

8 years ago by


C’est la Fashion Week masculine et au-delà des sublimes éphèbes sur les podiums *, j’ai vu plein de pièces que j’aimerais voir sur des mecs de la vraie vie, mais que j’imagine aussi très bien sur moi.

Ce qui m’amène à un petit point sur les pièces unisexes et le mélange des genres, une tendance de plus en plus présente dans la mode. Pendant les défilés féminins et masculins, il n’est plus rare de voir des mannequins des deux sexes défiler sur le même podium. Je trouve ça sympa, ça permet de voir deux versions alternatives d’une même pièce, auxquelles le créateur a pensé pour qu’aucun homme ni aucune femme ne se sentent exclus… en créant la possibilité d’une idée similaire, dans une taille différente évidemment. En plus, partir du principe que le pantalon ou la jupe sont exclusivement réservés à l’un ou l’autre sexe, c’est rétrograde.

Mon créateur pour hommes préféré, c’est sûrement Dries Van Noten (onirisme, douceur et raffinement subtil), mais Margaret Howell (en dessous) et Joseph (au-dessus) le suivent de près, surtout cette saison avec tous ces pantalons sublimes. Décontractés, ajustés, écossais, à taille haute, esprit smoking… je crois que c’est ce que je préfère (le denim arrive juste après !). 


Voilà. Vous seriez prêtes à partager une garde-robe idéale avec votre mec ? Est-ce qu’il y a des pièces que vous aimez particulièrement dans son placard ?

*Clément ? Coucou, ça va ?! Bisous Brie + Erik

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  • I love Dries too. The home store in Antwerp is mind-blowingly beautiful. And in addition to being beautiful and interesting clothes, they are superbly well made.

    These looks are all lovely, though I would put them more in the « very dressy casual » range — especially the bottom row, and most guys I know wouldn’t dream of trying them!

  • mmm, has the idea of men wearing skirt really reach mainstream? Men in fashion (runway and outside the shows) wearing skirts have been common for many many years, as is in the goth community, rock-stars and of course in Scotland with the traditional kilt, but have we really arrived at a point that regular men on the street will feel comfortable wearing a skirt? I haven’t really seen regular guys wearing skirts out and about on the street… Where I feel regular men fashion has converge with women is with skinny jeans.

    On a different note, I do like the idea of moving towards a dressier style while still being comfortable and layback. I love a man in a suit! not sure if our lifestyles welcome such formality anymore, but a girl can dream!

  • I totally agree on the mixing of genres: I think that’s almost necessery. We can’t pretend to have real equality between sexes (like : make nude female torso acceptable and not sexual the same way a male nude torso is) if we don’t enlarge the liberties for men too (aka making the skirt socially acceptable for men the same way we made pants acceptable for women).

    BUT I think the downside of this androgyn fashion is that it encourages very skinny female (and male) model with no curves, and as always living out other body shapes + promoting weight ideals that can be unhealthy (etc., you know the drill) (just as in the Gucci campaign you featured recently – I love the clothes, they really spoke to me like it rarely does – but the skinniness of some of the model really disturbed me and made me less able to appreciate to clothes)

  • I don’t think that the kind of equality men dream of has anything to do with people accepting men in skirts. Most men wouldn’t want to wear a skirt. They enjoy being different from women. What they would probably like is something like judges not giving women the benefit of the doubt in child custody cases, and not affording ex wives alimony. Trying to make the average guy feel comfortable in a skirt would be making things worse for them…that kind of « help » they don’t want.

  • Men and women do wear very similar clothes nowadays.
    Let’s just take the basic jeans and t-shirt – we all wear it.
    I like some men’s shirts, but I think you have to have a certain body type to fit into men’s clothes.


  • Love to wear pieces from the French label ÉTUDES. Their hat of course but also their coats, trousers… Unisex, elegant, modern!

  • I love love love the unisex look. I kinda dress like a teenage boy most of the time!

  • Oui pour l’unisexe. Mon style est plus masculin que feminin, je suis plus a l’aise en tweed qu’en robe a fleurs ! :-)))
    Love Dries Van Noten.

  • IRL, how many men are the same size as women, outside of models who are all tall and skinny? I am 5′ 6″ and my man is 6’3″. I guess we are each slender for our height, but that only goes so far. My jeans size is 28/34. His is 34/36. His jackets or sweaters i could wear as dresses. Thats real life most of the time.

  • Michelle Lee 19 janvier 2016, 4:24 / Répondre

    great collections both!
    I like knits and outerwears from mens line


  • I remember in the beginning of the 00 years (is that right?) I loved my boyfriend’s chic cashmere jumpers he never wore but back then it was considered deeply unstylish to put on sth so boxy and oversize as a young woman. Well, now it has changed… they sell these exact men’s jumper in the women section *high five* and still I can’t my now bf convince to dress more sleek and such, sigh.

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