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Summer Escape

8 years ago by

Summer Escape

L’un des trucs que je préfère sur Instagram, c’est stalker toutes les destinations de rêve où séjournent mes amis célèbres. Si je ne retournais pas à Cape Cod cet été, voici les quelques endroits où j’adorerais aller…

GoldenEye à la Jamaïque


Annandale en Nouvelle-Zélande


Margot House à Barcelone

margot house garance dore photo

Ananda dans l’Himalaya

ananda in the himalayas garance dore photo

Korakia Pensione à Palm Springs

korakia pensione garance dore photo

Et vous, vous allez où cet été?


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  • Swoon worthy photos!! I’m headed to Amalfi Coast, Siena and Lake Como–Italian style–and ending our trip in Paris.
    xx, Heather

  • Emily 23 mai 2016, 5:07

    Hi Heather!
    My parents just arrived in Italy this morning for their anniversary. If they have any great tips or places I’ll be sure to share! xx Emily

  • i’ll do a week w/ my mom on the romanian seaside at beginning of july and i’ll rent a car with friends and tour toscana (well, from milano to roma so…) for 15 days at the end of the summer! I can’t wait! :)


  • Any US-based suggestions? Would love to get away for a week or so but thinking of staying in the US.. somewhere interesting but not crazy hot in July/August

  • Emily 23 mai 2016, 6:05

    Hi Emily!
    I spend every summer in Wellfleet, a small town in Cape Cod that’s really special! Everyone at the studio will laugh when they see this comment because it’s all I talk about :) I also went to Charleston in October and really enjoyed my time there! It might be a bit sticky in the summer but it won’t be as hot as Miami or New Orleans. x Emily

  • Thanks for the suggestions! Where in Charleston would you recommend? And any other cities that might be nice in the summer? Looking for somewhere with cool restaurants and such but also things to do, maybe a bit of nature, etc.

  • Emily 24 mai 2016, 9:10

    Hi Emily!
    In Charleston my absolutely favorite restaurant is Husk, it’s super delicious! And there are great walking tours as well, the architecture is really beautiful. As for other cities, I’m from Philadelphia and it’s a great place to visit! Really great art and great food! The art museum is lovely and the Barnes Foundation is stunning–there’s some controversy about the collection being moved into the city, but the art is still incredible. There’s a documentary about it called « Art of the Steal »
    I also have family in Santa Barbara and I love visiting them there. It’s so beautiful, there’s great restaurants, and it’s much more relaxing than being in LA or San Francisco. I’m also dreaming of going to Big Sur :)
    x Emily

  • Theoule sur mer….every summer!

  • J’aime voyager mais le temps et l’argent ne me le permettent pas. Du coup j’adore aussi voir les destinations de rêve pour me projeter dans l’avenir :) car qui sait, la chance pourrait me sourire un jour

  • Cádiz, Spain! The vibe is super relaxed and the beaches are amazing! Some people call it Cadizfornia!

  • I’m off to Marrakesh in July but these suggestions all look amazing x


  • TANZANIA + ZANZIBAR!!!!!! soooooo looking forward!!!!

  • Hey Emily!
    BRAZIIIIIIL: so magical!
    Instagram is great for inspiration, and so is Pinterest: I created some travel boards on my account, check it out :) https://fr.pinterest.com/42collections/
    xxx from Paris!

  • For Emily, looking for summer U.S. vacation spots.: Acadia National Park in Maine! The nearby town is Bar Harbor; LLBean provides buses from the town square to all the trailheads and there are many bicycle and horse trails. Don’t go if you don’t like lobster, blueberries, secret gardens, spectacular coastal views, or coves. And regarding Charleston, which will be hot in July/August, there is Kiawah Island and other islands nearby. Kiawah is a wildlife preserve as well as resort and has fantastic beaches. It’s a great place to use as a base camp to explore Charleston and surrounds.

  • Well, of course I recommend Estonia! :)
    But I can’t guarantee the sunshine… :) At the moment the weather is great! Come quick!

    I also loved Ocean City, MD, USA and Dubrovnik, Croatia.


  • Great post dear!


  • Emily and Evelyn –

    Thank you both!! These are wonderful suggestions – Charleston is looking more likely (though I’m wondering if I’m « wasting » my week off there instead of going there on a long weekend) though I’m also considering checking out a ton of places in California.. thank you both!

  • I am Greek Cypriot and when it comes to summer vacations i am fanatic of Greece!!Last year we went to Skyros island, it was calm even in August, and Evia area the green part, also wonderful!! Amazing cheap food, great beaches, green, picturesque small city on the cliff…Definitely recommended especially for the ones around Europe!!Myself, I am moving to Nice next year so I have already went to Greece this year not to miss it. Check also Meteora for a more wild and mystic mountain resort with monasteries on the cliffs and Prespes lakes in the border of Greece and Albania. This is where I have been this Easter, great memories.

  • Wow, I want to go somewhere exotic too! Next month to Palm Beach, Florida. After that, trying to get to Austria because the euro is so low. In the meantime, I’ll work and enjoy these photos!

  • Hilary Robertson 29 mai 2016, 7:13 / Répondre

    Just went to Puglia, Italy to scout for a shoot. Amazing food, beautiful light, lovely people!


  • I’m going to Colombia for 3 weeks with my colombian boyfriend, i ve never been to south america so i m very exited :)

  • Cet été, je laisse la place à l’imagination, rien de prévu en raison de plusieurs choses, tout à créer et inventer… on verra où ça me mène… ;)
    Un jour je m’échapperai en Australie, j’y suis allée il y a longtemps, entre Brisbane et Cairns, et je veux y retourner pour découvrir encore. C’est un pays où j’avais ressenti de bonnes ondes, il y a vraiment quelque chose dans l’air là-bas qu’on ne ressent pas ailleurs, je ne sais pas si c’est le fait d’être éloigné du reste du monde tout en étant très connecté, l’océan, les terres vastes, la mentalité, enfin il y a un truc…

  • tizzylish 26 juin 2016, 3:34 / Répondre

    HI, I am going to Corsica and staying at the Vico Convent for a week yoga retreat. Then off to Wellfleet, Cape Cod to see a close friend who is renting a Case Study house. Then back to the south of France where I live in the summer…

  • I am going to Formentera next week, and then will spend few days in Ibiza, I am looking forward to spend every day wearing just swimming suit and enjoy summer

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