10 years ago by

Je crois RetroSuperFuture tient un truc.
Chouette nom. Prix raisonnables. Super boutique à NY, où en plus, on peut essayer tous les styles de lunettes de soleil. Bref, a priori, ils ont tout compris et j’avais envie de partager ça avec vous !

Et vous, vous avez un style de lunettes de soleil préféré ?
RetroSuperFuture, 21 Howard Street New York, NY 10013
Alors pour une fois, je ne suis pas d’accord avec vous .. Certes la boutique est très jolie mais ce n’est pas une marque de lunettes que je recommanderais !
i;ll check it as soon as i arrive! :)
Love love love <3
I love this space!! I’ll check it out!!
XOX, Gap.
I will check this place ….
i am crazy about’s a great way to change your look every season..and when you are tired it can help…just make sure they are good quality safe for your eyes!!
Yael Guetta
I do and wear them all the time!
I wish there were places like this in Chicago! Currently wearing ray ban wayfarers but in all honesty, I’m not a fan…Love the round ones in the picture! Round lenses are my favorite!
Obsessed with sunglasses! My favorite brand is illesteva. So happy they finally opened up shop here in NYC :)
loving that
Les très grosses lunettes, histoire de cacher les cernes :) Très belle boutique, il ne reste plus qu’à aller à NY :)
Ray ban for ever.
Already on the « clip-on » sunglasses. You can build them for ANY pair you own! awesome!
So cool!
My Mom bought me a great pair of Tory Burch sunglasses, blue and black, big but not huge. I love them. I also have a great pair of Ivory Tom Ford « jennifer » sunglasses that I can’t wait to try.
i am loving the lucia model!
All the cool places are in NYC, I need to go there asap x
This is so timely. It may be weird but going in to Winter I definitely need a new pair to look cool in while protecting myself from the Manhattan wind tunnel effect.
Très jolie ces paires de lunettes.