Things We Slacked
7 years ago by

Emily: Je rêve de vacances au Sri Lanka.
Carie: Bien dit, Denzel !
Alison: Triste mais vrai.
Britt: Comment la famille royale fête Noël.
Nat: C’est notre stagiaire Kat qui m’a envoyé ça – je me demande ce qu’elle essaie de nous dire ??
Pia: Vive les flocons !
Erik: Un peu comme un conte de fées.
Tori: Les années 90 + Gwen Stefani + Nirvana = Playlist Goals.
Brie: Mon chapitre préféré « Les inconvénients d’être très beau. »
I once picked tea. It wasn’t easy. No, it was downright difficult. And I just did it for a lark, not for a living.
This reminds me of the twitter account New York Times Without Context. It makes an interesting narratitve all together and lets your mind wander.
I like the article about break-ups, which the intern of Natalie has sent. She might just be thinking it is funny, in a quite cynical way, what would tell me, that the intern might be an interesting person.
I could definitely use a vacation in Sri Lanka…one day!
Lena –
Yes, Taste of France is correct: Plucking tea is not easy, and tea plantations in India and Sri Lanka are a major site of the economic exploitation of women (and, in most cases, child workers).