9 years ago by

Parfois, une seule décision peut changer quelque chose pour toujours.
C’est ce qui s’est passé en 1986 quand six étudiants en mode belges ont loué un camion pour se rendre à la Fashion Week de Londres. Ils continuent à présenter leurs collections dans un souci de l’environnement et font désormais partie des couturiers d’avant-garde les plus influents de la planète : Ann Demeulemeester, Dries Van Noten, Walter Van Beirendonck, Dirk Bikkembergs, Marina Yee et Dirk Van Saene.
A tel point qu’une exposition rend hommage à ce groupe plus connu sous le nom des Six d’Anvers !
A compter du 5 juin, The Belgians: An Unexpected Fashion Story présentera 100 créateurs belges et fera la part belle à ces six personnalités qui, dans les années 80 ont décidé de tenter leur chance avec un camion. Ce qui nous a fait penser à ces petites décisions qui peuvent tout changer…
Avez-vous déjà pris une décision qui a radicalement changé votre vie ?
Pour plus d’informations sur l’événement, c’est par ici.
Photo : Dazed & Confused Magazine
Oh how I wish this exhibition would come to the U.S. I have pieces from all of these designers and I love their work. I have done posts on Ann Demuelemeester and her friendship with Patti Smith. Love how they changed fashion (that’s why I also love Japanese designers too).
Accidental Icon
It’s so often that the smallest, most last minute decisions are the ones that are most transformative!
Warm Regards,
Happy to be Belgian and a very proud one too.
Yes, sometimes one decission can change a whole life. In my case – I packed my stuff, took my 3 years old son and moved to Germany. It was very fast taken decission. I was not talking any german word, didn’t had any safety or money, but had a dream. A dream that since 5 years I realize in life through my design, my company and wonderful people that I meet in my life. Small decissions bring to big steps sometimes.
Etait-ce un camion a frites? J’aimerais le savoir avant de lancer ma propre collection (intitulée « jaune devant marron derrier, pour une approche scatologique de la vie dans les sous-bois »)
I’m very lucky to call Antwerp my hometown and recently got to visit the Dries van Noten exhibition at the MoMu.
Also looking forward to the event at Bozar in Brussels ; they always have the most amazing expositions.
I guess everybody has made a life turning decision somewhere in his life and thank God for that ! Always better to have done something, even if it feels terribly wrong afterwards, than nothing at all ! I’m not the « what if » kind of girl I guess.
Never a failure, always a lesson, is my motto.
A nice little mid-week inspirational story Garance thank you!
I live in Rotterdam; it’ll be a short drive for me: I’ll be there!!! I have a small but perfectly formed collection of Ann and Dries’s work… and the Belgians who came and still come after do not disappoint.
Lovely! I’d love to visit it. Dries van Noten’s clothes are a dream
May I suggest another exhibition? « Vogue like a painting », at the Thyssen Bornemisza Museum, in Madrid, from the 30th of June. Promising and beautiful first images http://likeapainting.vogue.es/en/
Thank you Garance. This post made my day.