Pocket PMF
Pocket PMF: Therapy
8 years ago by Garance Doré
In Partnership With The Outnet

Cette semaine dans notre PMF de poche, on parle de thérapie, de solutions pour se sentir mieux et d’une chose à laquelle on aspire tous… le bonheur ! Il y a quelques semaines, j’ai invité Jessica Joffe et Marcela Gutierrez au Studio (par une belle journée ensoleillée) pour partager nos expériences et discuter de nos visions de l’épanouissement personnel, de la perception de la thérapie dans nos différentes cultures puisqu’on vient d’endroits très différents. Bref, on a partagé plein de conseils de bouquins, de fou-rires… ce qui donne ce PMF super intimiste !
[podcast_episode episode= »234262″ ]
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That white dress is so beautiful!
I don’t really agree with one thing : psychotherapy is NOT covered in France, and it IS expensive for most of « normal » people with average income. Medical analysis at a « psychanalyste » is covered because it’s a doctor consultation, but psychologists and therapists are not covered -unless you get a good extra insurance (mutuelle). Also in France anyone can be a therapist (but not everyone can be a « psychanalyste »), because there is no special degree – of course serious people get a degree.
I agree with the cultural aspect: I don’t really agree with Garance « in France we do it a lot », in Paris and big cities ok, but not in small towns where it’s still seen like you’re crazy or have serious issues if you need therapy. It’s a pity, but it’s still like that in many areas in France.
I live in Germany now and I agree with Jessica, here it is not so common.
I am more like the approach of Marcela: to get me through things, I read, I try to heal myself differently – I read Psychologies magazine a lot! ahah.
We forgot a detail: isn’t it typically feminine to analyse everything? :D Men are much more relaxed and don’t constantly analyse relationships, past, family legacy and « baggage »… or am I wrong?
Nice podcast- I completely relate to all of that, oh I could go on and on forever!
Marcela is the voice of reason in this podcast.
Great idea for a podcast! Love it!
Great! ;)
Garance, thank you so much for mixing fashion with energy and Life’s questions ! Life is about trying to be happy with who we are and how we are… No Matter the roads we choose :)
Quelle joie de partager ton évolution depuis plus de 10 ans, au fil des réponses que tu as découvert seule, à toutes ces questions que tu nous as fait partager ici sur le blog …!
Have a wonderful Day !
I don’t think it really does any good to just « read yourself through the things » when it comes to psychology, especially when you read common newspapers. It’s like reading yourself through gluten-free articles in Joy when needing a gastrological treatment. Psychotherapy is a lot about the relation between the therapist and the patient and about experiencing instead of getting some general user instruktion for life. And magazines are like soap operas of the science: they contain some bit of information packed in a nice banal sandwich of popular beliefs – all to make you think you’ve learned something but without really confronting you with difficult/boring/complicated stuff, cause then you may get frustrated and will not buy the magazine again.
Thank you Tatite. I am half French and no not everyone has a therapist. I loved Marcela in this podcast.
Thank you Tatite. I am half French and this in absolutely not true that’s it’s common in France. Honestly we don’t need to analyze everything.
Was first shocked at how many are in therapy( according to G) After picking my French friends brains, am happy to say it’s simply not true and they actually laughed at me for believing it!
This podcast made me laugh. What is the world coming to. How did my generation get through life and all without a therapist. The therapist must be also having a right laugh.
Nice they talk so openly about therapy. However, I prefer G on her blog. I often feels she struggles with these Podcasts. That’s not in any way a criticism- just an observation.