Tee Shirt Earrings
10 years ago by

Ah, les b.o. Dior…
On les a beaucoup vues, ce sont d’ailleurs certainement les b.o. de l’année. Finalement, tout est dans la façon de les porter. Vous les portez par deux, vous, ou en solo comme Garance ?
En tout cas, ce rose ultra-attirant me fait sérieusement de l’œil.
B.O. Dior ‘Tee Shirt’, Kirna Zabete.
I just bought an opaque whit, and I love to wear singular…just not too much!!
XOX, Gap.
i don’t have pierced ears :)
My husband got me the navy blue ones (slightly translucent) for my birthday. I love them. Just the right touch of chic, while fun and different. Special.
Personally, I wear both. I feel weird with only one on.
Me again.
In addition to the navy blue pair my husband got me, I decided you only live once and so, indulged in this raspberry pink pair last fall. Couldn’t resist. I love them!!! They’re just the perfect dash of flashy.
These earrings (both the navy and the raspberry) are sheer perfection. I wear them all the time.
I usually wear earrings as a pair, but I think it’d be spiffy to switch it up. Hehehehe. :] // itsCarmen.com ?
I love those earrings… Keep looking for the perfect cheaper pair…
Pour le même style moins chère, il y a une alternative de Bauble Bar (ici: http://www.baublebar.com/watercolor-360-studs-earrings.html).
Well actually I have a habit now of wearing two different kind of earrings. Ha ha. I go singular on that earring but I have a minimalist stud earring or a band cuff or an ear wire on the other ear.
Here’s my blog post about it Definite Guide to New Earring Trends :)
They looks perfect and I need some like that to my work. xa
je les ai en version ‘classique’ et je les porte par deux, quasiment tous les jours! elles sont vraiment incroyables!!
je sais plus où exactement mais j’avais vu une fille qui les avait décortiquées, elle portait la partie fermoir avec une autre boucle d’oreille (style un petit diamant), j’ai trouvé ça trop cool :)
bon weekend les filles!
xx tiphaine
gotta love it!
What a perfect pair of earrings.
Elles sont très jolies, j’adore ce rose!
i adore them and tried them on at dior…. my wish list too, sigh’
i pref singular and mixing the bulb colours from front to back :)
Elles sont absolument parfaites dans cette couleur !!!
Si je devais les porter, je porterais la paire ! En solo, je préfère les boucles plus statement !
Elles sont parfaites associées à un teeshirt tout simple, basique :)
it’s soo great!!
I recently posted about these too! They are really interesting. My local Dior was sold out so I decided to give a pair from Bauble Bar are go. They are called watercolor 360 studs and are a fraction of the price of the Dior tee shirt. I’ve experimented with pairing them and wearing a single. My husband prefers them as a pair.
Elles sont superbe dans cette couleur !!
Love them in this colour! I love to wear just one of them, even if i made a DIY to create them because they’re a bit too expensive for my little pokets!
I still love in classic white pearl version and metallic models