The Top Coat
10 years ago by

Ma vie, (bon, d’accord, ma vie depuis quelques années), c’est une quête sans fin des meilleurs top-coats existants.
Et pour l’instant, j’en ai trouvé trois ! Trois top-coats sublimes, brillants et qui ne s’écaillent pas. Comme je suis adorable, généreuse et hyper sympa, j’ai décidé de les partager avec vous !
Ten Over Ten, The Shield : J’étais déjà accro à la base Ten Over Ten (The Foundation) et le top-coat tient ses promesses. En plus, bonus, il est ultra-sain, garanti sans produits toxiques (5-Free).
Dior, Gel Coat : J’ai essayé de me calmer sur les manucures semi-permanentes, mais j’ai dû mal à renoncer à 15 jours d’ongles parfaits. Ce top-coat m’aide à me sevrer avec son effet vraiment bluffant.
Kure Bazaar, Final Touch : pour un fini ultra-brillant (et également non-toxique).
Bon, je poursuis ma quête, la suite au prochain épisode…
Ah oui, et dites-moi quel est votre best-of à vous !
Seche Vite! longer lasting manis + super glossy finish! LoVe!
i use the same product for the base coat and top coat. it works like a charm and my manicure lasts for about a week! :)
Have you ever tried Mavadry by Mavala? I couldn’t live without it (let’s be honest, it IS vital). I can do my manicure 10 mins before going to sleep and get up the next day with the best manicure ever (well, you know, the one where you don’t have fabric marks from your bed sheets on your nails…).
But that Gel Coat from Dior sounds equally tempting!
Hi Florence! I know that fabric mark on the nails all too well– why do we alwayas think before bed is the best time for a manicure??! I’m putting the Mavadry on the top of my list to try next, thank you! xo Alex
the fabric marks!!!! i thought I am the only one in this galaxy suffering from that! everytime when I saw those beauty guru saying how they love to pamper themselves with manicure at night before bed, I cannot help wondering what happened in the next morning on their nails….
Seche vite has changed my life. Totally glossy and your manicure is COMPLETELY dry in 15 minutes. Game changer.
Does that Dior top coat work on Shellac only?
I used to use Seche Vite and then realised I got polish shrinkage.
Now I use Orly Sec’n’Dry for a quick finish, and/or China Glaze Patent Top Coat for high shine. For a basecoat, Orly Bonder is stellar!
I love Wicked fast from cult nails for regular top coat. But I am truly addicted to their wax that top coat. It transforms your polish to something so classy. It is not completely matte, it has a waxy shine. The best top coat ever!
J’utilise Sèche Vite après avoir longtemps mis Good to Go d’Essie, je vais donc me pencher de plus près sur ta sélection…
Thanks for this article – you have perfect timing as I am currently on the hunt for a good top coat! I can recommend another good base coat though by Butter London also called Nail Foundation. Its literally a foundation for your nails and has a nude matte finish. Sometimes if I want something neutral I just leave it as is.
Au risque de passer pour une inculte des ongles: le gel coat de Dior abîme-t-il les ongles? Vu que tu le compares aux manucures semi-permanentes …?
J’adore le vernis et je suis abonnée au blanc (Essie) ces derniers temps mais rien à faire après 2 jours maximum il s’écaille – arrrghhh – donc peut-être que je devrais essayer un des 3? Ont-ils le même effet sur des ongles qui se dédoublent un peu?
Merci d’avance pour la réponse :)
Seche Vite. If you learn how to control it it really is the shiniest, quickest drying, best thing out there. People think my nails are fake, and I have friends who will sit across from me compulsively touching them after I’ve done a new coat because they’re just. so. smooth.
You should try Sally Hansen Insta Dry ! It’s like Seche vite but cheaper, it is very shiny and you manicure is completed within 10 minutes. I always have a few bottles in my pharmacy closet, just to be sure ;)
INM Out the Door top coat is THE BEST. Doesn’t dry up when you have half a bottle left like the Seche Vite.
Seche vite forever!
For me it’s the Insta-Dri Top Coat from Sally Hansen! It has changed my manicure; from 1 day to 5 days of perfect nails! Love it. But always looking for something new!
Definitely Seche Vite – you won’t regret it, I promise!
Sally Hansen- Ultra Shne is perfect and keeps the manicure fresh and shiny for days!
Thank you for sharing! I was curious about Kure because of its non-toxic nature, so will give it a go. Also have you tried Ciate – it’s one of my favourite: the bottle is very sweet, it dries quick and lasts for quite a few days. x
essie: good to go. Even better than seche vite: doesn’t yellow or peel, doesn’t thicken in the bottle
j’ai le Kure Bazaar, Final Touch et je ne l’utilisais pas par flemme de rajouter une couche supplémentaire mais tu m’as convaincue, je vais essayer – moi je recherche une bonne base non jaunissante et non toxique et si possible traitante car mes ongles se dédoublent : est-ce que ça existe seulement ? Merci pour vos avis avisés :-) Bonjour de Paris
I have one from Sally Hansen that is the best I have ever tried! It stays longer than OPI and it dries fast!
love this post!
I usually don’t use top coat but after this post I will surely try it!
Attention le sèche vite contient du toluène pas top pour la santé
Best top coat for me is GOOD TO GO from ESSIE. Even dark colors are try in seconds
Seche Vite, all the way. Plus, it’s half the price of even the cheapest one mentioned here!
Je ne sais pas si il est dispo aux US, mais le Fast&dry topcoat UNE Natural Beauty est juste bluffant!
J’ai peu/pas le temps de me faire les ongles, donc si j’ai 5 minutes, c’est toujours au moment de me mettre au lit. Avec ce topcoat, je peux l’appliquer me mettre sur la couette et aucun dégat sur mon vernis.
I’m not pleased with Kure Bazaar, it may be non-toxic but it doesn’t dry properly even after one hour.
Sally Hansen’s top coat is by far the best that I had used.
I always use Mavala Minute Quick Finish (I don’t know if it has other names abroad). It dries the nail polish very quickly and it makes it shine. I wrote about it on my blog, if you want to read I leave the link:
Sally Hansen Insta-Dri top coat!! I’m a nail addict and I’ve been using it for years. It puts a seriously thick protective layer on your nails & can definitely last the week. Plus: affordable. (Although I think the name is deceptive; it doesn’t really dry that quickly.)
Great, great! Really useful!
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Zoya Armor top coat. My nails don’t chip for 10 days and it also prevents yellowing.
Jin Soon! It is the fastest drying, in combination with her base coat, that I’ve ever tried!
J’ai découvert le top coat Poshé via le site de nail art Pschiiit… Et franchement, il est absolument parfait ! C’est un casse tête de s’en procurer en France par contre …
Hi Alex ,do you have a talk around red lipstick, if not I’m sure lots of us will be interested . It is interesting topic and at the same time hard.please don’t forget about olive tone skins / thank you
Good to go by Essie or Nars Top Coat are the best. With love from a manicure addicted before bed ,-) xxx
Try Essie « No chips ahead », this one is wonderful, my nails are great for an entire week with it!
seche vite, without a doubt! my nails used to chip and peel but seche vite lasts forever and makes even my sloppy, streaky home jobs look glossy, completely smooth, and very high shine. i don’t think it’s an overstatement to say it’s changed my life!
Seche vite every time.
put it on immediatley after varnish… wont smudge….protects and gives great shine
Seche vite! When you are half through the bottle add a couple drops of acetone and it’s good as new.
I just had a manicure without bringing in my Seche and it looked awful!! I totally swear by it. Essie Good to Go is not a bad alternative