The Dries Skirt
9 years ago by

On parle de cette demi-jupe vue chez Dries ?
On adore le rendu un peu théâtral, et on a trouvé toute la collection sublime… et cette demi-jupe, c’est l’exemple type du vêtement qu’on peut facilement adopter dans la vraie vie…
Mais peut-être que ce n’est pas ça le plus important. Si le rôle d’une Fashion Week, c’est de repousser les frontières du réel, de nous donner envie d’oser, d’aborder notre style de façon plus créative , l’aspect pratique (et donc réaliste) doit peut-être passer au second plan.
Parfaites pour des superpositions originales!
To me it’s more of a leg cape than anything, seeing as you’d have to wear something under it. Interesting & unique. I’m intrigued.
:] // ? ?
I love this whole collection and if I could get my hands on any of the pieces I would find a way to make them work. I think the half skirt is so fun and modern but has a classic and elegant feel to it. Oh the brocade!
love this collection!
I love this! It could totally work for a fancy occasion or work attire. If the half-skirt is less « full » it would definitely be less runway. I mean, it’s almost like a backwards apron!
Maybe I’m a little prejudged because Dries is also dutch but I love his collections. xx
Comme d’hab, un défilé super inspirant et un stylisme de folaï ! :-)
such a gorgeous collection
J’adore cette idee!
i do think the point of Fashion Week is to push the limits/boundaries. as with art, high fashion is all about the reach…don’t ya think?
These half-skirts look like jackets tied over the hips. I think midi-length ones can be translated to the real life.
But even better it will look for evening.
BarbarianMe Blog
When I was a little girl, if I was hot and wearing a sweater, my mum used to tie it around my waist by the sleeves. The sweater would hang down my back, and the final effect was just this one. So, my mum invented this! (just kidding….)
I think it might be a clever and fun way to reinvent all those boring black pencil skirts we all have…just add a colourful demi-jupe and you’re good to go!
It’s maybe just a smidge too stylistically adjacent to that time in 1989 when Demi Moore designed her own Oscar’s dress for my taste.
Hm, I have already seen this type of skirt today at Asos. Seems like: »Why not? Wanna try it myself »)))