Pocket PMF: Studio Part 1
8 years ago by

Aujourd’hui, à la demande générale, dans notre Pocket PMF, je discute avec des gens que j’adore !!!
Les têtes pensantes du Studio: j’ai nommé Brie, notre responsable mode (promotion podcast !); Erik, notre photographe alias notre banque d’images exclusives; et Emily en charge du Business Development (elle fait tout !!). On parle de nous (qualités, défauts, etc.), je leur demande de donner leur avis sur leur boss, ce qu’ils font (très gentiment, c’est pour ça que je les aime), de notre façon de bosser ensemble, et de ce qui se passe dans les coulisses du Studio ! Bienvenue dans notre monde !!!
[podcast_episode episode= »233499″ ]
Tellement chouette cette idée ! Je suis contente d’en apprendre d’avantage sur l’équipe !
Continuez !
bises à tous
Quelle super atmosphere de travail. Bravo a toute l’equipe !
Je ris et souris toute seule face à mon ordi dans mon espace de co-working zurichois: vous avez l’air d’être une super team!
So interesting, thanks for sharing x
Good to know the behind scenes.
One question out of curiosity, are you all bilingual (apart from Garance, who apparently is)?
miss you !!!!!!!!!!
We miss you too Mangue! xx
C’était un podcast super ! J’ai hâte d’en savoir plus sur l’équipe ! C’est intéressant de voir votre dynamique et aussi comment le fait que tu sois française et le reste de ton équipe soit de différents horizons créent un espace de travail où malgré les différences culturelles, vous allez dans le même sens. D’ailleurs en parlant de ça, ça serait intéressant que vous parliez de ça justement : comment les différences culturelles influencent votre façon de travailler ensemble.
Très chouette de vous entendre tous! Ça donne envie de faire partie de l’équipe. Vous n’avez pas besoin d’un correspondant permanent à Paris par hasard? ;)
Hi Garance and team. I am a long time reader of the blog. I love the fresh point of view on fashion, the open honesty and the smart photographic design. I am also co-founder of a branding, graphic design and ad agency in Seattle. So I was interested in hearing about how you work together in a creative studio. I hope you don’t mind a few suggestions from our experience here. About those pesky receipts – there is a service called Shoeboxed: https://www.shoeboxed.com/features/ You put all of your receipts in an envelope, mail it away and you get back all of the data you need for budgets, taxes etc. We use Harvest to setup our job numbers, budgets and timesheets, assigning each to our clients. https://www.getharvest.com/ And to manage those projects, we are having great success with an app called Asana. You can set up tasks for each project, assign them to team members or to each other, keep track of related documents, chat, schedule etc. https://app.asana.com/ All 3 apps have desktop and mobile versions so you have the info you need wherever you are. These tools really help us keep track of the complexity that comes with creative people doing creative work. The trick to productivity tools is that they have to be both easy and powerful enough for the entire team to use regularly to actually make a difference. They work great for us but your situation may be different. If you would like to know more, I’d be happy to answer questions or help in any other way. Good luck with everything and keep up the great work. Pascha http://www.vertetude.com
Okay, I officially fell in love with you guys.
I was so nice listening to you all and I just love that despite of your « disorganized » habits, your team keeps trusting and supporting you. I don’t know if you intended to put it this way but I love that you’re saying that it’s okay not to be perfect, as long as things get done and you keep moving, learning and improving.
Thank you so much for this nice Sunday treat !
Comme j’ai ri en vous écoutant !
Dédicaces à Erik, dont le ton verbal est inconnu sur le blog, mais tellement drôle ????????.
Merci pour ce bon moment…
Ahhh, how did I miss this??!! So loved listening! I’m probably the hugest fan of « vintage » pardon my french, like, the video PMF, so when you started the PMF pod cast I was beyond excited that it was back in whatever form you were providing. But this!! Ahh! I loved it so much. Pocket PMF if doing THE most for my spirit today! It was so refreshing to just listen to this conversation because I so admire what Garance has done with her blog (keep it real no matter what from the beginning) and I have been dying to hear a take on the dynamic of the whole team and how you all keep doing such a great job! So, hearing the whole team’s take on daily stuff and working together was so nice. When y’all were down here in New Orleans I was this close ( ) to hunting you all down, but since I didn’t this podcast cured my itch to meet you all and chat. Thanks so much for sharing!
ça donne tellement envie de travailler avec vous, une super ambiance et une bonne équipe.