Studio Finds

The Saint Laurent Bracelet

10 years ago by

The Saint Laurent Bracelet

Investir dans des bijoux pour la vie…

L’autre jour, alors que je me préparais pour notre Open Studios, mon admirateur secret m’a laissé entendre que je serais VRAIMENT canon si j’avais une belle montre ou un beau bracelet. Du coup, ça m’a fait réfléchir et je me suis dit « C’est vrai, oui… ce serait vraiment sympa d’avoir… ne serait-ce qu’un seul accessoire un peu précieux qui vienne discrètement souligner ma tenue. »

Et c’est exactement ce que j’ai pensé en voyant ce bracelet Saint Laurent. Une ligne simple, épurée, original sans être trop pointu… et bien sûr… en OR ! Oui, c’est parfait, je vous en prendrai 4 ! Euh, on se calme, Brie, tu vas commencer par un seul, histoire de ne pas mourir de faim le mois prochain, et tu chériras ce bracelet comme si Yves en personne te l’avait offert.

Voilà. Le premier bijou qui m’accompagnera toute la vie. (Toute ma vie, on m’enterra avec ;) )


Ajouter le votre
  • LUST!!!

  • perfectly simple! for the moment, i’m looking to buy their magic wand for retouches – touche eclat! :)

  • The bracelet is very nice, simple yet cool


  • LE bracelet ! Saint-Laurent evidemment !

  • Minimal and perfect. Stunningly simple piece.

  • Simple and elegant. Truly a timeless piece.
    I have one similar from Dolce & Gabbana and I wear it all the time. Whether by itself or combined with others, it attracts attention.

  • Charlotte 15 avril 2014, 7:31 / Répondre

    Hello Brie, although the bracelet is beaitiful, i m not quiet sure that a bracelet in VERMEIL is really a bracelet for life… wear it a bit day in day out and it will loose all it s luster.. for that price, you can def find something more longlasting (lahtough most probably not branded)… bestx

  • Hello Brie,
    I totally understand your envy to have a jewel that will last for your all life (sorry i’m french …)
    BUT, really, that’s exactly the kind of thing you should be discussing with a jeweler, that can create something really special JUST FOR YOU, that will have a story and will last forever.
    I have just bought a golden ring that a jeweler i know for a long time and appreciate, have done for me, and for the same price I would have had the smallest ring by Ginette_Ny (witch I adore but I would have been paying for the name of the brand).
    And Charlotte is absolutely right that a vermeil bracelet won’t last as good as real stuff !
    I think high-value jewelry is the one subject that shouldn’t be chosen because of the brand.
    Have a nice day !

  • mmmh…mais qu’est-ce donc qu’un admirateur secret ? un admirateur dont l’identité doit rester secrète ou un admirateur qui t’envoie de charmants petits mots ?

  • I agree with Charlotte and Marie. Vermeil is not gold and it won’t last all your life. For a simple bracelet like this you’re just paying for the brand … Get the real stuff!!

  • simple et magnifique !

  • I recently got my pandora bracelet and I must say that I have never gotten any better and more beautiful gift! What is better than keeping all of your memories on your arm?


  • Is it gold-filled, gold-plated or solid gold? It’s just that I, too, invested in a Saint Laurent jewellery piece, which I believed would last a lifetime and even become a family heirloom or something, but to my disappointment, it turns out it was merely gold-plated (despite being outrageously expensive) and the patina is already wearing out (after only 2 years, during which time I wore it only a few times). And it’s not like I didn’t take care of it properly! I was suuupercareful.

  • I am sorry to say this but this bracelet looks like the one you can get for a euro at just any random souvenir stall. Nothing special at all, well , of course, this is my opinion. When I think of timeless elegance I think of Alhambra bracelet by Van Cleef and Arpels (which i know is super expensive but then…we are talking timeless) , or Cartier, or even vintage Chanel… (i think timeless does not need to be plain has to be classic and interesting.)

    Sandra from

  • As a jeweller, I can but agree with the ladies above. I do love super refined design though! And think if Saint Laurent invested in making perfect quality across all their product as they do with clothes and accessories, it would be awesome.

  • Timeless and chic – at least, in terms of style!


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