Vika x & Other Stories
10 years ago by

Vous vous souvenez de Vika ?
Elle vient de créer une collection estivale en collaboration avec & Other Stories, et encore une fois, je suis trop jalouse de vous toutes, de l’autre côté de l’océan, qui allez pouvoir vous jeter dessus. Les pièces reflètent bien le côté espiègle de Vika (j’adore la robe crayonnée !) et son style ultra-féminin.
Gardez-moi une paire de chaussures à pois, please !
PS : La collection sera disponible à partir du 15 mai !
& Other Stories ouvrira très prochainement à New York ;) Il est vrai que cette boutique est géniale (y compris pour les garçons à la recherche de belles pièces). Cette collection capsule est une véritable réussite.
i love vika, i love other stories and i love it that they started collaborating! :)
lovely collection!
WOW trop hâte !!! J’ai repéré les chaussures qui ont l’air sublimes!
GREAT COLLECTION, I love the palette, I would wear everything.
Love, Gap.
Ahh gorgeous, can’t wait! That dress on the right is my obsession for now, woohoo..!
I want everything in the collection. I want it to come to NYC nooowwww!
? Gita @
I am loving those cropped tailored trousers and shirt. Sophisticated masculine shapes but with lovely feminine details. J’adore.
Ah, fantastic news! So proud of my fellow Russian and will definitely be buying one of her designs! Thank you for sharing! x
That blue dress has to be mine!
That’s really cool!! Amazing collection!!!
xx Elisa – My Fantabulous World
Une collection » Vikaminée »!
F de
Heureuse journée à tous!
Tu peux acheter la collection très (très) réussie (ce qu’il en reste) sur le site de colette…
Other stories make surprisingly good stuff compared to H&M and this collection, I am pretty, sure will fly off the shelves the minute it hits the stores. Roll on next Thursday!
Sandra from
J’adore la robe ballon blanche. Trop sympa pour l’été!!!
Very cool, I never leave Paris without stoping by at &OtherStories. Love that store! xo
Check out my personal style blog
ooooooh I really need the blue dress at the right. I would wear it everywhere!!!
C’est super!!!
The collection is online now at (absolutely loving the blue dress) and already partially sold out on Colette!
Well the blue dress is amazing but I don’t like the fabric a kind of mix of synthetic like you know old pattern dress in the 70’s, I rather prefer some soft cotton but it wasn’t the case. I’m not sure about the comfort of the shoes seems to be a little bit rigid so I’ve just give up about buying them even if they were cute.
I immediately fall in love with the blue jean skirt and the tee, subtle shape and soft fabric my favorite duet this week end at Colette.