
Suited Up

10 years ago by

En l’honneur des Golden Globes et de cette semaine placée sous le signe des hommes

Voici Julia Roberts lors de la cérémonie en 1990, vêtue d’un costume Armani. Un style pour le moins audacieux qui lui a valu de figurer en bonne place sur les listes des pires looks. A votre avis, comment serait perçu le même look aujourd’hui ?

Et bien sûr, qui avez-vous préféré hier soir ?


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  • LaBouyxonne 13 janvier 2014, 4:58 / Répondre

    Lupita Nyong’o en robe Ralph Lauren le rouge sur sa peau noire, perfection!
    ou Jessica Chastain en Givenchy parce que je l’aime bien :)

  • ms roberts would have looked better if the suit was a little more fitted. not second skin, but you know, not 10 sizes too big :P


  • Mary in Oregon 13 janvier 2014, 5:14 / Répondre

    Diane Keaton Wowed last night in her tuxedo – if you asked me!!!

    Julia Roberts didn’t do herself any favors with that oversized suit – regardless of the fabulous designer.

  • I think it would still go down badly, it doesn’t fit right and the suit, shirt and tie all done up is a bit much. Maybe if it was only a couple of these elements – a fitted suit and undone shirt, or a shirt and darker tie that were loosely done…

  • For me definitely Cate Blanchett! :) Another 10 I like are here: http://epochtim.es/aGkd

    But Garance, you didn´t tell your favourite ones :)

  • Lupita Nyong’o was breathtakingly beautiful. Also Naomi Watts was one of my favorites.

  • CateBlanchett. Julianna Margules and Julia Roberts

  • Lauren Bancale 13 janvier 2014, 5:50 / Répondre

    Since it’s all about men this week… Jared Leto!!

  • Although I’m not so keen on the recipient of the award that she was presenting, I did love Diane Keaton’s very fitted tux. And what about that beautiful grey hair! I also loved Jennifer Lawrence, I think she is adorable, love her haircut, and can anyone explain to me why she says people have hassled her about her weight? She is tiny!

  • Katherine Rizzoli 13 janvier 2014, 6:10 / Répondre

    I thought Zosia Mamet looked gorgeous in the white dress with black floral design running along
    the sides. Her hair and makeup were just perfect and did not compete with the dress.
    Cate Blanchett, as usual, looked spectacular. She takes risks and I respect that!
    Other mentions: Elisabeth Moss, Laura Carmichael, and Julianna Margulies.

  • Diane Keaton! Lets sunset the mermaid hair & gown-ugh…

  • Supertomate 13 janvier 2014, 7:06 / Répondre

    Diane Keaton, oeuf course. Elle est terrible. Je veux être Diane Keaton quand je serai grande.

  • Lupita Nyong’o and Helen Mirren. Both amazing and very elegant!

  • Sunny Side 13 janvier 2014, 9:24 / Répondre

    Elle a une chevelure démentielle j’aurais adoré, les miens étaient si raides ! Sur cette photo elle est irrésistible, son sourire, son costume trop grand plus charmante qu’hier so mémére !!!

  • I love the idea but the suit was just too big, maybe tailor it for her body. But then again, this was the 90s.

  • Lupita Nyong’o is my new fashion icon. Flawless all this awards season. I also thought Olivia Wilde looked beautiful and super sexy pregnant!

  • How would this look go over today? « Same as it ever was… » (if anyone got that reference you are awesome).

    Diane Keaton’s suit was flawless.

    My faves were Lupita Nyong’o (a cape never fails), and of course Cate Blanchett!

  • La veste est un brin trop grande mais je pense qu’il figurerait en bonne place dans le palmarés des looks les plus beaux …
    Il ne manque pas grand chose pour qu’il soit parfait !

    La parenthèse Enchantée.fr

  • without a doubt Lupita Nuong’o !
    New style icon in the making ; she is so beautiful and the best about her look was she almost did not use any accessories .. except this tiny earring (only 1) and a ring on her finger .. stunning !

  • The suit is too big. It’s interesting to see how much more we KNOW about the style, even if we ARE not more stylish than before..

  • inspirational Julia. Love her style

  • Today she would be considered dressed-up for Halloween…

  • Elle est tellement fraîche qu’elle emporte le costume !

  • Cate Blanchet, Robin Wright & Diane Keaton… et j’ai toujours un big crush pour Julie Delpy.

  • I love a sartorially dressed woman, and am so glad that the masculine chic trend is showing no signs of budging. I often opt for a tuxedo or a two piece suit when I go to events and think it looks just as feminine as a dress. I loved what Diane Keaton wore to the Golden Globes this week.


  • I’ve just seen that look on a worst dress list of the Golden Globes history!!! Poor Julia…

    My favourites were Julianna Marguiles: that dress! Those earrings! Sigh! and Caitlin Fitzgerald, mostly because of the sweet colour combination in her shoes. Allison Willimas was very pretty too.


  • I loved it!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:


  • She just needed it in HER size.

    I liked Emma Thompson a lot. She was glowing, perfectly polished and put together. I hope I will look half that good at 54 (and after 8 hours of preening, no doubt).

  • Diane Keaton, Helen Mirren, Cate Blanchett……..Mais ce sont aussi mes actrices preferees.

  • Ben écoute, si tu mets Anna dello Russo dans un costume oversize Moschino jaune, ça pourrait le faire avec son brushing lisse et une pochette qui tue.

    baci !


  • Emmanuellelila 14 janvier 2014, 8:09 / Répondre

    Bonjour le studio,

    Diane Keaton !!! Moi aussi je veux être Diane Keaton plus tard !

    Et Juliana Marguliès, top robe !

  • N’est-il pas extrêmement oversized ce costume pour Julia Roberts?!
    Je ne suis pas convaincue! N’est pas Diane Keaton qui veut…
    Mais le sourire de Julia est toujours impressionnant!

  • porter le costume pour homme je trouve ça cool, mais il faut bien le choisir et pas nager dedans (comme Julia, même si elle reste sublime)

  • The red carpet is soooo boring. If any starlet today were to wear anything remotely like this would be breath of fresh air.

    Perhaps one will be inspired by the beautiful Miss Diane Keaton and will shock us all at The Oscars.

  • Two words, DIANE KEATON!

    She can pull off the masculine beauty any time. Such an icon and I LOVED her Golden Globe look on Sunday!

  • That smile (and hair) looks great anytime, it doesnt matter what she’s wearing. And today, that look would do good. It’s an A+ from me.

  • Hahah, this would clearly appear absolutely the same on the Globes 2014 as it did in 1990 :).

    For me, Cate Blanchett was absolutely stellar at the Globes, her charm looked so good in the black dress!

  • For me it was Emilia Clarke for sure, and when it comes to Julia- I love her hair so much and I kind of think that it’s what makes the outfit look still feminine.


  • maria grazia 16 janvier 2014, 12:27 / Répondre

    Lupita Nyong’o perfetta,moderna il nuovo

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