet :( Cause everybody else raves about them.

  • I can’t believe you are saying so!!! Zara’s shoes are usually the most unconfortable shoes ever. I’ll try them and maybe, I’ll change my mind this time.

  • During fashion shows ..when you know that everyone is taking pictures of you …you just have to be fashionable and elegant no time to think…to feel…but seriously what’s more comfortable than flat shoes….even Jessica Parker have changed her mind..
    Yael Guetta

  • I just got them last week !!

  • Jolis classiques mais plus pour moi. Adieu escarpins !

  • How do you manage to take such a wonderful photo and make Zara look so expensive?!?!!! Makes me want to run out (no…not walk…run) and buy a pair now! Except I already have WAY too many pairs of shoes at the moment…
    Thanks for sharing though!!

  • princessglee 6 octobre 2014, 5:31 / Répondre

    Okaaaaay, I’m taking a pair and I’m taking your word for it that they’re comfortable. I love that heel–and the price…

  • These are gorgeous! I need a universal pair that will take me through seasons and different occasions and if these are as comfy as you say I’m buying them tomorrow! After getting dozens of pairs I thought you can’t combine comfort (at least moderate) and style without going outside of my tiny budget.

  • Oh.. Zara never fits me …fit into MB BB heels ….

  • inexplicable
    (or i don’t believe you)

  • I take that back. I just checked; the heel height at 8.5cm strikes the perfect balance between comfort and elegance. But the width of the pointy toe looks forbidding for budding bunions??

  • Oh no, i have to disagree on this one.

    They look good because they have leather « upper » as they call it. But the lining is plastic based material making it extremely uncomfortable. Most Zara shoes do that. They use leather for upper to that they can still be categorized as leather shoes. It makes them very « un-breathable » in shoe material lingo.

    I predict you are used to much higher heels and non-rubber soles and these much shine by comparison in terms of comfort. I could be wrong.

    Every pair of zara shoes i bought, i had to get rid of coz how uncomfortable the lining was.

  • I’ve never been lucky with Zara shoes. I’ve just bought a pair of pointed flats (very cute) – extremely uncomfortable!
    Anyway, I trust you and will give Zara another try.

  • Pour les avoir achetés, j’abonde totalement dans ton sens! ;)
    Ils sont parfaits!

  • Moi aussi j’ai été hôtesse d’accueil, pendant dix mois. Et pour moi aussi ce fut une expérience douloureuse… (Jour funeste où, les bras chargés d’un plateau garni de verres et de bouteilles d’eau, en rentrant dans la salle de réunion où m’attendaient douze clients japonais, je laissai tomber mon plateau et cassai les verres… Pas un seul n’est venu me tenir la porte… J’ai perdu foi en l’espèce humaine ce jour-là.

  • Zara shoes comfortable? An oxymoron…

  • I’m sure they are great, they certainly look so! But the smallest size of Zara shoes is too big for me. Arrggg!!!!!!

  • There are no « Zara shoes ». SOME Zara shoes are unbearable, others you can wear and walk/run/dance/stand in for ages and years.
    I NEVER wear heels, but these I tried in the shop (blue snakeskin version, do check!!!) and headed straight for the counter. They are unbelievably well balanced. Could not even stand, much less walk, in the ones standing next to these.

  • Cet élogieux article n’a, bien sûr, rien à voir avec le récent contrat que Miss Doré a signé avec l’enseigne Zara…
    En règle générale, évitez les chaussures « intérieur plastique » …

  • Bonsoir Galipette,
    je suis curieuse de savoir pourquoi est ce qu’il faut éviter les chaussures « intérieur plastique » (cela pourrait m’éviter (et à d’autres je suis sure) de me tromper dans mes achats), merci beaucoup d’avance !!!

  • confortables malgré leur bout pointu ? Ils ne compriment pas trop les orteils ?

  • I just got them! I wasn’t sure if that skinny heel is what I want as it might look a bit dated after a while. They are really comfortable though for what they look and cost. I was able to lift one leg to take a boot and a sock off while balancing on one leg in this shoe. To be fair I can feel my left bunion a bit but I guess it’s a matter of stretching them off a little since the right one is fine.

  • Ces escarpins sont super confortables , acheté depuis 15 jours ,et bien Garance tu as raison, on peut courir avec! Génial!

  • Je suis ultra fan des chaussures Zara en ce moment, bien plus confortables que ce que tout le monde croit ! Et celles-ci sont basiques mais très chics :)


  • Hello
    Quel est le nom de ce modèle svp?

  • Elles sont en cuir ou en daim/nubuck? je n’arrive pas à juger d’après la photo? Merci

  • Ok for those wondering, i snapped these up right away, and true story, they are quite comfortable!!!

    As always size up 1/2 size for pointed shoes, but the leather feels nice, the heel is delicate and the ball of the foot has a slight padding to it! Thanks for sharing Garance, I’ll be wearing these quite a bit.

  • laurence detraz 8 octobre 2014, 3:52 / Répondre

    Ces escarpins sont en cuir ou en daim? Je n’arrive pas à distinguer la matière sur la photo… Merci

  • As soon as I saw this post, I immediately purchased this pair online. It turned out that it was one of the most comfortable heels I have ever had!! They look gorgeous and chic. They look no different than any of those $400+ heels at all! (Except for linings, soles.. but who cares for the moment!) Thank you so much Garance!!!

  • Thanks Garance
    Purchased them, they look fab

  • Hi hi je viens de les commander en bleu imprimé serpent…..p’tet les prendre aussi en noire!

  • If you wore them during fashion week – I had to try them….guess what? comfy. I attribute it to the actually cushioning in the ball of the foot. But beware…if you are a size 7-71/2 American, it is hit or miss. The 38 is a bit big on me but the 37 is way too small.

    Are woman’s feet different in Europe (just joking)

    Never had luck with Zara’s before but at this price I’m giving them a try and stepping up my Saturday night with my husband game…

  • Elibrusselsmode 16 octobre 2014, 7:24 / Répondre

    Encore merci Garance pour le tuyau!
    Je ne mets jamais de talons, (bottines-addict) car je ne sais littéralement pas marcher avec plus de deux metres…
    Grâce à toi, mon amoureux a enfin le plaisir me voir en talons.

  • I absolutely loved the shoes the minute I saw them and was really happy that they were so affordable. However, for $80, the heels should be durable enough to walk around midtown Manhattan for an evening out. The heel tips were incredibly fragile and were totally destroyed after 3 hrs out with friends. Zara includes a backup set of tips, but that gives me 2 wearings. Really disappointed in them because they are so pretty and very comfortable. Maybe if you take cars to your destination, they’re fine, but for walking around city streets, the heel is definitely not built to last.

  • Yes they ARE very comfortable. I tried these on in the store a while back and yes you could easily run in them.
    The heel is low but skinny so it’s still looks sexy. These were very nice and are real leather.

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