Sport Support
9 years ago by

En général, je ne suis pas trop soutien-gorge.
(Souvenez-vous, on en a déjà parlé… )(Parfois, je fais genre grosse rebelle qui déjoue les conventions sociales, etc., etc., mais bon, tout le monde sait que c’est surtout parce que je ne suis pas très bien fournie…)
PAR CONTRE on a toutes besoin d’une brassière de sport. Qu’ils soient petits ou émancipés, du moment qu’on a des seins, on a besoin d’une forme de soutien pour courir, sauter, s’étirer, tournoyer, marcher … Moi, je trouve que ce n’est pas évident de trouver une bonne brassière de sport. Le genre qui ne laissera pas sortir un téton au moment où je suis dans la posture du chien, et une brassière qui offre un vrai soutien. Pitié, plus de ballottement douloureux quand on fait du step.
J’ai essayé plein de marques différentes, mais j’en reviens toujours à Nike. Il existe à peu près 75287623509872 marques d’activewear maintenant, mais Nike a toujours été un mon chouchou. (J’avoue, j’ai toujours cette vieille brassière de sport rose qui a au moins six ans… Je devrais peut-être m’en séparer, mais bon …) Elles tiennent hyper longtemps (au moins six ans, haha) et elles sont disponibles dans toute une palette de couleurs neutres ou plus fun. Ah oui, ce modèle est rembourré, donc idéal pour celles qui veulent un petit truc en plus ;)
Et vous, votre ligne de sportswear préférée, c’est quoi ? Moi, j’aime aussi beaucoup les collants Lulu Lemon (Oui, je sais… mais ils sont top !), et je viens de découvrir une marque, Yoga Schmoga.
Brassière de sport, Nike.
Haha, just came back from Nike store with exact green/gray bra!
Sports bras are vital for me since, as you said, there’s a lot of hopping, jumping, & overall motion. I’ll have to look into Nike’s selection. :]
// ? ?
I have to get more sports gear
Bendon makes the best ever – and this is coming from a (34C-sized) long distance runner. I’ve tried everything but this is the only bra that truly stops bounce and is completely comfy. Try the Max Out for running or high-impact sport – there’s nothing better, and they look cute enough to wear alone!
So, I’m like you… I love this tried and true Nike bra — I have it in grey&black and fushia&baby pink. Absolute favorites! Although I wish I went a size higher because they are a bit binding, especially if you carbo load at brunch! I’ve tested many having been in the fitness industry for years — and Nike gets bras right. Lululemon is yes (#@*$&$ive) but they last a long time — I’m talking about pants here. And there’s nothing like the butt in a pair of Lulus… I like the color and design of the Lorna Jane bras — but it’s so intentional that it definitely doesn’t have that French girl ‘I woke up like this’ look. It’s more like I made a very intentional choice on this color and this style to be here at the gym right now, doing this move. But, I have to tell you… try Fabletics. Kate Hudson’s line! It’s really everything. Well– they don’t use the luon fabric but gosh darn the butt looks great, and the legs are slimmed. The sports bras are awesome too, and she’s not too aggressive with the coloring so the options are really great. Speaking of… I wonder where my blush sports bra is, haven’t seen that one in a while. Hmmmm….
Les sportsbra et tank top Montiel, faits en Californie, stylés avec un bon support :) je n’ai encore jamais été déçue
« In general, I’m not too bra. »
I dont know whats up with my translation service ….
But lululemon makes one of the nicest ones. Soft on the ta tas in terms of material and they really last ! Target brand Champion is nice too, but the material is not as nice.
– A.
My favorite absolute best sports bra is Panche.
As for sportswear Zella is excellent.
I used to loveeee Nike, but definitely Athleta is my new sports brand! I love the sweat proof guarantee.
I have some proper hardcore sportsbra, but recently bought an H&M ‘maximum support’ bra on a whim. Damn, it’s comfortable! I haven’t worn a bra without underwire since, well, I was a girl, but I’m a convert! That said, I »m a yoga-and-hiking girl, so not so much with the intense bouncing (the hardcore sportsbra was to minimize my excuses for not going running… never really worked out).
I have a couple from Reebok that I got only because I had a nice discount during my internship there last spring – I really like them!
Warm Regards,
I swear by LuluLemon and can’t wear anything else it’s so comfortable!
for sports bra i swear to my shock absorber ultimate run bra.
for clothes nike and adidas by stella mccartney.
Nike is great with design, colors, patterns, fabrics, comfort, shoes etc. However it is their manufacturing process that makes me (regretfully because of how good looking their stuff is) turn away from their products. I also find it amazing that celebrities (like Karlie that I adore) do not hesistate to become living commercials for Nike.
The situation is difficult though because it is really unclear which sporting goods companies have a better way of treating their workers in the 3rd world. Have you heard of any?
Nike sport bras are my favourite. They are comfortable, they can be worn as a top when it is really, really hot, I have never experienced any chafing while running / exercising in them. I even ran marathons and one ultra marathon wearing a Nike bra :) The selection of models and colours is another advantage – they are so beautiful!
Je me suis mise à faire su sport régulièrement ces dernières semaines, alors j’ai acheté une brassière. J’ai vu les Nike, et elles me plaisaient beaucoup mais finalement j’ai penché pour une Reebok.
Try The Upside, in Sydney
Moi j’ai acheté un super soutif de sport chez Pincesse Tam Tam ! Trop beau avec un motif léopard bleu ! Et puis là mais seins ne bougent pas d’un millimètre ! Pour la tenue je suis allée à H&M look sympa et cool flash et surtout vraiment pas cher du coup je peux changer souvent pas de souci !
Nike is lovely, yes, but you’re flat out of luck if you’re a runner with DD+ who wants something other than ugly, solid coloured, boulder-holders. And even those were only available two years ago.
So, here’s for all the girls with a little something extra up top. I’m a distance runner with 32-DD’s (triples if I let my weight sneak up even a few kilos). I exclusively wear Panache Women’s Underwire sports bra. It comes in a ton of bright colours; it holds everything in, while still lifting and separating; it provides amazing support; you will never have to worry about a nip-slip; and the straps have the ability to one-handedly hook them from straight to racer-back, which I can do mid-run if I realise I need more support but don’t want to stop to adjust the straps up. Seriously, these bras have changed my life and made running possible for me!
I have to say I am partial to VS Knockout bra. I am only a B cup — so you would not think I would need much support — but WOW — this bra really holds you in place! Not only does the knockout hold you tight, it also makes you look good (as in doesn’t flatten you out). I love this and am a fan for life.
Finding great sports bras is always an issue. When I taught Pilates I used to swear by Lululemon their stuff always worked great, for running though I like Champion.
LUCY has also amazing sports bras. I tried so many bras from so many companies and they’re the best for me. For hiking and running I like The North Face clothing, they’re getting better and better.
Oui, Nike c’est cool, mais aujourd’hui on peut trouver des produits équivalents et bien moins chers! Chez Zara Sport, H&M, Urban Outfitters…déjà que faire du sport c’est une tannée, si en plus il faut y mettre le budget c’est carrément dissuasif pour moi :-)
Definitely Freya and Panache. They are really supportive, don’t give me a monoboob, and most importantly — they come in a huge range of sizes, including big cups and small bands. And they aren’t even expensive.
Both companies are wool based, products (love the bras) are lightweight, fit great, no stink, love them
The Upside for tops, Lulumelon for bottoms, Berlei sports for bras (DD…..sheesh…).
I have a bunch of H&M bras, I find their quality doesn’t lack compared to their more expensive sisters like Adidas or Nike. I also use a few sports bras from Aldi and Lidl, but those are more for cycling, because they aren’t as supportive. I’ve had some of these bras for 8 years and I am active daily, and they still hold fine and also look good.
I wear Nike ones. But honestly its not because they are more comfortable, but just because I like the look of them. My nipples ALWAYS …show themselves no matter what I do, but I don’t find that they are uncomfortable or feel any odd sensations if they rub up or whatever…OK, enough of that. I find all sport bras comfortable « there », but they often hurt my shoulders, because they hit a sensitive part close to my neck. The Nike ones are spaced correctly, and I have to admit that I like that Nike Swoosh. Is it really immature to like the look of a brand name? Probably. I am unable to go braless. I envy you. I’m not even that big, but if i didn’t wear a bra I would have to walk sedately at all times. You are so lucky.