Let's Talk About

Three Dots

9 years ago by

Three Dots

Les codes texto, c’est mon truc.

Ça peut être un peu délicat de s’y retrouver, mais ce n’est pas inintéressant. J’ai déjà parlé ici de l’option « Lu à telle heure », (que je déteste toujours autant !) et abordé vite fait la problématique des points de suspension. Vous savez, ces trois points qui surgissent en pleine conversation texto pour indiquer que l’autre est en train de vous répondre. Ce WE, j’ai retrouvé une copine qui venait juste de se séparer de son mec… au cours d’un échange de sms avec lui, elle n’avait pas arrêté de voir les points de suspension apparaître puis disparaître…Elle a fini par appeler le mec pour qu’ils discutent. Parce que ces va-et-vient incessants de points de suspension, c’est trop frustrant.

Franchement, je la comprends à 100 %. Je crois qu’on a toutes vécu ça. C’est peut-être même encore plus frustrant que l’option “Lu à telle heure”. (si, si, je vous jure…)

Et vous qu’est-ce qui vous gêne le plus dans l’étiquette sms/technologie ?


Ajouter le votre
  • The Chicago Manual of Style states that « ellipsis points suggest faltering or fragmented speech accompanied by confusion, insecurity, distress, or uncertainty, and they should be reserved for that purpose. »

    I don’t text often so I have no texting etiquette frustrations.


  • I can’t resist…I have to text!
    XOX, Gap.

  • Haha, comme je vous comprends!!! Mais qu’est ce que c’est frustrant, autant les … que les « lu à ..H.. »


  • haha sooooo true.

  • In my office, some wrote … so much we started writing it dot dot dot.

  • sometimes the … shows up and the person wasn’t even typing!


  • i am a grown up and use texts mostly for business and now business people are using emojis UGH save me!

  • I couldn’t agree more! For one I have a love hate relationship with texting. No one actually calls anymore to talk about a issue they have with someone. The communication skills for the younger generation is being lost because if you have a issue instead of picking up the phone to talk one just shoots off a text or email with out thinking of what the other person will say or how they react! There is no need to think before you react or confront someone because you don’t have to worry about a confrontation face to face or speaking. People hide behind the screen. I know ironic saying that as I am typing. I too hate the read and dots. I turned mine off. I don’t think I need to be at someone’s beckon call and they don’t need to know if I have read their message or not. If it’s important call me. Just my thoughts though! Like I said love hate lol. Great post!

  • Anne Grubb 2 avril 2015, 8:30 / Répondre

    There are a lot of wonderful things about texting, but I so enjoy a real phone call–it’s so spontaneous , fun
    and fast. I mean we have the ability to SPEAK, most of us, why would we want to revert back to TYPING? It’s kookey!

  • I am definitely a stickler for grammar and well written emails and texts. My respect and desire to know someone diminishes quickly without it!

    Warm Regards,

  • Today, it’s hard to tell when a text conversation ends. Does it drag on longer? Do you let it sit there? Do you say good bye? I mean, it can be hard to figure out when it ends.

  • JULIETTE 3 avril 2015, 8:37 / Répondre

    I had the same issue so i decided to turn off the iMessage function unless i’m abroad and really need it.
    When it’s off you don’t see all the awful and useless details ;)

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