The New Converse
9 years ago by

Au cas où vous seriez dubitatifs, les nouvelles Converse sont vraiment mieux.
Bon, le prix a peut-être légèrement augmenté (rien de trop astronomique, on est juste passé de 55 à 75 dollars), mais les nouvelles Converse restent quand même parmi les sneakers les plus abordables. Et c’est toujours un grand classique. J’adore le fait qu’on puisse les porter avec à peu près tout… Là, j’ai mis les miennes avec une jupe en soie, mais ça va aussi avec un jean, un pantalon un peu habillé, une robe…
Et le nouveau design est vraiment super. D’abord, il y a un meilleur amorti au niveau de la semelle, et ça se sent vraiment. Si vous connaissez le modèle original, les pieds étaient parfois un peu douloureux après une longue journée. Je porte les nouvelles pendant des journées entières (et interminables) depuis le début de la Fashion Week, et elles sont top ! C’est comme marcher sur des petits nuages confortables. Et vraiment génial quand on doit courir d’un défilé à l’autre !
En plus, j’avais toujours été frustrée par la languette qui retombait tout le temps sur l’ancien modèle. Mais là, Converse a mis au point une nouvelle « technologie » qui résout le problème. Et ça marche vraiment.
Enfin, le design modernisé est réussi. Bien sûr, le modèle original aura toujours un petit côté plus cool (aka les OG), mais j’adore les nouvelles couleurs franches et simples. Moi, j’ai opté pour du blanc uni, et j’ai l’impression que ça va avec encore plus de trucs que les All Star I.
Bref, pas de retour en arrière pour moi…
Vous les avez déjà, vous ? Vous en pensez quoi ?
Chuck Taylor All Star II, Converse.
Well, I think an almost 50 percent bump in price is not nothing. Especially for cheap nonsupportive shoes like Converse. Other than that, they look the same, dont they? No one buys them for comfort unless they have no access to Asics or New Balance.
I agree. And the price is even higher in Canada!
I love love love sneakers, but really detest converse. They’re just too uniform for me (not that I’m such a stand out though), I think they surpassed their classic status to just a « meh » status, but that might also because of all the knock-offs (and the whole emo scene I associate them with too). And I think they always look so cheap and flimsy and bad for your feet/body. So I’m happy for the people who really love em that there is now a more comfortable version!
I love converse and the new ones are pretty cool
I don’t have them yet but they are on my list.
I like the look of converse they can make any outfit look more laid back and casual but they have nothing on my nike sneakers for comfort x
you may like them or not, but a 50% increase is not a « slight » increase , independently of how affordable you think they are.
I havent worn them since i turned 30. They are too young. Anyone with me on this ?
Although I havent gotten myself to donate them as yet. Plan to wear them once in a while to crank up outfits. All White sneakers do wonders to some of my looks.
Funny, I was just thinking today about my everyday fall footwear and how I missed having a pair of Jack Purcell’s. Nubuck? Tumbled leather? Lace-up rubber high-tops? Yes, please!
Definitely want to get a pair! I just donated 4 pairs cause they were a half size to small for me. So I need a new pair!
Je n’ai jamais encore fait le pas d’en acheter :( peut-être que ce soit le bon moment :)
xo xo from Paris
my nephew wears converse …i love Gisele….how beautiful is she…i love TB….his good looks…got me interested in football..crazy lol
the new shoes are really great. and they really do make any outfit so much better. but a 36% price increase is not « just a bump. »
There were shoes in that ad as well? I only saw the naked person, which led me to believe this was an ad for….skin I guess?
The increase in price makes me not want them, somehow.
And although I hate uncomfortable shoes I have to say that I have not been able to adjust to the sneakers with everything trend. Shoes with a reasonable heel look so much better. Especially if you don’t have sky-high legs.
My teen-age daughter does wear second-hand Converse, though.
I’ve only own one pair that I wore to my prom with a custom made silk skirt. They were uncomfortable and not worth the money I paid for them. I much prefer skate shoes – the simple ones look better and are a lot more comfortable. I think the old Vans models are just as classic (I wish I could get a green pair, those shoes would probably last me 15 years of everyday wear if my feet hadn’t grown a size since my puberty… ).
I wasn’t aware there was a new Converse. Will have to check it out.
I love me a good pair of Chuck’s All Stars though. I used to get the high shoes, but over the last few years, I’ve turned to the low ones.
In any case, Converse are always handy and cool in my book.
My favorite these last few years: the laceless low All Stars. Not always easy to come by, but I somehow find them classier (less of a ‘sneaker’ look). I have two pairs (off-white and olive) and would love to find another cool color.
I agree with some of the other comments : a 50% jump in the price of the shoes disguised as a « new » shoe is a joke. Adidas did the same with the Stan Smith.
Let’s not forget that these shoes cost almost nothing to produce and that the conditions of production (the brand belongs to Nike) aren’t acceptable.
Am I the only one who thinks that Converse stink (literally)?
I love them though, but I often feel uncomfortable wearing them, especially at the office!
Got white high tops, the biggest difference for me is comfort. After going a week with the new versions and then revisiting the first generations, you can instantly tell how much of a difference the new support is. The old ones feel like cardboard.
When I first got them, I wasn’t quite sure comfort wise but then I realized the difference only afterwards. I think the comfort alone justifies the price increase, it feels like they’re actually using quality materials.
Ça y est! Il y a des semelles dans les converses !! Alléluia !!!
Converse girl in the house! I love wearing Converse high tops, and am getting a new pair this week. I do think the price bump is big, but if it means a finer product, then why not? I’m with you, I think they can look very cool with most any outfit.
I just bought a pair in the black. As someone who’s always admired the iconic look of converse, but not the feel, I was overjoyed. The Nike insole makes them super comfy. Totally worth the price increase in my book!