7 years ago by

J’ai commencé à suivre @violette_fr il y a quelques semaines, lorsque la nouvelle de sa nomination au poste de directrice beauté chez Estée Lauder a commencé à se répandre. C’est une make-up artist qui poste des tutos de maquillage adorables (et aussi des photos très inspirantes). Je ne suis pas vraiment fan des tutos beauté mais là, je suis tombée sous le charme, et j’ai vraiment envie d’essayer certains looks ! Qui sait, peut-être qu’à un moment, cet été, je me sentirai assez en confiance pour tester la vidéo « utiliser son blush comme ombre à paupières rosée » qu’elle vient de poster….
I’ve been following Violette for a while in You Tube. I love her approach to makeup, her accent, and her style, not to mention her videos, which are super cool. She is basically life goals. And now I can’t wait to try everything that she does at Estee Lauder, a brand I don’t usually buy, I just don’t relate to it, but now I’m all curious!
YES – Would absolutely love to see a nice juicy style/work/life profile–even better a whole PMF interview??–on Violette! I tend to keep my own makeup super simple, but I love her tutorials and skincare recommendations (and her side-note shop and cafe recommendations by way of her doing her makeup everywhere and anywhere)!
YES. I’d love this ! Make it happen please !
Violette is great and she hasn’t changed much in all the time that I’ve followed her- I hope that stays true now that she is working with Estee
Ooh, yes! I’ve been following Violette on Insta and YouTube for a while now and am completely obsessed with her tutorials. I love how approachable her looks are – always on the au naturel side. And I love how she rarely uses any brushes/applicators! Feature her on the podcast, please???